

I have been on these forums for nearly a year but I hadn't had a chance to really experiment with any mixes

since I started shopping here.

In fact, I don't necessarily recall too many "hits" with what I had purchased

(though I loved wearing it). I know this is probably largely in part to the fact that I may not have gotten the

right products for the right mix for my body/age/race etc.

...so begins my post! :P

I am a 28 year old

Caucasian Male of Irish Decent. I'm 6'4. About 200lbs. Slender but not Skinny and relatively fit.

I tend to

work out every other day, but for only 30 minutes each day so I don't hit the gym for hours on end.

What Mixes

work well for you if you fit my general description? And if so, would you mind giving me a few examples of "hits"

that you may have had with said mixes?

Thanks in advance to everyone who posts their insight. It's greatly
