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  1. #1

    Default NPA vs. PI tests on fiancee...Is NPA Stronger or something?

    Ok, the other night I went over by her house and she was tired and a little crabby...

    I started with just Andro-1 and almost immidiately she turned into a cuddly and cute little thing, but since it was so early in the day, I know she is not considering anything sexual at all...

    I brought a small arsonal with me and a few hours later I decided to try some NPA.

    Taking the bottle and turning it over once on my finger, I wiped it on one side of the neck and then did it again on the other side. I also reapplied two drops of Andro-1

    I forgot to mention, she is currently having her period, so that might play a critical role, but I have noticed these reactions when she was not...

    Anyway, I went back to snuggle up to her and she kept moving away mildly as though she did not want to be touched or something. Then she gets up and gets on the phone with her friend. Then I go to lay my head on her arm (all this time testing the waters to see if the NPA is the killer) and she said \"must you be on me when I am on the phone?\"


    So off to the bathroom I go. I scrub the shit out of my neck (hoping that this will do the trick)... I then reapplied two drops of Andro-1 and two small drops of PI..

    Back to the bedroom...

    I lay down again and after about 5 min, I go to lay my head on her arm again...This time she runs her fingers through my hair and is rather nice... Ok, maybe a mood swing...

    She gets off the phone with her friend and starts being cuddly cute again, this time stopping to \"play\" a bit, but still too early in the day...

    I have noticed that she has a bad reaction to NPA, but PI is a sure hit EVERY TIME...If I want to get laid, I take some PI, SOE and Andro-1 and starts within 20 minutes most times...

    What is the difference between NPA and PI??? I have 2 bottles of NPA and hope that I can use them without wondering if they are going to repel women...


  2. #2
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    Default Re: NPA vs. PI tests on fiancee...Is NPA Stronger or something?

    You sure it wasn\'t just the fact she was off the phone that made the difference?

  3. #3

    Default Re: NPA vs. PI tests on fiancee...Is NPA Stronger or something?

    i read a earlier post of yours that said Npa was working for you. Pheromones are usually a hit and miss kind of thing because there are so many variables, such as time of day , phone, but there are so many variables. NPA works but the carrier realeases at a faster rate so try applying less. After i have made a batch of JB 1 it usually doesnt take but two dabs of it to get the best ractions. it was hard for me to believe at first that so little could do so much.

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