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  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greek-lover View Post
    Its being quite a while since the last time I wrote in the LS forum... I had been in a

    long-term relationship for more than two years and during that time I had used pheromones rarely. As the

    relationship ended recently, I started thinking the results I got from Pheromones, especially the great results I

    got from a combo of Chikara and NPA.

    At the time I was reading some materials from pick up "gurus" and I would

    go out and hit on girls to see how things work. One of the best uses of pheromones for me, was to check beforehand

    if a woman was sexually attracted. I would put a HUGE amount of Chikara and NPA, sit near a woman I would find

    attractive, and wait for reactions. The most common reaction I got, was women playing with their hair, after a few

    times I noticed that this body language cue, would give me beter than average reactions when I started a


    From all the phero pros out there, what is the most common body language cue or reaction

    you are getting when you put a good amount of sexual pheromones, and how things usually turn out?


    Wearin SOE and NPA ive had women pass me in the supermarket isles

    and turn around and follow me and stop whenever i stop to look at summat, and then i move on and stop at the

    deserted magazine section and after 5 minutes a group females congregated around me just fussin and fidgeting around

    and there was one young girl in skin tight clothing ( so tight i dont know how she could breath ) just staring at me

    as if there was never going to be any tomorrows


    have had women walk straight up to me with stupid grins on there face and commenting " do i know


    Also a sofisticated and mysterious sexy blond

    about 25 approached me after standing besides me at the post office counter she came up after 5 mins and looked me

    straight in the eyes with all the symptoms of a major DIHL ( open mouth and funny grin ) I could have taken her away

    by the hand no worries except that i didnt really want to start a sexual


    Oh yes i was wearin scented PI with a

    combo of softening pheromones.

    At a meeting i will

    sit at the back and most times girls will be turning their heads to take a look and also doing the hair flippin

    stuff and fidgeting around.

    I dont take the

    pheromone attraction advantages because i am happy and satisfied in my relationship with my


    I am wearing pheromones every day to stay in

    touch and see which new single or combo product applications actually have any effects.

    I have experienced many comments like " you have a sexy smell " when ive

    been wearin Alpha 7 and Scent of Eros, also contrary to popular beliefs this A7 and SOE combo has supplied me with

    some excellent Asian attraction hits when i was usin it. Its a good combo but one has to be vigilant against build

    up, and then its pretty well consistant..

    A couple

    drops A314 and a drop of A7 is perfect for holdin a womans attraction /attention yeah works a treat once i make a

    move and start conversation after lingering around and making sure they get a good whiff first.

    To sum it up i really think it is impossible not to

    get some type of female reaction from a decent pheromone or combo once they have had a good whiff, with some barely

    noticable up to some most obvious its just a matter of perception really.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #2
    Full Member Greek-lover's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Pheromones and sexual body language?

    Its being quite a while since the last time I wrote in the LS forum... I had been in a long-term

    relationship for more than two years and during that time I had used pheromones rarely. As the relationship ended

    recently, I started thinking the results I got from Pheromones, especially the great results I got from a combo of

    Chikara and NPA.

    At the time I was reading some materials from pick up "gurus" and I would go out and hit on

    girls to see how things work. One of the best uses of pheromones for me, was to check beforehand if a woman was

    sexually attracted. I would put a HUGE amount of Chikara and NPA, sit near a woman I would find attractive, and

    wait for reactions. The most common reaction I got, was women playing with their hair, after a few times I noticed

    that this body language cue, would give me beter than average reactions when I started a conversation.

    From all

    the phero pros out there, what is the most common body language cue or reaction you are getting when you put

    a good amount of sexual pheromones, and how things usually turn out?

    Take care,

  3. #3
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Sadly I haved never gotten what I

    would call a "sexual" response*. Social, yes, and I'm pretty certain of at least one DIHL, but that's pretty much


    There was *one* possible one, way back when I first started. I was wearing Chikara, and was in the

    process of buying some cemetery plots... (okay...). The 20-something salesgirl spent some time in the office with

    me, then we went out to the grounds to check location, and while there she brushed off something from my sweater

    (she claims). When we got back to the office to fill out paperwork she got all flustered and messed up some forms

    she was filling out. It's possible this was a semi-sexual (touching) hit, but I'm not sure. I admit I wasn't

    paying much attention to it at the time and I'm considering it in retrospect. Like a dumb ass it didn't sink in

    that I might have had something there and I didn't follow up.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  4. #4
    Stranger TheAttractor's Avatar
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    I've gotten a few great

    hits while wearing Perception (ratio 2L:1R:1N), when I went out during Halloween. I'd describe those hits as sexy,

    rather than sexual, because the results I got consisted mostly of flirty conversations and close dancing. Not that

    I'm complaining, but I still thought I'd mention it.

  5. #5
    Full Member Greek-lover's Avatar
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    Wow, Terry this is great. I

    had some very positive reactions myself and I am glad to hear that Pheromones work so good for you. If you do not

    mind, could you "rate" yourself in looks and clothing? Its reasonable to think that in order to have a positive

    reaction to the sexual vibe that NONE gives, women must find your looks attractive anyway.

    Although myself, I

    had positive body signals even with women they did not know how I look like. One of my favorite experiments, when I

    was waiting in line or sitting behind a woman in public transport, would be to uncap NPA put my thump on top so no

    mones escape, and think to myself, "this woman in front of me would start playing with her hair in five second"

    1...2... take my thump from the top of the bottle 3... 4... 5... and yes! a lot of the time they would start playing

    with their hair!

    This is why I was wondering if there are any other common signals that pheromones started

    working. I am not the best in interpreting body language (yet) and I was wondering if there are any common foolproof

    signals that the sexual vibe you give from ΝΟΝΕ is getting you a positive reaction.

    Although I surely got an idea of signals from your descriptions

  6. #6
    Full Member Greek-lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    Like a

    dumb ass it didn't sink in that I might have had something there and I didn't follow up.
    The story of

    my life, this time I am going to be prepared

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greek-lover View Post
    Wow, Terry this is great. I had some very positive reactions myself and I am glad to hear

    that Pheromones work so good for you. If you do not mind, could you "rate" yourself in looks and clothing? Its

    reasonable to think that in order to have a positive reaction to the sexual vibe that NONE gives,
    women must

    find your looks attractive
    Hmmm ur um i recon i am sorta

    average five foot 6 + 3/4 " when standing a little on my toes and i am around 154 lb and rather solid though i do

    have evidence of love handles.

    My usual dress is

    thongs shorts and a T shirt very casual and laid back although if i really had to go out prowling for a lay and i

    was desperate then i would be struttin out with pair of black polished high heeled elastic sided riding boots some

    smart well cut strides and a black long sleeved collared shirt and a good phero application and cologne. you know

    the scenario

    But funny thing is i get my best

    attraction/attention when i am barefoot in shorts with an orange T shirt on and messed up hair. PS i will be 58 next

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 11-04-2009 at 07:19 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
    Full Member Greek-lover's Avatar
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    But seriously, If NONE gives a vibe that you are sexually agressive and in a mood for sex, and they did not like

    how you look they would run away from you. I believe that you are "honest in your description" , but you are

    seriously underestimate yourself, even without having a clue of how you look, I bet that having so good results from

    sexual pheromones from strange women, you are much better looking from what you think, although the clothing you

    describe seems quite right Ι pretty much have α similar taste.

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greek-lover View Post

    But seriously, If NONE gives a vibe that you are sexually

    agressive and in a mood for sex, and they did not like how you look they would run away from you. I believe that you

    are "honest in your description" , but you are seriously underestimate yourself, even without having a clue of

    how you look, I bet that having so good results from sexual pheromones from strange women, you are much better

    looking from what you think, although the clothing you describe seems quite right Ι pretty much have

    α similar taste.
    I am of the opinion that i am a strange


    I am casual easy going and i will do anything i

    can to be of assistance to a person in need ie help care and heartfelt consideration.

    I am not inclined to take any shit offa anyone especially big headed know it

    all smart arse types.

    I will go to devious and

    sneaky lengths to pay back or put a stop to the actions and designs of an unrighteous tyrant ect .... i do

    have the ability to cast an effective curse.... as a last resort....

    Maby men are angels who are also capable of acting like little devils and

    vice versa....

    It is just my personality i suppose

    that calls me to use a good application of Androstenone each day in as much as it is ingrained as a habit within


    Yes i do get some interesting hits often and

    also some very real and rapid rejection responses also, like some women or girls mouthing off excuses to tell me

    their not interested and all before i have a chance to mouth a word or take a sideways look sometimes.

    I was wearing 4 drops of NPA/w one day and getting

    good respect and some drooling type responses from young women and then at a different venue like 10 minutes later a

    solid young woman approaches me in a normal style and then when she gets a whiff of me she changes with a snarling

    face and quickly backs off and then i see her talking to another girl some distance away and pointing at me.

    I suppose it is my style to give a bad boy alpha

    phero projection because i dont really bother what any folks may think of me i just think Whatever and just relax

    and enjoy my work my struggles and my delights.


    for the record i think there will always be some busted arseoles around to try and spoil our peacefull Earth

    experience, just as on the other hand there are some wonderfull and marvelous beings here to deal with them.

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 11-03-2009 at 09:38 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
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    G'day T-man, how've u been

    mate? the latest goss is looking good. I think I may have asked u this before mate but, what are Aussie

    gals like>? I have had a very deep fascination with them since I can remember; and its recently been fired up even

    more after an encounter in a club with an incredibly beautiful gal from Brisbane in a club near where I live

    . I think its the comination of the accent as well as them being blondes lol! I admit, I am a sucker for naturally

    curly blonde gals with a certain eye color. One day I am hoping to actually move to either Perth or Brisbane, and

    mebs become a dual citizen (American, as well as aussie). What can u tell me of their characteristics and tendencies

    mate? I hear the girls from Sydney can be pretty stuck up, but I don't put much faith behind that accusation

    because the chum I knew who went there was just not good at picking up women in general much less Aussie gals, who

    tend to be quite independent and fesity LOL. any feedback would be great mate. Cheers!!

  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilstitch View Post
    G'day T-man, how've u been mate? the latest goss is looking good. I think I may

    have asked u this before mate
    but, what are Aussie gals like>?
    I have had a very deep fascination

    with them since I can remember; and its recently been fired up even more after an encounter in a club with an

    incredibly beautiful gal from Brisbane in a club near where I live . I think its the comination of the

    accent as well as them being blondes lol! I admit, I am a sucker for naturally curly blonde gals with a certain eye

    color. One day I am hoping to actually move to either Perth or Brisbane, and mebs become a dual citizen (American,

    as well as aussie). What can u tell me of their characteristics and tendencies mate? I hear the girls from Sydney

    can be pretty stuck up, but I don't put much faith behind that accusation because the chum I knew who went there

    was just not good at picking up women in general much less Aussie gals, who tend to be quite independent and fesity

    LOL. any feedback would be great mate. Cheers!!
    Well um er it seems that Aussie girls are a very diverse and


    mixed type of

    species which is not suprising when considering the amount of immigrants entering this country from the four corners

    of the Earth or so it seems.

    We have European

    girls, African girls, Asian girls, girls from south and northern America, Yeah yeah yea girls girls girls girls

    girls girls girls and more girls soooooo many here there and everywhere i go.

    There are even some genuine good old variety young Aussie girls blooming

    onto the horison like fresh new flower buds opening up to the request and bequest of our new world and then becoming

    ingrained with the cultural wisdom of their young Mothers and Fathers and the prevailing society as it stands at


    Certainly a huge and delicious variety of

    girls to choose from amoungst girls with all manner of skin and hair colours, each with their own agenda of likes

    and dislikes ect.

    Girls are girls and can be a mans

    blessing or cursing depending upon their disposition and nature.

    So i advise men young and old to choose with the utmost wisdom because

    todays choice will have an impact on the whole outcome of your future life here on this Earth.

    Like everything else the choice of our desires and

    then our behavior has far reaching consequences.


    we must be wise with our reasoning and desires and choose that which will edify our souls because the present time

    dissapears as fast as the speed of light, and when tomorrow arrives it becomes the present that we have chosen to

    live with, and then before the realization has sunk in we may take a look in the mirror and realize that something

    has happened and we have become old men..... te he yes.... so much wiser..

    To be tempted by the delights of a beautiful and passionate woman is a

    wonderful experience there is no doubt in my mind concerning this.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Thank u mate, for the greaat

    insight. I see u can be something of the poetic type too heheh that is good lol. When u were talking about avoiding

    build=up earlier what was meant by that mate? Can mones when applied to the skin actually have a buld-up resulting

    in negative interactions due to the od effect? I know that sraying mones on clothing would do that (which is why I

    try to avoid spraying/dabbing clothing like the plague). Would using a good soap scrub after the night help to

    prevent this build-up? I am also purchasing A7 for the first time to use in conjunction with my magic mix of

    SOE/TE/sandalwood hehe. So i'm excited to see how that turns out encounter-wise. Cheers mate!

  13. #13
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilstitch View Post

    When u were talking about avoiding build=up earlier what was meant by that mate?
    Can mones when

    applied to the skin actually have a buld-up resulting in negative interactions due to the od effect?

    Would using a good soap scrub after the night help to prevent this build-up?
    I am also purchasing A7

    for the first time to use in conjunction with my magic mix of SOE/TE/sandalwood hehe. So i'm excited to see how

    that turns out encounter-wise.
    Sometimes, as you are

    aware the overuse or not cleaning up previous application sites can lead to layers of old pheromones converting to

    androstenone and sticking to the skin and building up in concentrations that are counter productive to


    Its good advice as you have suggested in

    having a good scrub up of the area before applying a fresh phero application.

    It is often that a pheromone user will come to the

    conclusion that their product " has stopped working" and you can bet that the cause is the overuse/buildup


    it can happen to anyone

    and it also happens to me for being careless and


    You have made a good choice with your

    purchase of Alpha 7 Lilstitch, this stuff is easy to use and is a smooth operator used alone and certainly becomes a

    stealth blaster when used with a splash of


    Yeah the pheros could actually pay for

    themselves with the re-sale of your collected discarded quality panties.

    Enjoy your Alpha 7,

    Good fishing and MAY YOUR ROD BEND OFTEN .

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #14
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I swear I heard somewhere that you

    can buy used women's panties from vending machines in Japan...

    Not sure if they were washed/cleaned or not...

    Pervert heaven?
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  15. #15
    Full Member Greek-lover's Avatar
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    I did not quite

    get your post, I just meant to say that your previous post was funny, and you are probably attractive already, to

    have so many positive results with NONE.

    I appreciate your posts, and I certainly did not mean anything bad. It

    is not always easy to express myself in English.
    Last edited by Greek-lover; 11-08-2009 at 12:12 PM.

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default used panty pheromone fetish

    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    I swear I heard somewhere that you can buy used women's panties from vending machines in


    Not sure if they were washed/cleaned or not...


    All the better for sniffing at bedtime if they are


    Well Worn Used Body Stocking & Nylon Pantyhose



    Item condition:--Time left:12h 54m 34s (Nov 08, 200923:39:32 PST)Bid



    Current bid:US

    Your max bid:US $Place bidPlace

    (Enter US $15.00 or more)Watch this itemNow

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    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post

    Worn Used Body Stocking & Nylon Pantyhose



    condition:--Time left:12h 54m 34s (Nov 08, 200923:39:32 PST)Bid




    bid:US $14.50Your max bid:US $Place bidPlace bid(Enter US $15.00

    or more)
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    My eBay
    I'm confused ...I'd heard of Japanese

    vending machines but I didn't know that these things are on eBay.

  18. #18
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default good posting Greek-lover

    Quote Originally Posted by Greek-lover View Post
    Hi Terry,

    I did not quite get your post, I just meant to say that your previous post

    was funny, and
    you are probably attractive already, to have so many positive results with NONE.

    appreciate your posts, and I certainly did not mean anything bad. It is not always easy to express myself in

    Greek-lover Thank you for posting on the forum and

    contributing good information, your feedback is always interesting informative and welcome.

    I think that i have some good success with my use of

    Androstenone is because i wear it most days and get many good results and also some negative


    In nearly all of my Androstenone

    applications i choose to add some Alpha or Beta Androstenol and also sometimes add some Androsterone gecause these

    pheromones mask the scary nature of Androstenone and help with


    I use different products and also for

    this purpose i have sometimes used Scent of Eros gel/pkts, most times i use one full pkt and also spread some on my

    biceps and forearms and around neck.

    If i am using

    PI or NPA alone then it is one or two small dabs or one small drop is my choice....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post

    confused ...I'd heard of Japanese vending machines but I didn't know that these things are on

    Also sometimes very old used and worn out sox or slippers are also

    put up for auction the more ragged the item the better for those with a foot fetish.

    I recon you could create a recession proof business

    dealing in used unwashed panties, you could grade them after they have passed the smell test i suppose.

    trashed well worn used Nine West Pumps, PANTYHOSE &



    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  20. #20
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post

    confused ...I'd heard of Japanese vending machines but I didn't know that these things are on

    EBays Panty Raid - Industry Trend or Event | Industry Standard


    Then a friend told her to go on eBay

    and type "used panties." She was shocked to find more than 400 women selling their old underwear for up to

    $30 a pair. ...
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #21
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    If it's legal (even marginally so)

    you can probably find it offered on eBay.

    My mantra:

    Never throw anything out untill you've tried selling

    it on eBay.

    I have posted some of the "dumbest" things on eBay and actually sold them. I think I was the

    first person to offer one of those free AOL diskettes (an early Version). I got $30 for it... of course after that

    eBay was flooded with similar items and the bottom fell out of the market.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    eBay has a strange policy of

    allowing spirits to be sold only as a 'collecters' item only so the bottle is not intended to be opened
    In a

    similiar way used clothing is phrased as :

    "This auction is for two

    well worn items:

    Sheer Suntan Body Stocking & Sheer

    Nude Pantyhose
    The Body

    Stocking is Sheer to Chest and Pantyhose are Sheer to Waist

    These items have never been worn as

    an undergarment and will be washed according to Ebay and manufacturer's policy prior to being shipped out to

    A likely story


  23. #23
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    eBay has

    a strange policy of allowing spirits to be sold only as a 'collecters' item only so the bottle is not intended to

    be opened
    In a similiar way used clothing is phrased as :


    auction is for two well worn items:

    Sheer Suntan Body Stocking & Sheer Nude Pantyhose

    The Body Stocking is Sheer to

    Chest and Pantyhose are Sheer to Waist

    These items have never been

    worn as an undergarment and will be washed according to Ebay and manufacturer's policy prior to being shipped out

    to you"

    A likely story .....

    oh thank goodness i may still

    find some some sweaty panties to sniff whenever the craving for mystical copulin contents overshadows


    I am a somewhat fussy man and would prefer the

    delivery of my used panties to arrive as fresh as possable, ( wouldn't have to warm them up in the

    microwave then )
    but i suppose this would cost me extra $$$$...
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #24
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    I have always found that the back

    of a woman's neck smells relaxing/arousing simultaneously - must be pheromones. They rest babies heads there to

    relax them as well - same principle ?

    Terry - you have opened a door for me re. used underwear & old pumps which

    I'm beginning to wish hadn't been opened

    Is there a similiar fetish for gloves &/or used gloves I wonder ?

    (I have always found the opera gloves which go over the elbow, which were worn years ago, to look very hot

    ... )

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    I have

    always found that the back of a woman's neck smells relaxing/arousing simultaneously - must be pheromones. They

    rest babies heads there to relax them as well - same principle ?

    Terry - you have opened a door for me re. used

    underwear & old pumps which I'm beginning to wish hadn't been opened

    Is there a similiar fetish

    for gloves &/or used gloves I wonder ?
    (I have always found the opera gloves which go over the elbow,

    which were worn years ago, to look very hot ... )
    That reminds me i

    will have to ask my Sheela to knit me a willie warmer before my next trip to the UK......

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Sometimes, as you are aware the

    overuse or not cleaning up previous application sites can lead to layers of old pheromones converting to

    androstenone and sticking to the skin and building up in concentrations that are counter productive to


    Its good advice as you have suggested in

    having a good scrub up of the area before applying a fresh phero application.

    It is often that a pheromone user will come to the conclusion that their

    product " has stopped working" and you can bet that the cause is the overuse/buildup syndrome....

    it can happen to anyone

    and it also happens to me for being careless and


    You have made a good choice with your

    purchase of Alpha 7 Lilstitch, this stuff is easy to use and is a smooth operator used alone and certainly becomes a

    stealth blaster when used with a splash of SOE....

    Yeah the pheros could actually pay for themselves with the re-sale of your

    collected discarded quality panties.

    Enjoy your

    Alpha 7,

    Good fishing and MAY YOUR ROD BEND OFTEN

    T-man. Would would be some good application points for my new A7 as

    well as SOE? And how many drops of A7 should I use mate>? Cheers

  27. #27
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilstitch View Post
    T-man. Would would be some good application points for my new A7 as well as SOE?

    how many drops of A7 should I use mate>?

    ur a fairly mature man then at least one drop of Alpha 7 can get in and do some good things when its smoothed up

    with a good dollop of Scent of Eros.... just relax get in there and be the fearless alpha gentleman and man this

    shit will really work to give you a very real edge....

    First up i splash or spray on some good cologne around my neck area under my

    ears and lower neck then let it dry and then divide my drop of Alpha 7 and apply it just below my ears and as far as

    it will spread under my jaw so now that i am Alphered up nicely i then dab one full gel/ pkt lightly all over the

    area slowly and also allow any excess onto my chin....

    If i am using two drops of A7 with a full pack SOE then during the first

    couple of hours i notice lots of respect from younger guys who sometimes will also give me a nod or a bit of a wave

    as if they know me, funny yes but it happens, and also get girls checking me out in a most obvious


    But the 2 dr A7 makes me completly invisible

    to Asian girls for several hours and then something happens into the 3rd hour especially if i am sat amoungst

    passing Asian girls yes zammo everything changes and these girls start swarming around and jostling for a position

    around where i am sat.

    I may try for some free time

    China town prowling and repeat this again with some PI and SOE and see how it compares as i have no A7 left apart

    from what i have in other spray combinations.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  28. #28
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    Where Velvet Darkness is Kissed by Golden Starlight
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    If ur a fairly mature man then at least one drop

    of Alpha 7 can get in and do some good things when its smoothed up with a good dollop of Scent of Eros.... just

    relax get in there and be the fearless alpha gentleman and man this shit will really work to give you a very real


    First up i splash or spray on some

    good cologne around my neck area under my ears and lower neck then let it dry

    and then divide my drop of

    Alpha 7 and apply it just below my ears and as far as it will spread under my jaw so now that i am Alphered up

    nicely i then dab one full gel/ pkt lightly all over the area slowly and also allow any excess onto my chin....

    If i am using two drops of A7 with a full pack SOE

    then during the first couple of hours i notice lots of respect from younger guys who sometimes will also give me a

    nod or a bit of a wave as if they know me, funny yes but it happens, and also get girls checking me out in a most

    obvious manner.

    But the 2 dr A7 makes me completly

    invisible to Asian girls for several hours and then something happens into the 3rd hour especially if i am sat

    amoungst passing Asian girls yes zammo everything changes and these girls start swarming around and jostling for a

    position around where i am sat.

    I may try for some

    free time China town prowling and repeat this again with some PI and SOE and see how it compares as i have no A7

    left apart from what i have in other spray combinations.

    Then after the application of pheromones has

    dried i once again cover gently with some cologne.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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