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  1. #1

    Default Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    Right now it may not be wise to use -none around my fiancee since her period just ended, but I plan to stick to what works with my normal mix that includes good \'ol \"Magnum\" PI (ha ha ha...the corney jokes never got the chicks, thats why I am here)

    Anyway, I have read a lot about people having fun with PI/w, so I decided to give it the ol college try... Maybe the SOE and PI/w is too much -nol? Can you OD on -nol?

    Anyway, my mix of SOE, PI and Andro-1 has nabbed me some serious nookie from my sex-crazed fiancee (I think she is really starting to get confused as to why she attacks me so much...ha ha ha)

    Now, I want to see what kind of response I can get with PI/w around her...I am going to start with only PI/w and see how she reacts to it and then add the others. If I get attacked with PI/w that would be cool, but I would love to see how she reacts to a female phero..

    Will she sense the female sex phero and become aroused by it or repelled thinking that there is another woman \"in heat\" around her...She has been with females in the past and has expressed interest in adding a female into our sex life (and hers alone), so I wonder what kind of affect this will have...


    God I hope not...I will definitely be using this on a day that I have an alibi...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    Correct me if I\'m wrong, but androstenol is an androgen and found more prominently in male sweat, right? Some have claimed an effect on men, but I don\'t think -nol is found more prominently in women.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    Although the PI/w has \'nol, it has some copulins that are exclusively from the female genitals (in theory.) Hence, a guy wearing PI/w or PCC (only copulins) will give off the sense to women that he\'s been around a woman sexually. \'Nol seems to perk-up men and women.

    This is a reasonable concern for guys in relationships. For guys out mixing with new or uncommitted females, it is speculated that the copulins act as a form of social validation just like being seen with a woman.

    Maybe it says you\'re a safe guy since other women have been involved or maybe it inspires competitive urges in women. I\'ve gone out by myself after having had hot sex with a gf and found perhaps increase interest from women - that\'s maybe because I was relaxed and not-to-interested but it might be due to the copulins.

    I\'ve just got my PCC and plan a similar mix to Zarrack\'s. I\'ll use Jovan Musk2 (w/ \'nol) as a fragrance base, adding NPA (\'none), some Andro-1 for dienone (thanks, Truth!), and a touch or two of PCC for the copulins. The theory behind this is the nol and dienone to disarm women\'s fears and make them chatty and playful, the copulins to make them competitive, and the \'none to give them the alpha male signal.

    Expensive, isn\'t it? But think of how many pointless drinks one buys.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    Ahh.. We\'re getting to the quintiple phero mix now! Whitehall, have you tried copulins before? Does it have an affect on yourself? I wonder if it\'s better to get the copulins with PI/W or PCC. Is the concentration known in either product?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    Hey the quintiple mix/combo was my idea! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I´m expecting my PCC and A1 to come next week!

    Zarrack, are you sure you´re going to MIX all these products together. I would just use them in combination with each other.

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?

    I am too new to be mixing, so it\'s gonna be dab of this, dab of that kind of stuff..

    This is getting expensive, but with the exception of last night, my lady has been more than responsive..

    A long time ago I muttered to myself that I wish there was a switch to turn this girl on...Well I think I found the remote...How long the batteries will last, I dont know, but it\'s fun to surf for a while...

  7. #7
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?


    Great minds run in the same paths, don\'t they? I\'ll be glad to give anyone credit for the recipe and claim none for myself - the females I might attract I would retain a proprietary interest in though.

    I just got my PCC last night and tried a dab on the wrist which smelled fine but I will reserve a final conclusion on its pulling abilities and general properties pending further field testing.

  8. #8
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Gonna test a mix of SOE, A-1 and PI/w (maybe a lttle PI too)...Can U OD on -nol?


    Don\'t know about the Copulin content of PI/w, (can\'t be TOO much, cause I can\'t smell ANYTHING from my bottle!).

    Stone Independent Research stated that PCC contains 1.25mg of Copulins per 5mL bottle.
    That\'s .25mg/mL , or .025% , which ain\'t too shabby, concentration-wise. The effect bears this out.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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