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  1. #61

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    James, you must be applying the dosage more than once a day, right? Oscar said that he got about 40-45 drops per ml. A third of the bottle would be more than 120 drops in a week!

  2. #62

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Dr Al: I saw all that technical sounding human body \'speak\', and thought, cool, another health guru. At least knowing what you do, you will feel somewhat at home.

    Sounds pretty interesting, what you did. Wild guess: JPL?

    lol, would delightfully intimate caps help prevent GLOC??

    Unfortunately, I never got to ride the centrifuge over at GSFC. j/k [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img] But I did get to touch it and walk under it while it was out of operation.

    I\'m just a jack of all trades computer guru, with an emphasis on networking, the internet, and troubleshooting. So, I\'d be considered an Info. Technologist.

    /end off-topic: I finally got my Andro1, and can\'t wait to test it out this weekend. I must definitely be one who cannot smell NONE, because like with NPA, all I smell is a hint of the carrier alcohol. Neither of the two smell like piss at all, to me.

    Friday will likely be a test at the bowling lanes. I\'ll be applying Andro1 in places where it\'ll radiate as I become more active. I\'ll note how it affects the others around me.

    Sunday is gathering of car enthusiasts. All of them are familiar, including one of my few EX\'s. I\'ll see if instead of being treated like shit, I\'m treated like flies on it.

    Damn, had I less of a brain, I could\'ve joined the crowds of morons rioting over in College Park, MD and gotten infinite hits [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  3. #63
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Truth, actually I\'ve not worn any cologne with andro1.

    I usually apply pheros right before a 20-30 drive. I live in the middle of nowhere. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img] After that long a drive with the window cracked, the smell is hardly detectable. Being in a car right after applying none or andro1 because of the lack of air circulation.

    I\'ve actually had good results from wearing this much with no cover scent. Interestingly, the day I wore 6 drops, I \'refreshed\' with about 3 drops & soon afterward got in the car with my girlfriend. The andro1 was enough to really bother me, but she didn\'t notice at all.

    Since getting my andro1, my girlfriend\'s been MUCH more sexually aggressive. It\'s hard to say if it\'s the andro1 or if she\'s just getting more comfortable with me since we\'ve only been together for about 5 weeks.

    I\'ll get a better idea after more time has passed I can experiment with... there are just too many variables. [img]images/icons/frown.gif[/img]

  4. #64

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    By reading these posts about andro-1 and its effect as a mood elevator I come to the conclusion that a-1 can work great in combination with the other 3 phero´s we use (especially a-none).

    I´m dying to try such a four phero combination out myself, but unfortunately I have to wait a couple of weeks before I´m able to place an order.

    To everyone: please post about your experiences with a-1. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  5. #65

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Tantalus, 6-8 drops with no cover scent! So, you would never try this with -none, would you? =)

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wilde Oscar

    You mentioned mood elevation which is good. How are Pi/w, PCC for attracting women and for relaxing people?

    If they elevate your testosterone and improve work outs ( GREAT ) then how would they relax others?

    The Androstenone products seem to increase my attracting very intense ( sometimes crazy ) women and unwanted aggression from males.

    The Androstenol products I have seem weak
    ( PF )or are too scented ( LURE )

  7. #67
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    Aside from the fact that they both contain Copulins, PI/w and PCC are two very different products.
    PI/w seems great for mood elevation, both for the wearer and those around him/her. Its .11% Androstenol content is higher than the concentration of the A-Nol in the Chemistry Sets, but its scent is so neutral that I can barely detect it on a conscious olfactory level even when I\'ve put two or three drops below my nose.
    To me, the effect of the (undisclosed levels of) Copulin content in PI/w seems to be unnoticeable either olfactorily or behaviorally.

    PCC on the other hand has ONLY Copulins as its active ingredient. Its .025% Copulin content gets me thinking SEX! And its cucumber-melon scent makes me want to EAT \"something\". I\'m fairly sure that the stuff does boost Testosterone levels as reported.

    PI/w\'s A-Nol content seems to attract and possibly relax others of both sexes, while its Copulin effect appears to me to be negligible.

    I think PCC is likely only to attract males or lesbians. It sure doesn\'t relax me, but I\'m not certain of its effects on women.

    I\'ve taken both sides of the debate on the effects of Copulins on women, both as wearers and passive recipients of the Copulin scent. One one hand a woman may feel more at ease sensing that she\'s in the company of other women. On the other hand she may become anxious perceiving the presence of a competing fertile female. And these effects may vary depending on the stage of her menstrual cycle.

    I don\'t think that either PF or Lure are particularly weak. You just can\'t send out a high powered A-Nol signal with them without loading up on the fragrances. (Especially with Lure!) Still they both exert an effect, just not as potent a one as we get from the other, more \"high-test\" products. We\'re actually quite spoiled in that regard! [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Apologies for straying so far off topic. Hope to have some good A1 conclusions ready to post soon.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  8. #68
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Truth, I\'d never wear that much -none to start with. More than two sprays of TE gives me a nasty headache. But I suppose if I did wear that much I\'d have to use cologne with it. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    I do wear up to about 1 & 1/2 sprays of TE without any cover fragrance & have never had any adverse reactions. Yes, I can smell the -none, I\'m just not into wearing much fragrance. JVK called me a \'supersmeller.\' [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] If I put on enough cologne for people around me to smell, it seems way too strong for me.

  9. #69

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wilde Oscar: Have you ever heard of female friends who are really close to one another having their period syncronize to where they both have their period at the same time of the month? Could this happen because they sense copulins coming from each other during their fertile period and as an instinct, their body subconscioulsy syncronizes so that it will be able to compete for males? Your last post kinda got me thinking about that. If those two phenomenon are linked, then I think it might mean there aren\'t any adverse effects to wearing copulins around other women. Just a though though...lemme know what you think.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Thanks, guys, for putting up with my incompetence on this site and helping me work it.

    I am soaking up your much appreciated comments before deciding which product(s) to buy. I\'m not sure I want to waste any on the old crones in this small Texas town, but there\'s always the nearby colleges. By the way, I\'ve been taking 50mg/day of DHEA for eight years and it has really retarded aging with no side effects. I\'m 71 and still enjoy riding my motorcycle almost every day.

    I have known about pheromones for 30 years and am looking forward to applying some of the practcal knowledge you younger studs are writing about. At my age I need all the help I can get [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  11. #71

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Hey, PHP 87, it\'s good to find a kindred spirit. I haven\'t regretted escaping from the P.R. of Calif. and moving back to central Texas one moment

    And Wilde Oscar, thanks a heap for the tips on deleting/editing. Much appreciated.

    Technologist, sounds like you\'ve been there and done that. I once rode the centrifuge at the School of Aerospace Medicine in San \'Tone. Even did \"The Funky Chicken\" on re-awakening from GLOC at 9+ G\'s. Had a headache for two hours afterward.

    I look forward to trying a few unconventional things with pheromones.

    Later, all.

  12. #72
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Oscar Wilde,

    Thanks. Pi/w sounds very good. More like what I\'m looking for than Andro-1.

    Now back to the regularly scheduled Andro-1 broadcast LOL

  13. #73
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    After a week of using an A1 mix exclusively, this past weekend I went back to using Acqua di Gio/NPA 5:1 on chest/abdomen, and applied AdG/A1 3:1 on my shirt. (My previous outer layer was AdG/4L,1R @7:1)

    Earlier I\'d posted that a woman with whom I\'ll regularly exchange \"Hello\"-type hugs did a double clutch, and commented after getting a good noseful, \"OK,... You smell like you.\" That was with A1 only.

    This past weekend a woman with whom I\'d never before exchanged hugs did nearly the same thing, just more so.
    She clutched, then backed off only about six inches, got a funny look on her face for about a second, then clutched again. She backed off again about the same six inches, and for a second or two had a look on her face, while staring straight into my chest, as though she had just been hit with some long lost, distant, but pleasant memory.

    Upon coming around to reality, she looked me in the eyes and smiled somewhat sheepishly as she backed off, with an expression on her face that said to me, \'Oh!,..You\'re not my boyfriend, ..Are you?\'.
    She was slightly embarassed, but she still didn\'t seem to be totally recovered as she wandered off to find her boyfriend who WAS there somewhere. That was using AdG/NPA on skin, and AdG/A1 on clothes in the proportions I mentioned earlier.
    I enjoyed several other decisive hits that night, but this one was decidedly the most noteworthy.

    To term this a DIHL might be understatement. More a dazed deer on the hood of the car wondering if she can get up and walk away after being up-ended by a 50 mph collision with a \'62 Cadillac. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    I just don\'t know whether to attribute this to the A1, the NPA, or the combination of the two. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  14. #74
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Well that ups it with the best of them although i havent had to much freaky stuff latley just run of the mill responses.
    Waiting for another test soon.

  15. #75

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Oscar, so are you applying high doses of andro-1 like others have been (like 6-10 drops)? You\'re one of the few who mixed the a-1 with cologne so can\'t go crazy with the dosage. However, you did mix at a pretty high ratio -- 3:1. I guess one spray of your solution is already over 0.02 mg of andro-1.

  16. #76

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I talked to my friend who I gave a 6ml vial of .25 mg/ml A1 solution and he has noticed some results. He told me that since he has been wearing that stuff around his girlfriend they haven\'t argued one single time. As a witness, they usually get in an argument about twice a week. Sounds like mood elevation to me. The results he gave me were only what he noticed and I made sure and told him that I didn\'t know what the stuff was gonna do, even though everyone on this forum has pretty much agreed it enhnaces mood. His story sounds like mood enhancement to me. I had instructed him to apply 1 dab behind each ear (2 dabs total). I told him today to start using 4 dabs and then report back to me in about a week or so. I\'ll keep everyone posted.

  17. #77

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wow, JOB00, you did a blinded test on your friend?! =). You said that you didn\'t tell him what the potion was suppose to do (?). However, did you tell him the nature of the chemical?

    Hmm, the next step is to give a placebo to some of your friends!

  18. #78
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    I used 2 sprays that equal @ 3 drops of mix per spray.
    At 3:1 cologne to A1, that means that 25% of the mix is A1.
    So .25 x 6 drops is 1.5 drops of A1 delivered.
    Same eyedroppers gave me 45 drops per milliliter.
    So at 1mg/mL, one drop contains .022222_mg.
    The two sprays of mix then delivered a total of @.033mg of A1.

    I neglected to mention that I added a drop of A1 to some hair gel, which would have brought the A1 total dose to @ .055mg. But even at this level the scent was unobtrusive.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  19. #79
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    This is the second serious \"taming of the shrew\" story, and it sounds like it goes beyond simple \"mood enhancement\" as important as that may be in and of itself. Any of you married guys try this stuff out on your wives? I have to try it myself after all this. My wife can be hell on wheels around pms time.

  20. #80

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    OK... since I haven\'t had a date since Andro appeared nor have I been out much I wasn\'t in a position to report any hits...but you\'ll like this one.

    Go to bank. End up waiting -- only one teller, and he\'s with a customer. After a couple minutes, a new teller, by far the most attractive woman there, runs over and opens up her little cubby to help me.

    She works through the entire transaction (four checks w/ cash back.) Seems efficient but maybe a little hurried or nervous. Finishes up, hands me my receipt.

    Asks \"do you need anything else.\" I look at her and say \"my money.\" She goes DIHL for about 10 seconds. Looks at the receipt and my deposit slip, get flustered and smiles sheepishly, and voids everything and starts over. Hands me the new receipt and smiles and coyly looks down and thanks me for being patient.

    This is the first non-date hit I\'m sure was a hit.

    Was wearing about 8\" of SOE, 4 drops Andro.

  21. #81

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Truth: What I did was I first explained to him the differences between aNONE, aNOL, and aRONe (like he actually understood a think I was talking about...hehe). Then I was like \"I got this new stuff and we\'re trying to figure out what it does. Nobody has had any results yet. Put a dab behind each ear and then let me know if you notice anything different when you\'re around your girlfriend.\" He knew he was wearing some type of pheromone. He\'s not one of my smartest friends so he really doesn\'t have any idea what he\'s doing. He follows directions and he knows his girlfriend well (they\'ve been inseperable for almost 3 years now) so I believe what he\'s telling me when he says she has been acting different. Anyway, I guess you could say my little experiment was \"partially blinded\". He knows there is a such thing as pheromone and that what I gave him was some sort of pheromone mixture, but I didn\'t tell him any kind of results to expect or anything. He reported those results from his unguided observations of his girlfriends mood. Pretty neat, huh?


  22. #82

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wow, Bruce, I\'m surprised you haven\'t tried andro-1 once yourself!

    That\'s interesting JOB00. So, did your friend give any details beside that he and his girl didn\'t fight?

    Not too many new experiences to report. Well, if the mood enhancement theory is correct, you guys with girlfriends are the ones expected to benefit more. I think I\'ll try a dab of AE tomorrow with my two sprays of diluted A-1.

  23. #83
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    hehe, now you have to give him a new via of pure alchol and see what his reports are, telling him its the same stuff ( or maybe a stronger / weaker mix of it? )

  24. #84
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Andro-1 and SOE

    Had my first DIHL look from an older woman at the local grocery store today at lunch.

    I had two swipes (1 inch) of SOE on each wrist and 2-3 1 inch swipes on my neck. I used 4-5 drops of Andro-1 one in my palm, and then spread over my cheeks and face. All of this was applied around 8am this morning, so around 4.5 hours before the grocery store.

    I was looking in the imported food isle (green tea in this case) and this older woman (late 40s) just stops about 5 feet away from me and starts staring at me. I look behind me to see what\'s up and don\'t notice anything. She continues to stare at me for another couple of seconds and then shakes her head and moves on. She wasn\'t even close to attractive, but it was my first DIHL so it felt pretty cool.

    Ok...back to my girlfriend and Andro-1.

    I got away from the Andro-1 on Monday night actually (gave it a much deserved break...) and threw on my newly purchased JB1 mix!

    She came home late from study class and I was already in bed for the night....she starts making some small talk and guys are going to love this, and I swear it\'s the truth...she\'s starts really playing with herself HARD. Bam! She\'s turned on like a light bulb, I join in....figure out the rest.

    Not much else to report on the Andro-1. Need to do some more research this weekend I think.

    What is everyone else coming up with?

    Anyone try it yet with TE, or NPA/APC???



  25. #85
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    Having noticed several reports of positive effects on \"significant others\", I\'m compelled to relate the following story.

    I often have days off in the middle of the week. Usually I\'ll want to go out on the night before. S.O. who works Monday thru Friday will as often as not say, \"You go ahead, I\'ve got to be up early.\"
    While this may sound really great to those other \"attached\" guys on the board, there has always been one drawback. Whether I arrive back at midnight or 2:30 A.M., the sex lamp is invariably NOT lit.
    My interpretation of this is that having given me a degree of freedom for the night, it would spoil me to give me sexual pleasure as well. (They can\'t stand the thought of us being TOO happy!)

    This pattern was broken on the first night that I went out alone wearing A1. It was @1:15 A.M. when I returned. Kissed her as she lay snoozing on the couch, and the next thing I know, she\'s upstairs lighting candles, putting on some romantic music, and slipping into some Victoria\'s Secret. All in all, an extreme departure from the norm. It would be un-gentlemanly to provide details here. Suffice to say that I fucked her brains out.

    Is there some specific \"Significant Other\" effect attributable to A1?
    The \"Mood Enhancer\" effect is obvious, but it seems to have particularly pronounced effects on women you know. This looks to be in contrast with the results achieved with the other androgens, which appear to have more profound effects on strangers than they do on those who are familiar with us.

    This stuff might be a better \"Spice up the relationship\" measure than any of the other magical things we have at our disposal. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  26. #86
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Wilde – Great post!

    Here’s how my Wednesday night went.

    My girl was working in the lab last night and I dropped by around 8pm to grab some dinner with her. Prior to going out to meet her I had applied 2 sprays to my chest of the JB1 mix from the Atomizers that Bruce sells on the site. I then dressed and put on around 6 drops of Andro1 directly on the sweater I was wearing.

    I rolled into the clinic and she came down to meet me within a few minutes. We had a nice little dinner in the cafeteria and then went upstairs to her tech room. We hung out for a while, and she wasn’t overly attentive or anything. I would say she was in a normal mood, perhaps a little happier than normal given that she was at work and not at home with me.

    I left around 9 and went back to her place to do some reading and hang out. She came home around 11:30 and we started to play cards, something very normal for us. She was in a great mood, weather the A1 had any effect on this I have no idea. But we have a really nice time and stayed up very late playing cards, talking and having fun. Around 2am I decided that I needed to get to sleep (had to be up by 7 for work) and shuffled upstairs to bed.

    She followed and we both crawled in the sack. At this point we had a really nice evening and I had no anticipation of anything happening. I was tired, she was tired, and it was time for sleep.
    We get undressed and lay down together and have a little goodnight kiss. She then rests her head on my chest and starts to talk a little bit about something. After about a minute she moves up and starts kissing me again. Then her hand moves south and we’re off to the races!

    Now this may or may not have anything to do with the JB1 mix on my chest and the Andro1 on my sweater. Perhaps the Andro1 placed her in a great mood throughout the night and then the close proximity of the JB1 aroused her. Tough call, and behavior like this really wouldn’t be all that uncommon after having a nice night together…….except…..

    Except if felt uncommon…just a feeling but we had a GREAT time playing cards and hanging out together. We were both very affectionate throughout the evening and constantly giving kisses and touches. I’m pretty sure that the Andro1 really kept BOTH of us in a very comfortable, relaxed and loving mood. If nothing else, it certainly seemed to have this effect on me, and perhaps she picked up on my mood. Again, though to call, but I really have to attribute a ton more attention and affection since I recently started using the Pheromones, than I was receiving prior.

    She used to want to perhaps go out with her friends and have a few after work, labs, etc… now she seems WAY more excited to come home and see me, or have me come visit her at her work.

    I think I read in another thread (by Zarrack I think) that his girlfriend was displaying some jealous tendencies that were unusual for her. I’m finding the exact same thing. My girl is now asking me about who I had lunch with, if a woman was involved the question came up “Was she pretty” (I’m almost positive I read that EXACT same statement in Zarracks post!). This is unusual for her, she usually isn’t focused on weather or not I’m attracting other people. She’s a very, very good looking girl and she get’s a ton of attention from other guys, and in the past she hasn’t really been that interested in any attention I may or may not be getting outside of our relationship…she’s become a little possessive these last two week….I have to say that I damn well like it!

    I have to say that I totally agree with the suggestion that the A1 may be most effective in regard to Significant Others, and as a Mood Enhancer with close pre-established relationships. It certainly has provided me some very positive evenings! I haven\'t had the depth of experience with any of the other pheromones yet, (but give me time..) so it\'s tough to form any solid concepts yet, but my initial thoughts are that the A1 provides incredible amounts of positive stimulus to people that have already formed some sort of bond with you. In my case this is starting with a very intimate bond. If so...I may not need any of the other ship is here baby!

    Sorry for the long post, just wanted to get this down before it slipped away.



    [ April 04, 2002: Message edited by: slatedrake ]

  27. #87

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    I agree, the andro 1 seems to enhance a relationship rather than attract strangers.

    I have noticed some thing about this stuff that give concern. Firstly, people seem to be using a lot for a 1mg per ml concentrate. I must admit to the same when it first arrived. I have noticed that is seems to work better and with less if used with -nol. They seem to complement each other. Secondly, I have found that letting it \"ripen\" a while seems to improve the effect as well. So maybe the breakdown by bacteria is causing a more \"eclectic\" mix of pheros. Anyway, I think it probably has more potential when mixed with other pheros than on it\'s own. After all sweat is a \"mix\" of various steroids, not a single substance.

    Also, trying to mix it with \"cologne\" is a mistake. I tried with issy and PF and both times ended up with a \"milky\" fluid.

    Ps I also tend to use oils or lotions and then \"spray\" the pheros on neat, on top of these with an atomizer. Seems to slow the release somewhat, and facilitates the bacteria getting to the stuff.

    Anyone tried it with npa yet? Should smell well ripe after a few hours i feel.

  28. #88

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Well, judging from the reports so far, most have been regarding improvements with existing relationships. I haven\'t heard of many \"hits\" from strangers and acquaintances, especially with andro-1 alone. Since I don\'t have a girlfriend right now, maybe I should try some mixes. =).

    By the way, is my assessment correct? For those of you who reported good results using A-1 with your girl, would you say that attention from strangers and acquaintances are less affected?

  29. #89

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Truth & Gents

    I didn\'t find andro 1 on its own to be that effective, unless high doses are used. I did notice some females who get close enough seem \"phazed\" and want to remain in sniffing distance. I find that mixing with -nol ie citrus oil with -ol and PF gave a \"very sociable\" atmosphere. Probably not what your looking for but ideal in a relationship setting, a jolly happy social enhancement. I havn\'t tried it with -none as I havn\'t got any. I didn\'t find it that effective on others, unless you od (fun sometimes), but myself, I could waste hours sniffing abottle of NPA. It certainly affects me ;~}

    Thus I have ordered some, and will see if it mixes well with andro 1, or maybe i\'ll just sit and sniff the stuff myself ;~{}



  30. #90

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Ratspeaker, so how much -nol did you need to add to make an effective mix?

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