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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default How to be mysterious

    Any tips on how

    to create an aura of mystery?

    Can you name all things:

    Which mones are best for this?
    Which type of

    clothing is best?

    Which color of clothing is best?

    What personality traits are best?

    Do you

    need to have a sexy body?

    Do you need to show some skin?

    How do you come across as mysterious within

    being "stuck up", in the sense that you don't say to much to people.

    Well the reason I ask is yesterday

    after a long time, I met a woman while I worse a7/soe that shocked me in this sense. I melted over her and

    couldn't pinpoint what is was. Her dressing was difference, he body amazing, but not cheap. Her personality

    helpful but not too talkative. She was there to help then gone in an instant.

    It was amazing. I was hooked

    on her and found myself thinking about her the whole evenings. I did find her to be very fu*kable but not without a

    desire of intimacy.

    She was wearing green tights, had a small tattoo on her neck, had a small stud earing in

    her nose, and had a confident but quiet demeanor. She seemed to be "into her work".

    Any comment how I can

    create this aura?


  2. #2
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Some quick thoughts:

    Well first

    and formost you are a guy, that was a girl. How you act, dress, etc is going to be different. I don't think you

    will win any points by wearing green tights unless you are trying to look like a Superhero's sidekick. That would

    be wierd, not mysterious...

    At this point I wouldn't ven think about the pheromones. The visual impact will be

    first and formost.

    As far as mystery- it's often what is wondered about, not outright stated or obvious. In

    terms of clothing, what comes to mind is more loose ninja garb that hides and hints without revealing, so maybe I'd

    skip the tight pants and shirt. I'd think darker solid colors (again think ninja, or even a spooky Halloween outfit

    - what strikes you as "mysterious").

    Personality? Unrevealing. James Bond. Things hinted at, but not stated.

    Body? Whatever works. Though off the top of my head I could see, again, the James Bond type (young Sean Connery,

    Tim Dalton type), or een a heavier type, being far more thought provoking that sopmeone that looks like a scrawney

    nerdy wuss.

    Skin? Nope. Leave it to the imagination. But I wouldn't go to the extreem of covering myself head

    to toe ninja style, or with a hoodie, etc. It *may* work in some situations though.

    You can avoid sounding

    "Stuck up" if when you do speak, you do so in an open friendly manner. Genuine smiles, no (or few) smirks. Avoid the

    word "I." Stories about yourself, etc. True strength will show. Trying to be the hero of every conversation will

    only make you into a jerk.

    One thing that is common to both her and what you want to be is right there in what

    you said: "...had a confident but quiet demeanor."

    Deangelo has a good point as well. Make your impression, then

    leave. Walk away. Go talk to someone else. A mysterious (and strong/confident)person will have people follow them,

    they won't stand around waiting for everyone to come flocking to them and fall at their feet in worship. They are

    in control. They "know" things you don't, and that makes you want to find out what it is even more.

    I heard one

    suggestion, although an odd one, was to imagine that everyone else (or at least your "targets") had a "kick me" sign

    on their backs that only you could see. It was a way of seeming to know something about everyone else that they were

    not aware of, and it would subtley come through in your behavior. Just enough to make people wonder, a mystery.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Rbt pretty much has it. Dress

    like you want instead of how others think you should. Laugh often and enjoy yourself but completely leave the word

    'I' out of things. Ask others question but offer nothing about yourself and evade most the time when asked. Make

    a joke of it and change the subject. Speak only when there is something relevant to say or when you are making

    jokes. Always be the one to end the conversation and walk away.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  4. #4
    Phero Dude
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    Default Mysterious

    "Laugh often and enjoy

    yourself but completely leave the word 'I' out of things" -- belgareth

    -- Why is laughter important with

    mystery? This I don't get!??

    "leave the word 'I' out of things" -- belgareth
    -- This I kinda

    get. By saying less about yourself one would come across as "who is that guy?"

    So all this advice from

    the two of you is great but I have one final question... what mones would best complement this aura? Can I pull it

    off with A7/SOE? Should a314 come into the picture? I hear a314 is the james bond aura which is in itself mystery.

    I did find it screwed up my mind though and did make me angry and tense, and serious to some extent after using

    it. After a few days my mind was kinda a mess. Did anyone else feel this?


  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Laughing is my approach. I'm

    told that I most often seem to be smiling or laughing at some inner joke. I'm cheerful and happy, often without an

    apparent reason to be.

    Mones are intended to increase your attractiveness. They don't really make you

    mysterious. For me personally, I never got any results from A314 so removed it from my list of mones. Since I tend

    to be a leader but an easy going and friendly person I wear mones that seem to enhance that effect. In my case a

    small aount of A7 covered by one of several other mone products to buffer it.

    The over all image that I seem to

    portray is hard to define but it works well for me. Little children and animals all seem to like me. Younger

    females, teens, seem to like to be around me and older ones feel comfortable in my presense and trust me. In the

    last week I had a hit from a cute college age girl, a twenty something receptionist, a 40 something lady and a

    thirty-ish office manager.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Any tips on

    how to create an aura of mystery?

    Can you name all things:

    Which mones are best for this?
    Which type of

    clothing is best?

    Which color of clothing is best?

    What personality traits are best?HM
    One way of

    creating an 'aura of mystery' is to be a bit different from other men in the vicinity & therefore stand out in a

    subtle way. She then wants to investigate this difference.

    I have found that women like a man to be well dressed

    - i.e. smart shirt, smart tie, & polished shoes. It probably implies wealth & care/cleanliness with your appearance.

    Tie understated/simple pattern & in a darker colour than a well ironed shirt - sharp arm creases. (basic idea -

    simple is best). Well polished shoes with nicely coloured leather. Pressed trousers with a contrasting leather belt.

    All gives the impression of someone different. (a red Ferrari outside helps lol - a female barber believed once that

    I had 2 Rolls Royces ...) - why ?

    Women like attention to detail with your appearance - try a different leather

    wallet, tie pin, etc. etc. Makes you look different & interesting.

    Mones important too - try 1/2 The Edge for men

    gel pack behind ears /neck area.

    Have a calm personality, with a good sense of humour, & show an interest ** in

    her ** - interests, hobbies, places she has visited, what she particularly likes, etc. Not many men ask women want

    they like. Then tell her what you like - start an unusual or outward-going interest, etc.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Do you need

    to have a sexy body?
    Do you need to show some skin?
    No - leave some money poking out of your wallet &

    dab some 'eau de money' or 'eau de ferrari' behind both ears.

    (If you haven't got the Ferrari then get a

    Ferrari key ring & swing it around your finger. You can always get the bus home if there are no hits ....)

  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    No - leave

    some money poking out of your wallet & dab some 'eau de money' or 'eau de ferrari' behind both ears.

    (If you

    haven't got the Ferrari then get a Ferrari key ring & swing it around your finger. You can always get the bus home

    if there are no hits ....)
    Chas, I can't tell if you're joking or not with this one. You seem like a

    together guy so I'll assume you're joking. I drive a pretty nice car these days, and that's the last thing I

    want a woman to see.

    Flaunting wealth/possessions is NOT what you want. There's no mystery behind that kind of

    crass showmanship, much like being a loudmouth about what you've done or claim to have done. Smart dressing is

    good but yes, understated is best, with an eye toward your own age and environment. You don't want people to

    notice your clothes, you want them to notice YOU.

    Think about it... mystery is all about making people wonder who

    you are, while projecting a desirable personae.

    Rbt nailed a very good post, and Bel's comments followed up.

    My own natural approach is quiet. I like to arrive and depart with nobody noticing. I make my mark, leave either

    alone or with someone, and don't really care how it ends. I'm happy to "court" a desired "target", and leave her

    wondering if I'll make a move the next time, or when I'll call. I'm also happy to move right in when the

    situation seems good, and flows naturally.

    Mystery is about confidence and patience. An alpha male is not

    desperate, but strong and willing to wait and do without, knowing that in the end he'll probably win. If not, his

    losses become strength for the next time.

    Mystery is not an act, and can't be faked. That sort of thing can

    "win" in the short term, but you'll end up playing a game with yourself and everyone else in a nightly carnival


    All of these things amount to who you are, not what you do. Its been said many times here and elsewhere

    that the best strategy is to make yourself into someone desirable.

    Again, its been said, pheromones are a tool.

    With some experience you can match them with your own style and approach then tweak them up, down or sideways to the

    situation at hand.

    HM - Laughter is always good. It projects a happy and positive vibe to everyone around. It

    allows other to see that you're not hung up on "game" and if its natural then you're being yourself and not a


    One of the first rules of social etiquette is to not be self centered. Paying more attention to others not

    only is more polite, but much more interesting. Listening is not only more rewarding than talking, but it projects,

    yes, mystery. I don't know how many times a woman has stopped talking suddenly and said to me "I'm just telling

    you everything, and I don't know anything about you!" That's exactly the point when you can have some fun and

    gather them into the fold.

    BUT, mystery has its downsides. I've also been told that a woman who had interest in

    me did not show signs because she was unsure. Had I known that at the time, I would have jumped on that interest.

    Its all part of learning the Salsa and not being Brasilian.

  9. #9
    Phero Dude
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    Default mystery

    "BUT, mystery has its

    downsides. I've also been told that a woman who had interest in me did not show signs because she was unsure. Had I

    known that at the time, I would have jumped on that interest. Its all part of learning the Salsa and not being

    Brasilian." -- Idesign.

    You make good points, and this is the most important one above. At what point do you

    stop being mysterious and instead be aggressive?

    And how do you pull it off without looking like your a


    I assume most people don't switch between mystery aura one day and aggressive the next. Others who

    see them day to day would wonder if they're schizo or putting on an act.

    The secret I guess is in knowing

    when to be what, and having that come off as real. The best actors have what it takes to push the right buttons to

    get what they want in the end, mystery just being a means to the end.

    After all how many people just want to

    be mysterious? They probably want women to chase them; set the bait and wait. Men are altogether caught into a

    trap of being the aggressor, and most women can see it coming from a mile away.

    My only concern here is if

    its very beautiful women one are after, they usually set the bait themselves and have men chase them so how would a

    mysterious man get beautiful women chasing him?

    It would be like two defensive boxers trying to play a game

    of boxing. In the end no one makes a move.

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    I like your curiousity and your

    questions. There are many ways to achieve this and I could probably say a few things but I will cut to the chase and

    give u a short-cut. REgarding your questions about clothing type, nice body, color of clothes. These should all come

    after you attain a myserious mind. If your mind is not mysterious and you wear black clothing with a sexy body, the

    woman will recognize this the moment shes with you. Woman can sniff if a man is really what he portrays himself to


    So my best advice is the following:

    - Dont think to much, trust in your manly instincts
    - You are the

    master of your surrounding...act like it. Stand with authority and when you look into a womens eyes (or anyones)

    look at them like you sincereley appreciate them.
    - Excercise. Control your sex drive.
    - When you compliment a

    women, either really mean it...or dont bother saying it and trying to impress her.

    These are just a few...its up

    to look deeper in yourself and figure how things will work out for you.

    Being mysterious isnt something you just

    learn in a day or two. Its part of your character. In my experience, being alpha is mysterious in its own right. CAn

    you walk into a room and really not look at anyone for the first 20 minutes....

  11. #11
    Phero Dude
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    Default Mystery Method and "The Game"

    Have any of you purchased these 2 books?

    It seems Mystery Method is about a stud's version of

    approaching chicks who frequents bars and nightclubs and how to lay them.

    It seems "The Game" by Strauss

    isabout how to be more subtle and coax a woman (different types) into bed or relationships.

    What are your

    thoughts of these? Do you think Mysteries Method is better suited for confident types of guy?

    Do you think

    The Game is better suited for nerds.

    Can you be a stud looking guy and still get away with approaches like

    "the game"? Or do you have to come across as more of a harmless weasel?

    Lastly do any of you guys have

    experiences to detail with these methods?

  12. #12
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post

    only concern here is if its very beautiful women one are after, they usually set the bait themselves and have men

    chase them so how would a mysterious man get beautiful women chasing him?

    It would be like two defensive boxers

    trying to play a game of boxing. In the end no one makes a move.
    Not really. Most of the time the really

    beautiful women set the trap and end up wondering why you walk past it. It drives them up the wall that there are

    men that do not fall for their wiles. They end up chasing you if there is any interest at all.

    That's where

    the mones and taking care of yourself come in. You have to be worth catching and you do that by exercising, wearing

    the right amount of mones to accentuate your nature and improving on knowledge.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Women chasing men

    "They end up

    chasing you if there is any interest at all.

    That's where the mones and taking care of yourself come in.

    You have to be worth catching and you do that by exercising, wearing the right amount of mones to accentuate your

    nature and improving on knowledge." Belgareth

    Ok some insight. If I want a beautiful woman to "chase

    me", that seems to me that I should be baiting them. But if I just exercise, dress nice, act mysterious and wait,

    won't it only attract AGGRESSIVE beautiful women? A less aggressive women would not take part in the hunt would


    Also I like A7. If I wear A7 / SOE I come across as a dominant male. That puts women more in a

    reactive state as I am a leader. So why would they "chase" a leader? Someone who leads usually takes action.

    Won't that confuse them, a leader who is mysterious and timid? if I am not timid and act confident but do not

    chase I am assuming I still have to make the first move in some way and can't JUST rely on my looks to bait them

    and wait forever.

    So it comes down to how much intiation is required by a mysterious person (me) to get

    the ball rolling by a target. I am not just WAITING for any target to notice me. I may have someone I really like

    in mind. But I want to bait them in. So I figure I have to take the lead to be noticed in some way. But then back


    So how much do you initiate? When do you know you've initiated enough? I guess real life is trial and

    error but i'd rather learn from other people's experiences too.


  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You are baiting them by being

    mysterious and not responding to them like they are accoustomed to men responding. You wear mones and behave in a

    certain way to come across as an alpha male, that makes you a desirable bedmate. But you don't take the woman who

    is used to being chased seriously. That makes you all the more desirable. It doesn't matter if they are aggressive

    or passive except in how they'll approach you. They will still come after you.

    As a leader, you are the male t

    have sex with, The Alpha Male. You don't chase. If you chase you become lesser than the alpha because you are

    chasing. You can acknowledge interest but that's the most you want to do. The alpha is the one who is always in

    control, not the one asking for favors or attention.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
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    Belgareth makes a very good

    point here. If you want to project a mystery/alpha vibe you must have control of yourself. Anything less will be

    seen as weakness. The self is the hardest thing to control. A man who is in command of his wants and desires, and

    is willing to pace himself to achieve them, will go much further than an actor playing a role.

    An element of this

    discussion that's not been mentioned is that your greatest success is probably going to be when you're not trying

    to make something happen. That's my experience to be sure, and supports the whole theory of making yourself

    desirable and letting things flow naturally.

    And for God's sake, don't chase the 10s, you'll be feeding not

    only your own misery, but also those behind you. Let them wonder why you left. It'll be a mystery.

  16. #16
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    Have any of

    you purchased these 2 books?

    It seems Mystery Method is about a stud's version of approaching chicks who

    frequents bars and nightclubs and how to lay them.

    It seems "The Game" by Strauss isabout how to be more subtle

    and coax a woman (different types) into bed or relationships.

    What are your thoughts of these? Do you think

    Mysteries Method is better suited for confident types of guy?

    Do you think The Game is better suited for


    Can you be a stud looking guy and still get away with approaches like "the game"? Or do you have to come

    across as more of a harmless weasel?

    Lastly do any of you guys have experiences to detail with these

    I admit I've only scanned MM, and haven't read The Game, but from what I've heard they are

    both essentially the same. The Game was the author's experiences he had while following the principles of MM.

    Granted he may have modified the approaches and all to suit himself. What little I remember for MM is that it read

    like a scientific technical manual. Too many charts. Felt to "mechanical."

    One thing I suggest is to read over

    everything you can get, including MM, The Game, DeAngelo's DYD, and even the Mars and Venus book series. They all

    represent different approaches. Reading over a variety of opinions will give you a good overview of the whole

    subject. Just pick out of each what sounds good to you and give it a try and see how it works. You have to find your

    own niche.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    You are

    baiting them by being mysterious and not responding to them like they are accoustomed to men responding. You wear

    mones and behave in a certain way to come across as an alpha male....

    Great stuff. If you look at at

    society(Im from Canada) you will noticed the roles have changed. I see it all the time, men chasing women down,

    woman getting to choose from a handful of men. Some of my own friends are like this. If a women like what she sees,

    she will come in your surroundings to give you "signs" that she wants YOU to make a move on her. This is not the

    same as in you approching her first. When you approach a women first, you automatically put yourself in a different


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    When you

    approach a women first, you automatically put yourself in a different category.

    Eleven, could you

    elaborate a bit more on this statement.

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    Default none

    drink Dos Equis and become

    "the most interesting man in the world"
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HornyMan View Post
    She was

    wearing green tights, had a small tattoo on her neck, had a small stud earing in her nose, and had a confident but

    quiet demeanor. She seemed to be "into her work".
    1). Did you compliment her on her green tights ? I

    would have done. I nearly complimented a shop assistant yesterday as she looked so stylish (shoes, tights, skirt

    combo) but I chickened out - not alpha male behaviour. She would have appreciated it I'm sure - I do it next time

    (if she is still there - lost opportunity).

    2). I was in the supermarket yesterday & an assistant

    said 'Find a man, get a house, get a baby'. Women do forward plan & I was careful not to leave my wallet open with

    money poking out. However, I get the impression that she doesn't like me - I don't know why - how do I find out


    3). HM why don't you try less hard. Wear smart cool clothes (e.g. nicely coloured polo shirt & contrasting

    trousers - some of the top golfers look confident), dab on your mones & a quality edt (ask her to help you choose an

    edt) & get talking to her via a lead-in about her green tights.

    Don't miss your opportunity as I did.


    Wear a badge saying 'HornyMan' - she is bound to comment on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post

    could you elaborate a bit more on this statement.

    This one is quite simple tounge. Some guys approach

    women BEFORE her giving the signs she wants to be approached. Others wait for a "queue" sign, then approach.

    Category 1 - Approach with no evidence Category 2- Approached with evidence. This doesnnt guarantee that she will

    like you when you approach. But you passed the first test. Reverse the roles. You smile at a girl then later you

    notice she "magically" happens to be by the bar trying to get your attention, talking to you. To me thats sexy.

  22. #22
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    Default Regarding RBT post


    Unrevealing. James Bond. Things hinted at, but not stated.

    Body? Whatever works. Though off the top of my

    head I could see, again, the James Bond type (young Sean Connery, Tim Dalton type), or een a heavier type, being far

    more thought provoking that sopmeone that looks like a scrawney nerdy wuss.

    Skin? Nope. Leave it to the

    imagination. But I wouldn't go to the extreem of covering myself head to toe ninja style, or with a hoodie, etc. It

    *may* work in some situations though.

    One thing that is common to both her and what you want to be is right

    there in what you said: "...had a confident but quiet demeanor."

    Deangelo has a good point as well. Make your

    impression, then leave. Walk away. Go talk to someone else. A mysterious (and strong/confident)person will have

    people follow them, they won't stand around waiting for everyone to come flocking to them and fall at their feet in

    worship. They are in control. They "know" things you don't, and that makes you want to find out what it is even


    I heard one suggestion, although an odd one, was to imagine that everyone else (or at least your

    "targets") had a "kick me" sign on their backs that only you could see. It was a way of seeming to know something

    about everyone else that they were not aware of, and it would subtley come through in your behavior. Just enough to

    make people wonder, a mystery." ---RBT

    I'm not trying to reduce everything down to a mone, but

    if I was to pinpoint the descriptions of a perfect mone to complement what you stated above, wouldn't it be the

    "essence of A314"?

    The problem is A314 makes me DEAD SERIOUS? Anyone else have this problem? It also makes

    me very tense and I come across as angry.

    I think I can't rely on A314 to pull off the job. Perhaps

    A7/SOE can still do it as long as I "dress mysterious" and act mysteries.

    A7/SOE is said to be a leader mone

    and your in alpha territory.

    Perhaps I want to come across as Johnny Depp in "Chocolat"; he was mysterious,

    didn't wait around, dressed sexy and mysterious, and was polite, confident, and a leader (captian of the pirates in

    that movie Chocolat).

    Perhaps his dress, and great acting ability made him pull it off. After all we can't

    smell "any mones" through TV.

    Consequently, I think I can wear A7/SOE and still pull off the same vibe except

    I have to "act it out". If I don't act it out, A7/SOE (by my normal nature) turns me more into a protector,

    confident, somewhat mouthy, but polite. A great father figure or rather confident man who will speak up if

    necessary, but rather not impolitely. That's the side it brings out of me.

    if I want mystery I need to

    dress the role and act it out. I know others have stated to be alpha male, it may work in a bank in a business

    environment, but I'd rather be the "sexy, mysterious Don Haun Demarco" as opposed to the mysterious alpha male

    director in a bank.

    Know what I mean? Any more tips on how to achieve this "specific " goal?


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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    This one is

    quite simple tounge. Some guys approach women BEFORE her giving the signs she wants to be approached. Others wait

    for a "queue" sign, then approach. Category 1 - Approach with no evidence Category 2- Approached with evidence. This

    doesnnt guarantee that she will like you when you approach. But you passed the first test. Reverse the roles. You

    smile at a girl then later you notice she "magically" happens to be by the bar trying to get your attention, talking

    to you. To me thats sexy.
    I still don't quite get your point. If I want to approach a women, I

    approach. I don't go into the approach with expectations or thinking too much. I approach just as if I were meeting

    a guy for the first time. After my approach then the women will give me the signs of potential intrest or not. Too

    many guys overthink this simple stuff and end up playing solitaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    I still

    don't quite get your point. If I want to approach a women, I approach. I don't go into the approach with

    expectations or thinking too much. I approach just as if I were meeting a guy for the first time. After my approach

    then the women will give me the signs of potential intrest or not. Too many guys overthink this simple stuff and end

    up playing solitaire.
    I fully agree, and that whole approaching as if your meeting a guy is the way to

    go. But what im implying is nothing to do with thought, you see a women who is giving you clear cut signs she wants

    you, then you approach. It has nothing to do with thinkin about it. its in real time.

    Ive read posts where guys

    are wondering why they got "turned" down after approaching someone while wearing pheromones. Im just trying to give

    them real advice, so they atleast kinda know who to approach and who not to. Just cuz your wearing pheromones doesnt

    mean approching a supermodel shell like you. We gotta think real, tangible results lol.

  25. #25
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I'm with tongue on this one.

    If I meet a male stranger in a bar, I have no desire to put moves on him with the goal of going to bed. Its the

    same with meeting a woman, any woman, no matter her looks.

    Its simply a matter of not being motivated primarily

    by looks. I'm much more interested in what a woman has to SAY, and if she can put three sentences together that

    relate to each other. If the conversation flows well and there seems to be some chemistry, then its all good, and

    some naughty thoughts start creeping 'round.

    I'm mostly turned off by very good looking women. Why? Too much

    experience with trying to make something work when there's no substance, and there rarely is any. Not to mention

    the behavioral, lets say, quirks. Even when physical attraction is mutually strong, I get tired of that really

    quickly, then bored, then somebody gets hurt. Its just not worth the weekend or week of fun. There has been

    exactly one exception to this.

    Unless I'm on vacation, then none of this matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    I fully agree,

    and that whole approaching as if your meeting a guy is the way to go. But what im implying is nothing to do with

    thought, you see a women who is giving you clear cut signs she wants you, then you approach. It has nothing to do

    with thinkin about it. its in real time.

    Ive read posts where guys are wondering why they got "turned" down

    after approaching someone while wearing pheromones. Im just trying to give them real advice, so they atleast kinda

    know who to approach and who not to. Just cuz your wearing pheromones doesnt mean approching a supermodel shell like

    you. We gotta think real, tangible results lol.
    Thanks for clarifing somewhat. You may be good at the

    pickup game and more power to you. However, the impression I get from many guys who have posted here over the years

    is that they are basically clueless and desparate. And they have the whole concept of Pheromones all wrong.


    many times when you think a girl at a club or bar is giving you buying signs, it is often that they are looking for

    a pigeon or geek to buy them drinks until the next stooge or some one better comes along. See this ALL the time.

    Anyway it is an interesting topic of discussion.

  27. #27
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    you see a

    women who is giving you clear cut signs she wants you, then you approach. It has nothing to do with thinkin about

    it. its in real time.

    Ive read posts where guys are wondering why they got "turned" down after approaching

    someone while wearing pheromones. Im just trying to give them real advice, so they atleast kinda know who to

    approach and who not to. Just cuz your wearing pheromones doesnt mean approching a supermodel shell like

    I agree with this through experience - although I haven't met any supermodels ... I was given (with

    hindsight) clear signs to approach women on two separate occasions. I know this from what they told others later on.

    I didn't approach because the signs weren't clear to me at the time. I didn't understand what these subtle signs


    (I think women are to blame for this & shouldn't rely on us to correctly intepret their 'different

    smiles' & 'raised eyebrows').

    It can't be very flattering for a woman to repeatedly give out signs which are

    ignored for the reason above.

    If a woman is giving signs to approach & you like the look of her, then approach -

    'mones or no 'mones.

    I think that younger men here need advice from female forum members on how to tell the

    difference between a 'real' sign & a false alarm

  28. #28
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think you are looking at it

    wrong. If the woman seems to notice you, approach her if you are interested. The worst that can happen is you'll be

    told no. You'll be no worse off than before except that you'll have eliminated one from the list of possibles. No

    matter what, you'll be ahead and it gets easier with practice.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  29. #29
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    Default Approaching women

    I notice that

    when I walk with a woman I know others pay attention to me, but when I'm alone and checking out women I get all

    kind of looks, non looks, and sometimes feel I don't exist.

    Could it really be that having a woman on your

    arm increases your chance of landing one?

    I just did a test today, I went to the mall all dressed up after 5

    pm (when most people are out of work, school), and I noticed no woman giving me signs to approach. Perhaps I

    maintained eye contact to long. Maybe it was an overdose on none who knows but it was wierd.

    When I'm with

    a woman I get people approaching me all the time.


  30. #30
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I recall reading or hearing

    somewhere, maybe in a DeAngelo thing, that having a woman on one's arm serves as a "validator" to other women. It

    can also spark the competition to "get" you by other women. They want what that other woman has.

    Not much

    different from how the "hottest" girl around with males clustered all around her seems to draw in other males that

    follow her around like puppies or lust after her (all drones by the way... you need to be different by NOT

    responding to her "bait." The "hard to get one." The "mysterious" one.)).
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

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