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  1. #1
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default New Love Scent FAQ (accepting bids)

    As I am sure you all can guess, I have received countless requests and suggestions about rewriting the Love Scent FAQ, which was created in its present form back between the time I became toilet trained and the time I finally got the braces taken off my teeth. Recently however, someone suggested that I hold a contest (with prizes of course) to see who could come up with the best FAQ and then of course use that to replace my Civil War era FAQ. While it sounds like fun and well worth a hefty pile of prizes, considering the amount of work involved in doing a good job, it seems like a shame for all that work to be repeated many times. So, what I would like to do is simply open for bids on the job of creating a spiffy Love Scent FAQ.

    This would be a real (one shot) job for the winning bidder, and payment can be in cash, products or a combination of the two. I suppose anyone can bid on the job, but I have a strong feeling that the winner is likely to be someone who has been a regular on the forum for a while. HTML skills would be very helpful, BUT since the HTML duties here pale in comparison to the monumental amount of work involved in researching and actually writing the questions and answers, an HTML novice or illiterate could walk away with this very easily. Most importance will be placed on knowledge of what the heck the \"Frequently asked questions\" are around the forum, and a close second and third would be writing and organizational skills.

    Personally, my image of a good FAQ would start with an index (5-10 ???) of general TYPES of questions, that link to the page where those questions are located. Then perhaps all the questions answered on a particular page would be listed together at the top and when clicked on shoot you down to the spot on the page where the answer is actually located. That is what I would do, but I am sure there are much better ways of doing it.
    If you are interested in the gig:
    WRITE ME AN E-MAIL with:
    Your general ideas
    Some brief samples (layout, index headings etc)
    Your bid (how much you would like to be paid for the job; $, product, both?)
    A rough guess of how many questions would be included
    A rough guess of when you could have it finished
    Any other terms/concerns you have

    By the way, it is not absolutely necessary that you are able to write HTML at all! If you have been on the forum since dinosaurs roamed the Earth and know it like the back of your yin yang and have the time to do a bang up job on the text, I would probably go for that and do the HTML myself.

    Anyone and everyone:
    Feel free to express your desires and ideas for the FAQ here in this forum thread. That would be great actually, to use this space to toss around some ideas and see what folks want in the hypothetical super-FAQ. Also, if you think you might be interested in the job and have questions about the bidding or job itself, fire away here or in an e-mail.

    One important note:
    PLEASE DON\'T bid on the job here in this thread. In other words don\'t post: \"I want the job\" or \"I will do it for xyz\" or anything along those lines. I believe it is known as \"sealed bid\" or something like that. If you would like the gig, just put your \"bid\" together in an e-mail and send it over. Other than myself, nobody will even know you bid let alone the details.

    OK, enough for now, I think.

    All the Best,

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Love Scent FAQ (accepting bids)

    Only a few e-mails so far. Don\'t hold back. No HTML skills required.


  3. #3
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Love Scent FAQ (accepting bids)

    Hi Again,
    Just got a very persuasive suggestion by e-mail that we make the FAQ project a group effort on the forum. Sounds good to me. Any comments on the idea? If that seems like it would fly, I would probably do something like this:
    *Do the very mundane customer logistics FAQ myself.
    *Hire someone to receive and organize all the \"forum FAQ\" questions
    *Encourage and somehow reward forum members to send Qs and As they dig up in the forum archives over to this official organizer of the FAQ
    *Hire someone to resurrect the \"Phero Talk\" board so it could be searched
    *Edit the final product myself
    *Possibly post the headings for suggestions from forum members as we went along.

    What do you think?

  4. #4
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: New Love Scent FAQ (accepting bids)


    You might encounter some trouble in the editing process, especially if you intend to use a quote from a posting to the Forum. Always the possibility that the person you are quoting won\'t like seeing what they wrote--in an out-of-context report.

    I don\'t like to get too technical, but there could be copyright violations involved. On the other hand, I\'d sure like to use the blurbs on SoE that I\'ve seen in this Forum, as a marketing tool. So far, I\'ve collected 58 pages of positive comments on SoE! If these can\'t be used outside the Forum, it would be great to put the collection together in a FAQ file about SoE.

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: New Love Scent FAQ (accepting bids)

    Any good news regarding the New FAQ Bruce ?

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