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  1. #1

    Default Attracting a woman

    This is strictly speaking not a pheromone-related topic, but since attracting women is what we want to do I think I can post it. Bruce also thought of selling seduction instructions so here we go:

    I learned years ago a fundamental rule about attraction. It chaged my life, so I want to share it.
    Men are seduced by visual input. That is why men tend to watch erotic pictures and movies. Most voyeurs are men. Given a choice between ugly and intelligent or stunning and stupid, most men are at least initially more attracted by the stunning one. A plain girl with plain clothes will not attract a lot of men. However, if she uses some make up, buys a sexy dress and learns a flirting smile, she will attract a lot.

    Women are seduced by words. That is why women tend to buy romance litterature. A woman will think a naked man is slightly silly and not very interesting. A man will think that romance fiction is slightly silly and not very interesting. Granted, a good erotic story will turn on a man and a good porno movie will turn on a woman. But in general, it\'s the other way round. A guy, looking good but with no communication skills, will not attract a lot of girls. An ugly guy with skills, will attract a lot more.

    Imagine a bunch of girls that have no idea that men like beautiful girls. They try to get on by showing their intelligence, their ambition, their knowledge of art etc. They wonder why some girls that are really stupid still get all the men. Imagine someone told them the SECRET: learn to use clothes and make up to look better. Well, most girl already know it.

    Imagine a bunch of guys that have no idea that women like words. They think they should show their muscles, their car or money or good looks. They wonder why sometimes the ugliest guy in town gets the hot chick. (Never the other woy round).Imagine someone told them the SECRET: learn to use words. Most guys don\'t know it.

    Ten years ago I was the average looking guy who never got a girl. I\'m fairly intelligent, I have money, a nice appartment, a car, a boat even, well aducated, still no luck. Well it wasn\'t about luck at all. When I suddenly realised the truth, I enjoyed four year of seducing a lot of nice girls. Then I found my wife and stopped, almost. I have never cheated on her, but I still use the same methods to make my customers and colleagues attracted to me.

    I don\'t like the NLP and hypnosis aspects of speed seduction, but the fundamental is right. The best way of getting a woman to find you attractive is to use words. You just talk in a way that makes her feel good, and she\'ll be attracted to you. It\'s not magic. It doesn\'t work the way that you can talk anyone into bed in one hour. A girl that has a sexy dress won\'t be able to just pick the man of her choice and bed him within minutes. But it will certainly make her more attractive to most men. And a man that knows how to talk to a woman immediately is more attractive to most women.

    This is the formula: describe a feeling to her, and she will have the feeling, and she will like you for having it. Like this, over a cup of coffee:
    - So, Linda, what do you do when you are not working? Do you have a hobby or special interest or something?
    - Well, not really, I like to read a lot.
    - Yeah, I know what you mean. When you have a good book waiting for you and you just cant put it down and you just have to read on and totally forget about time and just go on reading because it\'s so good. Isn\'t great?
    - Yes, that is why I read.
    (Speed secution will teach you to say something like: and you feel how it gets INSIDE you and you just concentrate on what you have IN FRONT OF YOU, bla bla I don\'t do that, it\'s not necessary at all)
    So you just choose something that you can describe, so that she feels good: a relationship, a vacation, music, a movie, food, sex, whatever. She\'ll think that you are really emotional and deep and she will feel more attracted to you, the same way you would feel more attracted to her if she wears a nice sexy outfit. You don\'t want to go to bed with her just because she has a nice dress, and she will not want to have sex with you just because you talk nicely. It\'s just a matter of increasing the level of attraction. And I guarantee, you\'ll have a lot more hits than you\'ll ever likely to get with pheromones. And sometines when you describe a feeling to her, you will get the famous DIHL.
    So I think it would be OK for Bruce to market a communication guide for men, nothing wrong with that. I could even write one myself.
    Of course, there is a lot more to attraction than this. I know a lot of girls that are, generally speaking, really good looking, and I think they are sort of attractive, but still I\'m not really too interested in them for many other reasons. And of course it works the other way too, not matter how you talk, there is no guarantee that you will be able to attract a particular girl. But I\'m certain that you can juxtapose good looks in girls with communication skills in men, they work the same way. You need to do it with good taste, if it\'s too obvious you\'ll go over the top and look ridiculous. (like a too-sexy girl lookin like a hooker, it won\'t work.). I also don\'t think there is anyting maipulative or wrong about this, it\'s just a matter of understanding how a woman functions.

  2. #2
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Attracting a woman


    Well, I don’t know if women are that much different from men or if socialization has taught us to get emotional about different things (eg. check out a group of guys talking about a sporting event and you’ll see a lot of vicarious “thrills of victory” and “agonies of defeat”).

    Other than that, I wholeheartedly agree, and thanks for the great post. I hope Bruce takes note and we see a lot more advice along these lines.

    PS On a philosophical note. Why just use this knowledge as a technique to get laid and make money? Why not just live life passionately and open up your feelings to others? Isn’t that more or less the key to happiness?

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Attracting a woman

    Except these guys who work out walk around with no shirts on and get all the women (sports stars who have no communication skills whatsoever-still get all the best women) NLP is the way to go folks mix it with good looks good smell (pheros synthetics help a lot) women go towards the guy that is the best in any group and if there is a husband or boyfriend in the background they soon get forgotten very quickly. - Why women cheat and not tell the husband well they pass it off in their minds as just a one night stand and no one needs to know as long as they get filled up and have an O they are happy. The husband then becomes the money mine and resource guy only there to support but not to have children for. Thats why i recommend the use of pheromones to keep women in line and encourage a rebalancing against the female side of the species.

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