

used to applying lashings of pheros for chance encounters in bars/clubs/generally going about my day but have

limited knowledge of a decent strategy for meeting a girl and spending several hours with her.

have a date

set up tomorrow and we're likely to be in each other's company for 4-5 hours.

i have in my armoury AE and

A7. i'm 38, looking a little older than i did when i had my major phero successes 6-7 years ago. i'm totally NOT

an alpha male my key selling points so i'm told are my voice, my sense of humour and the fact i'm cute and funny.

my date is a 29 year old girl.

what would be a good strategy? i had success with AE in my early days but

that was several years ago. not sure which one to go for and how much to apply and when to know to "top up" (will

be carrying them with me), what signs i should be looking for etc.

any help warmly received, thanks, neil