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  1. #1
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    Default too private

    ..... sorry had to

    Last edited by just-for-kicks; 08-19-2010 at 07:35 AM. Reason: need this post to be gone...

  2. #2
    Journeyman zgame's Avatar
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    Hello my friend

    You want to be a real respective team leader?
    NPA will make you more agressive without

    You will be more respected by all man + you'll be more attractive to girls.
    they just dont

    open up to you?

    add Soe! it will help you to open up them a little

    OR you can try complex products

    like Alter Ego, Chikara.
    p.s why your team is scared of you? too old for them?
    maybe it's you hair or

    clothes are scary?

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Dear just-for-kicks,


    username betrays your motivation for being here and any advice given should be taken with the understanding that

    frivolous undertakings bear the repercussions of ill-conceived actions.

    Option 1: Screw the 12ft away girl in

    front of the 9ft away wife and completely lose the respect of your entire team, lose your wife, and probably ruin

    your life in a way that's much worse than not bagging the hottie.

    Option 2: Gain personal and professional

    character by completely shutting down the 12ft away girl and develop strategies to make 9ft away wife more desirable

    than 12ft girl.

    Your situation, as described, is so charged with potential disaster that any pheromone use could

    rip the fabric of the universe.

    Aside from the romance aspect, your team may be afraid of you because of your

    intensity. That happens. Try to relax, not everything is life or death. You really don't know it all. Allow

    others their opinions, and respect them. Encourage input and use those ideas.

    Pheromones will not cover up or

    overcome intrinsic behavior. If anything, they will amplify what you already project. Or worse, they will send an

    incongruent signal that will confuse those around you.

    Interestingly, pheromone use has taught me a lot about

    myself and about other people. What was once a lark is now more serious and interesting, not to mention more

    beneficial to my goals is using them, in many ways.

    OK, sorry, not the answer you were looking for.

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    First, ID's advice is exactly

    right, listen to him.

    Second, at a guess I'd say that between your personal pheromone signature and your

    intensity you are intimidating as well as sexually attractive. Personality plays a huge role but so does your

    personal pheromone signature. You could be emmitting tons of adrostenone naturally, which would explain both the

    intimidation and the sexual attraction. From your other post I understand you are in India, in a hot climate? That

    could increase the sweat and increase the pheromones you are putting out.

    Here's my advice for a test. Get

    yourself and antibacterial body wash and use it every morning. Pay careful attention to your crotch and armpits. If

    you can endure the sting you could even wipe down those areas with rubbing alcohol. The intent is to kill any

    bacteria because some convert other pheromones to androstenone and to get rid of any build up of pheromones in those

    areas. Use a strong anti presperent daily. I'm not implying you are not clean. I am suggesting that you have an

    unusually high pheromome level and want to get it under control before adding more.

    Try that for a month and see

    what happens. You might be surprised at the changes you see.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    ..... sorry had to

    Last edited by just-for-kicks; 08-19-2010 at 07:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by just-for-kicks View Post
    Problem #1 The problem is my wife also works with us and the wife is seated less

    than 9 feet away while this girl is about 12 feet away from my desk (in different directions thou).


    #2 the girl and me put this issue of our "mutual" attraction towards each on the table less than a week ago. But

    this girl has a steady boyfriend of 3 years. she doesn’t want to quit the relationship. And i cant leave my

    Oh dear - all the ingredients are here for trouble ...

    I doubt that your team is scared of

    you - most people are careful of team leaders/bosses, etc. - hierarchy & all that. Just ask for some good ideas from

    them on how to improve the business, listen to them carefully, & maybe implement them with their active

    participation - some delegation ?

    As you sweat alot that would put out more natural pheromones than normal. Why

    not use a social 'mone to calm things down (SOE ?, etc.). Or wear a calming fresh smelling cologne around your

    team. That could change your image in a positive way as people are influenced alot by smell.

    You could change

    your clothing style a bit - smart but casual, different colours, etc.

    Some offices have also experimented with

    putting e.g. lemon fragrance oil into the AC to motivate staff.

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    ..... sorry had to

    Last edited by just-for-kicks; 08-19-2010 at 07:33 AM.

  8. #8
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    ..... sorry had to

    Last edited by just-for-kicks; 08-19-2010 at 07:33 AM.

  9. #9
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    ..... sorry had to

    Last edited by just-for-kicks; 08-19-2010 at 07:33 AM.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    (I've heard that some companies

    introduce fragrances into office air to lighten the mood - e.g. lemon, baked bread, cookies . There are

    also free standing fragrance oil heaters which are plugged in).

    My guess overall is that you've done very well

    in creating your company through your energy & force of your will, but that those same techniques don't always work

    with individuals. Your personality may be dominating them a bit, & you may have quietened them with what you have


    If you ask people what they really think - only the confident ones will tell you, because the less

    confident ones are worried about what might happen if you don't like what they have said .

    One way around

    this is to have a Suggestions Box in which staff put anonymous typed suggestions about improvements - then you

    would know what they really thought.

    In the U.K. some companies have 'team building days' where you are

    asked to e.g. cross a river with a barrel & a plank - & then you all fall in !! It breaks the ice between manager &


    I had a manager who tried too hard to get on with us, & he used every technique which he had learnt on a

    management course. It backfired & it didn't work because it came across as contrived. If he had just relaxed a bit

    (within the needs to get work done by due dates ... ) & put himself in our position when he was less senior ...

    The opinions of a total stranger of course ..

    As for 'mones what about Liquid Trust ?

  11. #11
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hi there jfk, didn't mean to be

    rude in my post, and upon re-reading it I see that I may have been. Apologies.

    There seems to be a disconnect

    between your self-described manner and your team's response. You say you're always "smiling and laughing", but

    they don't open up to you. I don't think intensity explains that.

    You mentioned depression, are you bi-polar?

    If so, that would easily explain your team's resistance to opening up and/or becoming closer. Its difficult to

    approach someone who's response is unpredictable.

    As well, some strategies for overcoming depression require

    conscious behavior changes, which sometimes come off as unnatural and contrived. What you might think you are

    projecting might come across completely different to others. I have personal experience with this one.


    just shooting from the hip here, could be way off the mark.

    I'll not comment any further on the girl/wife/team


    Chas mentioned LT, a good suggestion. SoE might be good as well. -Nol is a good social


    Keep in mind that pheromones all have a distinct scent. You allergies may not like them.

    Good luck

    with your team.


  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by just-for-kicks View Post
    Yes! the climate here is very hot... but like i said i sweat even inside a Air

    conditioned room.

    In fact that's the two areas I use two different soaps on everyday.

    I cannot use

    perfumes or any anti presperent or anything with even a slight smell because i am allergic to them and i get instant

    headaches and nausea even if some one around me uses perfumes or something such a talc powder... i have to get

    I think, based on what you have said, that your problem may be twofold. You have a naturally high

    pheromone level (Androstenone) made higher by constant sweating and you are an intense personality. However, unlike

    the others I do not think the focus should be on the personality, it should be on the pheromone levels.

    I use an

    unscented antipersperant myself for allergy reasons. The one I've found that works best for me may not be available

    in your country. It's Mennen Solid - unscented. Again, be sure you are using an anti-bacterial soap or body wash

    and look hard for a true anti-persperant that works for you. Not a deoderant! Even talk to your doctor about it. If

    you are a coffee or tea drinker reduce your intake and maybe even try some 5-HTP before bed. The intent here is to

    reduce sweating as much as possible by slowing your metabolism just a bit. Results might take a couple weeks but it

    is worth a try.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by just-for-kicks View Post
    Yes! the climate here is very hot... but like i said i sweat even inside a Air

    conditioned room.

    In fact that's the two areas I use two different soaps on everyday.

    I cannot use

    perfumes or any anti presperent or anything with even a slight smell because i am allergic to them and i get instant

    headaches and nausea even if some one around me uses perfumes or something such a talc powder... i have to get

    I think, based on what you have said, that your problem may be twofold. You have a naturally high

    pheromone level (Androstenone) made higher by constant sweating and you are an intense personality. However, unlike

    the others I do not think the focus should be on the personality, it should be on the pheromone levels.

    I use an

    unscented antipersperant myself for allergy reasons. The one I've found that works best for me may not be available

    in your country. It's Mennen Solid - unscented. Again, be sure you are using an anti-bacterial soap or body wash

    and look hard for a true anti-persperant that works for you. Not a deoderant! Even talk to your doctor about it. If

    you are a coffee or tea drinker reduce your intake and maybe even try some 5-HTP before bed. The intent here is to

    reduce sweating as much as possible by slowing your metabolism just a bit. Results might take a couple weeks but it

    is worth a try.

    Regardless of the results, I think a -Nol product like SoE would be the only pheromone you would

    want to wear. It should serve to take the aggressive edge off your signature.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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