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  1. #1
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    Default Ugly Side of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

    First post and looking for direction. I'm coming from a different point of view than most of the

    other posters, I only want to attract one particular woman. My wife! Married for 20 years, wife had complete

    hysterectomy about 12 years ago. February this year rec'd most beautiful Valentines day card from here that

    contained deep heart felt emotion of love. Four days later wife recieves new type HRT/ Testoternome and estradiol

    pellets, supposedly good for 3-6 months. Let's just say these pellets recharged her system CONSIDERABLY! So much

    I couldn't keep up. She asked a friend what about "daydreaming" that something in them was more attracting than

    real life. April 23 ( about 60 days after pellets) She wants out of the marriage and cringes at the thought of us

    spending together. Keep in mind, we have never fought like this before. Strong alpha-female charactoristics

    kicking in as well as self-centeredness. Totaly out the norm! She is a 42 yo, white, 5"5', 122 lb well shaped

    beauty who has the sex drive through the roof. I'm also on testosternome replacement therapy as I'm 9 years older

    than her. She's started wearing more sensous/form fitting clothes to her clinic job and has become very flirty

    with the male patients, and has started extensive texting sessions with one of the patients and daughters softball

    coach. I know you think affair, however, very strong moral compass.

    What can you recommend as have very little

    money left over after her buying new clothes and kids?

    I don't want to loose the love of my life, I love her

    more now than when I asked her to marry me.

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post

    post and looking for direction. I'm coming from a different point of view than most of the other posters, I only

    want to attract one particular woman. My wife! Married for 20 years, wife had complete hysterectomy about 12 years

    ago. February this year rec'd most beautiful Valentines day card from here that contained deep heart felt emotion

    of love. Four days later wife recieves new type HRT/ Testoternome and estradiol pellets, supposedly good for 3-6

    months. Let's just say these pellets recharged her system CONSIDERABLY! So much I couldn't keep up. She asked a

    friend what about "daydreaming" that something in them was more attracting than real life. April 23 ( about 60 days

    after pellets) She wants out of the marriage and cringes at the thought of us spending together. Keep in mind, we

    have never fought like this before. Strong alpha-female charactoristics kicking in as well as self-centeredness.

    Totaly out the norm! She is a 42 yo, white, 5"5', 122 lb well shaped beauty who has the sex drive through the

    roof. I'm also on testosternome replacement therapy as I'm 9 years older than her. She's started wearing more

    sensous/form fitting clothes to her clinic job and has become very flirty with the male patients, and has started

    extensive texting sessions with one of the patients and daughters softball coach. I know you think affair, however,

    very strong moral compass.

    What can you recommend as have very little money left over after her buying new

    clothes and kids?

    I don't want to loose the love of my life, I love her more now than when I asked her to

    marry me.

    Why does she have to take those pills? Did the doctor force her to? You're

    gonna have a hard time screwing like at 20 year old at mid forties and HRT I tried that and it had nasty side

    effects like acne and can even cause cancer if used long term.

    It sounds to me like she likes the new her.

    You may want to consider using your tongue to satify her to orgasm if your penis can't keep up


  3. #3
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    These aren't pills,

    pellets implanted in butt! They have made a world of difference in her ability to enjoy sex again. She's better

    than at ANY other point in our relationship, just gotta find a way to keep her "desire" to stay at home and from

    being poached from someone who still has there scent going on. There's an interesting read on dr. mercolas site, in

    the search block type in "pheromones" , these hormones have changed the way my wife thinks of me. Hell wish I was

    still in my forties, 52!

    Tongue works well when she lets me, however, nothing like the real thing!

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Ultimate penis

    You could always

    try going to a men's sex clinic. they have injections you can put in your penis before sex that keeps it up and

    hard for 45 -60 min stimulation or NOT!


  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    These aren't pills, pellets implanted in butt! They have made a world of difference in

    her ability to enjoy sex again. She's better than at ANY other point in our relationship, just gotta find a way to

    keep her "desire" to stay at home and from being poached from someone who still has there scent going on. There's

    an interesting read on dr. mercolas site, in the search block type in "pheromones" , these hormones have changed the

    way my wife thinks of me. Hell wish I was still in my forties, 52!

    Tongue works well when she lets me, however,

    nothing like the real thing!
    There are a good variety of ways and means of

    you providing her with the physical fulfillment she requires so this side of the equation may be taken care of with

    little worry or concern i am sure you can figre out something so no real drama's


    Now when it comes to pheromones you could always add some synthetic

    pheromones to enhance your own natural pheromone signature so as to convey to her that you are a hot excited

    dominant alpha male, yes pheromones can give this impression, just remember to act the part when you first apply a

    good Androstenone pheromone product, this will help reinforce the impresions the woman receives from your pheromone

    scent and it will work for you to leave a lasting impression upon her mind that you indeed are still the man, yes

    her man.

    Look after and be good to her also ask her

    what she likes you can accomplish these things with out acting wimpy then all is good, have confidence and faith in

    your self and above all just relax during these times of change and realize that all storms pass away and what

    remains is the attitude you took during the times of apparent


    Well go on and get yourself a small bottle of Alpha 7 scented, or some NPA

    or Primal Instinct.

    NPA is good and is designed to be diluted with your favourite cologne at the

    ratio of around 1:5.

    I personally use Primal Instinct, NPA, Alter Ego, Alpha7, and others not

    often discussed on this forum, i dont use them all at once together but i will use one Androstenone product for

    several days and then have a days break and then use another of my products this always keeps me fresh and exciting

    and i am nearly 60 and my girl loves my pheromones as many times after sniffing up close my application points she

    explodes with passion and it really takes little effort to satisfy her completly once the phero scent gets to the

    part of her brain that controls the sex urge anything goes.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
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    What Terry mentioned was


    I just would like to add that adding androstenone is either going to be great or really bad depending on

    what type of man she is wanting. Since she is receiving testosterone(which is not needed for a women at high rates)

    she will be a strong alpha and self centered individual. It comes with the hormone testosterone, also spreading the

    seed so to speak will, in other words she now has the desire and intentions to cheat on you. I also recommend since

    you are on TRT to make sure you have an aromatase inhibitor so that if estradiol levels rise to rapidly, you can

    control it, and this will allow you to have a better since of well being. Trust me elevated estradiol is no fun.

    Good chances are since she has a strong mind set in with the unnecessary synthetic testosterone, androstenone will

    make things worse, at least high levels of it. I recommend trying a mix of androstenone and androsterone to see how

    she responds. NPA is my recommendation of choice of androstenone products. Although A7 carries both androsteone and

    androsterone. I wish you and your wife the best.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE ALPHA

    What Terry mentioned was good.

    I just would like to add that adding androstenone is either going to

    be great or really bad depending on what type of man she is wanting. Since she is receiving testosterone(which is

    not needed for a women at high rates) she will be a strong alpha and self centered individual. It comes with the

    hormone testosterone, also spreading the seed so to speak will, in other words she now has the desire and intentions

    to cheat on you. I also recommend since you are on TRT to make sure you have an aromatase inhibitor so that if

    estradiol levels rise to rapidly, you can control it, and this will allow you to have a better since of well being.

    Trust me elevated estradiol is no fun. Good chances are since she has a strong mind set in with the unnecessary

    synthetic testosterone, androstenone will make things worse, at least high levels of it. I recommend trying a mix of

    androstenone and androsterone to see how she responds. NPA is my recommendation of choice of androstenone products.

    Although A7 carries both androsteone and androsterone. I wish you and your wife the best.
    Thank you

    guys, yes my estrdioal has been running higher than what should, not exactly portraying the alpha-male qualities.

    The last two post seem to grasp at the direction and point I'm at. Yes she is very self-centered now, totaly out

    of character from the past few years. I've attempted to talk to her doc but seems to be siding more with her that

    test values are in optimum ranges. However doc has only known her for 10 months verses my 21 years. Thanks for the

    advice, now to decide what to order and use while I try to keep her from doing something we'll both regret.


  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    Thank you guys, yes my estrdioal has been running higher than what should, not exactly

    portraying the alpha-male qualities. The last two post seem to grasp at the direction and point I'm at. Yes she is

    very self-centered now, totaly out of character from the past few years. I've attempted to talk to her doc but

    seems to be siding more with her that test values are in optimum ranges. However doc has only known her for 10

    months verses my 21 years. Thanks for the advice, now to decide what to order and use while I try to keep her from

    doing something we'll both regret. Thanks,
    If you know the time of the month she ovulates, that is when

    you should use NPA, other than that Alpha 7 would suit you better in my opinion along reassurance in


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE ALPHA

    If you know the time of the month she ovulates, that is when you should use NPA, other than that Alpha 7

    would suit you better in my opinion along reassurance in yourself.
    Unfortunately with a complete

    hysterectomy (SP?) no ovulation or her natural hormones produced. You still have given directions I think I can use

    as her current hormone levels remind me of before when she was ovulating , volumptious, and aroused.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    Unfortunately with a complete hysterectomy (SP?) no ovulation or her natural hormones

    produced. You still have given directions I think I can use as her current hormone levels remind me of before when

    she was ovulating , volumptious, and aroused.

    If she is in the arousal state, androstenone

    should work well, unfortunately women are a tad complex. She might feel your sexual dominance as a threat and it may

    cause further issues, hopefully that is not the case.

  11. #11
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    NPA and A7 on just ordered.

    Now to learn hers/mine dosing!


    Feeling some moral reluctance in ordering product; however, mones got me

    in this mess maybe mones can help get me out!

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Difficulty understanding logic

    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    NPA and A7 on just ordered. Now to learn hers/mine dosing!



    some moral reluctance in ordering product; however, mones got me in this mess maybe mones can help get me

    I don't quite understand the logic here. NPA A7 will only make her more attracted to you but

    they may not make you get it up any more times with her.

    if she's already getting it from you she's

    already attracted. It sounds to me like a libido issue.

    Perhaps you should have a talk with her about how

    you feel about her flirting with other guys.

    NPA may make her more horny for you or bitch at you. In either

    case how is that supposed to help you get it up more for her?

    A7 is a dominant vibe. You may be able to

    control her more because of the rone.

    Do you hit the gym? Are you in good shape? Do you take supplements

    for libido?

    You mention HRT -- i tried that and I'm glad I stopped. I had horrible acne and it can cause

    cancer long term.

    Sometimes if you flirt with other women she may feel like she's going to lose you and try

    harder to please you and forget her fantasies. if done wrong this can backfire on you



  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post

    don't quite understand the logic here. NPA A7 will only make her more attracted to you but they may not make you

    get it up any more times with her.

    That's the thing, She's lost the attraction/Love! Virge of

    splitting up! Would have already happened if not for children. Dr. implanted T and E, her lab values come back in

    the optimum range but have got her libido so juiced up she can't think straight. Apparently high T promotes,

    fantisizing/daydreaming, real life/(Me) can't compare, now bossy, pushy, agressive, quick tempered, heated times

    between children, very self-centered.

    if she's already getting it from you she's already attracted

    (DEAD TO ME, LOVE DIED). It sounds to me like a libido issue.

    Perhaps you should have a talk

    with her about how you feel about her flirting with other guys.

    NPA may make her more horny for you or bitch at

    you. In either case how is that supposed to help you get it up more for her?

    A7 is a dominant vibe. You may be

    able to control her more because of the rone.

    Do you hit the gym? Are you in good shape? Do you take supplements

    for libido? Have joined gym and she has made positive comments to results; however, if my libido was

    through the roof, I'd still be in the mostly current state, "Cut-off!"

    You mention HRT -- i tried that

    and I'm glad I stopped. I had horrible acne and it can cause cancer long term.

    Sometimes if you flirt with

    other women she may feel like she's going to lose you and try harder to please you and forget her fantasies

    (I WISH!). if done wrong this can backfire on you too. She has pretty well written me

    and our marriage off.

    My responses are in "Red"

  14. #14
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    My responses are in "Red"
    You have worked

    hard at this, now live each day as it comes, do whatever you can then let it be, enjoy that which is good and be

    thankfull for what you have.

    We sometimes resist

    the conditions that fate has given us and with this resistance fate gives us even more of the same up until sutch

    time as we accept and with acceptance comes that which is necessary for our continued growth wellbeing and

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  15. #15
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    Based on what you have

    told me these pheromones will send a message but if she is set on her ways, it may not change the result. There is

    nothing wrong with morals, just realize that if you are trying to keep your marriage alive and she is not, then you

    should not beat yourself over it. Not sure what your beliefs are, but I am a believer of God, and I know that God

    made us to use both PRIMAL and rational instincts, due to the suppressive nature of society; people fail to

    understand that.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE ALPHA

    Based on what you have told me these pheromones will send a message but if she is set on her ways, it

    may not change the result. There is nothing wrong with morals, just realize that if you are trying to keep your

    marriage alive and she is not, then you should not beat yourself over it. Not sure what your beliefs are, but I am a

    believer of God, and I know that God made us to use both PRIMAL and rational instincts, due to the suppressive

    nature of society; people fail to understand that.
    Both of us are believers, I've told her this is just

    a "Test" something we are going through, indicating there is an end. My God already knows the outcome and what my

    wife is wanting does not pass the test of His desires.

    I am embarassed at our behavior and the message being

    sent to our children.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    You have worked hard at this, now live each day as

    it comes, do whatever you can then let it be, enjoy that which is good and be thankfully for what you have.

    We sometimes resist the conditions that fate has

    given us and with this resistance fate gives us even more of the same up until such time as we accept and with

    acceptance comes that which is necessary for our continued growth wellbeing and

    Very profound and well versed, but I feel as though we are part of a bigger

    picture and we are going through this to help somebody else in the future, all things perceived as problems and

    setbacks have served to make her better in the current place in life. Had these events not happened (w/me) she

    would not be at this place in life, of helping others with their hormones.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    Both of us are believers, I've told her this is just a "Test" something we are going

    through, indicating there is an end. My God already knows the outcome and what my wife is wanting does not pass the

    test of His desires.

    I am embarassed at our behavior and the message being sent to our children.

    need to be embarrassed since no one is perfect, if anything this educational for your children. They will learn what

    to and not to do in a relationship, you should advise them of your mistakes, that is what I would do in that


  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE ALPHA

    If she is in the arousal state, androstenone should work well, unfortunately women are a tad complex.

    She might feel your sexual dominance as a threat and it may cause further issues, hopefully that is not the

    It was either the comment I made to her folks last week or the Alpha-7 (ONE DROP neck

    rear) ..... she slept in the spare bedroom...

    Should have picked up some liquid trust, marriage therapy in a

    bottle as I read on another site.

    Still have NPA to try, any suggestions?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartBroque View Post
    It was either the comment I made to her folks last week or the Alpha-7 (ONE DROP neck

    rear) ..... she slept in the spare bedroom...

    Should have picked up some liquid trust, marriage therapy in a

    bottle as I read on another site.

    Still have NPA to try, any suggestions?
    NPA does have a secret

    ingredient, and its THE ONLY none product, that I can lightly (1 dab) dose and not have severe ghost reactions. I

    have girls run and cry for help when wearing none products. Liquid trust does not last long because of the air's

    effect on the molecules of oxycotin, it will only last 30 minutes. You could also try using some WAGG with the NPA,

    since WAGG contains Nol which makes you appear younger and easier to talk to.
    What were reactions throughout the

    day when you wore A7?

  21. #21
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    Noticed NO effect, on

    anybody. Even at the mall let the lady at the perfume counter smell, said it smelled good, however, no what I would

    call a hit.

    Get a hair cut in a bit, try another time.

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