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  1. #1

    Default Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Hi there [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Im curious if anybody of you guys can get me some advice on how to loose body fat really fast... i hope its not offtopic as it all comes down to appealing women like the pheros we all use

    Im 21 years old and exercise alot .. i own 2 electrostimulators and build up alot of muscle mass... unfortunateley the bodyfat still stays.. i just became bigger and bigger but didnt loose the bodyfat..

    anybody has something that works for this kind of situation?

    im lightyears away from beeing fat but i want to get the fatlvl down to a MINIMUM.

    Thnak you


  2. #2

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    oh yeah and a nice supplement to build up muscles even faster would be greatly appreciated!


  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    The fastest way to lose 12 to 15 pounds of ugly fat was invented in the late 1700\'s by a French doctor named Guillotine....

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Try doing some jogging, I lost my beergut by running for at least 40 minutes 3 times a week. Also I used supplements from a company in the UK called Maximuscle, they have some truly outstanding products, I firmly believe theyre the best in the business.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I forgot to mention that its not recommended to lose to much weight quickly - it can lead to stretchmarks, saggy skin and other complaints. I read in a health magazine you shouldnt really try to lose more than 2lbs a week. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    First things first, most women aren’t that concerned about physique, but every little helps and I’m sure it will allow you to be more confident.

    If your going to do cardio to burn off fat, try to do it in the morning, before eating anything, this allows fat to be released and burnt, rather than any existing glycogen in your blood stream. (as you haven’t eaten since going to sleep)

    Try to go for at least 30 minutes, walking is pretty much as good as running, if your going to use an exercise machine try to use something that gets as much of your body moving as possible, e.g. a rower or ski machine over a stationary bike.

    Your heart rate should be at about 50 - 60% of maximal ( maximal being 220 - your age) to burn optimal fat versus muscle.

    Supplement wise, there are loads of different thermogenics and similar that try to raise body temperature, which leads to your entire body using more energy. some of them even make using energy less efficient so more is used for a given task.

    I suggest you check out , they also have a fair bit of weight loss advice.

    If your looking to gain muscle, and get a \'better looking\' body, you may want to focus on weight training for 6 mounths or so before you try to drop the fat, if you want to gain muscle ( and dont already have massive stores of energy in terms of fat [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) then try to bulk up in terms of muscle a little more first, then slim down.
    For gaining muscle, protein, protein, protein. Its the main factor in building muscle ( other than maybe growth hormone and testosterone)

    [ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    3% !!! wow! I’m sorry but that cant be healthy! most pro bodybuilders ( whole different kettle of fish I know, but only practical topic I have knowledge on) are over 5%, and 10 - 20% is the recommended healthy range (for males, and from memory, but no lower because I was technicaly under it at 9% last time I used the BF scale at uni [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) . What did you use to get that figure? I have no doubt you look thin, but I bet you have more than 3% genuine BF!

    mind you, callipers and digital bodyfat scale\'s arent that accurate, so if you dont look like a skeleton you may be higher than the device thinks.

    If it really is 3% , from everything I have learnt on a university physiology Bsc you should try to take in a little more in terms of calories, although Its not a life threatening thing you should have a positive effect on health from gaining just a few %

    [ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: Nutz ]

  8. #8

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    \"Im 21 years old and exercise alot .. i own 2 electrostimulators and build up alot of muscle
    mass... unfortunateley the bodyfat still stays.. i just became bigger and bigger but didnt loose the bodyfat..\"

    Really?! I never thought those machines worked to build muscle! You did no other weight training? Which machine is this?

    In my opinion, the most efficient way to loose fat is to diet. It\'s a lot easier to eat one less meal than it is to run for three hours to burn it off!

  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Pick up Dr. Atkins diet book.

    I started the Atkins diet on 3/11/02 and have lost 18.5 lbs since then.

    Basically, it is a low-carb/high-protien diet - you can eat stuff like Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Fish, Certain Vegetables etc...

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Ya know, I was thinking the same thing. I figured that whole electrostimulator thing to be pseudoscience wrapped in marketing bullshit about losing fat and gaining muscle.. If the second part is actually true, then something like that might be cool for a guy like me who\'s got a decent weight, good tone, but wants a bit more bulk. The question though, when he said \"just became bigger and bigger,\" what was making him bigger and bigger? [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #11

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?


    Do you have Subway Sandwich Place nearby? Jerrod lost a ton of weight eating the same Subway sandwich everyday.

    Elk [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #12

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Well, My body fat was taken with a Bioelectric Impedence machine. I had to stay off of caffine and eat lite food for a day before I took the test. Everyone on the team had to take it and all of the distance runners like me had really low body fat. It\'s probably more around 5% though. Bioelectric can give false readings sometimes though...I need to find some place where I can get a caliper test. I\'m not a skeleton though. I\'ve actually gained a little more muscle over the past six months. I am skinny though. Not sickly, but You can definately tell I\'m really fit. I have an identical twin brother and now people can tell us apart from the differece in build. I\'ve been running competitively for 3 years now. I started my senior year in high school and now I\'m running for college, which is something I never thought I would be able to do. Its a lot of work. We have morning distance runs twice a week and practice every afternoon.

    I am also hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). Sometimes I wonder if that might have something to do with my low fat %. I figure my body starts to burn fat for calories when my sugar gets low during very long runs, which is unavoidable. I ear like a pig. I can down 4 quesidillas from taco bell and still have room for desert. I eat more than anyone in my family...

    Oh well, as long as I don\'t pass out and my doctor says I\'m ok, I\'m not going to worry about it.


    [ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: J0B00 ]

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Trust me folks those EMS systems do great, thing is they have to be used in conjucntion with a good diet and also plenty of exercise (well weight training helps as well.)

    The main use for those things those is to massage after a long workout when the body is saying stop but you still have the energy for more but the muscles are sore, just use it for 20 mintues at nearly the highest settings and then go at it again with the weights with the muscles feeling better.

    Also drink plenty of water. Makes you sweat out more natural pheromones he he,. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    The EMS machines sold on TV and Ebay are junk - avoid.

  15. #15
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Yes, your hypoglycemia is likely due to your conditioning. Not so much from the low fat, because I\'m probably just on the low side of average on body fat, but still have hypoglycemia. Mine is more from a metabolic rate that is somewhere between meth and crack addicts. Always has been that way, aided in no small part by a high intake of spicy foods. Yours, your system is just accustomed to being in hyperdrive all the time. As far as prepping for the long runs, stock up on the protein, and mix liberally with complex carbs. The carbs burn off fast, the protein somewhat slower.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I highly recommend the book \"Body for Life\" by Bill Phillips. I would recommend you avoid the Adkins diet... it\'s unhealthy and simply less effective than other diets provided you have the same motivation. Carbs arn\'t the enemy, high glycemic carbs are the enemy. Do a search for \"glycemic index\" for an explanation... it\'ll save me time [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] & probably give you a better explanation than I could give you.

    If you\'re looking for a supplement for fat loss, a combination of 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffiene, and 81mg asprin (you can use the larger asprin tabs, but there\'s no need) three times daily (none before bed) is very effective. Studies have shown this combination more effective than similar prescription drugs.

    If you\'re looking for a supplement for muscle gain, creatine monohydrate is the best thing on the market. It won\'t help if you\'re not working out though.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Wow...not much to add other than it\'s diet and not so much exercise that will lead to weight loss.

    I bounce between 10 and 12% BF...anything below 14% for men is considered lean/athletic. Going below 4% is considered unhealthy.

  18. #18
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I just noticed you\'re in Italy... I have no idea what the laws concerning Ephedrine and Creatine are there. I was writing from an American perspective.

  19. #19
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tantalus747:
    I highly recommend the book \"Body for Life\" by Bill Phillips. I would recommend you avoid the Adkins diet... it\'s unhealthy and simply less effective than other diets provided you have the same motivation. Carbs arn\'t the enemy, high glycemic carbs are the enemy. Do a search for \"glycemic index\" for an explanation... it\'ll save me time [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] & probably give you a better explanation than I could give you.

    If you\'re looking for a supplement for fat loss, a combination of 25mg ephedrine, 200mg caffiene, and 81mg asprin (you can use the larger asprin tabs, but there\'s no need) three times daily (none before bed) is very effective. Studies have shown this combination more effective than similar prescription drugs.

    If you\'re looking for a supplement for muscle gain, creatine monohydrate is the best thing on the market. It won\'t help if you\'re not working out though.

    Hmmmm....Not sure that a Low Carb diet is unhealthy or ineffective.
    One shouldn\'t have any problem as long as you get enough dietary fiber and vitamin supplementation.

    I sleep better, feel better and have more energy since cutting my Carb consumption to under 20 grams per day, and I\'ve lost 18.5 lbs. in 5 weeks.
    I never feel hungry or deprived either.

    OTOH, the ECA stack you describe is not the healthist thing in the world.
    The Ephedrine can cause serious heart problems and even death in some people.

    I\'ve tried ECA products like Xenedrine and I was jittery, had an elevated heart rate and had problems sleeping, and didn\'t really lose any weight.
    I wouldn\'t recommend an ECA stack to anyone.

    BTW, I\'ve tried Body for Life, but it is very expensive.

    OTOH, I can eat Low-Carb for about $60.00 per week.

  20. #20
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) has been shown to reduce bodyfat and actually change the fat/muscle ratio in favor of muscle.

    In several large studies, the amount found to be effective was 3.4 grams per day. The average change was around 11% body fat reduction within about 6 weeks (note: I believe that if you are 20% bodyfat this means that you end up about 17.5%, not 9%). Some people lost 20% however.

    You can get it in gram-sized capsules and take 3 of them a day. Here\'s a link to one source that seems to be well-priced.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    As someone who runs track and cross country in college and does nearly 75 miles a week of mileage, I believe I have the best way for you to lose that weight. First of all, you body isn\'t going to burn that fat unless it has to. One pound of fat has approximately 3500 calories. So, having said that, I suggest that you first cut your caloric intake per day. Count your calories for a couple days and cut what you are eating now by about 500 calories. Next, you will want to do some HITT, or High Intensity Interval Training. This is hard paced running followed by short periods of recovery. It burns calories 4 times faster than plain jogging. Ever wonder why sprinters are so cut and lean? They don\'t run lots of miles, but they run lots of short, fast distances during their practices.

    So, here is what I suggest as a workout for you. It would work best if done every day, but can be effective if done 3 times a week also. Find a 400 meter running track (or a 1/4 mile stretch of road). Run a quarter of a mile as fast as you can. Take 3-4 minutes of rest and then run another one as fast as you can. Do this 8-10 times. Make sure you start out by stretching well first and maybe run a short 5 minute jog for a warmup. Follow the workout with another short jog and some stretching. As it gets easier to do the 8-10 sprints, start reducing the recovery time, or add more repeats onto the workout.

    Another workout you can do is called a fartlek. Fartlek is swedish for \"speed play\". We use these workouts during cross country to gain the ability to have longer speed surges during races. Start out by stretching well and doing a 5 minute warmup jog. You will not stop running this whole workout so don\'t take a break after your jog, just go directly into the workout. The workout starts with 1 minutes of hard running at 90% of your maximim speed, followed by 1 minute of easy jogging. Next, run 45 seconds at 90%, followed by 45 seconds of jogging. Then 30 seconds at 90% followed by 30 seconds of jogging. Finally run 15 seconds at 90%. Now, here is why this is a \"workout\". After that 15 seconds of light jogging, you start over again with 1 minute at 90%. You do the whole 1 minute to 15 seconds routine 3 times. After the last set, jog easily for 5 minutes and then do some stretching. I gaurrantee you will be sore in the morning [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img] .

    Well, those are just a couple suggestions from someone with a little experience. I currently weigh 118 pounds and have 3% body fat. I have stayed this weight for nearly 3 years now, so if anyone is wondering if I\'m unhealty, I\'m not. I\'m 5\'6\", so 118 isn\'t too bad for someone my height. When i asked my doctor about my weight, he said it was fine just as long as it didn\'t start dropping or anything.

    Have fun!

  22. #22

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    YO man, fuck the bullshit. Im 21 also and 5\'8 and weigh 225. I have a lot of muscle but my body fat is kinda up there too. The answer to your question is plain and simple.
    *****HYDROXYCUT*****. I have never taken supplements in my life, but summer is around the corner and i really let myself get out of shape the past couple of months. Im tellin you man, this stuff is the truth. Do the research if you dont believe me. If you wanna keep the lean muscle you have and gain some all with shedding the fat, then go buy some hydroxycut. Ive been using it for about three dayz now and ive lost around 3 to 4 poundz(scale varies throught the day). HYDROXYCUT and a less than basic workout can cut you up in 2 weeks and you dont have to change your diet unless you feel you want to. You can find it at like Rite Aid or CVS type stores or even GNC, but the GNC price is rediculous. I know how you can get a bottle for free. Reply to this message man and i\'ll tell you how you can get a bottle free today. The stuff isnt that expensive but i was really skeptical about buying it cause, man you know how it is when companies advertise shit. But i had a small scheme that got me a 140 count bottle for free. But for real man look it up online. It seriously is the shit. DONT FORGET TO REPLY.

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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Dont start skipping meals, you can speed up your metabolism naturally by eating more often but eat less at each sitting. I use supplements on a cycle basis - 2 months on one then 2 months on another, then just a quality protein powder for a month and extra vitamins ( this is my MONTH OFF ). You have to cycle your supplements or due to receptor downgrading the supplements will become less and less effective - so all you guys taking the same thing month after month should think about taking a MONTH OFF and then using another product for a while and start cycling with other products. If youre happy with the ways things are great, but by cycling you will get the best out of your supplements. Also Im sticking with what I said about sudden weight loss I think it safest not to lose more than 2lbs a week - does anyone agree with me or have I got it wrong on this one, Id appreciate the feedback as thats the guideline I use when I need to lose a bit of the excess flab when I let things slip ( holidays, beer, kebabs etc ). Thanks.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I second what lasertalk said (minus the obscenities [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] ) I have heard nothing but good about Hydroxycut, objective tests by various bodybuilding/fitness mags have shown it is the absolute top-of-the-line in fat burning supplements, couple it with a little workout every now and then (you\'ve already got that down) and you should see the fat burn away really fast. Seriously, all you guys and girls with a little fat you want to get rid of, check it out.

    \'Slinger out.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Boards, unless you\'re talking about hormonal supplements, there is no need to cycle them. No need to cycle things like creatine, vitamins, or protien... you\'d just be missing out during the \'off\' period.

    Also, you\'re right about losing no more than two pounds per week. Not only is it more healthy, but the slower you loose, the more likely you\'ll keep it off.

  26. #26
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    PHP, any diet plan that\'s followed will help wieght loss. As long as you\'re eating less calories than you\'re burning, you\'re going to lose wieght.

    Most low carb diets are high in sat. fat and cholesterol. However, my biggest problem with the low carb diet is that large amounts of the wieght lost is muscle. That means your metabolism slows way down and you\'re much more likely to gain the wieght back if/when you return to a normal diet.

    For instance, if you lost 18.5 lbs in 5 weeks, for that all to be muscle you\'d have to be buring 1850 more calories per day than you\'re eating. (A pound of fat = 3500 calories, so you can check my math if you want.) While that\'s certainly possible, it\'s extrememly unlikely unless you\'ve been nearly fasting.

    Anyway, I hope I didn\'t lose you. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] The point of all that was that you\'ve lost a decent amount of muscle wieght in the past 5 weeks.

    Please don\'t let this discourage you, if you feel the low carb diet is working for you, by all means go for it.

    About the ECA stack... I forgot to mention that you shouldn\'t take it if you have a history of heart disease or are taking an MAOI. It says as much on the bottle anyway. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    If you start taking the ECA stack at full dose, gitteryness & trouble sleeping are normal. I would usually take one dose the 1st day & just two doses for several days afterward so that I can sleep. People that regularly consume much caffiene don\'t need to do this, but I avoid caffiene totally unless I take the ECA stack. (Which I\'ve not taken in years.)

    One important thing about ECA is that it\'s been shown to help prevent muscle loss during dieting.

    One last note about the body for life diet... I\'ve been able to follow it for $50-60 a week. The thing is, what makes the diet expensive is the protien. So it\'s just a matter of finding cheaper sources of protien. Well, I\'m terrbile about skipping the vegtable portion, so that might add a little. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    \"However, my biggest problem with the low carb diet is that large amounts of the wieght lost is muscle. That means your metabolism slows way down and you\'re much more likely to gain the wieght back if/when you return to a normal diet.

    Nope. Once carbs are reduced, the bodies primary source of energy is to burn fat for energy, not muscle.

    The myth that Low Carbing cannibilizes muscles for energy is false - that would only occur if one had already burned almost all their fat reserves and were still on a very restricted low carb diet.

    And most bodybuilders will go high protien/low carb before a contest - if LC dieting cannibalized muscles, the pro\'s wouldn\'t do it.

    And much like BFL, Low carb/reduced carb is a way of life - once I achieve my target weight, I will closely monitor how many carbs a day causes me to gain weight.
    My desired daily carb intake will be about 100 grams per day once I achieve my goal, depending on how active I am.

    BTW, people without a history of heart problems have had lot\'s of trouble with Ephedrine - that\'s why more and more states and countries are banning it\'s use.

  28. #28

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I lost 45 lbs on the Atkins diet in about 6 months. My body fat went from 29% to 23% & I have kept the weight off for over a year & a half.

    The weight/fat comes off pretty fast & much, much faster when you combine the diet with exercising (jogging/walking in my case).

    I would reccomend buying the book before starting because it really explains how cutting out sugar will trim fat & believe me - it does!

    I also had my colestoral checked about 6 months before I started the diet (during a routine physical) and a year later & it went from 210 to 178.

    I would reccomend this diet to anyone - but it works better for guys than girls (as least that\'s how it seems)


  29. #29

    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    I\'ll let my results do the talking...
    - Body weight at 195 lbs on Jan 4, 2002
    - Body fat at 27%, waist at 36 inches
    - Starting taking Hydroxycut on Jan 5, 2002
    - Body weight at 179 lbs on April 16, 2002
    - Body fat at 22%, waist at 32.5 inches
    - Not on any diet at all
    - Drink at least 64 fl oz of water everyday
    - Daily exercise...what exercise?

  30. #30
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    Default Re: Any suggestions how to loose bodyfat FAST?

    Thanks for the feedback Tantalus747, and yeah when I mentioned cycling supplements I was referring to products that affect hormone levels like testosterone boosters, growth hormone boosters, cortisol lowering products etc,etc. I didnt mean stop taking high quality protein, nutrients and vitamins which you should be taking more of whenever youre working youre body harder i.e if you regularly workout.

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