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  1. #1
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    Default The science of pheromones? Seriously what's going on?

    A friend and I have been spending a pretty solid amount of time searching pubmed for real peer reviewed studies on the effects human pheromones. We're not done looking, but so far, I've seen very little in support of the theory that human pheromones can act as a sexual attractant. The only papers I've found that seem to address the issue head on were written by JV Kohl. Looking more into Mr. Kohl's own credentials, we discovered that, at the time he published his landmark paper, he was working for a less-than-reputable product research company, as a "research coordinator" - basically someone they hired to stir up research for the sake of selling products. It's also worth pointing out that said paper was not published in a reputable journal, though he did later write another paper, which was published in a marginally more reputable journal. In the second paper, Mr. Kohl, as though making a non sequitur, mentions that pheromone science might help us connect creationism with science. I'm not here to judge anyone's religion; I'm just pointing out that it's not the sort of thing you might expect to hear from a scientist of biology or psychology.

    I've also noticed that JV Kohl is a member on this forum and was banned several years ago. I'm interested in knowing why, as I have some SOE on the way, and I'd like to understand the character of the creator a little more.

    The research article forum is showing as having no threads when you click into it, even though from the main page, it says that it does have threads. It's probably a forum or database error, but as the last post was in 2008, it's probably keeping any new research from being posted, which is a real shame.

    There are some studies that talk about various pheromones having various effects, but none of them confirm nor deny that pheromones have the effect we're interested in them having. This is rather frustrating, considering how simple it would be to construct such a study. Given the time and funding, I'd gladly do it myself. I've used pheromones myself in the past with some success, but given the current state of research, there's no strong evidence to suggest that my results or the results of anyone else are anything besides placebo.

    I would really like to use pheromones to my benefit, but even after scouring the science journals for data, I'm left empty handed and disappointed. Am I missing anything that someone can point me to?

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    For the sake of fairness I'll not tell you why Mr Kohl was banned but can assure you it was not for a lack of knowledge. It had to do with personalities and was not an easy decision to come to.

    I'll agree there is a dearth of studies that demonstrate the effectives of pheromones but there have been a few that were pretty well documented and conducted. While not really valid for scientific purposes there is a lot of empirical evidence that they do have some effect. Being a huge sceptic myself it took me months to convince myself that the effects I saw were real and not my imaginiation. Of course the results were purely subjective and actually focused more on business results than anything else so may not even be valid for you from an empirical point of view.

    Look at the settings on the forum. Most likely you have it set to one month. Go to the forum in question and scroll down to the settings. Change the time from 'one month' to 'begining'. If that doesn't work for you let me know and I'll see what I can do.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
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    I've been using the edge at this point for a couple days, and I haven't noticed any blatant hits from women, but I have noticed my own mood being considerably different. I did a spray the first day, and I just felt like an effing boss. I had no fear talking to women or being an alpha male. If pheromones only affected me, it would be an advantage. As a placebo, it would be clear why this particular placebo would aid in getting women. But I'm starting to suspect that its not just placebo - let me tell you why. When I got the shipment, the edge bottle was really leaky (which is kind of disappointing). The room where I keep them now smells so strong of sandlewood that you can smell it in the hall outside. My treadmill is in that same room. Today I got on the treadmill and the speed setting I normally use just wasn't enough. I needed more, so I turned it up. I was an animal! The reason I suspect it might not be placebo is that 30 minutes into it I still felt strong, like I could keep going with no strain whatsoever. Generally, placebo tends to fade off pretty quickly, so I wouldn't expect it to continue for the whole duration and after.

    It seems to me that the send of the 'none caused my testosterone to spike. I'm not yet ready to fully rule out placebo, but if it does indeed work on me in the way it seems like it does, then it stands to reason that it would work on women in the expected way as well. I imagine it could be a double whammy, both calming your own social anxieties while also communicating a high social status to others.

    I'm considering setting up a double blind experiment with my friend to test the effectiveness of the edge beyond all possibility of placebo.

    Regard Mr. Kohl - is his product fairly trustworthy at least? As in it has real 'nol and 'rone in it, it's totally straightforward, and there's nothing tricky about it? I don't know how I feel about the person, and I don't think he's a real scientist, but if his product is just 'nol and 'rone, then it's probably safe enough to use and everything...

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Bruce would not sell his product if it was not trustworthy. SoE is manufactured under controlled conditions and is exactly what it is claimed to be. You can buy it in good faith. Just remember that the pheromones in it are not the same as TE and will give you different results. As for Mr. Kohl's creds as a scientist, I cannot disagree with you but do not know him other than his articles and posts here and elsewhere so hesitate to make judgments about him as a scientist. Like any of us mere mortals he does tend to have his biases though.

    While I have read many accounts of huge hits from pheromone products I rarely see the things others claim such as the deer in the headlights look and massive hits. Maybe it is because I'm an old fart or maybe there is a lot of wishful thinking in some reports. There is no way to be sure. In my case the hits tend to be more subtle.

    I know what you mean about exercise and products with -none in them. Hits me the same way.

    It would be interesting to know how you could do a double blind test with just you and your friend. I look forward to reading it and your results.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    I will be very interesting to know about the double blind test, please let us know,The inventor.

  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    We've had this discussion before but its interesting to re-visit it time to time.

    Agreed, it would be interesting and useful to have a bit more scientific study and empirical evidence of pheromones' effectiveness. But even if it existed, we'd still have to fall back on anecdotal evidence and, most importantly, personal experience.

    Given the sheer complexity and diversity of how these chemicals work in each individual's biochemistry, it would be impossible to predict with any certainty how a specific pheromone, or combination of pheromones, would work for a single individual in a real life situation. Combine that with the diversity of receptors -our "targets" - and it becomes even more complex.

    I'm with Belgareth on this, even if there was a mountain of evidence, scientific or otherwise, I'd still have to prove it by experience.

    Inventor, its pretty easy to rule out placebo with experimentation, you yourself admitted that you used pheromones with "some success". Repeated similar results is enough for me. Sure, its not exact science, but we just don't have that option right now.

    Combine all of that with the behavioral aspects of attraction and I think we find that all we can do is assemble the best personal "package" we can, one that will me most attractive to those whom we hope to impress. If that package includes pheromones, we have to figure it out for ourselves, just like the rest of it. I guess that's what we're trying to do here on the forum, and there's a lot of good stuff here.

  7. #7
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    The trick with all these pheromones are how will be able to get them to work for you. That is a very big part of it. Most people get excited and purchase many items, or better yet use them at the same time and wonder why 10 out of 10 girls are not picking them up. If you really think about this scenario it is very funny. Of course pheromones work, it is in our genetics. Dont rely on scientific evidence. Science is already limited. its 2012 and scientists are still pondering whether or not living things have a soul, chi, prana, energy, magnetics,etc, lol. There testing stuff like Ginseng so one day someone can say it doesnt work. It works if you know how to use it.

    If someones game with women is weak, i suggest they work on that before getting into pheromones because it is highly they will be disappointed and ask for a refund. Its like buying a basketball and wondering why you cant make it to the NBA. Pheromones are the tools, your still the driver.

  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    Pheromones are the tools, your still the driver.
    That sums it up perfectly!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
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    Pheromones, which have been known to influence sexual activity, aggression, and territory marking have been found in many animals, including amoebas, fish, hamsters, and monkeys (3). However, whether or not these chemicals affect, or even exist in humans has been a subject for debate in the scientific community. Since pheromones are not detectable by the human sense of smell, scientists believe that pheromones are sensed by the vomeronasal organ (VNO), part of the olfactory system and located inside the mouth or nose.

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  10. #10
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    when women are around each other for long enough their periods get synchronized ( I know from growing up with sisters ). I am not 100% sure but I believe this is due to pheromones.

    my own theory is that pheromones are related to ones own aura. We all have our own phero signature which is produced in sync with our aura. Its like a fingerprint, its very unique.
    When people say "OD", I believe it is because the natural phero signature (aura) does not match with what the person is wearing and causes issues (males fighting, woman not approaching). People can sense who you really are, and if it doesnt blend in with the pheros you are using, its bad. So in order for pheros to really work (sex or business) someone needs to really know themselves and what kind of vibe they put out and experiment with the different products one at a time.

    I have read people saying things like "I walked into the bar and the girl across me 20 feet away gave me DIHL as soon as she saw me". I have experienced this myself with or without pheromones. There is no way scent travels that fast. My reasoning for this is because people really sense your aura which pheromones can enhance greatly (temporarily).

  11. #11
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    I have overdosed on some -None products, and definitely noticed a difference in people I interacted with.

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