Quote Originally Posted by aussiechic View Post

terry0400-40 that's great that you have your sense of smell now it must of been awful not to smell anything at

all.I put my pheromones on almost every day but they make my hubby quite horny so I try to scrub it off at the end

of the day before he comes home because he is very sexual and easily turned on and sometimes you know you don't

feel like lol and you were on a holiday few weeks ago how was it? did you have a good time(reading your

previous posts I think you had)I'm 31 now and I can tell you my tastes are changing-in men.I am attracted to

even older guys now which I wasn't at all before it's very strange but in a good way I like

Yes Aussiechic it was refreshing to have gotten away from Bris

for my Fiji holiday i did not really want to return but here i am.

I know that we dont always feel inspired

to please our partners every time and it is natural and right to look after ourselves and have some exclusively

private time.

I also realize that over the years our taste in the oposite sex does change from time to time

as we are always learning and growing in this expanding universe, yes from time to time i take a look at myself and

wonder exactly who i am or have become and why i desire what i do and is it all a part of my destiny, there are so

many possibilities, but it is all good as it seems that we are given the tools we need on the way through our trials

of learning and becoming the type of beings that we will be, or will it be a journey of perpetual change, i know i

have changed much but at the same time there is something in me which is the real me that i know i shall always
