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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default Hornyman's phermones logs



    I've decided it was time I started a thourough log file detailing my pheromone experiences with several

    of the products I have in my arsenal. This will be important so that I learn what products do , especially for my

    own body chemistry, and also to provide you guys with some detailed experiences. I figure as I make my logs for me I

    may as well share them here.
    I will try to post daily.. I look forward to your feeback during the log


    Some details about me:
    40 years old, male
    184 lbs (about 15 lbs

    East Indian (Goan)
    Laid back personality
    Can be shy if the spotlight turns to me.

    type O

    Products being reviewed:
    Chikara (scented)
    SOE (unscented)
    NPA (1:5 ratio)

    Chikara / A7
    Chikara/ NPA

    Here goes the log!!!

  2. #2
    Phero Dude
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    Default May 24th 2010

    Mon May

    24th 2010
    Wore SOE ( 21 inches on neck) to parents house. Watched movie . Little talk from me or others. Felt

    too mellow and even SLEEPY. Too relaxed on its own. Was not appropriate for the occasion. I could tell I needed

    a kick of none to go with it. Keep in mind the night before I went for a 1 hr walk which relaxes me. Also keep in

    mind this was the first time I wore SOE by itself in many instances. The sleepiness could be an initial reaction

    to the mones. 40 years old taking hemp hearts.


  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default May 25th 2010



    Tues May 25th 2010.
    Wore 21 inches SOE to neckline , and 1 drop A7 behind neck. Very tired due to

    lack of sleep. Cannot judge its effectiveness in morning due to that. Will add a spritz of cologne tonight and go

    for 1 hr walk with wife. Will be able to judge its effectiveness on me and others more so once evening has

    approached. Also weight training has my neck sore so that may be causing tension today. Regardless I took a nap an

    hour a go. Let’s see where this mone takes me and what I notice now that I will be awake....
    It’s 6

    pm and I walked for 1 hr. The walking has calmed me down, and the soreness and tension in my neck is better (from

    the weights). I noticed that as my back healed and as more time went on from 6-9 pm the alpha 7/SOE was a major

    success. I felt more confident at Tim Hortons where I talked to several people (older). I felt relaxed yet able to

    speak up easily. I didn’t noticed too much looks from people but when I initiated I got respect. Some

    salespeople took me more seriously and approached me and wife in expensive store (COACH) and were more willing to

    help as if they thought of me as more “alpha”. All in all I was confident and felt better later in the

    evening. Lesson learned #1) too much tension from weights in neck is a problem. Also best to wear heavy none like

    A7/SOE to complement aerobic days like 60 min walks so I don’t OD, lower BP, and come off as more relaxed.

    Do not wear this mix on weight training days as the weights will tighten up my neck , this along with too much

    none will make me come across as tense and angry.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-27-2010 at 01:59 AM.

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default May 26th 2010



    Wed May 26tth 2010
    Wore 2 sprays total to each to side of neck.Very tired due to lack of sleep

    – been up since 2am—sleep disturbed because of medication issues. Nonetheless since I’ve had

    coffee at 5am I feel awake again. Will be home most of the afternoon to late evening. Consequently the only time

    to test out this mone will be morning time (8:30-10:45) , or after 7:30 pm tonight. Results will depend on

    exposure. Since it only lasts a few hours I will be hard pressed to find results both morning and night and I

    don’t wish to OD on it by applying twice. (I seems to OD on none a lot lately) . Will be studying all

    afternoon so I will be tired by evening. I figure the results will be biased based on me being fatigued at that

    point. So I will test it this morning. Then from 11 am to roughly 1:30 pm will go to the mall where a great deal

    of people should be having lunch. There should be plenty of exposure to various targets and I should still be fully

    awake to evaluate most of its effects.....
    Went to Tim Hortons this morning 9-10:30 am. Hit after hit. What

    constitutes a hit? Servers were very friendly and helpful a lot more talk and looks than I usually get. My wife

    and I had an insightful conversation and she was more enthusiastic than usual. A lady (20-30 white) overheard us

    talking about the date of the newspaper we were reading (I didn’t even notice she was in booth behind us, and

    then she started making jokes. I joked back but left it there as my SO was with me. This just doesn’t happen

    to me without mones.
    THEN it had to happen. I started thinking sexually about all these hot chicks looking and

    talking to us, so I think my natural none levels are quite high due to the daily consumption (2 servings) of the

    potent hemp hearts I take which is made of tons of good fats. I went to the mall by myself later (about an hr) and

    noticed not one person was making eye contact with me. It dawned on me right then.. how could chikara produce such

    opposite results in such a quick order?? It must of been my testosterone going through the roof thinking sexually

    as I recalled the lady in the coffee shop. This must of meant too much none production and consequently OD with the

    chikara. Basically I went back from being a 40 year old into a 20 something again with those sexual thoughts and my

    none must of shot up significantly as I found myself in fantasy mode.
    Now although an OD may be ok to attract

    targets like blacks, Latinas or older 30 somethings who are ovulating the mall wasn’t the place to run into

    them at 11 am. In fact , I found myself in an extreme position --- too much none causing OD.
    What I will do now

    is reduce my consumption of hemp hearts into half. That should bring down my weight (each daily serving with yogurt

    is 400 calories, so that saves me 400*7 = 2800 calorie a week right there, or 3/4th a pound of fat). That should

    make me look better, lose weight ( I am overweight at 5’8” and 184 lbs) and also produce less none

    levels from that one change alone. Then I will have a WIDE range as to the applicability of my targets. It will be

    harder to OD on chikara on a regular basis, and I can create higher none levels if I choose to for a specific event

    should I up the A7, EDGE, OR NPA.

    I’ve learned a lot about today. Producing the testosterone of a 20

    something is not always an advantage!!!! It’s better to keep the sexual urges under control, until a time

    when you need to release it, and then you can up the none with another product etc.. This is why NPA is so well

    suited to clubs as the environment is there for instant making out and more...
    End result of today’s

    testing? Chikara is a solid product, gave me solid hits on day 1. Will make diet changes immediately , before I

    RE-TEST chikara on another day.
    Oh and I loved the scent.. it is more mellow than when I used to try the old

    chikara years ago, but still very nice, and lasting now 4 hrs after application.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-27-2010 at 02:07 AM.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Thurs May 26th 2010


    BREAK (And screw up)

    Thurs May 27th 2010
    After yesterdays none buildup issues decided to take a

    break from mones today. Will work on diet changes (especially to hemp hearts) as specified in yesterday’s

    log (Wed May 26th 2010)
    Note: I kind of made a mistake today. Although I was going to settle for above method

    (I did drop 1 serving of Hemp Hearts) I added some small amount of edge today by itself to see if I could pull of

    something different from the chikara signature . I thought I may get away without OD and interesting and new

    results. Turns out I only got a black young women looking at me. I didn’t get any positive responses from

    anyone else young or old. Just flat expressions, and mine myself was rather flat and timid, and irritable. I could

    also swear I'm experiencing a mild headache now.. this hasn't happened to me in months....

    I quickly

    dashed home and put on a large amount of SOE to tame this situation. Lets see if that fixes it. If it

    doesn’t I’ll hit a shower again and hopefully the OD will be gone.
    I figure I need the combination of

    nol and rone in there with edge if I’m going to ever use it. I can’t seem to get it through the door

    o.w. and one hit and 99% ignoring looks don’t flatter me.

    Sometimes we learn best from our

    mistakes. Perhaps today’s lesson may be how to dissipate a none OD once it hits. Interestingly enough it was

    just a dime size amount of edge gel I used massaged into chest area and stomach (no other mones).
    After these

    last 2 days results I’m realizing tomorrow my best bet will be to definitely stay clear of any mone products

    and give my signature a chance to reset. Anything else will be unpredictable. Hopefully cutting my servings of hemp

    hearts in half for 3 days in a row should be enough time to reduce my testosterone levels bringing chance of NONE

    OD in future down.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-27-2010 at 07:25 AM.

  6. #6
    Phero Dude
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    Default Fri May 28th

    Pheromone Break

    (For real this time!)

    Friday May 28th 2010

    After last 2 days post I know it is time for me to

    commit to a pheromone break today to let my natural signature reset. I also have reduced Hemp Hearts to 1xday. I

    have already noticed decrease in sexual activity down to 1xday. This is obviously going to drop my natural none

    levels down as to which I will be able to wear chikara more often, and spike it with more none heavy products on

    occasion without fear of OD!! Yes this I like. I've decided to keep hemp hearts at 1 serving a day for good. I

    do need a boost in libido compared to taking none and at 40 years old is probably a good idea for me


    Today is also weight training day for me. I figure my none levels will be slightly ramped up (I

    used very light weights -- due to past injuries and also because I'm trying to get a celebrity look as opposed to a

    bodybuilding look).
    I will also check for hits today. You never know they may still hit as the mones from

    previous 2 days (which both contained none (chikara, edge) is still in my system to some degree. I will report back

    results today and append them to todays log.

    Question to all forum members... do you think temperature of

    shower you take effects your mones production? It is said that temperature does have an effect on none dispersal

    rates. After a hot shower I almost always feel more relaxed and tired. After a cold shower more wide awake . I

    wonder if this will have an effect on mone performance? It definitely has an effect on my alertness level. Any

    views on this situation?

    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-28-2010 at 02:32 AM.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Special Note:

    I've made a

    decision to drop 2 products from my review.

    These are a) SOE STANDALONE.
    And b) NPA


    I find a) is too soft a signature for me, since I'm 40 (now that I've reduced my

    consumption of hemp hearts) and my testosterone signature will be less prominent at my age. I'm not socializing

    with prepubescents in terms of becoming one of them and I'm not 20 years old where my none levels would be sky high

    and need a softener.

    b) NPA standalone. I don't visit clubs or bars much anymore, and I'm not interested

    in risking OD from this intense product. I find that in a bar one doesn't care if they pisses off men or some

    women if they just want a ONS with a single horny one since the rest of the people are strangers to them anyways.

    But for the enviroments I visit NPA as a STANDALONE will not be necessary. I also have a quieter demaneor and

    sometime come across as shy/anxious and therefore don't want pure none without the rone (commanding) or youthful

    nol signature in there.

    Note I WILL be using these products in mixes to temper their effects! So I will not

    be dropping the products per say but just them as standalones! This will be done to complement my own natural

    personality, places of visit (environment), and age.

    If YOU have any advice as to why I should keep these

    products as standalones please state them now. Perhaps they may have uses in rare situations that would still be

    beneficial to me.
    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-28-2010 at 10:50 AM.

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    Default Sat May 29th 2010


    Chikara – Trial #2

    Sat May 29th 2010
    All right – I took a complete break of mones

    yesterday. I am pondering what to wear today. I know I will be doing about 45 min of light weight training –

    this will probably up my none signature. Consequently I don’t want to push myself into OD again. I will need

    a light product. I have chosen to test Chikara again. It was either this or SOE/A7 and I believe the latter may

    pack too much of a none punch given the fact that I’m going to hit the weights this morning at 7 am.


    will be interesting to see if I get the same responses as on May 26th chikara testing. Let’s see if I only

    get the pluses and avoid an OD today. Last time I complained about hemp hearts , now I’ve got that under

    control, so my none levels are more reasonable.
    I’m considering spending the afternoon at the library

    starting at 1-2 pm and staying there till 5 pm when they close. There should be LOTS of targets , young and old,

    women and men, children and adults. It will be a perfect chance to see how Scented Chikara pans out in this

    environment. I have a hunch I will have a good day. But only time will tell...
    I’ll report back my

    results tonight on the forum!

    Ok since 12:30 pm I had a chance to go out of the house to grab a coffee with

    my SO. A saleman who deals with real estate who we worked with before all of a sudden aggressively comes out of no

    where and introduces himself. Talk about getting caught by surprise. It was a few seconds later I recognized who he

    was. It was quite interesting to say the least. He wasn’t hesistant in his approach. He was a guy who was

    going to show us some real estate who we hadn’t seen in like 1 month. Small world.
    At the coffee pub I see

    most men staring me eye to eye with flat expression (no smiles), especially those men who hot chicks with them as if

    they were guarding their catch.
    The place later became full of hot chicks like latinos etc wearing short short

    mini shorts looking like strippers – they were 10/10’s with perfect almost beach body ready bods. I

    haven’t been surrounded with women like these since I was 25! I couldn’t help notice that a different

    type of crowd was surrounding me!!! I know it could be a coincidence but I think not. The younger crowd (under 30)

    seemed to dominate. Those with families etc paid no attention to me. Some nationalities like Indian , looked at

    me and SO when we weren’t looking but quickly looked away as soon as I noticed them.

    Whatever these

    reactions are, they are definitely reactions. This is not my imagination.

    My own facial expressions were

    flat. I didn’t smile to much, unless my SO smiled or cracked a joke or something which made me laugh.

    Overall the “scenery” caught me by surprise.
    I do feel in general men are more challenging to me

    with more aggressive reactions . I don’t think this is due to OD but rather the mones themselves.
    Well by

    2:30 pm I’ll be off to a different environment to look for more cues – my “professor” hat is

    on. The library is on the list but it may be replaced by the mall or another cafe which has a mostly 30 year old

    and under crowd.

    I did check different venues like the mall and another coffee pub (mostly people 30 and

    under). The results were along the same line. One thing did stand out though. After about 3-4 hrs my wife said I

    smelled like alcohol and it was turning her off. She sniffed my application points and could only smell alcohol not

    Does chikara contain too much alcohol? What is going on? I put 2 sprays... maybe that is too much? It

    was warm outside today. I don’t want to be smelling like a drunk guy in the wrong environments. I always

    though chikara was great for business environments so it shouldn’t be smelling like alcohol.
    Perhaps if

    nothing else I will reduce it to 1 spray next time and test again.

    Any input?
    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-29-2010 at 06:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default SOE/Alpha 7 -- TRIAL 2

    SOE/Alpha 7 (Trial #2)

    Sun May 30th 2010.
    Wore 21 inches SOE to neckline , and 1 drop A7 behind

    neck. Will do 60 min of walking today as I normally do to relax myself before a family function.
    Will be

    attending SO parents and siblings. Ages of people will vary from kids to grandparents, men and women. I have

    chosen SOE/Alpha 7 as the perfect mix for this environment. Enough to be friendly, but not come off as a wuss.

    Target family – Italians.

    Everything went smooth today. Hits were as expected. I played out the alpha,

    initiating conversations with just about everyone family and all responses were positive, friendly, and


    When I went out to dinner I noticed the whole restaurants heads turning to look at me when

    I’d look around from time to time (as I’d stay seated). I was more humorous today.
    I took my mind

    off of sex (even when it steered there), and decided to play out the “good guy alpha male” role

    everytime I got a chance.
    The crowd that surrounded me was distinctly different from my Chikara trials. No

    doubt about it.

    I found the exercise I did today complemented it well (went for a 1 hr walk). I need that

    feeling of relaxation and mood uplifting before family social events, o.w. I come across as distant.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-30-2010 at 05:20 PM.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default SOE/Alpha 7 (Trial #3)

    SOE/Alpha 7 (Trial #3)

    Mon May 31th 2010.
    Will be trying this mix 2 days in a row now. Lets see

    if I can handle this one without OD on consequtive days.

    Wore 21 inches SOE to neckline , and 1 drop A7

    behind neck. A spray from atomizer of D&G original.

    Today’s a break from working out.

    Plan to

    visit bank, doctors office, cafes, etc Let’s see what type of responses I can chat up.

    My SO has

    called in sick today so I will be tending to her as well, taking her to doctor, and to a cafe later. She is also on

    her cycle. Let's see how well Alpha7/SOE handles that!

    Today I will play the alpha, always taking the lead.

    Let’s see what happens.

    I will control my persona so that even if I am quick to anger at times I will

    not show it.

    Will post all results later.

    As much as i tried to play the good guy alpha role I found

    myself in what I would call OD territory. Some signs I recognized were driving faster, impatience, irritability,

    increased tension, etc. I realized I had to initiate but I didn't get much smiles back just cooperation, but with

    flat expressions and little eye contact. I also found my mood kinda pissy. DUring traffic I would be tempted to

    blow the horn more frequently etc. All in all this is reminiscent all of OD signs. I've seen it before and I

    recognize it.

    Once again a mix that used to work consequetive days for me is no longer working. I will keep

    this in mind going forward. My mone signature must of really changed over the last few months. Maybe due to changes

    in medication too. Who knows.

    Conclusion: Do not use this mix 2 days in row -- easy enough.
    Tomorrow will

    have to be another pheromone break. Maybe I can make it up in terms of trying out some new colognes without


    Last edited by HornyMan; 05-31-2010 at 02:35 PM.

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Pheromone Break



    Tues June 1, 2010
    After yesterday’s OD (I can’t seem to wear a7/SOE 2 days in a row

    anymore like I used to before) I have decided to skip mones today.

    A few sprays of D&G original and I’m

    out the door. If nothing else I will be smelling great. Time to practice confidence skills without mones –

    what better a day to practice on.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-02-2010 at 01:02 AM.

  12. #12
    Phero Dude
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    Default Scented Chikara -- Trial #3

    Scented Chikara -- Trial #3

    Wednesday June 2, 2010
    Ok Let’s learn from my experience. It

    seems last time I tried Chikara at 2 sprays I got somewhat of an OD.

    While I was surrounded by what looked

    like strippers and young women barely clothes with 10/10 bods in a cafe environment, I found men standoffish with

    me. I personally am not going in for the kill with this combination (I will with light SOE and heavy NPA in future )

    It’s more for friendly hits with everyone and a masculine image. Something that will eventually work great at


    This time I will only put on 1 spray. I will also carry a cover with me just in case the

    smell turns to alcohol like it did last time after several hours when th scent disappeared. Keep in mind that since

    I will work out with weights today I will already have an upped none signature and consequently, have chosen Chikara

    over any heavy none based mix (Alpha 7, NPA etc).

    If practice makes perfect I should be seeing more

    consistent results today with Chikara, especially since I took yesterday off mones. Hits usually come from 20-30

    somethings so its off to the library I go – I need to do a lot of studying anyways, might as well kill 2 birds

    with one stone. Will post results tonight.

    I headed out of the house early today before dropping my SO to

    work. During the car drive there we were engaged in the biggest fight ever – something that never happened to

    me in months or longer – and for NO reason. Does this sounds familiar to you experienced Chikara users? It

    sure does to me... I recall it happening years ago when I used the original mix. Even at 1 spray I couldn’t

    stop the raging storm from happening today.

    The next thing I did was look up Chikara/SOE combos as I figure

    SOE is always a softener that has helped me out during OD. I real some threads about people’s experience and

    some gave it a thumbs up to taking the edge out of chikara. I applied it and headed out to the library where there

    were many 18-27 year old people who I walked past.
    Get this – NOT ONE LOOK. Literally. It was like I

    didn’t exist. No one would turn their heads even if I made it obvious I was close to them. I recall in a

    thread long ago Terry said he experienced the same with CHikara.

    Then after sitting down at a table this

    Spanish/Indian looking guy decides to sit down right beside me at table. He had no books in his hands and appeared

    to just look around. Maybe he was there to pick up some chicks on the table beside me.... it was all to wierd he

    would start trembling and getting nervous. In a matter of a minute I left the table to go sit somewhere else. A

    few moments later i found him on walking around by my vicinity, not looking at where I was sitting but with a

    confused look on his face. He wasn’t talking to anyone and no one was looking at him. If you were to see him

    from a bird's eye view it would look like he was a confused, almost zoned out stalker.

    I studied some

    computer stuff and then about an hour later I left the library. I sat outside the library entrance and had a bag of

    chips. Go to see the bastard was right there a few tables away just sitting on a seat. This was all to freaky

    for me... was the chikara/SOE combo (high nol/ low none) causes a gay hit? Was he all there? Was he a nutcase?

    He appeared to look stoned. He kept looking at me. I decided to leave the library and make sure he didn't follow


    I have been saying all along the none OD’s lately have been difficult but how come I get terrible

    results with chikara which is less none that A7/SOE or (soon to be test SOE/NPA ) which has always brought me better

    results. There’s more going in here than none levels. I think its the TYPE of crowd chikara is attracting

    and the other ingredients. I don’t fair well with that crowd too much as I feel out of place. The men seem

    more confrontational in a macho way, and in this particular case even crazy!

    All in all Chikara is too

    unpredictable for me. I got friendly reactions one day, no looks the next, a huge fight with my SO for no reason

    today, and gay/physco hits from a 20 something confused looking spanish guy at the library who was literally

    stalking me. None of these are reactions I care for. This chikara stuff may truly be a mystery all right –

    not one I care to solve.

    DECISION MADE: Chikara will be returned to LoveScent. Luckily I purchased it just

    a week back. I’ll get a new bottle of mones if necessary, good old SOE has never failed in combos, nor has

    A7 (although quite powerful).
    Terry I could swear on a chikara thread you too mentioned that it was not for you,

    you didn’t get any looks, and it was too low none. You said you dropped it for this very



    I would just like to interject the purpose of this thread. Many experiences have been posted for

    all the products that I am trying out so some individuals may wonder why I am taking this on... the reason is

    experience and trial and error is the best teacher to find out what works for YOU. The mones and methods you use

    also changes as your natural signature changes over time. Consequently, this log is a STORY.. of how an individual

    can test different products and tweak them to his age, environment, personality, and also avoid OD issues along the

    way.. until he finds a product(s)/mix(es)/ or mones routine that is congruent with his lifestyle. Take it at face

    value.. I will continue to post to both aid myself in understanding what works for me, (and remembering these

    important details for the future) as well as to provide the forum members with a story of how to experiment with

    their new toys in a way that is optimized for their own body chemistry and lifestyle and not just generically


    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-03-2010 at 02:23 AM.

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Wink Pheromone Break



    Thurs June 3, 2010


    I’m realizing that extreme changes in none

    signatures do not always flatter me. For me its best to choose mones which complement my natural aura. This

    doesn’t mean I don’t want to act out the roles (dress attire, persona etc) but that I’d rather

    pick roles that at least are in sync with my natural personality. Now at 40 going from something like A7/SOE to soe

    or the infamous chikara around the same crowd seems to be rather wierd to me. One is an alpha leader, one is a beta

    male whose a gabber and gets gab, the finally the last one is unpredictable and causes problems for me. It’s

    hard to be so extreme around the same crowd - - it may add confusion to how they categorize me.
    On the other hand

    at 40 I need a more masculine signature, and I find A7/SOE and what I will eventually test (A7/SOE/A1) to be very

    compatible. This time I will mix a1 and spray it away from my nose to avoid depressing issues.


    yesterday’s bad experience (I can’t seem to wear chikara with any predictable results, -- See yesterdays

    story) I have decided to skip mones today altogether and just wear a D&G cologne. Did I tell you (esp raw

    beginners) nothing beats an atomizer? Even the D&G which have nice bottles don’t spray as beautifully and

    disperse cologne as readily as an atomizer. Not to mention the convenience carrying one with you wherever you go so

    you can get a spritz now and then! If you don’t have one get one; you won’t be disappointed!

    Tommorrow I will have a totally different product mix to test – stay tuned to see what my life

    will be like with SOE/NPA – This will be a heavier SOE mix with just 1 spray of NPA, targeted to the younger

    cafe like crowd (under 30 years) I will be attending. With a little bit of sex appeal, a slight natural change in

    persona and dress attire, I look forward to what this mix will do to the ladies at the cafe in particular.

    Once again, being parked in a safe habour, HM's needs are being met. But it will be nice to have a charismatic

    sexy, seductive effect on my SO and watch for the effects on other ladies! All in all a different vibe . Let's

    see how it turns out.


  14. #14
    Phero Dude
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    Default Soe/npa



    June 4, 2010

    Today’s a day I’ve been waiting for, for a long time. You see even though

    I’ve used SOE/NPA before I always applied SOE with at minimal 1 drop of NPA. Back when I was using NPA I

    wasn’t mixing it, which I realize now is not the optimum way to use it. Consequently, I was getting a lot of

    OD signs not to mention “tuning out” on days I use it and sometimes days that followed.

    To make

    up for this I had lead myself to using SOE/EDGE gel packs, which did a much better job avoiding OD. But there may

    still be a distinction between massaging in gels into the skin and covering with cologne and spraying NPA with

    cologne already mixed in. So what I did is mix NPA to cologne (D&G Original) 1:5 ratio, and tossed it in an

    atomizer that pumps out a decent sized misty spray on the first pump. It’s hard to say how much of a

    drop’s worth of NPA this single spray mist will pump out – after all I am not using an edge bottle as an

    atomizer. So only experimentation will tell. I will of course start with just 1 spray today and see what


    Today’s assignment will be to visit a cafe in the evenings where a lot of younger women go to

    study or relax with their friends (men and women) or boyfriends. I’ve seen a whole spectrum of

    nationalities in this cafe in the past. Since most are college students and some a bit older (19-28) many will be

    unmarried and consequently be on the lookout..

    I’ve chosen to apply about 21 inches of SOE to my neck

    and only ONE single spray of NPA to slightly exposed chest area to target this younger audience and hopefully lower

    my chance of OD. I will look for results on others both how women react , and how men react to me (hostility,

    respect etc) and also the effects on ME (will I experience OD or tune out later during the evening?). Will I

    experience tension and tuning out into tomorrow? Only experimenting will tell.

    I will dress slightly

    differently than the norm. Perhaps jeans, with a sexier looking shirt , buttons exposing skin at the top (to help

    none dispersal). Perhaps a Guess watch (The younger women like that as a sexier fashion look than a richer more

    classic watch a GQ man would wear) , SLIGHT stubble on face – I was considering shaving completely but I

    choose the midpath , neither too much stubble nor clean cut, etc etc Perhaps a point zero blazer will help my look

    too... give a little bit of the JDEPP sexy appearance without the formality of a more traditional GQ man. You get

    the idea, I’m trying to approximate a less than 40 year old look but not a teenager look either, and also show

    some skin and sex appeal. Being brown skinned helps as I don’t need a tan, nor do I want to come off as too

    dark, nor too light, so that I can appeal to a wider range of individuals.

    Today I will not workout at all.

    I will shower good and scrub all application points. I haven’t used any mones yesterday so OD should not be

    an issue due to consequtive daily applications.

    Well that’s enough data.. It’s Friday night

    people and youngsters love to go out on the prowl with their friends and dates on Friday’s here in Toronto.

    So let’s get to it!!!!
    I will post results after tonight’s experience!


    This mix does deliver. I did get results with it but keep in mind I was with

    my SO and not out to look for pussy so I didn't act on any of the reactions i got. I basically came to the

    following conclusion:

    Wearing SOE NPA seem to pull 3 gorgeous asian women (with deeper voices -- probably

    indicating ovulation?) with hot bods. They woud go on talking non stop and swearing and stuff. The lucky tall

    white bastard they were with will probably have a 3some tonight

    I seem to recall a lot of swearing goes

    around with the NPA crowds. This is not the first time I've noticed it. Let's face it I went to a cafe not a bar

    or club. So the targets were probably not as highly probable to exist there , however, I bet that had I gone to a

    bar my results would have been better. A perfect environment for the swear more, act more like punks, and don't

    mind the stink of alcohol, half drunk horny night of NPA. (Keep in mind even though I mixed it with D&G 1:5 , my

    SO said after 3 hrs she could smell the stink, as if the D&G cover wasn't powerful enough.. I sprayed just D&G

    (without NPA) and 30 min later the stink was still there. I would need a better cover....or be surrounded by woman

    who don't mind the smell of sweat ,alcohol, etc....

    The question nows come down to whether I intend to be a

    barfly... I just don't know if it suits my current lifestyle. While SOE/NPA did definitely reel in the "rebellious

    , ovulating" women etc I find I am more spoiled by A7's more gentlemenly signature.

    Do I really need to be

    a caveman to get laid if I want to ? Perhaps... if I lived in clubs, which I don't do much anymore.
    Perhaps, a

    slicker and more subtle approach is more suitable to me for the environments i visit 90% of the time.


    now you know SOE/A7 has worked well for me, provided I don't use it on consequtive days.
    Chikara/SOE has been a

    But maybe just maybe Chikara/SOE/A7 will be the bomb.?...
    And perhaps Chikara/SOE/NPA will

    provided a slighly different vibe than the NPA/SOE I experienced today. Whether it works well for me or not I would

    like to see the reactions I get and the crowd it pulls.

    Lots of time.. lots of testing. One thing for


    For tommorrow I will take a break of mones and notice if todays application still reels in some lighter


    Then Sunday is family day and time for a 60 min walk to relax myself. Consequenty, its back to A7/SOE

    for that day.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-04-2010 at 08:53 PM.

  15. #15
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    Smile Pheromone Break



    Sat June5 , 2010


    I haven’t experienced any headaches or tuning out

    (from mixing NPA:Cologne 1:5) and separate SOE rolltop mix that I normally experience from dabbing NPA or rubbing

    in dime sized edge gel packs -- and its been roughly 12 hrs since application of yesterday’s mix. This

    could be a direct result from mixing as I’m not getting my fingers messed up in edge gel and later indirectly

    (even after washing fingers) transferring small doses to my nose if I seem to touch my face. Nor am I dabbing in

    small amounts of npa and placing the dab in a vicinity close to nose like chest, back of neck etc. It seems that

    although I sprayed the npa mix to my chest it didn’t affect me as much as it used too. This could be very

    good news. It also seems that I may have OD’s to some degree on COLONGE not npa last night. After about 3

    hrs my SO began to smell npa stink which meant it was time for me to refresh with JUST the cologne (that I used in

    the mix). After 45 min she said she could still smell the npa stink so I added another spray. At that point I

    realized I must of been OD’ing on cologne as she told me she smelt too much cologne (too powerful). The best

    solution will be for me to pump out less npa next time (use a smaller spray head) so it requires less cover from

    cologne hours down the road. This should avoid cologne OD in cafe environments on a Friday night. In a bar who

    knows I’d probably be able to get away with a lot more technical errors. The only other option I have to

    avoid cologne OD will be to mix NPA with a stronger cologne next time round. But I have a whole bottle of D&G

    Original and don’t want to buy more cologne just yet.

    Changing mone

    signatures makes me more observant as to what different results mones and combinations of mones reel in. Had I to

    use the same mix or standalone everyday I would almost become immune to noticing the subtleties. It’s like

    travelling to work at the same time everyday taking the same route. After awhile you will stop paying attention to

    the streets, what you see around you etc. A new mone signature, is like a new route to a new desination, with a new

    environment in your face. At first it can be a little intimidating, but after a while it’s a welcome


    I do plan to workout today, a short 25 min weights circuit workout, as I normally do

    in between days of heavier ,longer sessions. Today is a mone free day. Let’s see if today reels in some

    lighter hits from yesterday’s combo of SOE/NPA.

    As I stated yesterday, tomorrow is

    family day and the true tested SOE/A7 never failed me there. So why change what I know works (results based on

    experimentation with this thread -- and other users posts) with toddlers and even 80 year olds and everyone in

    between? Family day starts with a 60 min walk to relax my mind and body before a purely social event, which I carry

    out as a leader with a gentlemenly punch.

    I noticed I got some glaring hits tonight from

    yesterdays mone mix . I went to order a salad and the cashier recommended the larger portion sized one as it was

    only $2 more. He seemed to treat me as a stud, showing a lot of respect but from a younger 25 year old crowd

    viewpoint. The female cashier beside him said, give it to him for the same price as the small! So there I was

    getting a large salad for the price of a small one wheras in the last several months I paid full price for

    everything. Next thing I know I was asked by the cashier would I like a nice glass of water.. so I said yes and it

    was brought out for me in line while i paid instead of at my table where I'd have to wait. The salad showed up 2

    min later at the table. I asked for extra forks and they were delivered within a minute.

    The strange this

    is I visit this cafe often and never get these results so it's got to be the mones.
    Yesterday I wore SOE/NPA and

    by this morning the SOE had converted to none making me more of a quieter, tenser, focused, and overbearing

    individual. By tonight the signature must of waned just enough to produce these powerful results with the right


    Now if only I can backtrack and get these results from SOE/NPA the same day I apply it too. I

    think I can. I will just have to reduce the quantity of NPA (smaller spray), and also use less SOE, in such a way

    that I get hits from the younger crowd, and in such a way that the conversion the next day to none still produces

    hits. Remember I am not visiting drunken, alcohol smelling clubs looking for a ONS. The closest I am currently

    getting to a party environment will be with a group of friends, with SO, or cafe, and maybe a bar. (if I ever

    decide to move out of my safe harbour and explore nearby currents I may want to test waters but not drift out to sea

    so to speak... so I think less NPA will do my character well But less NPA combined with less SOE than I use now

    can still produce good amounts of sexual tension, and leave me with a signature that pleases me well into the next

    day too with a less none heavy crowd, and yes I like those secret ingredients.

    With heavy OD like NPA I

    tend to tune out very easily (its as if my east indian genetics won't tolerate large amounts of none), look pissed

    off instead of sexy, come across as intimidating instead of sexual/flirty, attract only fat butt cheek mama's who

    look like they'd charge me anyways or women who may be emotionally or mentally unstable (i.e. burned by a man ,

    looking for revenge etc I really can't and will not accomodate that kind of drama.... If sex is all I wanted a

    visit to an asian massage parlour would do me well without strings attached, not to mention better quality

    satisfaction However, I am after the confidence boost, increased social and sex appeal, and possibly the thought

    of entertaining a forbidden act based on spontaneity, or making a woman's boyfriend jealous if he's a prick,

    coming across as an exciting and mysterious person by changes signatures , etc and being entertaining and getting

    entertained, possibly getting VIP treatment like someone special, and making my friends wonder, what is it about

    that guy that makes people like him so much -- he seems like nothing special.

    Mones are my secret weapon, and

    give men a edge they need to compete with woman who have had the upper hand in luring men into basically anything

    they want as long as they use makeup, and flirt etc. We men need a secret weapon -- and although mones are becoming

    better well known (eg A1 in Dial Magnetic ) 90% of the public probably has no clue what mones are.... sometimes

    I have fun with the very bright guys I hang around with; they sometimes will try to analyze why I get results or

    peoples behavior changes when I'm around these people some days and is different on others...some are extremely

    intelligent and would ask would you drug a woman's drink .. is that how she suddenly went from acquantainces to

    sex.... these people themselves are either moral-less pricks or worse.. Let them keep guessing my secrets ... In a

    case like this I will usually provide them an answer which will lead them on a different route of thinking.. hey if

    I don't they will discover my guarded secrets (hahha) or spread rumours of how I drug a woman's drinks.... Some

    jealoous bastards will do just about anything to ruin a man's rep.. With the nice folks or those not into

    analyzing and spoiling my secrets , it's always good to let out a few tips to help them out along the way


    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-05-2010 at 07:48 PM.

  16. #16
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    Thumbs up SOE/A7 Trial #4

    SOE/ A7

    (Trial #4)

    Sun June 6 , 2010

    By now I should have figured out 80% of how to use this mone and

    also what to expect from it, from testing it with my own body chemistry

    This combo will not be used 2 days in

    a row (as I figured out on previous tests) so tomorrow will definitely be a mone break. Monday I may still get

    hits of the A7/SOE combo so I’ll keep a note of that.

    Tuesday I do a weight/cardio workout for 45 min

    in the morning with almost no rest in between exercises (very light weights on stability ball) so I won’t wear

    mones either as my natural signature should be enhanced.

    Perhaps experimenting with a new cologne for

    spicing things up, may be on my list.

    I like to purposely take days off so I don’t feel I have to

    rely on mones for my success and also to avoid OD issues and also to save $ on products.

    I will hit my

    SO’s family luncheon at 1 pm. At around 10 am I will apply the A7/SOE. Once again 1 drop a7 behind neck for

    the kick, and about 21 inches of SOE to neck , with 2 sprays of D&G original to teh neck and chest - my SO's

    family is Italian so I’m sure they’ll appreciate the D&G scent.

    I know A7/SOE works well after

    a 60 min walk in the mornings. No weight training will be done. This tends to relax me, my neck, and body , and

    also get me in the mood to socialize. By the time the walk is done I am full of energy and in a good mood –

    two qualities you need before playing a social alpha for several hours at a time.

    Playing the Social alpha

    I will try my best to initiate conversation with family members. I will talk to all family members from kids to

    grandparents, men and female relatives. The mix should be compatible with all individuals, make me come across as a

    man, and get me some respect from the toddlers these days who love to tell grown ups what to do I will spend at

    least 10-15 minutes in the vicinity of each individual I come across so as to make sure the mix has a chance to do

    it’s magic.

    This should play out like a script now, based on what I have experienced with the 3

    previous trials of this formula. If things do pan out as planned I’ve basically mastered this mone mix in

    this environment for my personal body chemistry at this time in my life, and no more evaluation of testing will

    be done on Sundays (designated family day ) aside from me stating “things went as planned”. If

    something goes wrong or well out of the ordinary for the better I will certainly post these exceptions for further


    Ok let’s get too it! It’s Sunday, almost 9 am in Toronto,

    Canada. I am awake, had my morning coffee, and ready to tackle on the


    Back from afternoon luncheon (from 1-6:30 at 2 houses -- turns out I had

    to visit more families).
    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-06-2010 at 03:21 PM.

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    Default Pheromone Break



    Mon June 7 , 2010

    As I’ve learned from my experience in this thread using SOE/A7 2 days in a row

    may cause OD disasters. So today will be a break since yesterday was a high none signature. I have a feeling

    because I feel so relaxed today, maybe I would be able to get away with a drop of none for a wake up kick but why

    risk it? I’d had OD disasters before and this thread’s experience alone tells me I’d rather not go there if I have

    to again.

    Tommorrow will also be a mone free day as I’m working out intensely. I know its exciting to wear

    mones all the time but I often OD if I apply on days of intense workouts.

    I hear the best way to describe

    the benefits of mones is not whether a woman will rip your clothes off and attack you sexually (this is what I first

    thought 10 years ago with my first bottle of mones . Mones instead will just enhance your appearance, so if

    you’re a 7 they may take you up to an 8.5 or more if you’re lucky.

    I’m getting bored of wearing D&G

    everyday. Perhaps on my days off I need a new scent to spice things up. I wonder what other cologne is strong but

    universally accepted , especially by 20-45 crowd. I just realized I have a half full bottle of pheros. Maybe I’ll

    splash some on today....


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    Default Phermone Break



    Tues June 7 , 2010

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    D+G sure is nice and makes an excellent cover, also A Men Angel is great

    and i have received many positive comments when using this.
    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post


    Tues June 7 , 2010
    Attached Images Attached Images
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  20. #20
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    Default Cologne covers

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    D+G sure is nice and makes an excellent cover,

    also A Men Angel is great and i have received many positive comments when using


    I will definitely have a look see at that one Terry.


    the meantime I have my good ol bottle of D&G. I am thinking Armani Aqua Di Gio. I know its been used to death by

    people but I've never bought it before and like the scent. It also seems to get great reviews.

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-09-2010 at 10:46 AM.

  21. #21
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    Default Soe/chikara/a7

    Wed June 9, 2010

    HM has a new mone combo up his sleeve today. Let’s see how

    it pans out.
    I applied 21 inches SOE to gills , 1 spray Chikara to chest (well it was more like 1.5 since the

    first once barely comes out), and 1 drop A7 to back of neck.

    I went out to grab a coffee and some breakfast

    this morning. Generally speaking, I felt in a decent mood, noticed Latinas gathering around my area. I noticed my

    SO giving me compliments she usually never does. I notice east Indian women don’t like CHikara too much, even

    with the SOE... I wonder why....? I spoke about this before in previous threads. I think east Indians come across

    as intimidated by this mone product. Adding A7 probably intimidate them some more as I didn’t have much to

    say when ordering a coffee but did smile and try to initiate conversation but the server got nervous. What else can

    I expect from Tim Hortons Trainees in action..

    However, I think I may have too much none on me. I will

    take a quick shower now (1 pm) in cold water to wake up, and scrub some of the mones off of me. A sprintz with a

    cologne and I’m out the door to the library to study some stuff for work (well for my planned return to work

    later this year – my goal anyways).

    The shower should remove any extra product overdose I may have

    applied this morning... It will be interesting to see if the results at the library are different from this


    I will monitor the results on others at the library. I understand I’m clearly in Alpha

    territory here so I’ll try to initiate as best as I can.... The library is full of introverts.. I wonder how

    they will respond to an alpha male signature..

    It’s raining in Toronto after a long break – the

    grass in the front and back yard thanks me, but I don’t like the rain... I hope the sun shines this afternoon

    once the grass has got its feeding so I can see the female chikara chiquitas strutting their stuff in their short


    On the way to the library (in car) i noticed a younger spanish looking girl

    do double takes maybe triple while I was on my way out the street. That was definitely something that hasn't

    happened to me for a while.

    At the library I noticed people were way to serious about studying. It's

    definitely the place for introverts. I saw almost no one outside of their social group socialize or even walk over

    to another persons table.

    Wearing SOE/CHIKARA/A7 has paralyzed me somewhat. I feel the laid back nature of

    the SOE mixed with the alpha leader nature of A7 mixed with chikara has almost left me in a state of paralysis.

    Perhaps this particular mix is too extreme in ingredients to where the point nothing much takes place inside of me.

    I don't feel much like chit chat, and i don't feel like taking the lead. I guess it may work around people I know

    but with strangers in this setting who are their to study it really did nothing. This differs from SOE/A7 where I

    can go to both extremes.

    I couldn't help but think since I'm not in a business environment right now (time

    off work) maybe an alpha vibe in a place like a library is not the way to go.

    Perhaps some horndoggin

    insight will be needed See my next post below

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-09-2010 at 01:25 PM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post

    will definitely have a look see at that one Terry.

    In the meantime I have my good ol bottle of D&G. I am

    thinking Armani Aqua Di Gio. I know its been used to death by people but I've never tried bought it before and

    like the scent. It also seems to get great reviews.


    choice with the Aqua Di Gio, i also use Armani code and black code, i have just applied some Armani code ( right

    wrist ) it smells very nice, thanks i will give it a run this week, and my girl has just found my Aqua Di Gio and

    have spritz some on my left wrist, she says that it smells expensive and man man.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Default June 9 -- some thoughts on Horndoggin

    I couldn't help recall a time when I read a post by GEGOGI about horndoggin.... He mentioned something

    to the effect of using SOE to pull in the herd in a steath like manner and break the ice, and gradually once

    they're in start upping the EDGE/NPA to the point when they start getting comfortable to act on their


    Could it be this is a formula I should be trying in this environment... Good ol SOE could only bring

    in some chatter, and a little edge or npa depending on target could get some regulars hot to trot at the right


    I did mention previously that I do not wish to try SOE or EDGE (NPA) separately as SOE put me to

    sleep and EDGE turned me into a mute. I went as far as stating I would discontinue a review of them from this


    I'm wondering if SOE/EDGE together is the ticket in this case.... especially when an Alpha vibe

    is not needed.

    I will try to find the GEGOGI thread and place a link here for all to read...... I will have

    to do some serious searching to find the exact post... but I will....


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post

    couldn't help recall a time when I read a post by GEGOGI about horndoggin.... He mentioned something to the effect

    of using SOE to pull in the herd in a steath like manner and break the ice, and gradually once they're in start

    upping the EDGE/NPA to the point when they start getting comfortable to act on their urges.

    Could it be this

    is a formula I should be trying in this environment... Good ol SOE could only bring in some chatter, and a little

    edge or npa depending on target could get some regulars hot to trot at the right time...

    I did mention

    previously that I do not wish to try SOE or EDGE (NPA) separately as SOE put me to sleep and EDGE turned me into a

    mute. I went as far as stating I would discontinue a review of them from this thread...


    wondering if SOE/EDGE together is the ticket in this case.... especially when an Alpha vibe is not


    I will try to find the GEGOGI thread and place a link here for all to read...... I will have

    to do some serious searching to find the exact post... but I


    Nice research HM and with the mention of EDGE it

    reminds me that the EDGE contains a 50 percent of its formulation in unknown enhancing pheromones, and this sorta

    changes things when we think about the effects of Androstenone contained in it.
    Big G is pretty well clued up on

    most of the tips and assumptions he recommends, ha ha the hairless Asian Horn Dog....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Lightbulb Aqua Di Gio

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Good choice with the Aqua Di Gio, i also use

    Armani code and black code, i have just applied some Armani code ( right wrist ) it smells very nice, thanks i will

    give it a run this week, and my girl has just found my Aqua Di Gio and have spritz some on my left wrist, she says

    that it smells expensive and man man.
    Picked up a large sized bottle of this

    precious stuff yesterday... definietly very manly sexy scent , unlike my good old D&G standby which smells morel

    like a day at the pool.

    I'm hesitating to mix NPA with this cologne (GIO) as I don't know how good and long

    lasting a cover this is compared to D&G when mixed 1:5 wit NPA: cologne.

    Do you know if this will cover


    I also look forward to the new scent as cover on days when I use A7/SOE or SOE with unscented edge

    gell packs It will be good for a change rather than smelling the same way all the time !

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    Talking Returning Chikara and more news

    Returning Chikara and more news
    Thurs June 10, 2010

    I have officially decided to return Chikara

    back to L-S. If you read my logs on it you’ll see it either produced erratic results, no results, or

    attracted a crowd I was dumbfounded by (latina dressed like whores) but did not mix with my more gentlemen

    personality well.

    I did find ONE use for it. It did make me somewhat happy (i.e. took the edge out of

    depression) on some occasions, and did tend to improve service in general. But it was a volatile bottle. Some days

    it would strike, and some it would cause a mess.
    I am deciding to return it based on my trials.


    what about the good news?

    I have found 2 combos work extensively well with my persona.



    (Note: with NPA I use but 1 spray and apply to chest) I find no tuning out this way. I tend to

    attract Asians at low doses of npa -- I know its not just in my mind . But some hot to trot ones. Perhaps

    more submissive women may suit my actual desires if necessary in the distant and maybe no so distant future if HM

    chooses to “explore” the nearby streams of juicy water

    I’ve decided to stick to

    D&G original with this mix.. a scent of the pool and very refreshing.
    The flirty/playful/sexy/player


    2) SOE/A7
    This one promotes a leader with a confident, protective, yet friendly

    and humorous and sexy aura.
    To play it out I like to think I'm going out for a night with my male buddies, but

    acting in a gentlemanly way. It’s great for family events too. And also great when you need to push your

    weight around from time to time if your hanging with an alpha pack. (
    high rone helps) . Unfortunately it may

    also reel in the grannies but who says I have to entertain shrivelled up pussy with this mix Thank goodness the

    alpha vibe keep the grannies at bay unless I pursue -- which I choose not too at 40 years of age-- unless I am in

    deparate tides far out in the sea with no shore in sight...

    I’ve decided to wear my new bottle of

    Aqua Di Gio with this mix. A manly sexy scent.
    The protector vibe.

    That’s it for

    now. I will consider mixing my A1 in an atomizer for use with either mix at some point later down the road in

    HM’s testing logs and apply away from nose. For now I don’t need anything that calms me down

    (not just women on the rag) too much as I am on medications which sedate me somwhat most of the time


    Today I will take a break from mones and scrub up good... It will also be a day to try out

    my new bottle of Aqua Di Gio cologne on its own.


  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Picked up a large sized bottle of this precious stuff yesterday... definietly very manly

    sexy scent , unlike my good old D&G standby which smells morel like a day at the pool.

    I'm hesitating to mix

    NPA with this cologne (GIO) as I don't know how good and long lasting a cover this is compared to D&G when mixed

    1:5 wit NPA: cologne.

    Do you know if this will cover well?
    I also look

    forward to the new scent as cover on days when I use A7/SOE or SOE with unscented edge gell packs It will be good

    for a change rather than smelling the same way all the time !

    change is always good and i am sure D+G does not have as much endurance as

    Aqua Di Gio as this is an attractive and distinctively classy cover.

    I have also

    noticed that pheromones and also fragrance do somehow change in character when applied and i think our changing bio

    rhythms may be an influence somehow.


    just that sometimes a cologne application may sorta smell crappy and other times just great.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  28. #28
    Phero Dude
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    Default Aqua Di Gio

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    A change is always good and i am sure D+G does not

    have as much endurance as Aqua Di Gio as this is an attractive and

    distinctively classy cover.

    I have also

    noticed that pheromones and also fragrance do somehow change in character when applied and i think our changing bio

    rhythms may be an influence somehow.


    just that sometimes a cologne application may sorta smell crappy and other times just great.

    I notice that this new fragrance (DIO) smells great out of the bottle but

    when I put it on me I can barely detect the smell 15 min later unless a breeze comes by and gives me a whiff. Is

    this cause for alarm? It's strange because with D&G i can detect the smell breeze or no breeze for quite some


    I did take a hot shower this morning to scrub off any excess mones from yesterday.. I also applied

    a lotion to my skin after a shower. Perhaps the mixing of hot shower, lotion and cologne is causing problems with

    dispersal or longevity?

    I'm sure it should agree with me as its pretty universally liked by millions of

    people all over the world, and is a top seller..

    One other point, the last time I used D&G it was mixed with

    NPA in atomizer. Maybe the spray that comes out is much thicker and consequently laster longing due to the

    I rarely use D&G as cover alone, unless I need another sprintz on top of the NPA hours down the


    It could also be my sinuses are clogging up .. it is allergy season in Toronto. I'll toss a claritin

    and see if I can smell it in 1 hr again

    Note: I note with GIO it smells really strong first few minutes

    and then i feel like my nose is sniffing and I need to blow it. It could very well be it is so powerful that I am

    allergic to it. D&G is strong too but doesn't bother my allergies.

    Lucky for me Sephora comes with a 60 day

    money back guarantee, I will return the GIO this week.
    Have any of you used "The One" by D&G for men? Have

    you found it complements A7/SOE well?
    What about NPA (1:5 cologne) mix?

    Last edited by HornyMan; 06-12-2010 at 02:48 AM.

  29. #29
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    This might not help but I have

    picked up a cologne called diesel and the bottle is shaped like a fist.It's quite a nice smell I've received many

    compliments to date.You should check that out when you return the dio cologne, I believe either sephora or macy's

    should carry it.It covers my edge no problem

  30. #30
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Sensetised

    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    I notice that this new fragrance (DIO) smells great out of the bottle but when I put it on

    me I can barely detect the smell 15 min later unless a breeze comes by and gives me a whiff. Is this cause for

    alarm? It's strange because with D&G i can detect the smell breeze or no breeze for quite some


    I did take a hot shower this morning to scrub off any excess mones from yesterday.. I also applied

    a lotion to my skin after a shower. Perhaps the mixing of hot shower, lotion and cologne is causing problems with

    dispersal or longevity?

    I'm sure it should agree with me as its pretty universally liked by millions of

    people all over the world, and is a top seller..

    One other point, the last time I used D&G it was mixed with

    NPA in atomizer. Maybe the spray that comes out is much thicker and consequently laster longing due to the

    I rarely use D&G as cover alone, unless I need another sprintz on top of the NPA hours down the


    It could also be my sinuses are clogging up .. it is allergy season in Toronto. I'll toss a claritin

    and see if I can smell it in 1 hr again

    Note: I note with GIO it smells really strong first few minutes

    and then i feel like my nose is sniffing and I need to blow it. It could very well be it is so powerful that I am

    allergic to it. D&G is strong too but doesn't bother my allergies.

    Lucky for me Sephora comes with a 60 day

    money back guarantee, I will return the DIO this week.
    Have any of you used "The One" by D&G for men? Have

    you found it complements A7/SOE well?
    What about NPA (1:5 cologne)


    I also have a problem with detecting the

    fragrance of a cologne even a good one if i have sprayed it around my neck area as i have found out that others will

    smell it ok but my nose becomes sensitized to the fragrance and i cant notice it, i now do all of my new fragrance

    testing on the back of my hand or wrist and this way i do get to pick up on the scent as i move

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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