Good question! I should mark that on the website too.

The shopping cart is a \"real time\" card processor. If the order goes thru, your card has been charged and it is out of our hands. This is the only way you can \"reserve\" a bottle as such, but like I said, I will be VERY surprised if the 100 bottles sell out in one week. The page is not connected to our home page or anywhere else for that matter, and I am only posting it here and in e-mails to customers who have written to me asking to be notified.

Just for laughs, I will post here ocassionally how many bottles have been ordered so you can see if there is really any need to panic, which I highly doubt. There are 4 gone so far.

By the way, there is a free bottle of the DI herbal (US orders) and a bottle of musk oil with every order, so you get that stuff too.
