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Thread: HIT OR WHAT ?

  1. #1

    Default HIT OR WHAT ?

    hey bruce and others 14/y/o boy here let me start off by saying what i put on 1 stripe of soe on each side of neck,1 stripe of soe on each arm,1 stripe of soe around each rist,1 small stripe on 4 head and rubed some xcite on each arm is that to much ? as i left to get on the bus on my way to school i sat by ths 7y/o boy he start to look at me for like 5 seconds and tells me \"hi\" i say hi back then theres this other boy n the left seat of me he say \"something stinks\" i didnt smell nothin could it b the mones hes smelling ? then when i got to school i sat by my friends they wasnt so chatty, i herd the soe suppose to make people chatty.then as class starts my teacher kept passing by me and finaly she gets a chair and sits down close talking to the whole class a (lady) teacher. then n my second period wich is history i sat down close to this girl theres a desk between us though and she says \"i like your pants\" i say thanks she say \"there pretty\", later on she starts to right my name on the desk between us with chalk that say Chris+denise.denise is a girl who i dont like and i erase it then she write it again and she erased it.thats all what happened to day so whats going on is it the mones or there just being friendly ? the soe scent doesnt last that long but its still working right ? it the scent only lasts for like 3 wats going on here ?

    Chris aka Bigshot

  2. #2

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Hello, wish I had SOE in High School. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    It is generally accepted on this forum that SOE does not stink, so I don´t think it was the SOE.

    Although the scent of SOE fades away, the mones keep working for a long time.

    Funny that you got a comment about your pants, the same happened to me last night [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] , (see the stupid guy thread).

    If you are clever, say something nice to this girl, because that is what they like most: getting compliments. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  3. #3

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Uhhhhh....I don\'t know about the rest of you guys on here, but the thought of 14 yr olds using stuff like this tends tobe rather disturbing.

    We have enough teenage pregnancies in the uk (not sure about the US). Not certain I\'d like to encourage this in pre-legal teenagers. They grow up too fast now as it is.

    Now, when I was 14 yrs old, I..... [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    I believe Bigshot only uses SOE, which doesn´t make girls sexually aroused, it´s just making them a bit more friendly and open. There´s nothing wrong with that i think. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    There is nothing wrong with any of it. You can\'t control what he does anyway. This is the best time of his life if he is careful. We forget too soon these times of youth.

  7. #7

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Hey bigshot, I\'m around the same age, 16 year old female. I don\'t see anything wrong with using phero\'s at our age. Basically I\'m using it to seem more attractive to guys that are \"out of my league\", socially not physically. I would consider myself pretty good looking, but high school popularity sucks, especially if you\'re not willing to dress like a slut and act like an airhead. I\'m smart and I\'m proud of it! So there [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Sorry I\'m using your thread to rant and not answering your questions. I\'m just a newbie too [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  8. #8
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Ooooops!!!! Sorry if I stepped on anyone\'s foot [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] didn\'t mean to come across as preachy. Guess it must have been the articles in the papers the last few days about 13 yr olds fathering kids with 15yr olds that got me a little carried away.

    Have fun guys. Be Good. And if you can\'t be careful [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  9. #9

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    someone its ok.
    Nobody gonna answer my qustions ?

  10. #10

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Hey someone, I am close to twice your age, but if you buy into the intelligence thing, I do have some words of encouragement. Don\'t make fun of NRRDs, you might work for one... (ya said you were one of the smart ones, so I had to ask...) I can\'t tell you how many times that dumb little line of text has come true.

    As far as pheros are concerned, I would guess it will be a rocky road for those of you who are on the young end of the spectrum. Ya\'ll are at your prime for this type of thing. You should be pumping out these cmpds like they are your life force. Us oldies are the ones who will probably get more from \"help.\" Not to say you can\'t gain from this site...

    Oh yeah, the last thing, and I do swear by it (like a sailor,) a good smile will get you just as far, or furthur, than the pheros. Wierd, but true.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Hey, SOMEONE (the name.. on the board...) I am also 16...Male however. You say you are good looking and smart.

    Let me tell you, if a girl is good looking, than guys are looking at you just as much as the guys are looking at the other girls. Here\'s the thing though, if you are not in a big group of friends, or popular, than the people don\'t have a way of talking to you, etc.
    I see that all the time at my school, even the REALLY hot, actually popular girls, never have boyfriends, because the guys can talk to them...If they\'re not friends with them, or you don\'t have anything to talk to them about...

    Oh, bigshot...You use one HELL of a lot of mones...I think it\'s the concentration that matters, how much you put on is like taking the same cologne, and just spraying more on, rather than getting a more concentrated cologne and spraying less on..Is this just why the EXTREMELY concentrated colognes cost more, hmmm............. Nevertheless, if this girl is hot, wait until you move up a few grades, or maybe even by the end of the year. You are going to W I S H you had gone out with her (I should know, this has happened like W A Y too many times for me.)

  12. #12

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    No toes were harmed in the making of this thread [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


    Thanks [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] How\'s that one?


    Yeah, I get what you\'re saying and it\'s good advice. It\'s what I thought, too. Except, there\'s this one guy who flirts with me durring this one class we have together, programming, which we\'re both pretty new to, who\'s really popular. There aren\'t any of his friends in that class. But outside of that class, like in the halls and stuff, he acts like he practically doesn\'t know me [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]. The pheros are for him.


  13. #13

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    If the guys is only nice to you when not around his friends, then IMHO you\'ll end up getting used or really disappointed if you chase him.

    I could be wrong.

  14. #14

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


  15. #15

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Bigshot, first off, not trying to be an asshole, but you really need to clean up your grammar. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]
    Was the girl writing in her own name with yours? Does she, or has she ever, complimented you before? Another words, if she was acting out of the ordinary, it was probably the pheromones working. SOE is probably the best choice for you, as I\'m not even sure the girls in your age group would respond to something like PI or NPA. I hope I\'ve helped answer your question.

    \'Slinger out.

  16. #16

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I never realized there were so many kids online at this site. Parents really need to monitor their kids more and keep credit cards away from them. Parenting nowdays seems to be a lost art. And the illiterate spelling/grammar/math skills think management of my social security and national decisions will be made by this generation. I knowingly use run on and fragmented sentences by choice. These kids have no choice. It\'s the only way they know how to speak and write. I\'m a very liberal person and for the most part don\'t give a damn what other people do. But I do not believe minors should be researching and using sexual attractants, unless we abolish the concept of a minor and let them buy booze/tobacco/gamble/go to brothels etc. In that case all \"minors\" who commit a crime should go to a real prison and do real time. My car was stolen by minors in California. I\'d sleep better knowing they were anal raped while in the pokey. Teach the snot noses a lesson. If you do the crime... Parents are teaching ZERO morals and ethics to their kids nowdays. I say strip the computers out of their bedrooms and restrict their access. Maybe instead of surfing for pheromones they should be cracking an actual paper book.

    Wear = verb
    Where = usually pronoun or adverb

    Their = possessive pronoun
    There = adverb

    It\'s = It is
    Its = possessive pronoun

    But I\'m betting this means nothing as they don\'t know nouns/verb/adverbs etc.

    I agree with the Limey, there are enough teen pregnancies as it is. They don\'t need pheros on top of it.

  17. #17
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    IAM N kampleet agrueemint

  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Or, the kids these days spend too much time in chatrooms. I tangled with one of those places a good few years ago...just once. Very me wiv me reedin, ritin and kommunitykashun skilz. Can\'t understand people who spend days on there, stopping only to remove the dribble from their mouth as they slowly slip into a coma.

    Best be off. Gotta get the drool off the side of my face...been there for days. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    I am trying to excercise that iron will I have and follow the advice I always give: think before you speak(or type), count backwards from ten, and ALWAYS give the other person the benefit of the doubt.

    So let me start.

    I understand that you were robbed by kids, but you are letting your anger, though understandable, cloud your judgement. You said \" I\'d sleep better knowing they were anal raped while in the pokey. Teach the snot noses a lesson.\" I understand that you\'re lashing out and venting because this board is an environment you feel confortable discussing your feelings openly, and therefore I will not violate that trust by bashing you like I really want to right now.

    The truth of the matter is, the good outnumbers the bad. Take a real good look around and you\'ll find wonderful kids everywhere. Ever go down to your local soup kitchen? Count the teens giving up time they could be \"surfing the net\" and causing all sorts of havoc. Ever go to the hospital? Count the candy striped aprons.

    You said \"To think management of my social security and national decisions will be made by this generation.\" I know you have encountered some aweful teens, but it is highly doubtful those that stole a car will ever end up in a position to manage these things. Who will? Kids like me. Kids who are envolved. Kids who volunteer, who write for their school newspaper, and who take pride in Model UN. Kids who run for student government, call up board members to give their views, and never rest until they see change. If you can find someone better to care for your interest in your old age, be my guest.

    I also find it strange that you said both that kids should go to real prisons and do real time AND that parents are teaching zero morals and ethics to their kids. Contradictory much?

    I don\'t know what you think parents should teach kids, but mine have taught me strength, honor, perseverance, dedication, ambition, kindness, and love. They teach me through example. They have also given, not taught, me an intense sense of loyalty so that when I hear sweeping statements such as those you\'ve made that include my parents, I become angry.

    I also become dissapointed that you are so apt to blame them that you\'ve never met for the children that you\'ve never seen: the real children of today.

    So while you think on what I\'ve said, I\'m going to continue to study for my advanced placement classes, plan how I am going to squeeze in 6 college level courses with college credit into my senior year schedule, and choose the Ivy League college I will attend in a year. I might also write a two page paper in spanish or an intereperative essay on Notorious. But if I choose to let those wait while I curl up with Tolkein and Shakespeare, try not to think little of me for it.

    Sincerely and always politely,

  20. #20

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Thank you for the reality check!

  21. #21
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Listen, not all of the teenage kids are like that. I do agree that the reason the out of control ones are like that is because they do not believe there will be a consenquence for their actions.

    I myself am 16 1/2. I\'m not a bad kid... I really don\'t know how I found the site, I really don\'t, but I\'m glad of it.

    I\'ve been using the AndrosteNONE not from the kit, but I had it ordered seperately. If you only knew the social change that has made. I\'ve tried it differnt places. The best is under the arm pits, because it\'s the more natural of a place, and, if it\'s worn on the skin outside of the body (Ie, the face, neck, under ears, etc...) people have commented that something stinks, but no problems with the stuff under the arm..

    Anyway, good stuff, that, and I\'ve always been the intimidating weightlifting type, except, now, I also bought some cutting gel, and more than a months worth of thermogenics and lost 15#. I was NEVER fat, I\'m more of an athlete, and instead of being big, I\'m big with little fat over the stomach (yes, I know, the girls love it...) (Don\'t get the wrong impression. I was 190# at 5\'9. With about 12% I\'m 175# at 6\'0 with like 9%... I\'m MUCH better in the quick, jerking movements of weightlifting. In fact, I clean 225# but only bench 180#..And I do the karate stuff, no teachers, but I\'ve taught myself.
    I can do +50 roundhouses in a row. Front jump snap kick, Spring up from the floor, which I believe is the kick-flip, if you have ever seen the ROCK do that... And I can do choke holds, joint locks, etc. Now, people know that, and I have a bunch of nicknames because of it.. Kung-fu Bart, Karate Kid, Bruce Lee, Jet Li, etc...

    That, and if anyone wants a pic of me, I will be happy to give it to them, but I look like the David Boreanis with the blond hair, and an expanded chest (I\'ve done that on purpose through proper breathing technique, something that has been forgotten since the old timers..Breathing squats, yes, all coming back to you now??)
    Ok, that, and I have a 2000 Chevy Prism, which will put a system, rims, 52 1/4\" spoiler 11 1/2 inch high on it...Yes. (Getting all black contacts the cover the white of the eyes like the Wes Borland..yes, yes...all good...) (Although, I do have pretty shade of blue, look just like blue inside of a marble..I\'ve had them for 16 years now

    Anyway, before the mones, I mean, I didn\'t notice it, but I didn\'t talk very much, and etc.

    See, when I wear the mones, someone walks up and TALKS TO ME! As if I know them. This is no joke. I work at Wendys...Customers..Talk to me as if they\'ve known me for years or something. Even if it\'s the first time they\'ve ever seen me, or been there.

    Girls too, they are wild around me. Now, because of this, and people talking to me..It makes me more confident; I therefore become confident and talk, which makes the people talk to me more, etc.

    End result...: Before, loner, not popular.

    Now: I talk to girls like no problem at all. Hot girls sitting at a table..I just walk over to them, and start talking, it doens\'t matter what it\'s about, as long as there is dialect, and...No matter who I\'m around, if I\'m talking to girls, they will ALWAYS start talking about, OR doing something sexual. (Good thing on my part.)

    Question: This is the only thing I do not understand...Skateboarders people..they get the girls, not because the girls think they look better, but because they are more comfortable to be around right..

    Well...Now, this is what has been happening lately. I\'ll be talking to a hot girl at the fair...Get her name..where she\'s going to school, she\'s flirting with me..I mean, she\'s grinding her friend to a song, she has me talking so close to her ear that I\'m practically sucking on it..Anyway..I ask her for her number...she says she has a boyfriend, which, I can tell she was lying..Anyway, why is this...Why does she flirt with me, etc. but not want to hook up?

    This is not the first time...Multiple times this has happened. They\'re even flattered/intimidated (never rude, you NEVER have that problem when you have mones on...) when I ask for a number or something like that..but I never get it, and I never get hooked up..

    I\'m just going to go through fucking life with the girls...Having orgies on the dance floors at clubs or something..but that\'s ALL..I swear, very annoying, and I have yet to find an explanation...

    But, to the original post..Dude..People aren\'t ALWAYS going to talk to you BECAUSE you\'re wearing mones. Think about it; do you just HAPPEN to go and walk up and start talking to a hot girl? I don\'t think so, get some d*mned sense dude.


  22. #22
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I\'m somewhat hesitant to reply, wondering if you\'re looking for an honest answer or an answer you want to hear. I\'ll wager on the honest answer though..

    The reason for not getting \"hooked up\" is that for women, flirting can be, as a social interaction, and end in and of itself. Just as men find power/authority/respect important, women want the same thing, only instead of over everyone as it is in men, women want that power and respect over/from men. For some, flirting is simply a way of affirming that they have it. At your age, particularly, women are just spreading their wings, so to speak. Part of testing the waters is going to involve sticking close to shore sometimes.

    That covers the general cases. Now, to address you in particular, I have a feeling it comes from the attitude, in some circumstances. From the general tone that there\'s somehow something \"wrong\" with a girl if she\'s not totally interested in you, to your attitude towards people that aren\'t like you (\"skaters\", specifically), to your less than humble approach towards \"selling\" yourself, in the physical and vehicular forms. While confidence is an attractive trait to most women, self-centeredness and conceitedness is not. It will only make them wonder \"Will those other things be more important than me?\" while evaluating your relationship potential.

    Now then, that being said, some women will go wild over that type of attitude/behavior. Typically though, they will also be the kind you\'d quickly bore of in anything resembling a serious relationship. As long as you keep in mind that pheros aren\'t a substitute for lack of personality or a quick fix for the less than desirable parts of one, you\'ll probably get much more out of them.

    And to Someone, keep it up--you\'ve got great things written all over your future.

  23. #23
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    The way I see it teenagers can come to this site if it\'s going to help their social life(as long as they are responsible). If I had Pheromones back then when I was a teenager, things would probably have been very different. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I don\'t judge them because of a few bad apples, but I have noticed the decline of morality and parenting in recent years. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] I blame the parents if their kids are out of control and acting like idiots. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    The replies were too long so I just skimmed them. I\'ll just say I\'d tell anyone in person the same thing, not just on a message board. Also, it\'s great you have ambitions and don\'t steal cars. But at your age you have no business using pheros for sexual attraction. And sending kids to prison for adult crimes is good morality in my mind. Sorry.

    Ivy League, of course there are always exceptions to everything in life. But I don\'t remember any of my friends acting like idiots at a movie theatre and disrupting the show. For the past 5 years(easily) I haven\'t been able to see an entire movie in a theatre without a bunch of obnoxious teenagers completely ruining it during the show. Loud talking, laughing, throwing candy, etc. Same goes for fast food restaurants. My friends and I acted up as teenagers will do. But we never were puposely rude and obnoxious in public like the kids are nowdays. I could go on and on with examples. You are too young to have known when teens were more polite. I, however, have seen the decline of social behavior as based against my peers when I was in high school. Sorry Ivy, but MOST kids nowdays are very rude and snot nosed.

    Two years ago my then girlfriend and I tracked down a hit-and-run driver who caused a severe accident in front of us. We tracked them 5 miles until their tire blew out. I was shocked when SEVEN teens jumped out of the car. The cops took a long time to get there. All the while the teens tried to talk me out of holding them there, started to get physical about it, and NOT ONCE showed any remorse about what they did. When the cops got there they not once asked if the people in the car they hit were ok or not. One snot nosed punk looked straight at the cop and said \"I\'ll just tell my mom they were giving me a ride and didn\'t know them too well(meaning the other teens). She\'ll believe me.\" And these were not inner city thugs either. They were affluent teens who had silver spoons(hmmmm, sounds familiar). Probably most of them went to Ivy League schools. Just one of dozens of stories I have to back up what I say.

  25. #25

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I have an idea, let\'s all complain about today\'s youth and the lack of respect they have for everything and everyone...oh wait, someone beat me to it. Basically, we can bang on and on about the decline of society, but it won\'t do any good. If you teach your children certain things, they will make educated decisions about their own life and therefore act a certain way. That is all that can be done for them.

    Now if you just want to complain about it and have no solution to offer, than give it up, resign yourself to your own fate, and let the rest of us complain about things we intend to change.

    Someone\'s point about the children being punished with adult crimes was in making the contradiction between punishing children for their crimes when their parents don\'t teach them right from wrong.

    And about the 7 spoiled teen Mario Andrettis, that is pretty funny how you held them there. We all must admit that when we screw up, we would rather no one knew, and then we can deal with our own guilt. But when you know society is going to punish you also,do you willingly want outside punishment as well as self-imposed punishment? Especially if you think you can get away with the lesser of the two....

    blah blah blah, blah blah...

  26. #26

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    When I was a lad, we didn\'t have anything like the amount of anti-social, testosterone powered attitude that I hear from todays \"yooth\". Their ignominious carping and total lack of respect for life, the universe or anything, makes me despair for the future of this planet. When they turn up on phero sites attempting to obtain advise on using chemicals to \"seduce\" women, it makes me consider how the time and effort might be better employed on learning the skill of lovemaking, and how to give pleasure to women rather than obtain \"gratification\" from them. Sums them up - the instant result generation. pre-packaged, microwavable, instant hit with added polyvendum.

    ..bah humbug.

    [ April 15, 2002: Message edited by: ratspeaker ]

  27. #27
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Reminds me a song from \"Bye Bye Birdie\" written back in the \'50s (starring Ann Margaret) where the parents sing...

    \"Why can\'t they be like we were, perfect in every way... Oh what\'s a matter with kids today!\"

  28. #28
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I\'m not going to argue, it does not matter. Do you want a prize because you were taught to repress all feelings etc, when YOU were a kid?

    NOw, to what I asked...

    What\'s his name says the girls like to flirt. Yes, this is so. However, girls won\'t flirt with you if you are ugly, etc. Or a geek or something. In addition, I seem to be flirted with, and hit on, and all that a L O T more than most people. However, I cannot hook up with them. Why this is, I do not know, that\'s what I was asking.

    Why is it that for me, the girls are always constantly doing the stuff as I mentioned. When I say hits, flirting, maybe I was underexaggerating...They go to like the fine, fine, line between having sex and not.

    Thing is...they will NEVER come over the line to hook up..(Not just sex)..

    Why is it that they want to do this with me inparticuluar.

    My theory was the the mones say that I WANT sex, but not anything about in the middle of it or something like that. Pheromones would be an amplifier for foreplay than is what I\'m saying.

    Now...that being said, what can I do to change this? Yes, I go and talk to girls all the time, I get this shit from girls I don\'t know that are from different cities, younger girls, older girls (older as in...19 1/2 year olds older...compared to my 16 year old self). They ALL want to play with my fucking head like that..Now, I WOULD say, I\'m really just an ugly person, and they dont\' want to hook up..but than, if I were ugly, or unpopular, or have an social inability, I would not be able to firt with them so deeply, etc...

    I\'m talking about, girls even WITH their fre*** boyfriends will hit on me like that sh****...Without..older, younger, I\'ll go over and talk to them..But when I try and get their number, or hook up, they don\'t want to and shit..this is annoying, very annoying.


  29. #29
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    May I suggest that the cause of your inability to establish a bond, connection, or intimacy with another human being is your attitude.

    Also, the reason pointless profanity is not more commonly heard or read is that people react negatively towards the source. Profanity has its place and is used to express and share bad feelings - disgust, anger, disdain. Use profanity only when necessary and when your listeners will appreciate and empathize with your negative feelings - which is seldom.

    No amount or type of pheromones will overcome what has to be changed from within.

  30. #30

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    I have a suggestion as already stated. Keep children away from computers and credit cards. They do not need access to computers for hours a day of unsupervised surfing. I am not bashing the young for the sake of bashing. But while I\'m at it let me ask, why is it all the new music is just remakes of songs from the 80\'s? I\'ll tell you talent or discipline to come up with something creative and new. It\'s the MTV generation of instant gratification for minimal effort.

    The seven Mario snot noses......four of them ran into an establishment. My gf followed them and had security pick three of them up. Three remained outside in the parking lot with me and tried to pick a fight. All chest puffing as teens are, but not one would get within reach of my irritated grasp. So out of the seven, six were caught(one arrested, the others held until parents arrived) The seventh got away.

    I TOTALLY disagree with you about the desire to get away. Driving is an ADULT PRIVILEDGE, not a right. One cannot cause a severe accident and then run like a scared child to avoid the consequences. Having adult priviledges such as driving carries with it adult responsibilities such as taking blame for an accident. Funny thing is, had they stayed at the scene I would have told the cops it was a \"no fault\" accident as both drivers were running yellow lights. But since they ran for five miles, physically confronted me, and showed a very selfish zero-remorse for the victims, I told the cops the kids ran a red light and nailed the other car. Since the driver was a minor I doubt he had much of a punishment. If that were me, however, I\'ll guarantee I\'d have served at least some time for fleeing the scene of an accident.

    That\'s why children should not be allowed adult priviledges. Because without taking responsibility like an adult we will have chaos. A large percentage of convenience store robberies are committed by teens. Gee I wonder why? Could it be because they\'ll only serve an absolute maximum sentence of juvenile detention until age 18? Same goes for car theft. Until you go out to a parking lot and try to find a door to put your car key into without luck, you will not understand. Easily 75% of all car thefts in my area are committed by minors. Minimal consequences and they know it.

    You see Dragon. It\'s not just bitching for the sake of bitching. It\'s bitching because parents nowdays are failing to bring up decent, civilized, respectful teens. Giving them a new computer and a cable modem as a babysitter makes life easier for the parent. But the long-term decay of society with respect to daily human interaction suffers. Children should be monitored AT HOME BY PARENTS. Unfortunately it\'s not going to happen as american parents are lazy.

    I mainain that KIDS have no business trying to use pheromones to increase flirting. Every teen I\'ve ever interacted with thinks they are the \"responsible exception.\" That\'s why they see no problem with going to a Rave and jamming shit up their noses or taking a pill made in someone\'s basement...after all they are \"responsible adults\" in mindset. Turn 18 and jam all the shit you want up your nose, use all the pheros you want, bang all the broads you can, drink like a fish every night, or whatever floats you. But until then your parents need to live up to their legal responsibility of keeping you away from adult vices. And hopefully in the process make a courteous, responsible teen who will turn into a courteous, responsible member of society. And let me clarify because I know the new generation cannot read between lines. When I say \"you jam shit\" I\'m referring to the younger generation as a whole, not to you personally.

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