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  1. #1
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    Arrow Ahhh! Overwhelmed please help!!!

    Hello Everyone!

    OK I tried to do research so I wouldn't have to ask

    and bug anyone. But the more I looked the more confused I got. I really want to give pheromones a try but have no

    clue what to get. I'm on a very limited budget right now, so no more than $30. So if anyone can give suggestions on

    what they have tried that really worked for them I would be so thankful!

    Just to sum

    it up a little. I like a guy from work, who I think is interested in me. But many times any physical contact has to

    be started by me (brushing next to him, bumping him etc), he seems to be a little reserved. Though by some of the

    things he says to me, I know he has it in him, he just holds back. All I know is I want him to step it up

    because I don't want to be the aggressor. Oh I do wear perfume too. Thanks for any help!!

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    In my mind NPA for women (New

    Pheromone Additive) is the powerhouse at that price, BUT (and it's a big one) you have to be *extremely* careful

    how you use it. Overdosing is worse than no pheromones at all; you might turn on some guys and drive your sweetie

    away. Also, depends on location (bar vs. workplace). Basically you need to use a small amount per application

    point and cover carefully with your perfume.

    I would also check out the book "How to make someone fall in love

    with you in 90 minutes".
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Bruce forgot to mention that NPA

    is meant to be mixed with perfume/cologne at a 1:5 ratio. That would make application much easier to control,

    albeit given a little effort at the start.

    I'm sure you've done this, but attraction has many forms. Making

    yourself attractive can be as easy as wearing a great smile, subtle ways of showing special attention etc.


    have been a few women posting lately, any of you having any results you'd care to help out with?

    And welcome to

    the forum!

  4. #4
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    Hmm, strange I posted a reply

    but it vanished. Hope this isn't a duplicate.

    Thanks Bruce and idesign for your time and help!! That book

    sounds like really fun/great read, I will have to look into that.

    That would be my biggest nightmare to send

    him in the opposite direction yikes, lol.

    So if I tried NPA do I just put a dab on one spot like one pulse

    spot and dab perfume over it and everywhere else too? I'm a little worried I may screw this up and send him gagging

    it would only take once to screw it all up.

    I did read some really positive reviews about responses girls got

    from guys while wearing Primal Instinct for women and Perfect Ten for women too....but these are less


    A post I was trying to find again was from a girl who put what she bought all over her clothes and

    got a lot of hits from guys...and she just raved about all the attention it got her. She said it worked better than

    putting it directly on her skin too. I'm not sure which product it was though.

    Thanks for all your time and


  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    So much depends on you and your

    body chemistry. We usually advise starting with small amounts because the most harm is no results. If you start high

    and OD you can kill your chances completely.

    A lot of pheromone users wear the alcohol basedproducts on their

    clothes and it does seem to last longer. Just remember that it could possibly still be on your clothes the next time

    you wear them, even after washing.

    How is your behavior around the guy? Do you flirt and make mildly suggestive

    remarks? Lots of eye contact and touching his and or arm? How's your body language. Keep in mind that pheromoones

    are not miracle workers, they only give you an edge.

    He also might be a little paranoid. You are a coworker and

    our society often makes the worst of that. People lose their jobs over office romance or even just saying the wrong

    thing to somebody. You should consider getting him away from the office for lunch or something. Things might go

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  6. #6
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    At some point, I would just causally

    ask him to meet you for a cup of coffee somewhere. When I was young(er) I was hopelessly shy and always ended up

    with women who were brave enough to make the first move (and sometimes the second and third). I know you want him

    to start making some moves, but you might be able to pull that off better outside the workplace.
    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

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  7. #7
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    Actually it's

    funny. He makes the remarks/suggestions but I'm the one who pretty much does the physical contact. I'm always

    flirting and touching his arm etc. He's getting there I think, but very slowly. It would be nice to see him more

    playful. Let his guard down a little bit. We will have to wait on the going out for coffee part right now at least

    until I feel a little more comfortable and relaxed around him too but that's a goal I'm shooting for.

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing...I just thought maybe the pheromones would give him a little extra boost

    help him feel a little more bold would be great! So maybe something that isn't so potent but that will also help?

  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Come to think of it, you could

    try Scent of Eros Women if what you need is for him to let his guard down. It could get him to relax a bit. Its

    not very sexual, but it seems you mainly need to get him over a shy spot in the road.

    Also, if you're the one

    making all the contact with no return, you might try backing off from that slightly. See what his reaction is. He

    might miss it and start making some moves himself.

  9. #9
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    I tired that once and he got a

    little ticked off and ignored me. So I got scared and didn't try it again LOL

    Do the SOE gel packs work

    (the little bottle is a tad out of my price range)?

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Sure, lots of folks like them

    better because of portability. You could also try Edge Wipes, essentially the same as NPA but weaker. They're

    both an economical way to experiment. Let us know what you get and we'll help with your dosing.

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hewinked View Post


    it's funny. He makes the remarks/suggestions but I'm the one who pretty much does the physical contact. I'm

    always flirting and touching his arm etc. He's getting there I think, but very slowly. It would be nice to see him

    more playful. Let his guard down a little bit. We will have to wait on the going out for coffee part right now at

    least until I feel a little more comfortable and relaxed around him too but that's a goal I'm shooting for.

    I'll keep doing what I'm doing...I just thought maybe the pheromones would give him a little extra boost help

    him feel a little more bold would be great! So maybe something that isn't so potent but that will also

    Ask him what his favourite women's perfume is or, better still, ask him to help you chose one.

    Then put it on the back of your wrist & behind your ears & ask him to smell it so he will get close ...


    signs towards men can be too subtle. One woman looked up with a big smile every time I walked into her office. I

    thought nothing of it. Eventually she asked one of my colleagues if I was going to ask her out ...

  12. #12
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    Hi chaz!

    Thanks for the

    idea, that's a great one! I never even thought of that. I'll ask him if I get brave enough. lol


    idesign sorry one last thing...which one has better results...the
    SOE or Edge wipes? Or should I say which one

    can't I screw up?

  13. #13
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    You really can't fail with SoE,

    known for its friendly vibe. Edge is -None, and sexual, and a little riskier for you. From the sound of it you

    might overwhelm this guy if you wear -None. Having said that, my strategy would be to wear both, and get the

    combined effects. SoE will buffer the -None in Edge, and you get the best of all worlds. The key is to use very

    little Edge, and be generous with SoE.

    Put it all on and use Chas' plan and you should be set! Good luck!

  14. #14
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    Thanks so much for your time

    and help idesign!!!! I can't wait to try them !!!

  15. #15
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    Default Ahhh Overwhelmed please help

    Welcome to the cycling and welcome to the ladies forum, swan. Do you have a price range in mind?

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