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  1. #1
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    Default Personality vs. Physical Appearance on Effectiveness of 'mones

    I'm beginning to wonder if physical traits do not mean much when it comes

    to pheromones, and it's all about mental outlook, for example;

    ; I'm 31, 6'4" 275lbs - a body

    builder physique (I lift really heavy), and I'm South Asian (Pakistani). I'd say my diet is pretty normal, I try

    to eat clean, but am nowhere near perfect. I'm assuming that my hard workout regimine would yield higher -none


    Mentally/Spiritually; I have a real laid back personality, in fact, too calm at times. I

    hardly lose my temper, and usually do not let things bother me much. I have a very positive outlook on life in

    general, and I meditate just about everyday. I'm a pretty grounded person, and not too much of an outgoing person,

    although I do get out.

    However, when it comes to pheromones, particularly -none, I can't seem to OD. I have been

    using NPA & A7 a lot lately, and call me crazy, but the more I put on the more I feel confident and the more hits I

    get sexually as well as respect hits. I know many say no more than 1 dab to each side of the neck, but I've done as

    many as 5 or 6 dabs w/ cover and have seen ZERO negative reactions.

    Any of you out there experience this? I want

    to OD to see my limits as well as possible bad reactions, but I have only seen positive when I go higher on

    application. Physically I'm an imposing person, but my personality is way opposite, do you think my ultra laid back

    personality decreases my mone output?
    Last edited by johnny_blaze79; 02-12-2010 at 06:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    On other forum user (gegogi) claims

    he can almost literally bathe in androstenone to no ill effect. He also says he has a "laid back" personality much

    as you describe (he is of asian decent I understand). You may fall into the same "results" catagory.


    search up some of his posts and see what all you think.
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  3. #3
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    Hey Blaze,

    I understand what

    you are talking about. Ive always believed its not what pheromone your using, its how you complement your pheromone

    your wearing. I think you get into "OD" problems that way if you dont put out the vibe of your product.

    Ive read

    post were guys say they felt as if weareing too much SOE made people treat them too freindly or treating them like

    they were too young (no sexual hits). I think thats because when the woman looks at the guy, and the pheromones dont

    match what the persons natural aura well, the woman get confused and you get your "OD" reaction. That is why I think

    people who are naturally alpha and workout and are muscular shouldnt be afraid of none, in fact it might compliment

    them better then SOE. im 6'2 200 lbs 27 years old muscular, and ive had good results with none. Women are VERY

    smart when it comes to recognizing what you portray and what you really are. So for real results I alwasy advise

    that people be themselves and try and pic the right pheromone based on what kind of vibe they put out. It will get

    real results with the proper trial and error.

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'll disagree with you on the

    -none aspect. Gegogi and I are much the same age but I'm caucasion. I work out and have been working out for many

    years resulting in a solid body. 5' 8" and 190 lbs with almost no fat. I can be very aggrssive but in kind of a

    laid back way as I prefer to be happy and playing around. Most the time I am smiling and cheerful but am clearly in

    charge of myself and secure in myself.

    Most the time I can wear only a little -none and have some really bad OD

    results form TE/NPA. A7 seems to be easier on me for some reason and if I mix it with other things seem to be ok

    with one drop. I assume there is more to it than just your demeanor but I have never quite worked out what it all

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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    I assume there is more to it than just your demeanor but I have never quite worked out what

    it all is.
    Based on my testing for past yr, I think it is mostly based on persona, like me for example, I

    should be be producing a high amount of -none, being 31, a gym rat, and avid weight lifter. And from what I read

    South Asians tend to produce a decent amount of -none.

    But like previously stated, the higher in -none products I

    go, the better and more consistent my hits are. Don't get me wrong, I would not walk into a biker bar w/ NPA

    splashed all over me, but you guys get the idea.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There's been a lot of debate

    about the -none production of asians. Since many asian women react badly to it a lot of people assume the men

    produce low amounts. That could be wrong and could simply be a result of the asian tendency to be very clean.

    My objection is that I go to the gym often and am in good shape, tend to be laughing and cheerful most of the

    time. My demeanor is self confidant but not openly aggressive while being friendly and often quiet. Wearing very low

    levels of -none in combination with other products like SoE, Chikara or AQ, I get hits attributable to alpha male

    status. If I wear much -none I get negative reactions ranging from people backing away to outright aggression.

    Attitude and behavior are components but there is more to it than that.
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    been a lot of debate about the -none production of asians. Since many asian women react badly to it a lot of people

    assume the men produce low amounts. That could be wrong and could simply be a result of the asian tendency to be

    very clean.
    From my observations, asian women love manly men. Also, asian women are not the

    "cleanest" women around. That has nothing to do with nationality, but with how you were raised.

    Just giving my

    opinion here, 2 true alpha males will not have problems with eachother, will infact respect eachother. When an

    alpha spots a fake alpha, or posing as one without backing it up, thats when u get into "OD" problems. people who

    say they got "OD" reactions wearing none are obviously NOT alpha. And I say this respectfully. I think some people

    have the wrong impression of what an alpha is. Women have told me themselves that some men just make them feel VERY

    safe, and that they feel very feminine around them. this is an alpha. Not just anyone who works out, and is

    confident. Its part of your aura. you could go to the gym for 25 years and look like arnold and still not be alpha.

    You could be skinny and be alpha. Bruce lee was major alpha. it has nothing to do wth race, height, weight...the

    reason the women gets scared an runs away from too much none is cuz she can feel that the man just wants to have sex

    with her.

  8. #8
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    Some of that I can agree with

    and other parts of it I don't. First, I said people, not women but it is true of both genders. Second, alphas tend

    to be territorial. Anybody familiar with the animal kingdom knows that and we are animals. Pheromone response is a

    pure animal response and alphas will fight for territory. When I walked into a lawyers office and he exploded while

    his secratary fawned over me was a good example.

    You don't know me so I can understand your misunderstanding of

    me and how I deal with things. Most men I deal with look to me for leadership, children often follow me around,

    which is funny but enjoyable. Most women feel very comfortable with me and getting sex has never been an issue. As a

    matter of fact, I am not looking for sex as I am in a LTR. Lastly, every personality test I've taken over the years

    has described me as a strong leader or an alpha male.

    In short, you generalized based on very little

    information. I still believe there is more to it than the personality and I believe there is a lot of empirical

    evidence in this forum to back it up.

    I'm not sure where you are but from all accounts I have read of the

    Japanese culture and my own experiences with them, the Japanese seem to be extremely clean people. I over

    generalized about Asains and apologise for the misunderstanding. However, former posters in various asian countries

    on this forum have said pretty much what I am saying.
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    I apologize I didnt mean

    to sound like I was making my points towards you. Only the asian thing was related to you. And words are only words

    I never speak out of disrespect just stating things I have learned in my world.

    I have had several asian GF's

    (chinese) and have many friends and they were definately not the cleanest around. In both ways, if u know what I

    mean lol. Japanese women I haven't experienced myself.

    As for humans being part of animals I must disagree with

    you. We have inherited part of the animal traits and "instincts" yet we are not like them. In the animal world the

    alpha is purely force and dominant. In humans alpha is protected force, protecting women. Protecting the women yet

    being dominant. Animal alphas rape their women. Human Alpha the women is the one wanting sex from the male.


    my opinion your lawyer snapped because in that case you were the alpha, hes a fake. If he was alpha he would of been

    very respectful. Just my opinion.

  10. #10
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    I can't really comment on

    other Asian countries but I have lived in Thailand previously and know a bit about the place and people. Thais are

    generally cleaner than most others, they tend to bathe 5-6 times a day which is probably due to the intense heat

    there most of the year. They also have an acute sense of smell and often much disliked the smell of GIs stationed

    there back in the 60s-70s - it was pretty much decided that it was because of our much higher consumption of meat -

    the Thais eat of lot of fruits, vegetables, fish, and when they do eat meat, it's in small quantities. If you want

    to try an experiment: have a pet dog and then go out and eat dog meat, come home and watch your pet that formerly

    was very fond of you, the pet will be very wary of you for a few hours or so.

    As an aside, you can be more

    alpha by learning the Heimlich maneuver. For the second time in my life, a child in my extended family has had his

    life saved by a knowledgable person, just last night.
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  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Hey Koolking! Good to see you

    around and thanks for the comments. I guess that different asian races are different in customs. Gee, what a

    surprise Glad to hear that a childs life was saved.

    No offense intended or taken and you

    may be right about the lawyer. However, I'll disagree with you about nature. It isn't always rape and in higher

    species it never is. You can use gorillas or wolves either one as examples. The alpha will defend his territory and

    also is caring and nurturing towards his group/pack/family. As I recall, but may be wrong on this point, tigers have

    an extensive mating ritual as well. Animal behavior is pretty complex.

    Humans hate to admit it but so much of

    what we do is extremely primitive and not unlike other animals. Take our gangs for instance. Chimpanzese do the same

    things in almost the same fashion. You could even argue that the earliest government was no more than the most

    powerful lording over those weaker than them. A point I've noticed may times is that when a woman gets drunk her

    inhibitions get lost and she does exactly what she would want to do in the first place. Social rules prevented her

    until she got enough booze in her. Then that poor guy she sensed as viable gets attacked. I'm sure most men have

    seen that effect or been the victim.

    Civilization is a very thin layer over our basic animal behaviors. That's

    why pheromones can work. Just 'cause she didn't hump your leg doesn't mean she didn't think about it.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    Koolking! Good to see you around and thanks for the comments.

    Just 'cause she didn't hump your leg doesn't

    mean she didn't think about it.
    Heya KK, nice to see you!

    Bel, I know for a fact that this plays out

    time and time again. Our modern culture forces women to play a role, and it prohibits spontaneity for the most

    part. Blame it on the feminists and the a__hole male players, both of whom taint the ointment. Agree that booze

    lowers the barrier, but caveat emptor. Unless you're in a bind and really, really need a good emptoring.

    Which returns us to the point of civilization's layer. I think its as thin or thick as you decide (or are

    capable of deciding) it to be. We humans operate at varying levels of instinct v. rational intelligence. Cognizant

    choice is frequently at war with urges our mothers warned us about. The very fact that you're having this

    conversation raises you above the lower mammals.

    We've had the alpha male conversation at length in another

    thread, and I think the gist of the conversation led me to believe that cues are taken from nature and raw

    intelligence, tempered by advanced social learning. A human alpha may be genenically "superior" in some way, but is

    informed by the advanced society in which he lives. Instinct is but a part of an alpha's presence.

    I liked

    eleven's comment about how an alpha makes women feel "safe" and "feminine". This is the natural order among

    mammals, but raised to a higher level among humans I think. Traditional orders of thinking recognized this.
    Last edited by idesign; 02-15-2010 at 05:24 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    A point I've noticed may times is that when a woman gets drunk her inhibitions get lost and she does exactly what

    she would want to do in the first place. Social rules prevented her until she got enough booze in her.

    Its interesting you belive this...

    The reason anyone does anything on any substance is because they

    are under the influence of a chemical that wouldnt be there in normal circumstances. The booze just makes it feel

    better and she is not aware fully of what she is doing. Under normal operation the brain is fully aware. Therefore

    if she was as sharp as an "animal" im sure she wouldnt be drunk off her ass grinding with the alpha gorilla

  14. #14
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    The chemical, alcohol in this

    instance, is well known and documented as lowering inhibitions. Inhibitions of this sort are social and are learned

    behaviors, not instinct. The instinct is to reproduce but the social rules preclude screwing on the dance floor, so

    to speak. Public propriety is to not screw on the dance floor, alcohol reduces the desire and ability to conform to

    socialized behavior. Alcohol does not cause the behavior, it only allows the person to show it more readily.



    I don't disagree with you as in fact your argument supports my own. Once a person is good and drunk they

    are less constrained to act in a socially acceptable manner, men and women both. I won't disagree that the alpha

    animal is genetically superior either as that's the whole point; to mate with the best specimen so your children

    have the best possible genes. I will point out that many studies have shown that while the alpha ale is the one she

    wants to father her children, he is rarely the one she would choose to raise them. Again, that is a trait you often

    see in packs, herds and such.

    The line between human's learned behaviors and animals instinctive behaviors is

    very thin. Almost all of our human actions and policies stem from the basic animal instincts we are born with, they

    are just more refined.
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    I remember one time a girl did

    the drug GHB called "G" around here in Toronto, Canada. Its a party drug, makes women really horny kinda like

    alcohol. She was walking around humping the wall, playing with herself and screaming out loud "f*^% me like the

    devil"...although its stronger than alcohol I think you get my point. Chemical substance alters behaviour, maybe we

    can call that "lowered inhibitions" but thats like saying that girl wanted the devil to screw her, had society

    allowed her too....Maybe she did lol.
    Last edited by eleven; 02-16-2010 at 05:33 PM. Reason: alcohol not as intense as GHB

  16. #16
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    I can't speak to GHB but from

    what you described it sounds distinctly different from what I am talking about. I'm no medical expert so perhaps

    you should do a little research on the subject. The lowering of inhibitions with alcohol is pretty well documented.

    It has nothing to do with making them horney. Incidently, most women are hornier than most men. They just hide it

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    I think both of you make

    valid points, however mones & alcohol to a certain degree are inhibitors. And I do feel it brings out what the

    person was feeling in the first place, but due to social filtering never would come out.

    Now extreme cases of

    alcohol and drugs are a different ballgame. At that point the person loses any sense of reality.

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    Does mones effect

    smoking? I am a smoker and a drinker! simplify that, i am a avid smoker and a social drinker but does snoking affect

    mones at all?

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post


    line between human's learned behaviors and animals instinctive behaviors is very thin. Almost all of our human

    actions and policies stem from the basic animal instincts we are born with, they are just more

    Do you see any distinctive characteristic which defines humanity over the apes? Just curious.

    You seem to be drawing a parallel between learned and instinctive, with little in between.

    As for alcohol, I

    agree, its not rocket surgery. Inhibitions are lowered and a man/woman will cut loose in a way they would not

    otherwise. Ever been to a good wedding reception? An open bar? Drugs are not in the same class of behavior

    altering substances. Ecstasy is not Johnny Walker.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by mwh820 View Post
    Does mones

    effect smoking? I am a smoker and a drinker! simplify that, i am a avid smoker and a social drinker but does snoking

    affect mones at all?
    I'm a smoker and get plenty of hits. However, many women are

    turned off by smoking. I chew gum a lot too.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    I'm a smoker

    and get plenty of hits. However, many women are turned off by smoking. I chew gum a lot too.

    *may* be a difference in the way a pheromone affects someone depending on if the "recipient" is a smoker as opposed

    to the person wearing the product(s). There seems to be some support for the idea that constant exposure to tobacco

    smoke (by the smoker themselves) both in the nasal passages and in the body (nicotine etc) may affect the way they

    are perceived or in the way they "react" with the person's body chemistry you might say.

    I may be having a

    chance to do some empirical testing of this as one good female friend has recently stopped smoking, and I may be

    able to note any change in reactions (although as I am now a "known" person already in her mental database, there

    may not be many obvious changes for me to see. It is said the best reactions are often with those who you have just

    met for the first time who don't "know" you).

    Also, as I think she may have concluded, and may be one of her

    motivations for quitting, her smoking habit may have turned off many males as well. Being a tolerant sort myself I

    managed to look beyond it to see more of the core person she was (and I discovered I liked), but I suspect many

    others just took one look at her puffing away and never approached.

    There are many fish in the sea, and

    sometimes even a small thing (not to say smoking is a small thing to some people) can get someone to look elsewhere.

    I even know one woman who would judge a man by how expensive a watch he was wearing. Almost needless to say, at 50+

    years old she is still single and without any relationships. By the time she dropped that "requirement" (at least I

    hope she has...) I suspect the pool of potential males had greatly dwindled and her pickings are slim. She's also

    still a smoker...
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  22. #22
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Do you

    see any distinctive characteristic which defines humanity over the apes? Just curious. You seem to be drawing a

    parallel between learned and instinctive, with little in between.
    Ok, ask yourself where human behaviors

    come from, what is the purpose of a certain action? Even something as complex as using a computer comes from

    somewhere, doesn't it? Curiosity, greed, the need to communicate with others of like minds? Sure, I'm simplifying

    but all human behavior has a basic foundation, just like any other creature. What is the basic foundation of

    anything you do? Why do you do it?

    Eating is a basic need, right? Being a gourmet is not needed to survive but

    eating is. We built on the need to eat because we have likes and dislikes but so do babies with absolutely no social

    conditioning. Basically, I maintain that there is no human behavior or action that cannot be traced back to

    fundamental drives. Further, I'll argue that you can see the basics of the same things developing in other

    creatures, most notably the octopus and the chimpanzee.

    Look at a baby. Define its basic drives and needs. Other

    than certain drives requiring more physical maturity in the organism, everything we do more complex than what a baby

    wants is built on those primitive instincts. Social behviors are all the result of priitive needs. The sole purpose

    of a society is to protect and raise children so they can reproduce which is a fundamental in nature. As far as

    nature is concerned, the rest is pure fluff. But it all stems from the core of our animal instincts.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    I even know

    one woman who would judge a man by how expensive a watch he was wearing. Almost needless to say, at 50+ years old

    she is still single and without any relationships. By the time she dropped that "requirement" (at least I hope she

    has...) I suspect the pool of potential males had greatly dwindled and her pickings are slim. She's also still a

    I have always believed in the term "you get what you are". Everything in life

    is a trade off.

  24. #24
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    Interesting discussion. For me

    it seems that less -none is best especially when you are around younger women. I've also seen varied rxns with

    different -none products (Primal Instinct vs. NPA vs. Rogue Male). I have on occasion though, bumped into women

    that seem to defy what I generally see from most people (ie person is really amorous when I have a -none dosage that

    would typically have another person running for the door).

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  25. #25
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    I think the question of this

    thread, of how personality and appearance affects the effectiveness of mones, its quite complex if we try to give an

    analysis taking each individual case.

    Probably common sense, but if we say that with every single romantic

    interaction, you get some results. Your personality and behavior "are judged" and are "liked or no". The question

    is, how the constant sexual vibe from NONE would influence the interaction?

    It can really be anything.


    the woman focus on looks and a short-term relationship, and as you are her type and as NONE make you appear sexualy

    available, she gives you signals to approach or advance.

    Or she does not really like your looks, but your

    "sexual intelligence" (there is an actual book on the subject) and the sexual vibe from NONE make the trick.

    From my own experience it really varies of what is more important, looks or personality, in every case. But if

    there is a general rule I would be interested to know.

    I started a thread quite a while ago of how really good

    looking men would have mostly positive results using large amounts of NONE, but the results were not as clear cut as

    I previously thought.

  26. #26
    Phero Dude
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    Default Personality vs Physical

    These 2

    are linked. It's hard to come across with good posture and a look of confidence if you're timid


    Although first impressions are usually visual , time spent during your life working on your

    assertiveness , humour, etc will usually be reflected in how you dress, take care of your body etc. So although

    looks are generate initial reactions , what went into making your appearance desirable may of preceeded this --

    unless you're born with it all, which few are.


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