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  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1


  2. #32

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    The same site lists the threshold for androstenone as 0.18 ppb, i.e. about 5 times lower.

    Is this parts per billion, 10^-9?

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Yep, ppb is :

    (grams of solute)(10^9)/(grams of solution)

    The detection threshold for -none should encourage those of us concerned about masking the stink of other stuff. If -none is detectable at lower concentration, that\'s means it\'s stronger odor-wise.

    Actually they look like about the same stink-wise - I don\'t think you can necessarily extrapolate the \'odor-iferousness\' up through higher concentrations, cause I doubt odor perception is linear (I know perception is very non-linear in auditory volume perception, for example). Don\'t think you can say -none is 5 times more odiferous at other concentrations, is what I\'m getting at.

    Anyway, these two are in the same stink order of magnitude it appears - looks like previous strategies would be a good place to start with new stuff.

    [ March 22, 2002: Message edited by: Irish ]

  4. #34

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    The way most of these sort of studies are done is to have a bunch of samples setup (w/ and w/o the cmpd of interest) at some fixed concentration, and let the sampler smell it and say if it smells or not. The sampler then goes through a procedure to \"clense\" their nose of the smell. As odd as it sounds, it is a load of stats and really hard on the testers.

    We have a Sensory science group in the building I work in, and everyone is always trying to duck them and thier experiments.

    [ March 22, 2002: Message edited by: Walter Mitty ]

  5. #35

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Scientist, I think the using the \"ideal sweat\" dosing is going about things wrong.

    I mean, ideal in this context is what is deemed average and if average(normal ammount found in sweat) was ideal then a lot of \"average\" guys would be complete babe magnets........

    I don´t know about the rest of you but I don´t want to be average, I want to stand out and above the competition
    (don´t get me wron I´m not suggesting on take a shower in the stuff, allthough an O.D might prove.....interesting [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] )


    ps: may I officialy suggest the \"code-name\"
    dios for the Dienone. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  6. #36

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Satan, whether you\'re aiming for average or not, the normal phero content of the human body is good to know. For instance, if Scientist\'s apocrine calculations are correct, what we\'re applying is insignificant to what we normally have on our bodies. It\'s all placebo then.

  7. #37

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    OK, my 2 cents on the dosage thingie. My plan is to mix the fun new rage chemical with EtOH (alcohol) 1 : 1. This puts it at the 0.5 mg per mL. Next up is to mix that at 4:1 with either EtOH or aroma. My rational is the 0.5 mg/mL is approximatly the same as NPA, and the 4 to 1 ratio is the high end of the recommended mix ratios for NPA. Makes sense to me, at least for a starting point. Then I can go about using the same number of sprays I normally do, monitor responses, and adjust as required.

    [ March 22, 2002: Message edited by: Walter Mitty ]

  8. #38

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Why not just leave the new stuff at 1 mg/ml and double the ratio of cologne to concentrate that you normally use for NPA?

    I just cleaned out one of my Edge bottles to store my future 10:1 CK1 / andro-1 concentrate mix. =).

    On problem though... This is the bottle I had used to mix my first batch of Jovan Musk2, Realm for Women, Edge, and AE, which turned out be a pickle. I couldn\'t get the bad scent out after three washings. Think this will effect the scent of my future mix? The quantity of scent in the bottle has to be minimal compared to what I\'ll put in, right?

  9. #39
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    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Actually, there is subconscious olfactory reception. A response to a smell can be observed in the brain via EEG long before the odor is consciously noticed.

  10. #40
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1


    Repeatedly fill the bottle with a baking soda or cream of tartar/water solution, then rinse. This should help with getting rid of the old fragrance. Also alternate rinsing with ethanol. This can get a little expensive though. I also recall someone, W.M. maybe, using rubbing alcohol for cleanout purposes.

    Oscar [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  11. #41

    Default Re: Preliminary dosing suggestion for the Andro1

    Truth, I suggested cutting the lovely new neat-o chemical with EtOH to make it pseudo NPA strength, simply so that if folks wanted to use it in the same way that they have used NPA, then it is a no brainer. Personally, I was going to make a diluted EtOH version, so I could add whatever I wanted on top of it aroma wise.

    Cleaning, if you have acetone it will work better than rubbing alcohol. There are some good reasons for using smelly stuff to clean. One, they are generally better solvents for the kooky new stuff that is coming in the mail (at least for me), or the good natured fun stuff that is known as -none, -nol, and -rone. Next it does smell. Use that to your advantage. Thoroughly mix it up in the bottle, and spray it out a bunch of times (10-15.) The bottle is glass, non reactive, and the sprayer is plastic (pheros will actually dissolve into it slowly ) but the acetone or rubbing alcohol has no pheros in it, so the Eq constant is pushing them into the solvent. Finally, it is always best to wash it out a couple of times, but to find if the washing chemicals are still in the bottle, just wave your hand over the top of the bottle, and if you do not smell solvent, it is clean. Now you can mix stuff up in the bottle, apply, and go out and reak havok on the world at large. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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