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  1. #1

    Default Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    After getting Andro-1, I was not sure if I should use it sparingly or go nuts with it. I have seen in many posts that you seemingly cannot OD with this stuff and no one seems to have had any negative effects..

    From day one of my Andro-1 experience, I have had nothing but positive reactions. They seem to get more and more obvious with the more you use... Kinda wierd..

    I decided to give Andro-1 a run for it\'s money in the past couple days..

    My beloved fiancee has her monthly visitor. A little background of my fiancee is that she is an accomplished spoiled daddy\'s girl and a bratty little Italian princess. When that time of the month rolls around, look out.. For three days the week before, she is a holy terror and will say and do anything to hurt anyone in her path...Emotions running wild...She honestly believes she has PMDD..

    Anyway, I did not have A-1 at that time and the other pheros I had were not doing shit to contend with satan\'s mood...

    I got Andro-1 a few days before her period and it has produced very good to excellent and now predictable results with my fiancee. Being with her as long as I have as well as growing up with an older sister (equally as mean) and nearly all female cousins, I could set my watch by the mood swings...

    I went nuts with the Andro-1 on the first day...On top of having her period, she had to work early and be on her feet all day. She called me during the day and spent her entire break complaining about one of her co-workers. Anyway, when she got home, it was me and a mysterious cloud of chemical warfare that awaited her...

    Within about 20 minutes, she was cuddly and asking me cutsie questions and just being adorable!

    That night I applied PI to my neck....She does not usually like to have sex on her period (and for that matter neither do I unless I am extremely horney), but she came on to me something fierce...

    The next night, I decided to be in a terrible mood. Bitchy, mean and distant...All this time wearing a lethal dose of Andro-1...

    I swear to God I could have killed her dog in front of her and she would let it slide...Dont get me wrong, we faught and bickered, but she would get all happy and cute MINUTES after! Usually she sits there and is totally quiet after a small fight...

    Later on that night, I said I didn\'t want to go to the store and usually she gets pissy about that... She was for about 5 minutes, but then she just went back to Miss Sunshine...

    Last night she was in rare form. A total snatch to her sister, she crabbed at me for not staying in her room with her when she was watching TV...Bitching about everything under the sun and starting fights..

    I duck into the can and drop an atomic dose of Andro-1...2 drops on each side of the neck, one down the front, three on the shirt and one under my nose (the kiss of happiness)

    I go back to sit by her and I swear you could have hung meat in her room it was so cold in there...

    Like clockwork...10 minutes...cuddle, kiss-kiss-kiss...Getting up to get me stuff and being absolutely wonderful and apologizing for everything...

    Talk about a PMS counter attack!!! I am ordering stock in this shit as soon as I can...

    I am going to test the hell out of this stuff with as many women as possible, but I do believe it has a positive effect on me as well.

    [ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: Zarrack ]

  2. #2

    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] DAMN! A successful PMS counter-attack? Just when I thought I\'d heard it all, you\'ve convinced me Zarrack, I\'m ordering Andro-1 like NOW!

    \'Slinger out.

  3. #3
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    I\'ve been trying RfW for peri-menopause and PMS. It seems to help.

  4. #4
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    Yes it is the best thing for counter PMS attacks five years of observations using pheros has more than convinced me of that fact. Nol rone and none all do the same thing as i am sure andro-1 does as well.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    \"Yes it is the best thing for counter PMS attacks five years of observations using pheros has more than convinced me of that fact. Nol rone and none all do the same thing as i am sure andro-1 does as well.\"


    so what\'s the difference between andro1 and nol/rone/none?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    Uh... isn\'t this EXACTLY the kind of thing the company that owns the andro patents is working on?

    I wonder if it would be good or bad for them to know about this?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    Yep, I think this is what the Erox patents are using this for, but in a self-administered manner.

    So, you guys say that -none, -nol, and -rone have similar effect?!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    I\'m gonna try this in a few days...
    I don\'t have Andro1 but I\'ll try the others with a compination of SOE and PI.
    We\'ll see.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Andro-1 vs. PMS...A counter attack with chemical warfare against the PMS/PMDD Queen!

    Once again \"andro1\" is androstadienone. Erox owns patents ONLY on a product which has this chemical AND fragrance.

    The chemical itself is not patented (no published patents I can find anyway), so I think we should all stop being so worried about it.

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