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  1. #1
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    Default My A7 works, but not my Chikara:HELP!

    Hi everybody.
    I ordered the Alpha 7 and Chikara at the same time and have tested the products for approximately

    the same number of times but only seen results when I wear one of them. ALPHA 7. Damn, this pheromone has really

    worked for me. I use it when I go out clubbing and everytime I notice the effect of it. Like one time when I was at

    the bar to buy some drinks, the girl next to me started dancin infront of me(think like a lapdance when they dancing

    for you) but I got out of there couse she wasnt my type
    And the other week for example, I saw a hot, and I

    mean reeeally hot, at the dancefloor. I dont know if it was the alcohol speaking or something couse I just went and

    sayed: I think we should dance. And voila! We where shaking it. (but let me say that we had a great

    eyecontact-moment at the bar just before and we had also seen eachother a few weeks ago but nothing happaned just

    big eyecontact) She also licked my ear when we where really close, rubbing my leg, we went crazy on the


    OK enough with the A7, now on to the Chikara. Ive taken 1-4 spray but have not

    seen anything special . I've been close to people at the cinema, restaurant, etc but nothing. The only thing is

    probably that Ive received compliments because of the good smell but from: FAMILY AND FRIENDS. So what am I doing

    Dont know if this helps but I can tell you that I am 22, tall, athletic, latinamerican, good looks(hope

    this dont sound arrogant/shallow) I can be a bit shy(thats why I trying C7) but loosen up after a short while(or if

    im drinkin)

    Any tips, anyone?

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    In my opinion, Chikara is

    a little bit tricky. Sometimes it works great and sometimes you see (almost) no effects! Have you used C7 alone or

    in combo with? In my experiences C7 works better when combined with mones like TE or any other None-product!

  3. #3
    Banned User
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    Default Just Different?

    It is my understanding that different pheros just work for different people...

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post
    Have you used C7 alone or in combo with?
    One time (when I just got the

    order) I tried it on combined with alpha 7, but i didnt noticed something special. Since then Ive only used it by it

    self. I guess Ive to keep trying n trying till I get it. Do anyone know the "bieffects" if I overdose chikara ??

  5. #5
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Is it scented or unscented

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    Is it

    scented or unscented Chikara?
    Oh sorry I forgot. Its scented.

  7. #7
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I'm stumped. I would think at the

    very least Chikara would work as a good cover scent. A7 has all the muscle in it, but I've always found a good

    fragrance helps a lot, even something like APC, which offers nothing to A7 but the fragrance. Waaay back in the

    day, my best bet was NPA and APC. Nowadays A7 and Chikara should beat the pants off my ancient mix.

    Well, that

    probably didn't help much. All I can think of is that Chikara just doesn't suit your own pheromone signature or

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  8. #8
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    nice results from A7.. how

    many drops or dabs did you apply???I have noticed from many users that if chikara works for you then a7 wont and

    vice versa. thats why i did not bother to try chikare because a7 works well for me that i have purchased both

    scented and usncented

  9. #9
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    I forgot to ask; are you using the

    scented or unscented A7?
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  10. #10
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Like said, sometimes one product

    works great for you, and another similar product won't. I've had relatively good reactions with Chikara for

    example, but have yet to see anything much from A7, whereas others have reported kickass results with A7.


    just seems to work that way.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by purpleblood View Post

    results from A7.. how many drops or dabs did you apply???
    For me, just one drop do the trick. I always

    rub it off behind the ears and spray some hugo boss on my throat. voila.

    And Bruce I use the unscented version

    of A7.

    Rbt yeah I guess you´ve right.
    Guess ill have to keep trying or at least use it like a parfume

  12. #12
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    OK, so it's not clashing fragrances

    anyway. Well, I would experiment some more with the combo, but you gotta go with what works ultimately. Chikara's

    fragrance is very popular, but nothing works for everybody. Often it's a matter of how a product makes you feel

    yourself when you go out.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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  13. #13
    Journeyman Goldcoastq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    OK, so

    it's not clashing fragrances anyway. Well, I would experiment some more with the combo, but you gotta go with what

    works ultimately. Chikara's fragrance is very popular, but nothing works for everybody. Often it's a matter of

    how a product makes you feel yourself when you go out.
    I absolutely agree with that. C7 hasn't worked for

    me and I persisted longer than I should have simply because I like the smell.

  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post

    my opinion, Chikara is a little bit tricky. Sometimes it works great and sometimes you see (almost) no effects! Have

    you used C7 alone or in combo with? In my experiences C7 works better when combined with mones like TE or any other

    C7 has been working for me AND how, But I have to be careful anything more than 1

    spray and I get OD.

    1 spray and I get amazing service. I am also more friendly and confident, and it puts me

    in a good mood.

    With edge added in there's more tension. I OD easily on edge and I can't stand much

    cologne because of my sleep apnea and allergies so I use only 1 dab to back of neck.

    If I'm lucky a dab may

    do the job of creating more sexiness.

    I've tried asking women out with just chikara and they didn't seem

    too receptive. But HELPFUL they were.

    Just curious any reason I constantly see people recommend chikara edge

    and not chikara npa? Is it because NPA attracts older women and chikara the 30 and under crowd?

    Any ideas

    how I can get by using more than a dab of edge without OD'ing? where should I dab it? I currently dab to back of

    neck and skip cologne altogether. I figure 1 dab wont stink too much. If I use too much I need cologne cover and

    that means allergy problems. Its winter in canada and I'm covered up most of the time or in long sleeve


    Applying to clothing is a no no as edge just sits there for eternity. Also I get zero reactions

    applying to clothing.


  15. #15
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    Hey HM,

    In my experience, if

    you want to buffer the effects of NPA or the Edge just add some SOE or A-1.

    I used Chikara years ago and it was a

    waste in my opinion. I did like the smell but it didn't do anything for me hit wise so I dunno. I used the gel

    packet samples of it back then.

  16. #16
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    This thread kind of made me laugh

    as I read it.I'm 22 just like you and I've used both Chikara and Alpha 7.Too be honest I didn't see much results

    with Alpha 7.I gave it to a friend.I might buy another bottle.I've seen nothing but great results with Chikara and

    it was recommended for my age along with Scent of Eros.I'll use a spray or two in the neck area with about 6 inches

    on each forearm.I go clubbing almost every week and I get nothing but compliments on my smell.Woman touch me a lot,

    pull me on the dance floor and are just chatty.How are you using you're alpha 7 I am curious?Maybe I did something

    wrong.Try using some SOE/Chikara and come back to me with the results.Reply when you can buddy.Cheers from


  17. #17
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    Crash thats crazy, nice results.

    I havnt seen none of that when I use chikara. Doesnt work for me.

    Well I dab one drop on me finger

    and rubb it just below my (both sides) ear/higher neck area. Then I spray 2 sprays of HUGO BOSS on my lower neck

    area. Gets crazy on the floor for shure!
    Ill probably try some SOE in the future, seems to have a nice

    "icebreaker" effect. Thanks for the tip!

  18. #18
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    Don't get discouraged. I'm a

    latino guy too and Chikara has worked for me. From your story it sounds like you were OD'ing @ more than 1 spray. I

    use it on gel packets and most of the time half a pack is more than enough to get results.

    Another factor to

    take in account is the age range of your targets, I've compared AE and Chikara, the latter seems to have an effect

    on younger women on the 18-25 age range.

    Of course, there are days where it does not do a thing and then I stop

    wearing it for a while because it seems it can build up easily.

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