For the past month or so, I've been researching pheromones extensively, and I'm really not sure what to believe.

Obviously, this all has the ring of "too good to be true," so naturally, I suspect it may be. Also, it seems that a good lot of people who buy these products get absolutely no results. They may as well have bought a vial of water for an exorbitant price.

On the other hand, people here seem to be getting good results, and I've read numerous stories of good results with pheromones. Also, there seem to be good explanations as to why some people don't get results--some pheros are difficult to dose, they don't work on some people, they aren't noticing the effects, etc.

It's extremely comforting that love-scent offers 100% money-back guarantees on their products, so I trust that I am generally making a purchase risk-free.

So, make this skeptic into a believer. What are some good products for a beginner to try out that are easy to dose, and most likely to get a clear response? I hear so much about the Deer-In-Headlights-Look (DIHL), and that would be the perfect response to make me a believer.

I'm looking forward to your answers. :)


P.S. I'm female, 17, about 5'6", 130lbs. People say I'm pretty. I'm bisexual, and in an open relationship, and I can generally pick guys and girls up with a little bit of effort. I'm mainly interested in using pheromones to increase my confidence and help me command the attention of a room (hence why I'm so interested in the DIHL).