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  1. #1

    Default A-None=Female Repellant at certain parts of cycle..."A-None=None For Mikey"

    Well today was a perfect testament to the theory that females act differently at different parts of their cycle to A-None...

    My fiancee\'s period ended two days ago.

    With a heavy dose of Andro-1 and a light dose of AE, the fiancee was cute and bubbly and sweet, but not too sexual...

    Usually after her period she is rather horney and at times I thought she would get into it...

    I ducked into the bathroom and dabbed on my normal small amount of PI..

    When I went back she was normal for a couple minutes, but then became bitchy and basscally rolled over and watched TV in silence.

    I went back to the bathroom and scrubbed the shit out of my neck and then only applied A-1 and SOE...

    I went back to the room and she eventually she ditched the attitude. She was a bit nicer, but not at all sexual. Toward the end of the night she got really cute and loving again.

    I think that as soon as her hormones dropped into the toilet after her period, the \"scent\" of A-None became a \"Not Tonight, I am expecting a headache\" kind of thing...

    She usually loves to have sex after her period and is usually all over me without the pheros...I believe that the added -none was overkill.

    I ordered 2 more bottles of A-1 and Primal for Women...I am thinking of creating a line of mixes that coincide with my fiancee\'s cycle...

    Prior to her period, lots of A-None was still a repellant, but my mix of (manually applied) SOE, A-1 and PI worked like a charm. During her ovulation (like mid-cycle month) I think I could have worn 10w-30 and she would have raped me, but I used SOE, A-1 and a bit more NPA or PI, she was a wildcat...

    After her period I think I am going to stick to SOE, A-1 and MAYBE AE...

    [ April 18, 2002: Message edited by: Zarrack ]

  2. #2
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: A-None=Female Repellant at certain parts of cycle..."A-None=None For Mikey"

    Looks like you\'re the Man with the Plan...

    As a note on non-fertile women repellant, I think the none also affects pregnant women. My neighbor across the street was pregnant and you could almost see her nose wrinkle when I was wearing none (NPA). After the baby came, much more neutral attitude.

  3. #3

    Default Re: A-None=Female Repellant at certain parts of cycle..."A-None=None For Mikey"

    first of all thanks a lot for your detailed contributions since quite a while. Well observed and very experimental it is much fun to read!
    As you seem to conisder a strategic planning what to apply when during your fiancees cycle, allow me to make a suggestion please: there are several graphs on the web, showing how female hormones change during their cycles. Maybe you can find a correlation of hormonal concentrations and the response to certain pheromones you apply?
    The most important and dominant hormones are estrogen and progesterone (modulated by the luteinizing hormone \"LH\" and the stimulating hormone \"FSH\". All of them again in small and big feedback loops - quite complicated stuff).
    But maybe just focus on estrogen and progesterone levels while building up your strategy.
    Estrogen (greek, estro=\"oistros\" stands for \"passion\", -gen =\"gennan\" means produce). So estrogen being produced more and more during the first half of the female cycle with a maximum just before ovulation is by name held responsible for female passion.
    I found a graph at the end of this webpage: showing how it all goes up and down.

    Hope you\'ll find an overall strategy what to use when, after you already found a way to handle those terrible PMS days and turn them into a success!
    Please keep us posted as your results and conclusions are concerned!

    P.S. (from P.E.): whether or not your fiancee is on the pill makes a big difference to hormone levels...

  4. #4
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    Default Re: A-None=Female Repellant at certain parts of cycle..."A-None=None For Mikey"

    My girlfriend\'s on the shot & she doesn\'t get a period. Do her hormone lvls still fluxuate like a woman that does?

    Sometimes she seems to like -none & sometimes she doesn\'t, although I\'ve not tested enough to be sure of anything.

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