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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Question showering and mone buildup

    Most of us

    are aware of the dreaded mone buildup (esp with none) and how we much execute our daily scrub to avoid OD


    Just the other day my SO made a comment to me that really hit home. She said, most people shower up

    and scrub before they apply mones, but have you considered doing this after??

    I was kinda ambivalent to the

    whole idea. I mean why would anyone shower after they put on their mones.. it would just be a waste of product


    So anyways here I am, always complaining about OD, without nothing to lose but a few sprays of my

    favorite products. I decide to entertain the following idea.

    Toss on 21 inchs of SOE, 1 spray of

    chikara, and 2 sprays of NPA (diluted 1:5 with cologne).

    Of course experience tells me it most environments

    (unlike bars) I will definitely OD. And as expected I did. I went out to the library, mall etc and the same

    old crap, no looks, being invisible is no fun... Also all that cologne cover to mask smells is getting to me.. I

    wonder if cologne is making me tune out and drunk to some point.. after all it does contain alcohol.


    3 hours later I come home, pissed off about the whole experience.. I decide to go out at night instead -- first

    have a short nap , then take a cold short shower to wake up.. and then apply a spray or two of


    At night I get instant hits, feel alert, and don't have all the mone stink to inhale, nor

    the huge amounts of cologne to inhale with it. I can focus better. I can be more entertaining. I don't tune out

    from any secret ingredients affecting me in NpA.
    And I have a lot of hits.

    So I just conclude I needed

    time to let the mone application wear itself tamer and I needed a short nap and shower to wake up so to speak for

    the evening.

    But it never really occured to me that we do this often (or report mone hits the NEXT day)

    without realizing there must be a method to get the hits and all other positives right away.

    So I ask you

    if you're considering an evening out, have you considered putting your mones on (especially strong hitters like

    NPA) in the afternoon, letting them sit in your skin for an hour and a half or so to be fully absorbed, and then

    take a short nap , waken and shower and scrub. Then toss 1 or 2 sprays of your favorite cologne and head


    The buildup of powerful products would be less, and you would of given them enough time to absorb

    first. A nap would give you much needed energy to enjoy your time out and take the lead without tiring. An

    essential component of success. After all a tired person with mones on is not going to get very far initiating--

    I've already read for good brain health human beings are meant to nap everyday too, not just sleep at night

    a cold shower or luke warm one for a short time would waken you up, and remove a lot of the potency, and stink of

    of a heavy none mix applied earlier not to mention the additional fumes of the cologne (eg NPA mixed with cologne).

    I agree with the milder mone we don't need such an approach but with the heavy none hitters.. especially


    Then you go out and wonder.... is showering after mone application (say 2 hrs later- after mones

    have settled in) such a bad idea after all especially for those who OD a lot???

    Geogogi once mentioned he

    showers 2xday . I would figure he meant when he wakes up, and maybe in the evening sometime. Inadvertantly, he is

    doing the same thing. He states he is also relaxed and alert and shows no tension. He is a musician and musicians

    are usually friendly , relaxed people. Also he has a clean diet and states he is usually alert all the time.

    For the rest of us we may need a NAP TO BE ALERT and show no tension come the evenings, especially those with

    working commitments .

    What are you're thoughts on this whole approach?

    P.S. If you're

    wondering if you'll be invisible during the daytime at work etc then maybe a lighter mix would work well without

    needing too much cover (cologne blocking your nasal passages) or stinking you up (eg too much none especially the

    stinky products) or causing tension (usually from too much none) in the workplace.. There are many to choose from

    like SOE, CHikara etc. I myself like to workout first thing in the morning to get it out of the way and also to

    increase my natural mone output. Its the perfect complement to a light mone mix in the morning since my none

    signature will be enhanced anyways from the workout.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-08-2010 at 12:50 AM.

  2. #2
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    I haven't tried applying

    mones and then showering, but I definitely noticed that, after experimenting with different mones for the last

    couple of weeks, even though I would shower twice a day and scrub with this exfoliating scrubby thing, by the end of

    this last weekend I had mone build up. I haven't worn any since Saturday night.

    I was wondering if anybody here

    had any experience bathing with vinegar? I don't know if it's kosher to post a link to another forum here (not

    another pheromone forum, but one related to seduction/pick-up artists). There's a great thread about the benefits

    of bathing with vinegar and *NOT* using soap.

    The basic idea is that soaps are more basic/alkaline than your

    body's naturally more acid PH, and throws off your skin's whole "eco-system," so to speak. Whereas, since vinegar

    is acidic, it doesn't screw up that balance so much, but still kills off all the nasties. I've tried it in the

    past, and sure enough, after a couple of weeks, your body adjusts to the new routine. It gets rid of all the B.O.,

    and the vinegary smell just evaporates after a few minutes as long as you scrub yourself OK.

    It makes me wonder

    how bathing in vinegar instead of soap would affect mone building, as well as one's own mones. I don't know why

    mones are so hard to get off with just soap, etc. I don't know the chemistry behind that. Would vinegar (or even

    alcohol) be any better or worse of a way to get it off? Also, it may be that using just vinegar would preserve more

    of your own natural pheromones(?) (Or maybe less?) This could be good or bad. You might have a stronger pheromone

    signature that would actually be your *own* pheromone signature, but then you might have to re-experiment with

    products and mixes. The balances of mones that worked before might not work with your new (natural) pheromone



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    Oh, I forgot to mention,

    the vinegar thing is also a bit of a money saver. You just buy a big jug of regular distilled vinegar, then dilute

    it with water in a big spray bottle (I got one from the gardening section in Wal-Mart). Spray it all over yourself

    and scrub, then rinse off really well in the shower. It'll last a long time, you'll end up spending like $10 over

    the course of a year instead of whatever you would have spent on soap. Not an enormous savings for most people, but

    when you're a student living in relative poverty every little bit counts, lol.

  4. #4
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    What about the vinegar smell

    does it wash off completely? I always clean my application points with peroxide and alcohol.

  5. #5
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    Interesting research...


    more you wash with normal soap, the more you change your natural skin ph to be more alkaline than it is supposed to

    be. This could explain why sometimes pheros dont work, yet other times they do. People are scrubbing up too much for

    the fear of OD'ing perhaps?

    Also as you get older your natural skin ph becomes less alkaline. Another factor to


    More research would be good in this area to discover at what skin ph is best for pheros to work


  6. #6
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    Yeah, if you scrub well and

    rinse well, the vinegar washes right off. You might smell like vinegar for a minute or two, but it just evaporates.

    I know it sounds weird, but I've done it in the past, and just started up again since yesterday, and it really

    doesn't smell as long as you wash and rinse well.

    How does the peroxide and alcohol work?

  7. #7
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    @ Russ -- I didn't know

    that about your ph changing as you get older. I wonder how that might affect one's pheromone profile.

    But yeah,

    it just hit me that soap probably isn't the best way to maximize my own pheromone signature.

  8. #8
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    The peroxide and alcohol works

    pretty good. I was hoping to get some opinons about it. Is it a good or bad idea to use.

  9. #9
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    A number of people on one of my chat

    forums seem to like to add white vinegar to the rinse cycle of their laundry wash claiming it not only seems to help

    get the clothes cleaner (they still use a detergent) plus it supposedly works like a fabric softener. Also helps

    kill any "stink" in the washing machine.

    I tried it a few times but the vinegar smell seemed to stick around

    longer than I liked. May have to try it again.

    This may also work to remove any pheromone product buildup on

    clothing for all I know. Not sure. May be worth giving it a try.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  10. #10
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    Cool ideas. I'm going to

    give the peroxide thing a try the next time I notice some build-up. I'll post about it.

  11. #11
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    @ Doggy let me know how it

    works for you. I'm still waiting for more opinons about my method.

  12. #12
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    So, I tested out just one

    spray of -mones on my hand earlier today (about 7pm) and I could still smell it when I got in the shower just an

    hour or so ago (about 1am). I can say that the vinegar didn't really get it off. I'll try the peroxide next.

  13. #13
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    Opps doggiestyle. Should have

    clarified a little better. I use alcohol and peroxide to clean the application points before I apply my mones. Not

    to remove the smell of the mones. Sorry should have explained a little better.

  14. #14
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    I see. What's that for,

    then? What does it do when you clean the application points before applying the pheromones?

  15. #15
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    I figured it helps clean the

    excess oil and dirt off the skin. I think Peroxide may help if there is any bacteria on the skin. Just a theory not

    sure about that.

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Re Skin surface microbes

    Re skin surface microbes link.

    it was estimated that fewer than 100

    different species of bacteria lived on the skin
    Also i wonder just how much our pheromone applications are

    influenced by these microbial culprits lol
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 07-12-2010 at 01:30 AM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
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    Still don't know if using

    perxoide is good or bad before applying mones, i use it to clean my skin before applications. Opinons are


  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ontimenow View Post
    Still don't know if using perxoide is good or bad before applying mones, i use it to clean

    my skin before applications. Opinons are


    ZE="4"]I use 35 percent hydrogen peroxide i drink at least ten to fifteen drops of it full strength in

    a glass of orange juice every morning and have done so for years, you would not believe how healthy this keeps the

    whole body cellular construction, i am nearly 60 and people think i am joking when i tell them my age age the H2 O2

    35% rejuvinates the whole body, just be careful handling the full strength 35% stuff as if spilt it will bleach your

    fingers also wear goggles when pouring out large amounts, if it splashes the face there is no problem at all if it

    is washed off with a water wet face cloth.

    The drug company's spread a lot of false information to the

    public so as to scare the population away from the real benefits of hydrogen peroxide as HP is cheap and is far

    superior to most drugs, the same scenario applies to many good herbal remedies also which the drug cartels try and

    keep sick people away from.

    I also water it down the 35% hydrogen peroxide with demineralised water at the

    rate of around 1 to 11 that gives me a 3 percent solution and i use it for teeth and gums and for all wounds, when

    influenza strikes i insert a 1/2 dropper into my ears for 10 minutes each side and that says good bye flu.


    also have used it as a whole body wash the only precaution with the 3 percent solution is not to get it into the

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I use 35 percent hydrogen peroxide i drink at

    least ten to fifteen drops of it full strength in a glass of orange juice every morning and have done so for years,

    you would not believe how healthy this keeps the whole body cellular construction, i am nearly 60 and people think i

    am joking when i tell them my age age the H2 O2 35% rejuvinates the whole body, just be careful handling the full

    strength 35% stuff as if spilt it will bleach your fingers also wear goggles when pouring out large amounts, if it

    splashes the face there is no problem at all if it is washed off with a water wet face cloth.

    The drug

    company's spread a lot of false information to the public so as to scare the population away from the real benefits

    of hydrogen peroxide as HP is cheap and is far superior to most drugs, the same scenario applies to many good herbal

    remedies also which the drug cartels try and keep sick people away from.

    I also water it down the 35%

    hydrogen peroxide with demineralised water at the rate of around 1 to 11 that gives me a 3 percent solution and i

    use it for teeth and gums and for all wounds, when influenza strikes i insert a 1/2 dropper into my ears for 10

    minutes each side and that says good bye flu.

    I also have used it as a whole body wash the only precaution

    with the 3 percent solution is not to get it into the eyes.
    Thanks for the

    info Terry my hydrogen peroxide is only (stabilized) 3%. I'll try and find the 35% hydrogen peroxide. Would the

    peroxide I have work ok? Or do I need to find some that is stronger?

  20. #20
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ontimenow View Post
    Thanks for the info Terry my hydrogen peroxide is only (stabilized) 3%. I'll try and find

    the 35% hydrogen peroxide. Would the peroxide I have work ok? Or do I need to find some that is

    The 3 percent HP that you are using is just fine for

    cleaning your Phero application points, all it takes is a dropper full or two and a soft rub over with a cotton

    cloth and zammo no surface bacteria left to contaminate the pheromones that are then applied.

    Also the stuff

    you have is good to apply if you have a fresh or a dirty wound or are bitten by a rat or a dog just give the area a

    good soaking with the 3 percent solution, i was bitten by a small mouse when i was in Fiji several years ago and i

    applied the HP solution quickly and it healed up ok, these little blugers have really sharp teeth.

    All i

    usually need is just to have a shower and use soap soft scrub over with a good rinse off and dry, then my phero apps

    work as well as i need.

    In hot humid and sticky weather conditions that can cause excessive perspiration

    then its advisable to have a fresh wipe over and re application after 4 hours or thereabouts depending upon the

    condition your skin surface.
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    Most of us

    started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only does mother's milk contain high amounts

    of H202, the amount contained in the first milk (colostrum) is even higher. This seems only reasonable

    now that we know one of its main functions is to activate and stimulate the immune

    So terry 0400-40 there is really something about it we don't even know I took it from this website which

    writes about it and what it can do
    and it's very


  22. #22
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiechic View Post
    Most of us started on hydrogen peroxide shortly after birth. Not only

    does mother's milk contain high amounts of H202, the amount contained in the first milk

    (colostrum) is even higher. This seems only reasonable now that we know one of its main functions is to

    activate and stimulate the immune system.
    So terry 0400-40 there is really something about it we

    don't even know I took it from this website which writes about it and what it can

    and it's very

    Thanks for the link Aussie chic i certainly appreciate

    it and will keep it, i actually have over 20 kg of the 35 percent food grade hydrogen peroxide and drink around 8 to

    12 drops of it in a glass of orange and mango juice early mornings before my run, exercises and breakfast. cheers

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    no worries look where did

    you get the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide I know that you live in Australia as me or did you buy it over the

    internet? thanks in advance

  24. #24
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aussiechic View Post

    worries look where did you get the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide I know that you live in Australia as me or

    did you buy it over the internet? thanks in advance
    I have pasted up

    the adress where i obtained mine from several years ago, but i have heard that Elite Chemicals near Brisbane no

    longer sell it,

    Location: Map of 1873 Lytton Rd, Lytton QLD 4178, Australia
    Elite Chemicals

    1873 Lytton

    4178 Lytton QLD

    Phone: (07) 3893 7500

    so i am not sure,

    but maby Elite Chemicals do sell it in other of their Australian sites. mention that you will be using it for

    sanitation purposes or for farm animal use, as i think the government have tightened up on sales of it in large

    quantities, maby because of terrorism ect.

    If not it still can be purchased on the net as i did see a site last

    year that were advertising it, and if i find it again i will post up on this thread, or you may email me.
    Oops here

    i found another seller, seems the prices are higher than what Elite would sell it for if they have it available

    still.> <br /> m11
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 07-15-2010 at 12:52 AM. Reason: x spell
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  25. #25
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    Thumbs up

    I make sure I take a hot soapy bath

    before applying.
    Then take a day off after 3 or 4 days that I am using the mones.

    I like NPA the most.

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