On this
perticular night I decided to use a dab of NPA and soe on the wrists and the spots I have dabbed.With this combo it
was a hit or miss type thing.I'm pretty sure that only woman on their periods talked to me or something.I believe
it has a lot to do with what time of the month it is when you where mones that have a big effect.Now I've been
going out a lot lately and I consider myself an aspiring pick-up artist and I know what I can and can't do as far
as picking up woman.Now I'm in the club and a girl came up to me and started talking and everything went well and
the IOI's were there until she had to go.I went on the dance floor and noticed a lot of proximity with woman around
me and even had a couple of woman point me out of the crowd.So I stepped on the dancefloor and started dancing close
to one hot blonde and I believe she almost got intimidated by me and kind of walked off the dance floor.This girl
was dancing close to me all night but the second I stepped in she took off.I believe she got a wiff of the npa and
just didn't like me.Then as I was getting ready to leave I had 3 woman approach me and talk to me.The IOI's were
all there and the convo was great.This NPA stuff is too iffy for me, I'm going to have to put it away for a later
date.I'm sticking to Chikara/Soe.Edge has been working for me lately but only later on in the day.These mones have
been doing crazy things for me lately.Been getting a lot of weird responses and I'm not overdosing either.It has to
be the weather change or something.
Would colder weather have anything to do with mones apposed to warmer