Looking to attract young indian girls 21-25. I'm 42 and not looking for anything serious with them (no long term commitment). Because of the age difference I need something which will make them think this is not an old dude but a 30 something dude who looks acts, and dresses like a musician and is in touch with his emotions. Basically getting friends of family invited to my parties and performing on the guitar for them and using that to lure them into an infatuated state over time. To avoid coming across as creepy I won't do more than flirt with them unless I get a reaction out of them first.

I play rock and roll music, some louders songs, some soft gentle music.

Based on my experience here I figured edge may help but problem is it makes men angry and I look tense and I don't want tension at my parties. Secondly, a7/soe may help but attracts older women, not my target.

Any suggestions? Wolf is too business like and serious for parties. Its more a work product. I don't want women in awe of me, I want them aroused by me.

Instant shine by itself gets people in a good mood which is always good for a party, but that might not be enough to develop enough attraction with young girls.

I will have to see. Maybe shine is the answer. It had always gotten women approaching me. Problem is they never took things past friendship.