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Thread: Love that TE

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Love that TE

    I thought I'd share

    my experiences with TE. Originally I was using c7, and after I started combining it with TE, I really started seeing

    the effects that a proper application of mones can ellicit.
    A couple of weeks ago I ran out of C7 and just started

    applying approx. 1/4 of a gelpack of Te to my hair and neck in the morning after showering.
    I know that TE isn't

    recommended for work, but I spend around 50 hrs. a wk. there, and ,alas, it has become my biggest social

    Definitely getting more attention from the ladies at work. Lots of smiles, comments about my appearance,

    and close talking.
    The biggest effect has been on my boss. As noted in my last post she is 47, attractive, but

    married. I definitely like the attention of an attractive woman but I decided to not flirt back because she is

    The funniest thing that has happened with her is that every day, and I do mean every day she has started

    doing a weird thing. At about 20 min. before quitting she walks over to my work station and just stands there. She

    stands typically at my right side with her arm usually touching mine, looking straight ahead. It's actually quite

    bazaar. After a minute or so she'll ask about my day.
    A bunch of the guys ask me about it, but really what do you

    say. This only started with the application of Te by itself. She literally stands there, as if in a trance, looking

    straight ahead and talking, for 20 min. or so. And honestly this has happened every day since using TE. We must look

    like a couple of zombies to the other workers.
    Do you think it's some type of DIHL effect?

  2. #2
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    DIHLs only lasts for a few

    seconds as the brain farts, reboots and reloads. I've experienced it many times when wearing high doses of NPA

    and/or chemset androstenol. A couple minutes is something else all together: perhaps a rush of blood to the groin

    area and subsequent shortage of oxygen to brain and loss of rational behavior. Sounds more like she's in a horny

    trance, gains her composure and fully engages her verbal center as women are so good at. I know on rare occasions

    I'm so struck by an attractive woman I can't help but stare and follow her. 30 seconds or a minute later I get a

    grip and either push off or engage her in normal conversation.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bowbuilder View Post
    At about

    20 min. before quitting she walks over to my work station and just stands there. She stands typically at my right

    side with her arm usually touching mine, looking straight ahead. It's actually quite bazaar.
    The fact

    that she touches you proves it. She is obviously attracted to you & effected by TE. TE is powerful stuff ! In the

    trance she forgets that she is married ...

    I had a similiar experience. I asked someone out in the office without

    knowing that she was engaged (she said no by the way ..) but for several years after that she would put her hand on

    the back of my neck without warning (it was a cold hand ... ) or rest it on top of my hand on the desk for a

    couple of minutes. Alternative future husband material ??

  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Standing for 20 min

    This is

    strange. Why would she stand for 20 min looking straight ahead. What do you do for a living? You mention

    workstation, are you a programmer?

    With edge/soe somtimes I turn into a mute with beautiful women. It's

    like I get paralyzed verbally with their beauty. With A7/SOE because of the rone I am used to always expressing

    myself verbally which takes away from the mute effects.

    I figure if I could somehow get a7/SOE and edge in

    there in the same day without OD'ing that would give me the best of both worlds.

    I recently bought A1, and

    since I am prone to the self effects of mones, I do find it somewhat depresses me (I don't cry or anything but I do

    feel kinda too relaxed and mellow). It does make women tell me all kinds of emotional crap. Hmm it definitely does

    work, but like I said it depends on what I'm after.

    My absolute best day with mones was with A7/SOE in

    morning and Edge SOE at night. In that sense the rone from AM still kicked in at nighttime with the Edge and I was

    able to be a man of all mans! However I had to shower mid day to avoid buildup of the two products!!


  5. #5
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    Hey all. Thanks for the

    responses. I build large turbine equipment. I have a workbench where I stand for 10 hrs. a day. (wish I went to

    college, lol ). My boss sits at a desk about 10 ft.away. I noticed that in the morning she is still friendly but a

    little reserved. Usually after lunch, she increases the smiles, touching my arms. Then around quitting time she

    begins the ritual I posted about. This would be about 11 hrs. after the applicaction of TE.

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    I recently

    bought A1, and since I am prone to the self effects of mones, I do find it somewhat depresses me (I don't cry or

    anything but I do feel kinda too relaxed and mellow). It does make women tell me all kinds of emotional crap. Hmm it

    definitely does work, but like I said it depends on what I'm after.

    And this I think is one of

    the best descriptions of the "depression" A1 causes in men, and the effect it can have on women. I have a feeling

    that the term "depression" especially when used to describe A1's effects on men is being misinterpreted to mean a

    "mental" depression in a very negative sense, and not this "relaxation" interpretation.

    I've said before and

    I'll say again, I'm starting to feel that A1 is a far more important pheromone than androstenone. Or at least far

    more important and "useful" than it has been given credit for. However I will grant that it may depend on the

    situation. Androstenone may serve very well when everyone involved is concentrating on one-night-stands, but I have

    a hunch A1 can play an important role in just about all other situations.

    My opinions.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  7. #7
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    I think of my most memorable

    hits/DIHL was at my Bank. I go to U.S. Bank (they have alluv the hot tellers there for the most part). And one of my

    girls there, well, I cashed my check, and we were chatting up *she does have a b/f*, we both go to the same club in

    P-town, and well, she basically wasn't payin much attention to my instructions, kinda was just repeating what I was

    saying, she kept messing up on counting the money back, and then, she didn't give me about 300 of it, but we both

    didnt realize it at the time due to our heavy con/v. I later called her, and asked if she had put the rest of the

    funds in my account, she went back over the transaction and fixed it. But yeah, kinda scary missing 300 bucks like

    that. LOL. I wasn't upset though, since I knew it was the mones really doing that. I've come into my bank on days

    not wearing mones and the girls do have conditioned responses from the times I was mone-ing, but they are usually

    just merely polite. And i've never had a screwed up transaction b4 when not wearing them

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