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  1. #121

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    So, what is this aromatherapy ball you put pheros in? What does it do?

  2. #122

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    \"aromatherapy ball (a little plug-in heater with a porous, replaceable pad for essential oils, etc)\"

    I see it was in the other thread. Hmm... I guess this is the solution to dispersion consistency. Maybe, someone should make a portable one to fit in our pockets. =).

  3. #123

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I got mine at Chamberlain\'s, which is the local health-food store. I also have one for the car - it plugs into the 12V outlet. I think I got that at the auto department of a drugstore.

  4. #124
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I\'ve got the one for the automobile also but it doesn\'t get much use since the car is a convertible and I\'m in California.

    There have been questions about dispersion for parties, etc. The aromatherapy ball is a great product - I\'ve got two - one for the home and one for the office - not counting the one for the automobile.

  5. #125
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    There IS something out there that can be used as a pocket phero dispenser.
    Check out your local cigar store. They usually sell at least two different kinds of small plastic humidifiers that could easily double as phero dispersal units.

    One type is a plastic bottle about the size of the old AE bottles. It has a screw-on plastic lid packed with a wicking material that vents moisture through holes in the sides of the lid.

    The other type, which might be a bit more useful, has a snap on lid on one end, and a twistable cab on the other end that allows a variable release of the contents of the bottle by exposing from one to four holes around the wicking material.

    If you really wanted to go ape-shit, you could get one of those chemical hand warmer packets that they sell at ski shops and wrap that around the bottle to accelerate the diffusion.

    But to be perfectly honest, I haven\'t tried any of these things personally. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  6. #126
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Great story... I love the part: \"Did I go too far in the name of science?\"

  7. #127
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    Just wanted to provide an update on my experience to date with Andro1.

    Saturday night, April 27th, 2002.
    Background: Girlfriend worked all day, has to work all day Sunday, and for the next 6 days, and is in the prime of her period.
    General Mood: Tired and really pissed off at the world. Bad to Worse
    Her Pet Peeve: My consistent and unnecessary lateness.

    Well, my girl arrived home from work around 4:45pm on Saturday afternoon expecting to find me at her place waiting to hang out and generally be there to see her. As she has been working almost around the clock, we haven’t seen much of each other lately. I on the other hand decided this would be a fine time to hang-out with a buddy of mine and help him with some odd jobs around his house. She calls me on the cell around 5 and inquires where I am. This is it I decide, a perfect time to see if the ole’ Andro1 can really come through and turn something around for me. So instead of speaking to her like I usually would, and letting her know that I’m sorry for running late but I’ll be over soon, I decide to be a dick, and let her know that I lost track of time, and I’m not sure when I’ll be able to make it over. She blows up and tries to lure me into a fight on the phone. I tell her I’ll call her in a little bit and hang up. I know she’s pissed now.

    She calls back around 5:30, and now I’m at my place and I let her know that I need to take a shower, she’s trying to be reasonable so she asks if I want to come over and shower with her, I tell her no, I’d prefer to just shower by myself now, and I’ll see her in a little while. Now she completely freaks out and starts yelling about how I suck, and brings up a fight about something that had happened a few days ago, that should have been put to rest. She rants on about this for about 10 minutes, and then I tell her to ‘chill out’, upon which she begins to lose her grasp on the small amount of humanity she has left and flys off the handle on me. I proceed to tell her I’ll be over in a little while and hang up.

    I shower and clean myself up and proceed to apply my new mix of:

    20 parts Green Irish Tweed
    10 parts Andro1
    5 parts The Edge

    After seeing the post on the discounted Green Irish Tweed, I went ahead and picked myself up a 4oz bottle. I’ve always enjoyed the scent, but never really felt like dishing $150.00 for 2ozs!

    In the past she has reacted very well to the Andro1 when she has been in a bad mood, so I felt that this would surely push the limits of her reactions. I sprayed two blasts from the atomizer on my chest, and then dressed. After dressing I sprayed once more around my neck, and then added another 2-3 drops of Andro1 by putting it in my palm and rubbing through my hair and around my face and wrists.

    I arrived at her house around 6:45 or so. Very, very late. As I walk in, she doesn’t even bother to look at me. I take a seat on the couch next to her, and her head never moves. Her lips are pursed and I swear that twin furnaces are raging behind her eyes. I spend a couple of minutes making small talk to a friend of hers that is also over, and turn to look at her every once in awhile. She never looks at me. She never even acknowledges my presence. I start to panic a little, “did I go too far in the name of science this time?”, “What if I now have to put up with this all night?” I start to contemplate a night full of unbridled anger and the consequences of what happens when you treat a young beautiful princess badly…bad things man, bad things.

    I’ve been over at her place for about 5-7 minutes now, and I’m really hoping the Andro1 can save my ass or it’s going to be a cold night in Spring. A moment passes and we both happen to look at each other at the same time. She still looks pissed, but I think something might be finally starting to crack the ice. A moment later a hand sweeps across mine and comes to rest on my arm. Her friend leaves the room and I lean over so she can get better whiff of me, and be close enough to whisper “hey, I missed you today”.

    The fires are still burning behind the eyes, but it looks like they have been taken down a few degrees, she starts to mumble some sort of retort, thinks better of it and then just puts her head on my shoulder. We kiss and the rest of the night she is in a fantastic mood! There is no way I can attribute these results without factoring in the A1 in the mix. She would usually be pissed for the better part of the night, and I would have to hours groveling to even raise a smile out of her. Instead, she let it go, and switched gears on the drop of a dime on probably her worst day of the month. Thanks Andro1!!

    Last night I tried the straight GIT/Andro1/The Edge mix without any additional A1 and not only was she in a great mood for the whole night (I was also on time and also very nice to her) but we finished the night rolling around her room and she actually came before I did!

    Not sure how effective NPA/The Edge/APC/JB#1/SOE have been for me. To date none of them have produced the consistent and favorable results that any type of mix heavy in A1 has for me. Given, I’m usually using this to get a better response from my girl, and not to meet other new people.

    Side note: Had to crack open my second bottle of A1 for the episode on Saturday night. Well worth the price of admission.

    Anyone else have anything to add of late? Always looking for new ideas!



  8. #128

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I am using SOE/PCC/a-1 the last couple of days and I also see some interesting things due to the a-1. I keep on testing to find out what exactly is happening. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Franki [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  9. #129
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I see that Berliner\'s new organization, Pherin Corp., is actively pursuing a new pharmaceutical for PMS using their pheromones. Their website says that they started clinical trials!

    So our observation of the utility of Andro-1/RfW in taming the accursed she-beast is shared by Berliner and some real money. Of course, they want a prescription drug to maximize their profits while Andro-1 is unregulated - for now.

    [ May 02, 2002: Message edited by: Whitehall ]

  10. #130
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    wow, better keep an eye on that, may want to stock up on Andro-1 if they do [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  11. #131
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    I used a bunch of Andro-1 at work today -- much more than I\'ve ever used of any other pheromone in a single day -- and all the women were very friendly and chatty. Since -dienone\'s mood-elevating effects were first observed near open flasks of human sweat, it\'s almost safe to assume that we can use lots and lots of it. Right? (That\'d get expensive quickly... [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] ) Looking back over this thread, it seems that no one has ever found the real o.d. threshold, and this may be why.

    Also, how many bottles of Andro-1 does Love Scent have left? They oughtta have a countdown.


    HB_88 [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  12. #132

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    So how much did you use? No one has found the OD threshold. Anyone have an idea on the minimum dose?

  13. #133

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Just thought I\'d add in some minor notes on the topic...

    The story:
    I purchased a bottle of A1 about two weeks ago. I\'ve been using it in a modified JB2 concoction: 7 SPMO 3 NPA 3 AE 6 A1. I had been using this combo without the A1 for about a week beforehand, and result had been negligible. I should note that I\'m almost exclusively interested in the results on my spouse, and so haven\'t been looking for any obvious hit reactions elsewhere. Most of the time, I\'ll apply the mix right before I go home from work, or right after the kids have been put to bed, to gauge maximum effectiveness at home.

    The application:
    I\'ve played with anywhere from 1 - 6 dabs, almost always in the pits (Once I tried in the crooks of the elbows). Each dab delivers (roughly) .005 mg A1.

    The results?
    any application above 1 dab has a positive effect on her mood. While she has never had a volatile temperament, she is definitely more relaxed, seemingly happier, and more positive about my contributions to our relationship. Of course the role of the -nol in elevating my own mood doesn\'t hurt either, as it makes me more willing to be helpful and attentive.

    Does it get hits?
    Beats me, but it certainly lays a good groundwork for day to day relationships...she called me at the office and told me to buy some tickets for an upcoming NBA playoff game..that I deserved it for being such a good husband...don\'t worry about the expense...and take a it\'s not toe-curling sex every night, but it\'s still pretty damn good.

    So, Bruce, how many bottles of A1 left?

  14. #134
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I just ordered another bottle because I’ve been experimenting with lots of different formulas (that I will probably never use).

    I’ve settled on three mixes, depending on my mood and circumstances:
    a) a Nol heavy formula that seems to make women instantly bond with me = 4 Nol : 1 None : 1 Rone : 1 A1.
    b) a None heavy formula for eliciting smiles, double-takes, stares and other ego boosters = 9 None : 4 Nol : 3 A1 : 1 Rone.
    and c) an Andro 1 heavy formula that seems to invite flirting and teasing = 9 A1 : 4 Nol : 3 None : 1 Rone.

    I use all three at .5mg/ml. Three dabs from a 3 ml bottle like the ones in the chem kit.

    The Nol formula is more subtle in public, more dramatic in bed. But all three increase hits and sexual responsiveness, to varying degrees.

  15. #135
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Have you tried these with and without the -rone?

    Do you find the -rone is helpful? What effects do you see it having?

    I have so far found that -rone seems to cancel the effects of the others.

  16. #136
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Weird experience with Andro1.

    Went over to a buddies house for dinner last night. He\'s a VERY athletic good-looing guy that\'s also very bright, loving, etc... Basically a great guy.

    It was myself, my girlfriend, a friend of hers, my buddy and his wife.

    I had on one spray from an atomizer of the 20 parts Green Irish Tweed, 10 parts Andro1,
    5 parts The Edge mix, and about 5 extra drops of Andro1 on my shirt/pants.

    My buddy, who is normally very reserved, quite, not showing off at all got very .... macho on me?? Hard to describe, but he was taking off his shirt (god..he\'s ripped too...) flexing around, went and changed into a very tight short-sleeve shirt. Talked about lifting and stuff all night.

    All in all, kind of unusual for him.

    Not sure what the deal was, could possibly be completely unrelated, but wanted to make a note of it.

    Andro1 turning normal Alpha\'s into ego maniacs??? Anyone else with similar reactions?


  17. #137
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    OK, an intimate dinner party with TWO new females, one of them unattached plus his wife there, at risk. Looks like classic male competition for a harem to me, a lot like elephant seals in fact.

    Add some exogenous pheromones, mostly male, and the tension builds....

  18. #138

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Man, I havn\'t been here for a while. Got sick of the B.S. It\'s good to see that so many people are still buying A1! whatever, when Bruce told me the idea wouldn\'t fly and it would just be a fad so I shouldn\'t really waste my time with it. Somehow I seemed to pick up the ball get it rolling created an iterest in it and got knocked down \"like a bowling pin\"(GratefulDead} How many days is a fad anyway. Never did here back from you Bruce on that special business proposition. hmmmm.....Personal Comments. Gripes, mones, bitches. I know you will see this one truth.
    Yours Truly,
    Cheated Thunder.

  19. #139
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whitehall:
    OK, an intimate dinner party with TWO new females, one of them unattached plus his wife there, at risk. Looks like classic male competition for a harem to me, a lot like elephant seals in fact.

    Add some exogenous pheromones, mostly male, and the tension builds....

    Hmmmmm.....should have come up with that one myself.

    Thanks Whitehall!

    Side note:

    Changed up the batting order yesterday and put on two sprays of JB1 in the morning.

    Things went fine all day, worked out at lunch and then DIDN\'T shower (no time...) and then showed up at the girl\'s place around 6 or so.

    Holy crap did she go into a noise-dive BAD mood!!

    Took my a good hour to bring her around. Could be the JB1, maybe after working out it degraded a little or something, but I need to remember never to try that trick again.

    Not only does she seem REALLY sensetive and receptive to Andro1, but she obviously is overly sensetive to the NONE in JB1.

    Be good,


  20. #140
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    I\'ve tried othere mixes with and without Rone. But all my A1 mixes (so far) have had it. In other mixes, it seems to make for stronger hits among women, more bonding behavior from guys, more powerful (or at least more animated) orgasms for women, and some girls only react if it\'s in the mix. That\'s why I added it to my A1 mixes, without even wondering if I needed it or not.

    On the other hand, the smell reminds me of mothballs and it leaves me feeling a bit lethargic and unmotivated. So I\'ll probably try these formulas without, just to see if A1 somehow makes Rone unnecessary.

  21. #141
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    When I look at the metabolic pathways for the sex steroids (link under a separate thread), rone shows up repeatedly as an end point. Hence, one would expect rone to be excreted proportionate to sex hormonal levels.

    That means that we would vary in our natural output of rone assuming we excrete rone through our skin.

  22. #142

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Has anyone measured the volume of a dropp from the Andro1 dropper? I saw Wilde Oscar mention 0.02 ml for some eye dropper, but is that the same dropper or a different one?

    I got my Andro1 yesterday and will try it out today in a meeting with a few women in a couple of hours. I was thinking maybe one dropp rubbed over my hands to start with.

  23. #143

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    yes Monkey it is. If you want the history behind the name, give Bruce an e-mail. Interesting tale...

  24. #144
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    read your private mail!!!

  25. #145
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences


    I am right in thinking that A-1= androstadienone? (forgetting the bond subsitution for a moment). Cos I did post under antoher thread a recent article reporting trials with androstadienone, if it is, I am happy to explain.


    I should really mug up on my chemistry


  26. #146
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    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Walter thanks, in that case, I should bring your attention to a post I put up last sunday but with the exception of JVK, noone else seemed to notice:

    There is an article in todays Sunday Times (UK) where our one and only JVK is quoted. Interestingly, it also reports work by a certain Patricia Wilson~
    \" women to the pheromone androstadienone found in human sweat. \"It has significant direct effects on human behaviour and emotions\" says Wilson. Women exposed to it increased a set of behaviours that include flirtatious body language, while they reduced nervousness. They also reported a decrease in depression and showed lower fear and anxiety.\"


  27. #147

    Default Re: Andro-1 Mixing, Feedback, and Experiences

    Have been trying A1 out a couple of times now. I used one dropp rubbed over the hands on the opposite side from the palms, and covered with one spray of cologne which was also rubbbed in the same way. I\'s say there is a distinct scent to the stuff. Not unpleasant, but quite noticeable and it stays there long after the cologne wears out.

    The first time using A1 was in a meeting with a few women. They were all quite happy, but I can\'t say that it was because of the A1.

    The second day, in a bus after recently applying it, there were no free seats so I held on to a pole. After a couple of minutes two women sitting right behind the pole started looked quite disturbed in a negative way. Not extreme, but still... Judging by that I\'m not so sure there isn\'t an OD-level to this stuff. But of course, thats just one single event and since there was no actuall interaction it\'s even harder to tell.

    A third observation was more interesting. I was talking to a woman in her early 20s in a small room for about half an hour. Strangely, within a few minutes she started acting as if she was a _lot_ younger, almost like a little girl. She was fidgeting and moving about in the chair. Also, she didn\'t seem to be able to focus her thougts enough to get her ideas across and her speech was very unorganized.

    Still no one who knows the volume of a drop from the A1 dropper?

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