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  1. #1
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    Default Are pheromones strictly "half the battle"?

    I normally have a big introduction but this time I've decided to go right to the chase. How far can pheromones get you? I did some thinking on it and I wondered... What if you don't have a job or a car? What if you're overweight and dorky looking(not saying that being overweight makes you dorky looking, just saying you can end up with both attributes)? What if you have bad hygiene? And are there fake pheromones on the market, how can I tell the difference?

    I see a lot of reviews saying: This stuff doesn't work, the people selling pheromones are frauds.

    I saw one review of scent of eros gel packets go as follows:
    "Harri writes: Date Added: Friday 20 April, 2007
    I have tried all of these pheromone gel packets. Chicara, Perception, SOE, Edge. None of these work for me. I feel cheated and think that this whole thing is a big scam. I'm not willing to pay 50-70 dollars for some bottled version. If you really think that these are some kind of love potions which have real human pheromones, think again. I think that these guys just add some water, perfume and something that makes this thing thicker. No pheromones. Then they take your money and laugh at you. It's a mental thing. You really think you're the king of the world when using this stuff, that you think is some pheromone product. Too bad!.."

    Seriously? The first thing I thought was, "maybe this guy is a total loser (with all due respect) thinking the pheromones are going to do all the work". My feelings is that this guy has no game and needs to work on his general appearance. But I would like it if some of the more experienced users would analyze what this user said. Sidenote: I think it was interesting how he targeted the top selling products here.


  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    From my personal experience over a number of years I'd say that pheromones are less than half the battle. If you are dirty, have bad teeth and are obnoxious no amount is going to be enough to get you laid, or even any attention. Having a good attitude, dressing appropriately and taking good care of yourself are 3/4 of the battle. Pheromones help but without the rest you are tossing your money down the drain.

    Dressing is probably the strangest part because it is all context. I am a very casual person and have to have a gun to my head to put on one of my suits. Yet women seem to find me attractive while wearing scruffy shorts, flip flops and a tee shirt.

    I also find that for whatever reason women far younger than me are the most attracted to me. I think it has something to do with the fact that I still haven't grown up much but the vast majority of hits I get are often as much as 30 years younger than me. That goes to what I said about attitude. I am a cheerful and happy person with a lot of self confidence and it shows. Women love that.

    In all, look at the whole picture and don't assume pheromones are going to work miracles, because they aren't.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    As with virtually every product out there, there are fakes, yet as you mention, it's odd that the guy targeted some of the top products out there.

    I've always found it weird how girls are more often than not attracted to the kind of turd that does not bath often and/or doesn't care for his grumming. Then I learned on this site that not being scrupulously clean on certain parts of the body help your body natural mone production...

    Now, as I was saying, there are guys out there that don't have a job, a car, are overweight and don't have that great personal hygiene but you see them with this hot girls, why is that???


    Pheromones work, just not how people expect them to be, yet, I can't criticize, my very first attempts were epic failures, half because the first ones were fake, then because it was clear I had no game.

    I'm not saying it's ok to believe an external factor (in this case a product) will fix what's wrong with your life but, it's kinda normal for people to think this way.

    One last thing, it's misery that looks for company, I bet that for every 0 star review for mones out there, there are 9 untold success stories.

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    You guys are making some good points. And I did learn in a sociology class that our society has been "trained" to scrub out our natural scent. It's funny that I'm hearing it again.

    I hope more people get in on this discussion. That was a pretty vicious attack on these products, granted I bought the SOE gel packs anyway, trying to take advantage of a freebie deal that was being promoted today. What sold me was the practical advice I've read on this board as well as other forums and the other good reviews I saw for the product, plus I want to know what to expect from SOE before I consider buying the spray or roll-on.

    But belgareth, are you saying that mones are less than half the battle in general or are you saying that if you are a big slob then they are a waste of time? I'm very new to mones, but most of the talk on these forums lead me to believe that they are a sure way to help you on your quest for attention and picking up women. I just want to know what you meant by the statement.

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    But belgareth, are you saying that mones are less than half the battle in general or are you saying that if you are a big slob then they are a waste of time? I'm very new to mones, but most of the talk on these forums lead me to believe that they are a sure way to help you on your quest for attention and picking up women. I just want to know what you meant by the statement.
    I'm saying that there is much more to attraction than just pheromones. Pheromones can help but if you have nothing else going for you they are going to be a waste of tiem. Even fat slobs, as you put it, can sometimes get laid but it is more often the result of personality than anything else. You also have to consider the venue. A fat slob goes to a bar full of young and slim 'beautiful people' he is going to strike out, almost guaranteed. But in some casual environment where he can use his personality as a tool he might do well. There are thousands of variables.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  6. #6
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    Thanks belgareth,

    That's what I keep hearing, it's the person+venue+attitude that makes "it" happen. In the past I've gotten pretty lucky without mones, when my Edge Unscented and SOE gel packs get here it will be my first time fooling with the stuff.

    Hopefully it improves my game a little bit. I have a specific target and then some not so specific targets.

    Based on what belgareth said, I will try to capitalize on the mones by trying them in a place where I'm already respected a certain way... I will be posting my progress on this forum.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JFrench720 View Post
    I will be posting my progress on this forum.
    I look forward to hearing about it.

    One other thing to remember. We are all different and mones work differently for each of us. There is a longtime poster named Gegogi who is almost exactly the same age as me. Other than that, I'm a hairy white ape and he is a nearly hairless Asian. I am an engineering type and he is a musician.We both are educated and keep our bodies in good shape.

    The point is that he can virtually swim in NPA/TE where I OD on tiny amounts. You have to play around a little and figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Doses will be different for each person too. Don't get frustrated if it does not work the first couple of times out. In the past I always suggested gel packs as a fairly cheap way to figure out what works for you. You can invest a little in several different products and play a little.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  8. #8
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    Thanks for more of that sound advice. Yeah, I worried about NPA because I'm a 24 year old black male, musician type like Gegogi.,when reading about it(NPA) I was afraid of ODing in much the same manner you described happening to you. So I opted to go with Unscented Edge which I heard pheromone user say it was kind of a watered down NPA, I still plan to add it to my arsenal (can't hurt can it?).

    Well... my Edge just came today *rubs hands together* let the games begin... I will immediately begin logging my journey...

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