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Thread: HIT OR WHAT ?

  1. #31
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    \"They ALL want to play with my fucking head like that..\" You know what it is? It\'s called part of being a male. Despite their almost unexplainable behavior (saying they\'re falling in love with you and only two days later making every effort to hide from/avoid you), we still pursue women. As far as that \"fine, fine line between having sex and not\", it\'s called high school, where you get as far as you can with whomever you can, and then lie to all your friends about how much further you got. Although seemingly for some, one physical relationship after another seems to be an ideal, and some are only capable of one on that level--both genders, this is not a goal for most, and it\'s not a (typical) behavior of a high school student. To expect otherwise is to not emerge from your masturbation-induced fantasy world. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    To address the \"kids today are so much worse\" crowd.. No way. Now granted, I\'m only fifteen years removed from being initiated into teenhood, I really don\'t see all that much a difference. I\'ll freely admit I was quite the little shit when I was a kid. Frame it in the context of GWB. When it\'s you, it\'s youthful indescretion, when it\'s someone else, it\'s criminal behavior worth having your entire family kicked out of public housing over.

  2. #32

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    I never stole a car, robbed a 7-11, committed hit-and-runs, or even disrupted a movie for that matter. There is a clear difference in my mind between me as a youth and the selfish, punk attitudes out there today. Even my worst \"youthful indiscretion\" would be laughable by today\'s standards. Recently my community had a million dollar vandalism spree by some teens. This included breaking into schools, graffitti all over the place, smashing windows in stores at night etc. Who do you think did all this? You guessed it, punk ass, snot nosed teen brats. Who gets to pay for all of it? You guessed it, John Q. Taxpayer. Don\'t even try to compare youthful indiscretion like toilet papering a front yard to something like $1 Million in vandalism. I\'d much rather my tax money go to buying books and teacher salaries in school, not into repairing vandalism. Make the punk asses and their parents foot the bill for their poor upbringing.

  3. #33

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    Now you\'re making me mad.

    I\'m sorry but in my response to you not once was I obnoxious, judgemental, or rude. Not once did I hurl accusations or direct untoward comments. I strove to be polite and point out some things you might not have seen. I merely wished to change your opinion of a generation with which you have had bad experiences. Not once did I question your character as a person.

    Perhaps I should start.

    With this last three posts since I responded last, especially your post right after I responded, you have deliberately made intimations on who I am and what I might do. You insinuated that I am no different from the hit-and-run teenagers. Not only did you practically accuse me of such crimes, but you can\'t even come out straight and say it. You hide behind the sugar-coated patronizing and sarcastic tone of phrases such as \"Also, it\'s great you have ambitions and don\'t steal cars.\" and \"Sorry Ivy, but MOST kids nowdays are very rude and snot nosed.\"

    Not do you insult me, but you do so after admitting that you merely skimmed my post. If you do not even read what I have to say, you have no right to answer in such a manner. In fact, even if you do, you have no right to judge me.

    As a reporter, even if I only report for my school newspaper, I know the value of looking at all sides on a situation, no matter what I want the results to be. If, once again, you had taken the time to read what I wrote on this thread, you would know why I use pheromones. Yes, I use them so that guys will be more attracted to me. The very properties I value are those that make me less attractive to high school guys. I work hard, I\'m strong, I\'m smart. I would never act ditzy to get a guy. I would never change any part of me to get a guy. I know that when they mature these qualities will help, not hurt, me romantically. I\'m not bitter or anything. I\'m glad I am the way I am, but why not get a little edge now anyway? I don\'t see anything wrong with that. I\'m not trying to get guys in bed with me or anything. I have very high sexual morals, but I honestly don\'t see anything wrong with this. You could just as well say teenagers shouldn\'t wear makeup, perfume, or nice clothing. They shouldn\'t take showers, brush their hair, or clip their toenails. Because we do all these things merely to seem more attractive. What is wrong with that?

    To address your credit card issue, I’ve only made one phero purchase to date and it was with a webcertificate, a gift I received from a relative. I intend to make all future purchases with mail order. You can’t stop that.

    As for sending kids to prison for adult crimes, I was not criticising the morality of it. We are all entittled to our own opinions and I most assuredly don\'t begrudge you yours. I have my own opinions on the matter which are different from some of my friends, yet that does not stop us from being friends. What I was protesting was the fact that you said both that kids should go to real prisons and do real time AND that parents are teaching zero morals and ethics to their kids. I think these two statements are somewhat contradictory. If it\'s the fault of the parents, the kids should not go to real prisons. The argument that they should is usually based upon the supporting argument that they should know better at their age and it\'s their fault, not their parents\'. I was not in any way questioning your views on the matter.

    I continue to believe firmly that, statistically speaking, you have too small a sampling size. My high school is large, consisting of 1500 people, and I know that the statement \"MOST kids nowdays are very rude and snot nosed.\" is false. To be sure, there are obnoxious kids. As a smart, slightly nerdy, kid, I\'ve had more than my share of bullies. But they are few and far between. Most kids are good.

    Oh, and just to clear things up, stop calling me Ivy. I was never one of those affluent kids. I never had a silver spoon in my life. DON’T MAKE ASSUMPTIONS!

    I grew up with parents studying for their Ph.D\'s, forking out the money they barely had while trying to raise a kid. I have so much respect for them. They love me and always tried to give me the best though we had little. They are exemplary parents, so please refrain from making derogatory statements directed towards all parents. I shall take them quite personally. Do you have any kids? I said earlier not to judge unless you know all the facts and that it is best not to judge at all. The same applies here.

    I will go to an Ivy league school due to my own merit, and I will probably be paying off student loans until I\'m old and grey since money is not an issue in deciding, but it by no means defines who I am.

    I define who I am.

    Sincerely and even now politely and respectfully,

  4. #34

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Dear board,

    Thank you to everyone who defended me and expressed similar views. Thank you still more to those who expressed reservations about my generation but expressed them politely and gently, in the form of constructive criticism and advice rather than accusations and rants. I\'m sorry I didn\'t respond to you all in my last post, but my anger, though contained, got the better of me and all I could think of was responding to Stanbo\'s inflamatory posts. I did not mean to leave you out. Not in the slightest.

    I respect every one of you.


  5. #35
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I know you never did. Neither did I. I did run from the police, 24 pack of beer in my hands, at 15 years old. I was smoking grass at 13. I did normal kid stuff. Some do worse (eg, vandalism, hit and runs). Others would have been abhorred by my behavior sometimes. Still though, for all the things I did, I still managed to turn out a pretty decent human being.

    I did, however, have occasion to glimpse back upon some of my younger writings when Google recently opened up the Usenet archives back to 1980. I had one post, at 17 years old, in response to someone saying some religious stuff, \"Shit, Jesus died for my sins? I better make them worth his while then!\" Who, but a \"snot nosed punk\", would say something like that?

    If you really want to get riled up about something in society these days, how about the almost abject lack of any altruism whatsoever. The whole \"greatest good for the most people\" school of thought seems to have been utterly forgotten. \"Is the glass half full or half empty,\" has been replaced with \"Who the hell stole half my milk?\" This meme started LONG ago, dating back to our parents\' parents (if not furthern) and the thought that the government somehow \"owes\" us something, and if we\'re not getting what we\'re owed, be it larger Pell grants, bigger tax breaks, or fatter Social Security checks, we\'re getting screwed. Of course, I don\'t vent vituperatively about it online--I try to set an example every day and in every way.

  6. #36

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Enough of this. Why let yourself get all riled up over a few words on a computer screen. Children should be studying languages, mathematics, history... and not surfing pheromone sites. Take it how you will, but it\'s the truth. You are a MINOR. There are places in the world for kids, places for adults, and places for both. KIDS do not belong on pheromone sites. Get all upset if you want, but it\'s not going to make you age another 2 1/2 years overnight. Post all the bratty comments you like. I, however, refuse to continue arguing with children. So do not expect replies to any questions. Tell mommy and daddy the Ph.D\'s how you are using pheromones at your age to attract boys and see how they feel about it.(cause you and I both know whatever you post here, they have no idea you\'re using pheros to attract boys)

  7. #37

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Stan, in defense of Someone, she sounds quite well-spoken for her age, though more than slightly emotional at this point, lay off her will ya. How many teenagers do you know, anyway, or are you judging by the actions of say, 4 or 5? It\'s like saying Germans are bad because there once was a man named Hitler.

    \'Slinger out.

  8. #38

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Bruce, what´s your opinion about selling pheromones to minors?

    Franki [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  9. #39

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Stan, now you\'re just being a dick. You\'re an angry person, and you need to assess where this anger is coming from, and stop trying to take it out on others. You are quite beligerent, and you aren\'t being polite or fair to anyone whose opinion is opposite yours.

    There is nothing wrong with kids being on the internet. It\'s all about knowledge. How you use that knowledge is determined by your own education and your own beliefs. Saying that kids shouldn\'t be allowed to surf phero sites is stupid. What next? Decide that since you are an atheist, that people shouldn\'t be allowed to read the bible (example, like you said, read between the lines, not literally \"YOU\".) How\'s so funny that you\'re so quick to judge.

    I was \"babysat\" as you say, by a computer and the internet at age 14 or 15. Granted, I had my share of society\'s less favorably viewed endevours, such as porn, hacking, and the infamous \"Anarchist\'s Cookbook\". Does that mean that today I am some vandal punk thug? Hell no! I\'m a senior in Computer Engineering at my University, graduate in 1 month. Top of my class, all around great guy. I made certain decisions about the person I wanted to be long ago. Everyone makes those decisions for themselves, early in life, whether you keep knowledge away or not. So your generalisms really must cease before (too late) you upset someone.

    Maybe all this anger and fingerpointing is just an outward manifestation of your own sadness about your life and your inability to achieve something in your life...

    Ok, enough jokes and stories. You think it is wrong for a minor to be on this site and to be buying pheros. Most do not agree with you, and probably b/c your opinion is pretty ignorant. Bottom line: If a person can show some intelligence and ability to use a product with that intelligence, then why not? If kids really want to get sex, and that is all they want, there are other, easier, faster, cheaper, and more reliable ways to get it. It seems that most of the people here are looking for attraction...a little bit more long term than 1 night stands.

    So lets all be a bit more accepting of others. And try not to be a dick, ok Stan?

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    ms someone, regarding that hot and cold guy

    You seem very strong and capable in many ways, but you are approaching the guy inappropriately.

    Guess what? The pheromones may have already worked---he is flirting with you when you are in physical proximity.

    The fact that he isn\'t attentive outside your class cannot be rectified by pheromones.

    Remember, pheros alter immediate, low-level emotional states. That\'s it. They won\'t change screwed up social behavior.

    Another question is whether you want this guy as a friend (only) or for more than that. Do you just want to get public recognition in the same social-climbing game as you decry in him? Or do you want him to ask you on a date?

    If he is nice and flirty in class then try this---when you see him out of class continue to assume that he will be nice and flirty and go up to him just like you are friends etc and act exactly like you were in class. Do it twice.

    If both times he acts cold and like he is embarassed, then when you two are alone again you must let him know you don\'t like it.

    You have to consider the possibility he likes flirting with you but doesn\'t want to date you. There are two potential reasons (a) social weirdness (b) he is not attracted to you. It may be erroneous to assume it is (a) and not (b).

    what college you going to?

    Dr Princeton

  11. #41

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    could u guys stop talking about young people wearing mones.and im not looking four sex.i just want a product that will get a lot of attention from girlz. im not ugly or nothin its just i dont get that much of attention any more from girls, 2 years ago i use to be popular with the girlz but since this one dude came to my school girlz dig him. i dont know if he wearin mones but he got a lot of girlz talking to him,fliting,hugging him,and they be all up on just wondering what product can get me like that ? i already have soe,xcite,and citrus oil.

  12. #42

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    There are some guys out there who women play with and not any more its called being in the LJBF club

    Lets just be friends club my suggestion to those that are complaining of this work out build up go at it hard and then see what happens at least when they are flirting with you and nothing happens you can say something along the lines of well ive got this fucking awesome body and the stupid bitch wants some skinny weisel and im smart and good looking and she is the one fucked up and say it to her friends.

    Learn NLP and seriously abuse it it is the one best tool known to mankind. Also speed and fast seduction are derivitatives of this new artform of reading people quite useful for going places as well.

  13. #43

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    im just looking for a product that will get them interested in me that will make them like me and be around me a lot. any suggestions ?

  14. #44
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    This is getting waaaay out of hand.

    Bigshot: Getting a woman\'s attention and holding it are two completely different things.
    Getting a woman\'s attention is easy...combination of looks, money, position, power, physique etc.
    For those who don\'t have all, or any combination of the above, pheromones will probably get you noticed.
    However, once you\'ve been noticed, it\'s going to take a whole lot more than pheromones or material possessions (unless the lady happens to be very shallow) to keep her interested in you.
    It\'s a question of personality and attitude. If you smile at people, they\'ll smile back. If you\'re nice to them, they\'ll be nice to you, especially if you\'ve caught their attention.
    Being nice, polite, a gentleman, refraining from profanity in ther presence (believe me...they will not be impressed), will get you a lot further than an aggressive attitude. I would also suggest patience. There\'s no use rushing things. You\'re 14 years old!!!! You have your life ahead of you and plenty of time to take over the the things that matter.
    You have quite an attitude, and I sense an anger. Chill out! Don\'t take life that seriously at your age. Life\'s too short, and we spend a long time dead.

  15. #45

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    Because you are an adult I will reply(I don\'t argue with children)

    Point 1: Just because you have lived a wild life and still managed to obtain college degrees and made money does not mean that it\'s ok to instill these values in today\'s youth. There are countless alcoholic/drug addict/\"out of control\" historical figures. Their accomplishments do not make up for their lifestyle.

    Point 2: Where\'s the written law that says every human has to be well-liked and slow to anger? I have just as much right to be angry about kids using pheromones as someone else has to be angry about whatever trips them. For some people criticizing religion makes them angry. For others going to war over economics such as oil makes them angry. It\'s a very egocentric viewpoint to demand that every human conform to your standards of well-liked, not angry, and popular. I choose to tell people what I think instead of keeping it inside to be polite. Oh well, live with it. I get angry at people who insist I conform to their behavioral norms.

    Point 3: Unless we are going to break down every law pertaining to minors, then inevitably this issue will find its way to the political forefront sometime in the future. As soon as general opinion accepts that pheromones work there\'s going to be that 100% guaranteed 20/20 or 60 Minutes story about kids using pheros to attract sexual attention. And in a few years when that happens Congress will start regulating pheros just like they have to regulate porn, alcohol, drugs, firearms, fireworks, etc. So, embrace the children if you like. But bowing to the PC attitude of letting kids do whatever they want is going to invariably lead to pheromones being legislated as a controlled substance. I prefer a simpler approach. Remind them that they are still children and do not possess all of the priviledges of an adult.

    Point 4: Part of being an adult in a civilized society is having to listen to differing opinions. If as many people are reading these posts as others have stated, then statistically speaking there are many, many readers out there who agree with my opinion at least in part. Chances are they are just silent watchers. And if they are not silent they still will not admit they agree with me because it\'s not PC to talk the way I do. But that\'s ok. I certainly understand it\'s easier to not say anything rather than say someting politically incorrect nowdays. I, however, have always been politically incorrect and have no desire or motivation to change.

    Point 5: Children should have restricted access to certain aspects of adult society. Children should not be allowed to

    -go to bars and get drunk
    -purchase alcohol, firearms, porn, etc.
    -go to nightclubs, take X, and have one night stands
    -BUY pheromones to attract sexual attention

    Wait and see.....a few years this stuff will be banned and you\'ll have to buy it on the black market like drugs. All because children will start using them and instead of obtaining guidance at home(as it should be) we will legislate morality in Congress. Then, and only then, will you start to see that maybe the StanBo perspective(as dickish and non-PC as it is) might actually have had some merit. But then it will be too late and once again adults will have lost priviledges due to children trying to grow up too fast and nobody having the balls to tell a kid they are still a kid.

  16. #46

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    Point if they work out and exercise and eat healthily everyone including teenages pump this stuff out like there is no tomorrow to regulate pheros one would have to regulate people make em shower 10 times a day and use tons of deodorant.
    So i dont think that this will happen for that to happen then the authorities will have to acknowledge and religious authorites will have to say yes this stuff is really what causes human sexual attraction. Power structures would crumble the world is run by alpha mlaes and they aint going to let anyone become an alpha male are they ???

    Everything would fall apart lol. Regulation wont work the best they can hope for is that this stuff stays like it has for ages buried and mostly out of site although the large majority of drug and perfume producers (drug - medical i mean) will not let that happen with such a discovery. Hence marketability at the best it will make women more honest when they say they dont love their husband anymore or try to explain an affair well the man will have the comeback

    DO YOU FIND HIS PHEROMONES MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN MINE and then can set about pulling her to peices when she starts to lie because she wont be able to bullshit her way out anymore.

    It will also make alpha males more responsible with who they screw with because everyone will be able to fight back and wear them back to the rest of us.

    Just future thoughts people take em up and talk about them very througly.

  17. #47
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I really don\'t know why I\'m replying.. This has strayed so far off the subject of pheromones that it\'s not even funny. Still though, some of your statements bear a bit of analysis.

    To start, \"I choose to tell people what I think instead of keeping it inside to be polite.\" It\'s your right. It\'s also known in many circles as being utterly lacking in tact, will earn near-universal scorn, is looked down upon by many as a serious personality deficiency, and cannot be offset by using pheros. (ob phero content).

    Moving on, \"I get angry at people who insist I conform to their behavioral norms.\" This from the person who gets all bunged up about kids not meeting his view of behavioral norms? Never mind the view about \"kids\" (in the loosest sense of the term; age of consent in some countries is far below that of the US) and their computer usage. I had near-unfettered computer use as a youngster, from the age of nine when we got our first computer on. After countless thousands of hours logged using them, I\'m here today, a computer professional nearly twenty years later, widely respected by my peers in a Fortune 250 as being the authority on internet application technologies. In fact, when I was twelve and thirteen, I had people convinced that I was a college student, surprising them when we met for a BBS party.

    Further, you talk about people behaving like adults, and that kids don\'t behave like adults. Far be it from me to judge, but you admitted to committing a rather serious crime, along with a major lapse in judgement, when you \"told the cops the kids ran a red light and nailed the other car.\" That is hardly the behavior of an adult, is it? Adults make decisions based upon logic and reason, whereas children make decisions based upon impulse and emotion. Assuming it sprung from a desire to see the little bastards pay, a running theme in your comments, it shows uncivil behavior of the highest order. A judge, so empowered by the people, is who determines guilt and innocence in this country and metes out justice. Not you. By giving a false statement, you destroy the very foundations our system of justice is built upon--those which in the same breath you claim to so sanctimoniously uphold.

    If you\'re going to rant and rave about the behavior of adults versus children, I strongly suggest you examine your own behavior first. Saying what\'s on your mind whenever it hits it is very impulsive. Thinking that you can be a better parent than most out there is somewhat closed-minded. Giving a false statement (ie, something you sign your name to) to a police officer is illegal, regardless of how you want to rationalize it. It\'s (probably, depending on your system) immoral if you have any diety by which to form your system of morality, and it\'s unethical regardless.

    Age is a number. Maturity is subjective. In the words of an anonymous wise man, \"Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.\" You want to gripe and complain about the lack of maturity in teenagers, yet you yourself have shown far less than some teenagers around us in this very forum.

  18. #48

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    - I consider hypocrisy and not telling your true feelings a character flaw. I can\'t help it if you let other\'s opinions influence you. I consider telling the truth a stronger character trait than brown nosing to appease peoples\' opinions.

    - I do not expect others to conform to my behavioral norms. I expect adult sexuality to be left to adults. How is that requiring conform?

    - The light was red when they exited the scene. That\'s what I told the cops. Had the kids acted appropriately and adult-like(as teens so often tout to behave like...responsible) I would have told the cops it was a no fault. I\'ve never claimed to be the moral voice of the planet.

    - Saying what\'s on my mind is the truth. If this is impulsive, then yes I am impulsive.

    - So if I think I\'m a worse parent then I\'m open minded? With your logic having any kind of opinion at all means you are closed minded.

    - Why must one have a diety to form a moral system? To me that is a sign of a weak mind. As an adult, if you need someone else(human or diety) to tell you what is right and wrong then you have an underdeveloped psyche. Medical doctors that drive a Ferrarri bought with money received from cancer patients and aids patients is, to me, immoral and unethical. I know many people in medicine. When I ask why they chose it as a career all of them say the very same thing; firstly money, secondly helping people. To my moral system this is repulsive.

    - I\'m not on the planet to be a role model to teens. I\'m not griping about lack of maturity, that is expected in teens. I\'m griping about lack of morals. There are many mature adults without morals.

    Well there ya go paragraph by paragraph. I\'m not going to reply to this juvenile banter any more. You consider me the underdeveloped mind. Trust me the feeling is very, very reciprocal.

  19. #49
    Join Date
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    I cannot believe this thread, nor what I am reading from StanBo~ you really do need to have a word with yourself.

    32.5 years old.
    Formally a tearaway, have smoked pot and gone to raves, drop pills, stuffed powder up my nose but have more letters after my name than in it, earn a shed load of money and a rising star in my profession, happy, balanced, popular, liked, and rarely angry.......

  20. #50

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?


    I\'m sorry, but I just can\'t stop laughing! I\'m sorry, but \"Post all the bratty comments you like. I, however, refuse to continue arguing with children.\"? My goodness!

    At first, I took you seriously. Oh, sorry, I took HIM seriously. That\'s right, he\'s not reading this [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] I mean, I give everyone here a modicum of respect. I actually gave a damn about what he thought, so I tried to convince him. Maybe that\'s why I came across a little emotional (sorry slinger [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] ), because I cared, even a little.

    Gee, now that\'s a burden that\'s lifted off my shoulders. HAHAHA!!! Post all the bratty comments I want? This coming from mr. i-wish-all-teenagers-be-analy-raped? That is too rich. I mean, I agree with telling people what I think, but not at the expense of being polite. And \"I, however, refuse to continue arguing with children.\"? Can\'t you just see his upturned nose? Oh my!

    I\'m sorry, but now that I\'m no longer goin\' for a lost cause, trying to convince him...that kids are decent human beings, I can lighten up. Thanks Stan, you really made my day.

    Chaos-heehee, i love your name. Fabulous.

    Anyway, that was how he acted BEFORE pheros. And to give him the benefit of the doubt, I\'ve been too much of a chickenshit to approach him when he\'s surrounded by his friends. There\'s been like one or two instances but I can\'t tell if it\'s him not seeing me and I\'m being paranoid or if it\'s really screwed social behaviour. I like to think the best of people but...hell high shool social behaviour\'s not all that pleasant and I\'m once bitten twice wise [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Oh and Harvard, if I can get in [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] If not, I\'ve yet to choose from the others.

    naughtymonkey: You tell it! I think that you\'re accomplishments DO make up for your \"wild life\". What, are we going to disregard the accomplishments of those historical figures that save countless lives and condemn them because they kinda screwed up their own? Never mind that they straightened up. Hear hear: If you\'ve ever done anything bad in your life, you suck. And I don\'t care if you pull me out of a burning building! I\'d rather you let me burn.

    I\'m sorry guy\'s I\'m going to laugh again [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Go monkey!

    Bigshot: I agree arron wholeheartedly. Phero\'s, just like looks, get a girl\'s attention I suppose. But unless you have more than that you\'re out of luck unless you\'ve found a really shallow girl and you don\'t want her anyway, bigshot. I used to like this guy and after customary flirty I realized he liked me too. However, after the said flirting, I dropped him like a nasty habbit. Why? Because the guy couldn\'t stop talking about himself. No other subject came out of his mouth. We\'re still friends, sorta, cause he\'s really nice, but I dislike spending time with him even as friends. If you\'re interesting and sweet, if you\'ve got wit and humor, if you\'ve got treasures unseen just below the surface, then phero\'s will work best.

    At least that\'s what I\'m hoping [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    See ya guys, and good luck to all.

  21. #51
    Join Date
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    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    StanBo~ I am sorry you feel the way you do. This is not some false sympathy, but I do really feel sorry that you view the world as you do. I personally wake up every day with a excitement, not contrived, but with a genuine interest in people I know, places I would like to see but most of all experiences I will savour. I may be the wrong side of 30, but life is RICH, not the sad, depressed, and angry view you have. Please do have a word with yourself. You are not alive.


  22. #52

    Default Re: HIT OR WHAT ?

    This thread is way to long, so I\'m gonna make this as brief as I can:

    StanBo, while you may be parially correct in your assesment of the situation, you have basically said that you think all children are criminals.

    Second, you obviously care more about retribution than you do about correcting whatever problems today\'s youth may have.

    I did all sorts of stupid shit when I was younger. No vandalism, but I did a lot of drugs, stole stuff, ran from the cops at night when they caught us drinking, etc. Hate to break it to you, but this is normal kid stuff. Your generation did plenty of it too.

    All the street-scum kids you see around you have been around for a very, very long time. They just used to dress and talk different.

    Anyways, we all know you\'re just jealous [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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