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  1. #1
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    Default Uh, this can\'t be good....I didn\'t know this was possible. Nose..messed up..problems

    Ok, I\'ve heard 25% of guys can\'t smell none..That\'s fine..


    I can smell it..and it smells like, not underarm, not piss either...But it\'s real strong, and I have the stuff from the kit (all I ordered was the NONE.)

    I KNOW exactly what it smells like....and everything, PERFECT SMELLING.

    Now, this afternoon when I go to put some on like normal..I couldn\'t smell it at ALL!! I was like, WHAT THE FUCK! I put the entire bottle practically inside my damned nose..and the only thing I smelled was the chemical fumes that were getting me half high from sniffing the hell out of it..!!

    When I say no smelling, I mean NONE! And I CAN smell the stuff! I KNOW what it smells like!

    I actually like not having to smell it, because it makes me less self concious when I wear it..But, this isn\'t funny..My nose has FUCKED UP! I do not have a cold or anything! Another problem, I can\'t hear things sometimes too..Like, if I\'m at work (Wendys..I\'m 16 1/2...) and the buns are going off...beep beep beep, I\'ll just be sitting there, half stoned, not hearing anything, until someone\'s like, don\'t you hear that shit???

    Something...selective something...

    But the thing is..I can\'t smell this shit now, and I used to..I\'ts only been a few hours, and it\'s still not being able to be smelled. And yes, it\'s still the same stuff, becuase I put it on strait, lol..The reaction from my sister SOMETHING STINKS! But noone can ever tell what it is..

    I don\'t know what to say but..whatever...


  2. #2

    Default Re: Uh, this can\'t be good....I didn\'t know this was possible. Nose..messed up..problems

    Marv, I work in a print shop, and at first I could smell the ink and solvents, but after a couple more exposures, I can\'t smell the stuff unless I stick my nose in it, and even then it\'s hardly anything! Your case, however, seems to be somewhat accelerated compared to the ink situation, and I\'m thinking it may be because you were sniffing it so intensely that you\'ve blown out your nose\'s sensitivity towards it? When you say no smelling, do you mean absolutely no smelling whatsoever? Or you just can\'t smell the -none?

    \'Slinger out.

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Uh, this can\'t be good....I didn\'t know this was possible. Nose..messed up..problems

    I can\'t smell the A-None when it\'s in the bottle, but I can smell it when it\'s on my skin or clothes.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Uh, this can\'t be good....I didn\'t know this was possible. Nose..messed up..problems

    This happens all the time to people who smell alot of they tell you to smell sort of erases what you previously smelled and puts your sense of smell back..give it a try...also i mean coffee beans or ground coffee

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: Uh, this can\'t be good....I didn\'t know this was possible. Nose..messed up..problems

    I don\'t think anybody can smell the aNONE from the bottle. Now, when you pick up a bottle that has been used for a while and take a sniff around the cap you often get a good strong blast of smell from the small amounts that have dripped there and dried up, but once you open the bottle and the alc fumes hit your nose, you generally don\'t smell anything. That is especially true with Andro 4.2. I can\'t smell diddly from the bottle to the point that I really doubt that there is any NONE in there at all, but when you spray it onto some clothes and wait for it to evaporate, then you can smell it. I think that is the problem you have there.

    Funny thing about the cofee grounds. I have heard about perfumers using it as Major mentions here, but back in my 18 wheeler driving days I remember picking up a load of cow hides in Arizona once as a \"back haul\" as they say. Those things were the grossest most disgusting things you could every imagine: straight off the cow and dripping with fat and blood. Just a few hours later they unloaded them and scrubbed my trailer for me with soap and water, but it still smelled so bad you would puke in 5 seconds if you didn\'t hold your breath, and I had to load it up with food the next day. They told me to go pick up a can of ground coffee, spinkle it on the trailer floor, close up the trailer for a few hours and all would be well. I thought they were full of BS, but I gave it a shot and within a couple of hours it smelled not just masked or OK, but fantastic in there. Now you could dump a pint of cologne in there and you would be just as likely to barf in there as before, but the coffee literally ate up the bad smell somehow.


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