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  1. #31
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

    Ok, here’s the story of my test with four drops.

    Yesterday was nuts at work and as I was walking in the door to my apartment, my little sister called me from Chicago to tell me about this new job she just hooked up with. I’m in a huge hurry because I’m supposed to be over at my girl’s house about half an hour ago already. So I’m running upstairs, cleaning up a little, washing my face, talking to her, trying to respond intelligently and putting on some fresh clothes. I open up my bottle of A1 and give a little sniff and place in on my dresser. Go back in the bathroom, take a piss, brush my teeth talk to the sis, back to the bedroom, grab the bottle by the top of the dropper…..

    WHAM….I forgot that the A1 was already open and the bottle topples to the floor where it begins to spill out. I drop like a rock and right the bottle but not before about half spilled. Oh well, no crying over spilled steriodial compounds, so I wrap it up with my sis and begin to try and ‘pick-up’ some of the spilled A1 with the dropper…that doesn’t work well to say the least….so, I basically take two fingers and dab them in the spilled solution, and apply to ‘finger paints’ behind my ears and two on my neck (one on either side). Mop up the rest of the A1 with a crappy towel and out the door I go. Yes, I am over this little micro-crisis…I was pissed at the time, but Ce’ La Vie.

    Now, my girl is on day two of her period, and she has already called me twice while I was talking to my sis…”where are you!!” Stuff like that…I know that this is now going to be a real test because her mood is pretty crappy.

    I role into her place around 7pm or so and she just give me this glaring look…won’t even speak to me…I put some stuff down in the kitchen, and swing around to the front room to sit next to her on the couch and give her a little peck on the cheek. Initially she’s a little cold, but within like a MINUTE she’s kissing my neck, smiling, holding my hand and looking at me with love in her eyes!

    I sh*t you not!!! It was like someone turned on a friggin’ switch or something. She’s then in a really great mood the rest of the night! Chatty, very UP!, and in some ways exhibiting behavior that I would normally associate with her being a little drunk. We hangout and watch a flick, talk and basically cuddle until we both fall asleep around 11 or so. So nothing sexual obviously, but from a mood enhancement perspective…UN-FVCKIN-REAL!

    So, I have no idea at all if I used four drops or not, I would think it was right around there, but easily could have been 5-6 using the ‘finger-dab’ method. The point being here, that I’ve had three consecutive positive experiences in my situation with the A1. I’m totally happy with the results thus far, and I can’t wait to see what other results I can come up with.

    So far I certainly have to say that the A1 has had very, very strong positive mood enhancement properties in regard to my specific situation. My girl has had three abrupt turns in three days…baby sign me up for the A1 fan club!

    Much like a.k.a., I also didn’t notice any depressant effects whatsoever, in direct contrast, I also felt a little ‘buzzed’… not like the kind of nasty phero buzz I’ve had when I OD’d on NPA, but just a nice little mild feeling of euphoria and a little confidence. Didn’t seem to turn over into anything else as the night progressed either, I kept my happy little state until I fell asleep at night.

    Ok, that’s my story and I’m sticking with it, now I want to hear how everyone else is doing.

    Oh yeah!

    Bruce – Any chance that A1 may go totally commercial and be retailed via the front-end of the site, perhaps for a reduced cost??? (yeah..guess why I’m inquiring about that one!)


    nullIt was the best of times, it was the worst of times....

  2. #32
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Hi, I haven\'t posted before, but have been lurking so long I feel like I \"know\" everyone. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
    First some background. I have this friend that I have lived next door to for the past 10 years-we have been friends for that time. A couple of years ago, I realized that I really \"liked\" her--and this was totally because of her personality as she was over 200 lbs at the time. Her birthday is the day after mine, and we have a lot of other things in common. Of course, I couldn\'t do anything about it as she was married up until last June. (And we live in a small village-Justine also being from San Diego probable has heard of the Campo/Lake Morena area--1500 people)The year before her divorce, she went from the 200 lbs + at 5\'6\" to 36C-23-35, and she turns the heads of 35 year olds (she\'ll be 60 on her next B/D) So that gives you some idea of the ages involved. I got involved in this pheromone thing because a couple of months after she and her husband split up I told her how I felt and she said she wasn\'t attracted in \"that way\" because \"it must be a pheromone thing\".
    Dang,, this is getting too long!!
    Enough background.
    To test her theory, I did some research and got some P-10. I have been wearing it for the past month and have noticed some increase in the \"touchy feely\" aspect of our relationship. When A-1 came out I ordered some to see what would happen.
    So after the long winded build up, here\'s what happened last night.
    Yesterday morning, after showering, I spritzed on a couple of sprays of \"Michael Jordan\", and went to work. Last evening when I got home I put on 3 drops of P-10 (1 behing each ear and 1 below adams apple) and 4 drops of A-1 (1 front right neck, 1 back right neck 1 each on left). Then we got together with another (female) friend and went out to play darts at the local pub. We are known in the pub, so I have a \"baseline\" for reactions. My friend was all touchy feely, danced several times with me (no dance band-Karoke (sp?)) night, and stayed close must of the night. A couple of other of the ladies in there were the same-more attentive than usual, dancing etc. One woman told me how much she loved me (she has a b/f). Another woman who swings \"the other way\" danced with me closely and told me how great I smelled and was reluctant to let go of me. (remember, 2 sprays 10-12 hours earlier of \"MJ\" no refresh)
    We had been in there before when I was only doing the P-10 thing, but this time the reactions were very noticable. When we got back home (her house), my friend seemed reluctant for me to leave. All in all, seems like good results.
    Sorry for the long post, but I felt that some back ground (the 10 year history etc.)was necessary to gauge the reactions.

  3. #33

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Travis, I\'m still collecting data on andro-1. So far, I haven\'t been able to test it out in a truly social environment, though I\'ve been around women in work and recreational project type activities. All interactions with women have been consistently positive, though none of these women are normally grumpy. No sexual hits, but I\'m starting to buy into the mood enhancement theory. Given the feedback and science behind andro-1, I\'m willing to give it some time to work. If it\'s mood enhancement, I think the positive effects will build up over weeks as women associate the good feelings with me. =).

    I\'m debating the dosage used though. The first three days, I tried two sprays of 10:1 cologne to andro-1 mix. This should give about a 0.02 mg dose. Today, I also added a drop of andro-1 rubbed between my forearms. Total dosage is now about 0.04-0.05 mg. However, this is still a small dose compared to the 4-9 drops other people have been using this week. So, no one has gotten an OD reaction to andro-1 yet? Maybe, someone should deliberately crank up the dosage just to figure out the upper limit. It\'d be good to know, along with the minumum dosage. If the minimum is low, and the maximum high, good results should be easy to get. =).

    By the way, how long would a smeared drop of concentrate last on skin? I heard that concentrates applied to skin (like NPA and PI) last a lot longer than diluted mixes, probably because it\'s spread over a smaller area.

  4. #34
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Anyone find the upper limits of oding yet? I\'ve been deliberating trying to OD and it only seems to work better. I don\'t have much time to fill everyone in, but Andro1 seems to be working very well. I\'m throwing a large party and three girls I definitely want to hook up with are coming, so cross your fingers :-)

    Quick Andro1 results:
    1. I tried to OD yesterday afternoon. I put maybe 8 drops in my hand and rubbed in my neck and chest. I went to the coffee shop where I sat down by an acquaintance of mine (we share a common friend, that\'s about it). We\'ve rarely if ever talked, although we are around each other a lot. She is a lesbian, so I didn\'t expect much of a reaction. Anyway, she just wouldn\'t shut up talking to me, about everything from chicken salad to smoking weed. Now this is a pretty angsty lesbian girl, she is sorta cute, but definitely isn\'t down with the cock, and she was running her fingers through her hair and flirting with me hardcore. I was shocked. Our mutual friend (my close friend who we always talk about humping but never get down to it) couldn\'t believe how much this girl was flirting with me. My friend and this girl are really close, and she said she\'s never her like that before. Sweet.

    2. I was hanging out with two girl friends of mine last night just driving around doing nothing. Out of nowhere one of them said, \"Good gawd, (insert my name here), you look really fucking sexy driving this car. I do need to have sex in this car someday (I drive a brand new 2001 Mustang Convertible, that helps the pheromones). Then the other girl chimed in and talked about how good I look today and how great my outfit is. She said I have the \"Russell Crowe\" look going. Sweet. I hang out with these girls all the time, and they do compliment me from time to time, maybe once a month at most, and this with using the Edge around them and NPA a ton.

    3. An old summer romance girl came back for my friends graduation today. We rode up to the show together, I threw on maybe 9 or 10 drops (I tend to be the king of overdosing I don\'t smell well, so I always put too much cologne and junk on). Anyway, she spent most of the car ride flirting with me and I caught at least three DIHL looks from her. I mean she was just staring at me smiling while I was driving. It sorta freaked me out. I don\'t think she stopped smiling during the whole 1 hr car ride.

    I need to put together some more money to put some more Andro1, by far I have seen the best results with this product. NPA seems to not work well at all for me, while The Edge for some reason used to work a good amount.


  5. #35

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Good stories, James Dean. You\'re giving me the confidence to up the dosage. Remember, I can\'t smell this stuff myself, so I try to be careful.

    I wonder if the lack of OD reactions from andro-1 is at least partially attributed to people using drops of the pure concentrate. 9 drops of concentrate could 0.25 mg of andro-1, but it\'s spread over a small area and may not disperse as fast. If you dilute the mix 8:1 in alcohol and then sprayed on 0.30 mg, you might get an OD. I don\'t know... Has anyone gotten an OD reaction from putting on 9 drops of the -none concentrate from the chem kit?

    By the way, this is the first time I\'m using drops. It seems quite convenient and is probably most consistent. If effective, I\'ll probably use it more. Does applying drops to clothing work well?

  6. #36

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    By the way, James, did you get results with andro-1 before you tried to OD? Even though putting on 9 drops would be good for special occasions if it works, this could be a financial drain for daily use. I think each drops costs about 25 cents. =)

  7. #37

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Just received my Andro1 today. Here\'s what I\'ve just mixed in a 2 oz plastic bottle:

    - 1 oz APC
    - 4ml Andro1
    - 5ml NPA
    - 7.5ml AE
    - 0.25oz SP Musk
    - 0.05oz SP Cirtus

    I think it\'s gonna be a very powerful combo...and smells really good too!! I\'ll be testing it in a couple of hours with a hot date.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    A topic we haven\'t discussed yet...

    As andro-1 is also a precursor to -none, like -nol, some of it may convert in skin applications? Seems like 9 drops of andro-1 concentrate is not an OD, but if it converts to -none it might be.

  9. #39
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    Good point! But how much converts? And how long does it take? And how much of the original application remains on the skin throughout the period of time that it takes to convert? Would one-tenth be a decent ballpark estimate?

    I\'ve been using A1 exclusively for a full week now. The stuff\'s got something. I\'m nowhere near ready to draw any real conclusions yet. It does act as a mood enhancer for women, of this I have little doubt. Both strange and familiar women have reacted quite positively to it. One woman with whom I exchange social type hello hugs, did a double take and put her face back close to me, paused briefly, and said, \"OK, you smell like you.\", as if relieved.
    I guess she noticed a difference, maybe a lack of something. Maybe one of the \"secret ingredients\" in NPA which is usually a regular component of my phero print. Maybe just A-None! But there was enough of something there to make a phero connection.

    I notice it too. Something is missing. Even though the mix ratios I\'ve used for A1 have very nearly matched my NPA mix in terms of fragrance enhancement.
    I see this stuff somewhat like an A-Nol product in terms of its effect on women. More effective perhaps, but still I\'m going to have to add some A-None to the mix. I miss it!

    It\'s a great idea to try to take advantage of conversion though. IF you\'ve got the time.
    I get @45 drops of A1 to a milliliter when using my drugstore type eye-droppers. If I were to use 9 drops, that would amount to 1/5 of a milliliter, or .20mg of A1.
    So, if after dinner and a movie, one-tenth of that had converted, I\'d be sporting a regulation .02mg of A-None! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    God does work in mysterious ways!

    Tonight a layering of 2 sprays of Acqua di Gio and NPA at 5:1 on skin, and a spritz or two of AdG/A1 at 3:1 on shirt. (The two mixes smell very much alike.)
    I\'m anxious to see what my own reaction to getting the A-None back will be.
    And then a road test. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #40

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Oscar, so you said that you\'re using a mix that has the same amount of fragrance enhancement as your regular NPA. However, your A1 mix is more than three times as concentrated at 3:1 of a 1 mg/ml mix. So, I assume you\'re putting on closer to 0.06 mg this week (?).

  11. #41
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I used a tiny dab of amber e-oil blend with the drop of Andro. But you’re right. It\'s not THAT stinky and I might have been able to get away without added scent.

    Interesting conclusion about the stuff being like A-NOL. I was wondering if it didn’t act like a milder form of -none. But, since you mention it, I have noticed a -nol-like sort of intoxicating effect. On the other hand, I’ve noticed many -none-like hits (at .25mg/ml).

    Maybe my next test will be Andro + RONE.

    I’ve been fighting a flu virus and haven’t had the energy to do much more than test pheros. I probably went overboard (testing two formulas a day — with a long hot shower and luffa scrub in-between tests) and now I’m confused.

    Yesterday I wore a mixture of 8 parts -nol, 1 part -rone, 1part Andro (at .5mg pheros/ml) to work. The results were good, but indistinguishable from SOE.

    Today I wore the same formula to have lunch with a lady I was trying to get to know. Unfortunately I learned enough to not want to see her anymore, but I guess that’s another story.

    Wilde’s post reminds me that she seemed a little confused/silent when she first got into the car. (Did she sense an unfamiliar phero signature?) But after a short while she became very talkative. During the course of lunch her body language showed considerable attraction (She kept scooting closer and eventually her legs were touching mine.), and several times she commented how rare it was to find someone she could open up to as easily as me. (Unfortunately this worked against her, because she revealed that she was a stuck-up, anti-social, xenophobic ... well, nevermind. We all have our faults.)

    Anyway. Once again the results seemed indistinguishable from SOE.

    Another formula that I tried yesterday was 4parts Andro, 3parts -nol, 2parts -rone, and 18 parts APC. The second I applied it to my skin I was convinced it would rock. “You are a god among men.” I told myself.

    This stuff was a bit of a freaky experience. I stood at the door of a Japanese fast food joint, looking at a pretty girl waiting in line, and told myself. “She’s going to turn and check me out as soon as I open this door.”

    Sure enough, she did.

    I told myself that the cashier would give me a big smile, and she did. Later, at the supermarket, it seemed I could mentally pick out the women that would make eye contact. I noticed a very cute girl and told myself that if I smiled at her she’d say “hi”. And she did.

    I didn’t feel well enough to flirt with anybody. But someday I’m going to give that formula another test.

    Another formula I tried today was 8 -nol, 1 -rone, 1 -none, and 5 Andro (at 75% mg. pheros/ ml). This time I think I OD’d. I went to a coffeeshop and got some hits from older women but nervous vibes from others. I ran into a girl that I’ve had several friendly conversations with and even she seemed a bit nervous. In addition, I now feel some sort of intoxication/diminished mental capacity.

    All in all, I think I overdid it, and didn’t learn much in the process. Is this stuff really OD proof? (I got much fewer hits at 1mg/ml than at .25 mg/ml. On the other hand I didn’t get any sort of anxiety signals until testing the above mentioned formula.) Is it a sort of -none substitute? A -nol substitute? Does it add something qualitatively different to the mix?

    I believe the guys that say it’s a mood elevator for women. But I’ve noticed the same thing with -none and -nol.

    I’ve also noticed several women (and myself) loosing their train of thought (kind of like NPA/TE).

    In conclusion: It’s obvious that women like this stuff, but I haven’t figured out what to do with it.

  12. #42

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wow, a.k.a. you tried a lot of mixes. I don\'t see how you can assess a mix in half a day! I\'m still having problems after almost a week.

    Overall, my observations aren\'t inconsistent with others. I certainly don\'t seem to get anymore attention just standing there, but after I start talking to a girl, the quality of interaction seems better. Need more testing though...

  13. #43
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    OK so tonight I did -nol, a1, -none and 10X, with my special cologne.

    It seemed to work really well for the first half of the evening. All females loved me, though the ones I wanted were with their boyfriends. Some girls spontaneously invited me to another party and complemented me.

    But then I went out dancing, and before going to the second party, I went home again and applied more of the -nol, a1 and -none. I suspect the extra -none is what did it, but girls were not quite so into me, except for one girl whom I wasn\'t attracted to, who followed me around and looked sad when she figured out that I wasn\'t going to go for her (poor thing!).

    [ March 31, 2002: Message edited by: xvs ]

  14. #44

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Hmm... My experiences with women weren\'t as positive today. I put on a drop of andro-1 on an exposed area (my neck) for the first time. The last two days, I had put a drop underneath my shirt. I also put two sprays of 10:1 CK1 to andro-1 on my shirt. I did not add any cologne over the drop on my neck thinking that the cologne on my shirt would cover it.

    I\'m not sure if I OD\'d, but female interactions didn\'t seem as positive. One girl said that she smelled pot in the room. I\'m not sure if it was me, but it might have made me self-conscious the rest of the day. Perhaps, the self-consciousness may have been the real problem in my interactions.

    2 sprays of a diluted mix and one drop on the neck is still a lot less than the 9 drops other people are using. It\'s hard to imagine that I OD\'d when others didn\'t. Hmm... I guess I had two drops on skin from the previous two days. Maybe, they didn\'t wash off completely, and I was up closer to 5 drops including about one drop on the shirt.

  15. #45
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    thats quite intresting, and hey, its better smelling like you smoked pot last night than smelling of cats piss [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  16. #46

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Has anyone smoked pot before? Can the scent of andro-1 be mistaken for pot? It could have been just an unrelated comment that made me self-conscious. Anyway, I\'m inclined to leave out the drop application till I gain back some confidence. =P.

  17. #47
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I\'ve never smoked it, but I\'ve smelled it & I can\'t imagine that anyone could possibly mistake andro1 for pot.

    It was probably just you being self conscious that was the problem. I\'ve worn 6, then 8 drops the last two days. Spread well around so that I\'m sure it was getting in the air just as much as if I\'d sprayed it.

    Anyway, I didn\'t OD with 8 drops (I didn\'t really like how much of an effect it had on me though). I\'m half asleep now, so I won\'t try to write about my experiences yet.

  18. #48

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Could she have been confused? Maybe she was smelling something strange and combined with the mood altering effects of andro-1, she thought of the first thing that came to her mind: Pot. Maybe she was a little high from the andro-1 and mentioned pot because of it. Just a though....


  19. #49
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    There are a wonderful variety of pots with a wide range of bouquets. Some are musky, some \"minty\" and so on. I think I could believe a mental correspondence between pheromones and pot smell. Still, it\'s a mental leap.

    Now, I\'ve NEVER smoked pot (not even in the \'60\'s) but my sister-in-law was once on the cover of High Times.

  20. #50
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Diffusion of a vapor within a non-humogenous vapor is much more complicated mathmatically than inverse square laws or such. Think partial differential equations and vector analysis.

  21. #51

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    So, Tantalus, how much cologne do you put on to cover 6-8 drops of andro-1? How do you make sure the cologne lasts during the day?

    Well, I think the mood elevation paper had mentioned that the affect of andro-1 was similar to amphetamine (or something else like that). Obviously, the girl who made the comment had smoked pot before, so maybe the mood elevation \"high\" was associated with pot. =).

  22. #52

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Note, guys, that the vomeronasal gland, located about 1/2 inch up the inside of the nose on both sides of the septum, is thought to be in the process of disappearing, like the little toe. On some folks it can be seen and on others it seems to be missing altogether. For a pheromone to work the gland duct(s) must be open. So effectiveness may be more a function of the chemistry of the carrier (cologne, aerosol spray, etc.) than the square or cube of the concentration of pheromone.

    I suspect that if the ducts are functioning only a tiny concentration of pheromone is needed. If not, then you might as well go with a cheap masculine scent like Mennin Skin Bracer so you smell like you just got out of the shower. That turns a lot of women on, too.

    Has anyone tried wearing the female pheromone Copulin while alone to see if it stimulates the production of more testosterone? (Well, why wouldn\'t it work?)

  23. #53

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Dr. Al: what\'s your area of study?

  24. #54

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Sorry, I inadvertantly repeated my previous post. I\'m not used to this site yet.

    Before I retired and defected from The People\'s Republic of California I specialized in aerospace physiology, concentrating on prevention of GLOC in high performance fighters.

    what\'syour field technologist?

    [ April 02, 2002: Message edited by: Dr. Al ]

  25. #55
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    I didn\'t see much success at the party. Unfortunately there were a disproportionate amount of men to women and most of the women already had boyfriends. Guys were hitting on two of the girls I was interested in all night long because of the lack of females, and it really wasn\'t the best of times for them. I made good eye-contact and flirted with both throughout the night, but nothing \"happened\" (and I was hoping for *something* to happen). I did catch two DIHL looks from the one girl and she smiled at me all the time even when the other guys kept hitting on her. Maybe I was expecting too much too soon. These girls are both very shy, and both are coming off rather nasty break-ups.

    As far Andro-1 and Pot, I don\'t really notice any similarities in smell. Although Andro-1 has worked best for me with women who smoke a lot of pot. Take that for what it\'s worth. I\'ve gone through 1/3 of the bottle in a week, I think I really need to slow down and not waste it at this point.


  26. #56
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Dr. Al,

    Welcome to the board!
    I\'ve tried both PI/w and PCC (both contain Copulins) as libido enhancers. While the PI/w applied to moustache just seemed to improve my mood, the PCC really seemed to get my testosterone going. The first time I checked out PCC\'s scent I put some on the back of one hand and was huffing it like mad. Had to hold myself back from licking it off! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    By the way, you can get rid of those extraneous posts by clicking on the paper and pencil (edit) icon on the top bar of
    each post you want to lose and choose \"delete post\". [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  27. #57
    Phero Enthusiast PHP 87's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Al:
    Sorry, I inadvertantly repeated my previous post. I\'m not used to this site yet.

    Before I retired and defected from The People\'s Republic of California I specialized in aerospace physiology, concentrating on prevention of GLOC in high performance fighters.

    what\'syour field scientist?

    Hey Dr. Al, I think you and I will get along just fine. (See below)

  28. #58

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    James, 1/3 of the bottle in a week! You must be using 20 drops a day. =).

    By the way, did you use other pheros besides andro-1 at the party? We still don\'t know how to mix this stuff.

  29. #59
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Shit thats like way much even for a native kalifonian resident.

  30. #60
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I was using anywhere from 6-10 drops per application. I haven\'t mixed it with any other pheros and have been covering it with Issey Miyake. I notice a smell for about fifteen minutes or so, then it wears off (or I become used to it and don\'t notice it, I\'m not sure).

    I\'ll probably go back to NPA or TE for a while until I have more opportunities with larger groups of women (who don\'t know me).

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