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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default First timer! Order arrived, which to use first?

    Hi all. I'm new and just rec'd my 1st order:
    Liquid Trust
    Alter Ego
    Essence of

    (edit oops, forgot to mention I also got Mistress
    3 Samples each of

    SOE/w and The Edge/w, and 1 sample of Perception.

    I'm looking to attract someone at work who I think is

    interested. He occassionally flirts with me, is always friendly, and has even commented how pretty I am. I'm 40,

    but look like I'm in my early 30's, have a killer body, long red hair, and great smile and very friendly. I'm not

    saying this to be cocky-- just that I attract men all the time, but this one is giving me mixed msgs. Sometimes he

    walks right past my office without saying hello/goodbye, etc even though we are friends. Other times I catch him

    checking me out (I try to dress in ways that show off my body). He's not shy but doesn't make a move either.

    Perhaps b/c it's work?

    So I want him to WANT to be around me, stop in my office to chat (or at least say

    hi/bye). Sometimes I feel like he doesn't even see me (despite my efforts to be where I know he'll be). We aren't

    usually in close proximity except for in passing. Sometimes we're both in the lunch room together, and I guess I

    could always ask him to help me move some filing cabinets in my office?

    So what should I start with? What are

    good combinations? He's 34 and we're both Caucasian, if that helps.
    Last edited by Kahlua; 05-06-2010 at 06:22 AM. Reason: forgot to add a product

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kahlua View Post
    I'm 40, but

    look like I'm in my early 30's, have a killer body, long red hair, and great smile and very friendly. I'm not

    saying this to be cocky-- just that I attract men all the time, but this one is giving me mixed msgs. Sometimes he

    walks right past my office without saying hello/goodbye, etc even though we are friends. Other times I catch him

    checking me out (I try to dress in ways that show off my body).
    Phew ! I like reading these posts My

    imagination is in overdrive.

    Hi Kahlua ! have been at the 'other' end of this situation before (x3 ) so

    it is interesting to see it from your perspective. (Apparently if a woman looks up & smiles when you walk in an

    office then it means that she would like you to ask her out - I still don't get it ....)

    This happened

    to me & eventually the lady had the good idea to ask one of my work colleagues whether "I was ever going to ask her


    On another occasion this didn't happen, she just smiled alot, & so I never asked her out (regrets


    I know that it is not easy & socially the norm for a woman to ask a man out but in my opinion you can't (&

    shouldn't ...) rely on him picking up on your signals - which are obvious to you but not to him - otherwise your

    prey may get away ... It must be frustrating for you to drop clear hints for them not to be picked up on. You have

    to find a way of making it obvious to him that "you like him" - maybe speaking to one of his work colleagues about

    it (best way ...). Bite the bullet girl

    I know how you feel, mind you - I've found a nice waitress

    where I frequently have lunch but I'm not sure how to approach her I make ordinary conversation with her.

    She is pretty & nice ....

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum


    Body language is difficult at work, especially in these days of sexual harassment dangers. He may want

    to make a move but is being circumspect at work. OTOH, he may just be busy and distracted. I know that when I get

    busy I kind of zone out to those around me.

    If he flirts with you, I think you have a leg up. Is the flirting

    casual or do you think there may be an agenda behind it? I love to flirt with women, but much of the time its

    innocent stuff. When its not innocent I try to make sure she knows that.

    You have a pretty good lineup of

    product there. It was cool of Tammy to send you so many samples. Its better to start out very light, with a single

    product. You need to see the impact this stuff has, and notice the behaviors around you. I'd start out with the

    SoE gels. Its very safe, and if you get around your "target" it can start the process. I would wait to use the

    couplins, at least until you can get closer for a period of time, maybe lunch or coffee, and you're a little

    further along in the seduction. With pheromones, you have to get close for a good 4-5 minutes to get the molecules

    in his nose and brain.

    If you know you'll be able to be around him, you might try a drop of AE with a 1/4 pack

    of Soe. This is a small dose, and you can work up from there. Make sure to cover with a nice perfume/edt.


    you the best of luck, and I hope some of the other women here will weigh in with some advice.

    Definitely keep us

    posted, and welcome again.

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