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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default EPIC results: WAGG + Chikara

    I just came back from the clubs. Dressed very nice. People always know I've got my shit together and that I've got a structures planned life with an abundance of money. I'm extremely imposing being nearly 100% of the time the tallest guy in the club and often the heaviest. 4 sprays of Chikara (Behind left ear, behind right ear, left forearm, right forearm) combined with 4 drops of WAGG (Behind left ear, behind right ear, left forearm, right forearm) and 1 spray of Nautica Voyage. I felt amazingly good, had just injected a large 130mg of testosterone into my muscle (my natural pheromone production is off the charts), and I got a colon hydrotherapy a few hours ago. I feel extremely clean and healthy. I walked to the club just to oxygenate myself and feel even fresher.

    A male walks up to me, for 30 minutes we were talking. He was telling me he gets the feeling that I'm God. No joke, I've never been told that I was God. This guy was worshiping me. He said that he saw me, dropped his beer on the floor and was pulled towards me like a magnet. While we are talking, this epic female looking like the pornstar Yasmin Gold walks up to me and tickles my arm. Super women, 12 out of 10 in beauty, I wanted to drop a load in her like never before. The most ridiculous thing is that I day dreamed of her, hours before going to the club. She smiles while looking into my eyes. Then my "disciple" wants me to go fuck her.

    I walk over to some girls because I see one of my friend's sister and she is a cuttie that I'd love to fuck. Wow, all seven of the girls were hooked on me, all of them in some sort of trans with a "fuck me face".

    I decided to go dance on the dance floor, I start dancing in a shitty area and then suddenly a group of babes start dancing around me, you can tell they are all super excited by something (me).

    I leave to go to my friend's restaurant. Usually everyone keeps to themselves. This time, I talked to all the kitchen staff, cashier and customers. People I don't even know saying: "I'm so happy you are here tonight".

    Powerful mix.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
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    Wow, one drop of wagg and a small dab of chikara gel (alone or as a mix) work great for me and I get the same results.
    I seem to only need around a 1/4 of whatever everyone else uses when it comes to all 'mones, go figure..

  3. #3
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    That is why experimentation is so important. And what worked one time may not work the same way at another...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Dude.........

    ALL OF THAT Mr. Badass this, Mr. Badass that... and you didn't close with not ONE of them? They went to the club looking to hook up.

    The first one that smiled at you -- that should have been a close - minimum number close

    C'mon -- I mean by the sound of that == If she really was an Alpha chick -- they never just 'walk up' and just tickle your arm -- She wanted you to interact..

    By the sound of this article it sounded like you walked right past her...? Wtf..?

    Also your sister's friend(s) -- what was the status report on that situation.. You should minimum get a ton other dates from that situation alone.

    Then all the hot ones in the dancefloor...

    Seriously -- this was all good and stuff -- but bro -- you got to bring home the prize my brother..!! hehee You don't just go hunting and pet the deer and go back home starving... !! ;P

    Maybe I just need clarification on this - idk...

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    This really makes me think. You know, I find myself doing this same thing. When I'm on a roll, I feel really flattered with attention of good looking women, but then I can't get it together to ask them for a phone number. I tend to wait until I figure i'm with someone who I reckon is "in my league", then I get bored and don't give out much love. Weird. I could go on and on about this, but it makes me crazy. When I was young it was far worse. I had loads of stories of the "fish who jumped into the bucket and I shook them out".
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by thomaslavoie View Post
    I just came back from the clubs. Dressed very nice. People always know I've got my shit together and that I've got a structures planned life with an abundance of money. I'm extremely imposing being nearly 100% of the time the tallest guy in the club and often the heaviest. 4 sprays of Chikara (Behind left ear, behind right ear, left forearm, right forearm) combined with 4 drops of WAGG (Behind left ear, behind right ear, left forearm, right forearm) and 1 spray of Nautica Voyage. I felt amazingly good, had just injected a large 130mg of testosterone into my muscle (my natural pheromone production is off the charts), and I got a colon hydrotherapy a few hours ago. I feel extremely clean and healthy. I walked to the club just to oxygenate myself and feel even fresher.

    A male walks up to me, for 30 minutes we were talking. He was telling me he gets the feeling that I'm God. No joke, I've never been told that I was God. This guy was worshiping me. He said that he saw me, dropped his beer on the floor and was pulled towards me like a magnet. While we are talking, this epic female looking like the pornstar Yasmin Gold walks up to me and tickles my arm. Super women, 12 out of 10 in beauty, I wanted to drop a load in her like never before. The most ridiculous thing is that I day dreamed of her, hours before going to the club. She smiles while looking into my eyes. Then my "disciple" wants me to go fuck her.

    I walk over to some girls because I see one of my friend's sister and she is a cuttie that I'd love to fuck. Wow, all seven of the girls were hooked on me, all of them in some sort of trans with a "fuck me face".

    I decided to go dance on the dance floor, I start dancing in a shitty area and then suddenly a group of babes start dancing around me, you can tell they are all super excited by something (me).

    I leave to go to my friend's restaurant. Usually everyone keeps to themselves. This time, I talked to all the kitchen staff, cashier and customers. People I don't even know saying: "I'm so happy you are here tonight".

    Powerful mix.
    Waaaait wait wait wait...I question the validity of the statements made here. Lets filter out the wish-wash.

    Club. Nicely dressed. Women. Casual. Understandable. Alright cool.

    Now first off, you obviously have your "shit together...with an abundance of money." Lets first make certain that these women aren't gold diggers and simply sensing the fact that you have money. Ching. Furthermore 4 sprays of Chikara won't OD as the product isn't heavy on the -mones, but the smell would certainly come off you in waves. W.A.G.G. I have no information on. I am sure someone else will be able to spread some light on this one. Big + Bad + 130mg of t-rone + Alpha male + Incredibly egotistical and obvious conviction of self-awareness and esteem...

    You know what? I'll stop here.

    While I am not discounting the fact that you had hits, if this story is true, I am certainly questioning the validity of the statements you made in regards to the hits and/or the reason for said hits. You claim everything was you. Yet your natural pheromone production is, as you say, " the charts" which presents an interesting dilemma; how did you, a walking pheromone machine, manage to receive exceptional sexual attention with products that are meant to only give off vibes of the social variety? Apparently, where you are, you give off a godly presence and evidently every chick in the pond wants you. Is this true? I have no idea. However, the evidence points in some interesting directions.

    Bruce and other long-time users. I apologize for this post. I cannot, however, read such outstanding claims and not question the authenticity. Not only is the post vulgar, the educated rashness that is used screams attention rather than trust. Edit or remove this post if needed.

    Note: To protect the liability of love-scent and its staff/user-base please note that all above opinions are the opinions of Phylar (myself) with no outside contact or conversation before posting. In short, I, in no way represent the views and opinions of anybody or any company other than myself.
    The five senses are all well and true but how good are they really against true fondness and kind of heart?

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