Hi all,

Today I played even more with how my [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img] Attitude effects the Pheromones. I was in a
pretty good mood and mellow from the heat.

I used 3 dabs on NPA / NONE along with one drop of Jovan Andron NOL ( only have a little left and it\'s smells very strong)

I put the NPA on my inner right forearm and the Andron behind my ears and residue on the inside of my left bicep.

Then covered with some Issy Miake ( which seems to last the longest and smell the best of the citrus types--getting HOT here so laying off the Dolce & Gabbana )

Despite the larger amount of NONE, my curious mood and receptive attitude got me into conversations without even trying.

Then I got some mild \"hits\" ( DIHL ) from some younger girls who work at the place.

Also, when you are not in the right mood you might be missing the \"hits\" all around you and LOL NO ONE wants to talk with a grouch [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]