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  1. #1
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Unhappy The (sadly) unpleasant "scent of a woman"


    I debated which forum to post this in, but I finally decided that it's general enough to put in Open Discussion, as although it's about an olfactory response, it's not really about pheromones (as far as I know).

    I know there are times we all wonder just what may have gone wrong when it comes to interacting with other people. For some reason or another someone just doesn't seem to like us or seems uncomfortable in our presence.

    So I thought I'd share something with everyone here that I've never shared before. It comes from a personal experience a good 20 plus years ago. Now I could tell a nice long story but I'm lazy, and I'm not a fan of tl;dr "wall of text" postings so I'll try to be brief and to the point.

    Note that I'm telling this from my (a man's) side of things, but I'm posting it out where our female forum readers can see it as well, as it could give them a clue as to why they too may have an unexplainable problem while trying to establish a relationship with someone.

    I had a friendship going with a young lady. She was nice, good looking in my eyes and all, and we got along. But for some reason after I had been talking or just hanging with her for a while I would get uncomfortable and I couldn't figure out exactly why. After visiting with her (alone) at her apartment a few times, it started to dawn on me.

    She stank. And for me it was a rather unpleasant, dare I say, reek. It also slowly dawned on me that she had the hots for me. Good old fashioned lustful desires. Now I know from reading these forums that guys especially like to dwell on the "panty soaker" reaction sometimes. Well, here's a downside that girls should be aware of too.

    When she got those "hots" for me, that meant she "got wet." And apparently her body chemistry was such that the odor from that wetness became apparent. It's possible she never noticed, as it was, in effect, her normal "scent." But to me, it was overwhelming and very unpleasant. I want to note here that I have been with other women in similar or even very intimate situations where they too were "wet," but it didn't bother me at all (or it was even stimulating, in a good way), so it's not a universal thing. It just seems that with certain people, for reasons I don't really know, one person's "scent" can either attract, or (in this case, strongly) repel, and we may not be consciously aware of it. I also don't know what could be done about it. Is it something changeable with diet? Is it related to an illness? Dunno.

    So here is some food for thought and maybe discussion. If you've ever been in a situation where things just didn't seem right, maybe you take a breath and see if there is a clue there. It may just be one of Nature's ways of keeping some people from producing offspring. Sadly in this case, for me, it was so uncomfortable I had to distance myself from the person and I was just a bit too embarrassed to say exactly why (we lived far enough apart and had different enough work schedules that I could use the "travel time" type of excuses).

    So there you are. One of my dark secret stories. Maybe it will help shed some light on someone else's experiences. Got your own dark secret story? Try starting a thread about it.
    Last edited by Rbt; 07-31-2012 at 12:45 PM. Reason: Formatting gliches
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  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I read someplace that attraction is complimentory scents. That you have to be genetically different enough to provide good diversity in the gene pool for you to be chemically attracted. In this case perhaps just the opposite was true, that you were similar enough that it was revulsion instead of attraction?

    Of course I could be way out in left field too.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
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    I fell in love with a hot girl, but I could never stand her wet pussy, the scent was just terribly gross. She said that I was so ridiculously skilled with my fingers that I'd get her extremely wet, and everytime she was wet, I was puking. The smell was unbearable for me. The reasons for this can be the following:

    1-She has had sex in the same day with another male that has left his ejaculate in her, mainly, a black guy shot his load in her before I fucked her leaving the black man wet goat scent that white people complain about. No racist offense intended.
    2-We are too genetically close.
    3-Bad bacteria, she needs to eat more probiotics.
    4-Poor air circulation.

  4. #4
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Well thomaslavoie, I had pretty much the same reaction. Hate to say. "Terribly gross" sums it up pretty well.

    I can eliminate #1 as a cause as she was virgin (I trusted she was telling the truth about that). The rest? Dunno.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Nothing really to add to Thomas' post. Often it's a minor health issue, or I suspect bio-incompatibilty, as Belgareth first suggested. Woman's nether regions are wonderful and not gross, but darn it, under certain circumstances it can be repulsive. The one time I experienced that, the woman said she never used soap down there, which wouldn' t have been so bad if it wasn't so yeasty or whatever -- strong and bitter. I lied to her and told her I don't do oral. Bacterial imbalance would be a quite common cause. I think a healthy woman who is biocompatible could never use soap there and smell great (if she had an alternative natural method of keeping clean such as frequent hot water baths and some kind of special wash certain times of the month.) I really think the idea that this area of the body is gross is destructive, incorrect, and bigoted. I don't like this Japanese idea that everything has to be sterile like an ambulance. But darn it, it's not automatically sweet like honey. You have to be aware of your body in any case.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Just to clarify, I want to reiterate that this was a single case for me. I don't recall ever having as strong a negative reaction with any other woman, before or since, whether our relationship was platonic or intimate. It *may* be possible I had unconscious reactions on a smaller scale (I was never aware of it) with other women, but this one was undeniably major.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

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