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  1. #1
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    Default Club experiences with buddy


    my friends. Well, I have been using my magic combo of TE/sandalwood and SOE for about a month now with great

    results. I admit its taken me quite sometime getting used to alluv the increased attention and hits, because,

    frankly, it can be a surreal experience LOL. Well a couple weeks back me and one of my best friends thats like

    a braddah went out to our favorite lounge/club. He went heavy on SOE with a packet of AE. And I went heavy with TE.

    With 2 sprays, 1 behind each ear. Well, it was a great night. We hooked up with 2 smokin hot brunettes, and went to

    several different clubs in the vicinity together. Both gals basically "chose" which one of us would be "theirs" LOL,

    and I had the shorter girl with the really nice ta ta's. She was definitely the more outgoing of the 2, and really

    took a fancy to me cuz of my moke build. She just loves the broad guys hahehehe.

    Well, we danced alot, and

    really, they insisted on buying us the drinks rather than vice versa....and in a club thats really unheard of cuz

    women and girls alike are notorious for rubbing and grinding on guys until they cave in and buy them something,

    which after that the girls basically move on to the next guy. That was def an eye opener for my girl to be buying

    lol. i noticed that my confidence was in its element. I was bold, dancing good like i always do when i am finally

    comfortable with my setting, w/o mones that takes a lil longer and a lot more booze to open up. And one thing i

    really noticed was how whenever i danced i was surrounded literally by a whole crowd of hot and not so hot girls.

    Same for my buddy. I also noticed that some women would be rubbing up on guys and kissing on them, but once i left

    to buy a drink or go wizz they would suddenly become ice queens to them....i know this cuz me and my bud were

    spotting one another to see the environments reaction to us hehe. Now I know in confined spaces women will alot of

    times get confused as to who the real mone user is. They might think its some other guy until the real one has


    I am wondering how to conquer that? Cuz while i am getting alot of eye contact and smiles they seem to be

    grinding up against someone else. And its not for the other guys sparkling wit and charm mind you, Some of these

    guys would never have stood a chance with several of the women that were near me, but said women were all over


    well, after about an hour together with our club girls, they said they needed to go. we kissed and

    exchanged contact info. But after leaving the club, we ended up hooking up again to go to another club. We really

    got into our element and were grinding with no care in the world on the floor. At this point i was so drunk and high

    off my mones basically i was too in love with myself LOL. Women would come in sensing my confidence and magic mix

    but get very pissed and aggro'd when i didnt respond. My buddy and I's M.O. that night was, since he was wearing

    the social mix he would draw in the women, while me, wearing the sex mones, would hook them. Well, like i said, we

    both got way too faded and grew God complexes. Next time I am definitely not going to drink that much cuz i REALLY

    want to see what others reactions are, rather than sensing it in a surreal, detached sort of way. Well during one

    point, I was having far too much fun with some of the girls that were on the stripper pole in the V.I.P area, and

    foxy brunette got all possessive and stormed off in a rage with her girl in tow. I didnt notice any of this cuz i

    was way too faded lol. My friend was the one who told me. but only the day after.

    He later told me he saw the

    whole thing and tried to warn me they were watching but i basically made a short hand gesture that said no (I

    vaguely remember doing that) and they really got aggro'd then lmao. im a very good dancer even when not

    wearing mones and once im in my dance element its kinda hard for me to be perceptive of things. i just sense and

    feel. Kinda like a sensory overload hehehe. Well I spent the rest of the night looking for them after my favorite

    songs had finished. Good night turned bad *sigh*

    Any clubbers here on LS forums please give any experiences

    you might've had using mones in the club environment. And how to eliminate some annoying things that pop up. Like

    when women are rubbing up on the wrong guy lol. Lots of responses are welcome. Lets all help each other out here

    please until next time my friends.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Great report, keep 'em coming.

    Like to report on clubbing, but haven't gone clubbing in years. Wouldn't want to be that creepy old guy hitting on

    the young chicks.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    LOL; yeah but I highly doubt

    u would be the creepy old guy when wearing the mones my friend. I bet all the younger ladies would see ya as a

    refreshing change to all the wolves in there

  4. #4
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    Ive had my fair share of outings

    at clubs using mones. I understand completely what you were saying in your post. Sometimes the people around me get

    hits whenI wear too much mones in clubs. And its a bit of a contradiction because I thought its better to wear more

    mones in a club setting because of the dense atmosphere and more people around you. Its hard to determine if the

    mones really work in a club setting. To counter react this, I dont wear alot at clubs anymore. Just a bit, and I try

    to get the girl close to me and in a little more `confined`setting...Like when buying drinks at the bar, coat

    check...stuff like that.

    Generally speaking IMO I dont beleive mones work instantly in far distances. Ive read

    posts were people meantion they got DIHL from like 20 meters away, as soon as they stepped in the area. 1 post the

    guy said some girl gave him that look when he was driving in his car in the winter with his windows I dont

    beleive mones work that way. If anyone looks at you that fast, its because they like you for you. NOt the mones.

  5. #5
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Some people do attrribute too much

    "power" to pheromones, especially at a distance.

    The pretty much fact of the matter, at least to me, is that any

    reaction that occurs that is more than two outstretched arms away has little or nothing to do with pheromones, but

    more to do with visual cues. Not saying that pheomones have *no* effect, because they may be affecting *your*


    Plus I have noticed from experinence it takes a good 5 minutes of exposure (or more) before any

    effects of pheromones really start manifesting themselves. Yes, I can agree with some that pheromones *do* start to

    affect someone almost immediately, *but* it can take a certain amount of time before those "effects" work thier way

    through thte unconscious brain and into the part of the brain that allows those effects to actually affect behavior.

    Plus there are the semi-conscious and conscious brain "behavior filters" that can affect things as well.


    also starting to go with the theory that women especially go through at least three responsive stages based on

    age/maturity, and are just part of nature. The "asexual" pre-pubecent stage, the "breeding" or "making babies" stage

    (ages roughly between puberty and maybe age of 25-ish), and the "domestic" or "raising babies" stage (after age 25-

    although it would probably vary a bit from person to person, and may be partially dependent on if she already has

    offspring or not).

    In the early "breeding" stage she may be unconsciously seeking males who will produce

    healthy babies eg "lovers." In the "raising" stage she may seek out males who are better supporters or "providers."

    I'm starting to think this may be why one sees so many early marriages break up when the couple reaches the late

    20's to mid 30's. One or the other can't make the transition. Also may be why some pheromones work better (or

    worse) at one age range than at others (or at least work differently).

    Gawsh I'm being intellectual this

    morning aren't I. Anyway those are some of my opinions. Time for me to get off to work and just become a cog in a

    machine again...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    Ive had

    my fair share of outings at clubs using mones. I understand completely what you were saying in your post. Sometimes

    the people around me get hits whenI wear too much mones in clubs. And its a bit of a contradiction because I thought

    its better to wear more mones in a club setting because of the dense atmosphere and more people around you. Its hard

    to determine if the mones really work in a club setting. To counter react this, I dont wear alot at clubs anymore.

    Just a bit, and I try to get the girl close to me and in a little more `confined`setting...Like when buying drinks

    at the bar, coat check...stuff like that.

    Generally speaking IMO I dont beleive mones work instantly in far

    distances. Ive read posts were people meantion they got DIHL from like 20 meters away, as soon as they stepped in

    the area. 1 post the guy said some girl gave him that look when he was driving in his car in the winter with his

    windows I dont beleive mones work that way. If anyone looks at you that fast, its because they like you

    for you. NOt the mones.
    Yeah; I think that's codswallop in regards to folks who say mones work at

    distances of 15 ft. or more...I mean, mebs if there was a wind blowing in her direction lol. My whole MO is up close

    and personal. When I talk to hot women while I am wearing mones I like to lean forward closer to them so they can

    get a better whiff basically hehe. nd yeah, that has DEFinitely worked. I remember one time I was one of those

    Excalibur sword shops they have in malls; and there was this incredibly beautiful and desirable young mixed girl in

    her 20 somethings. She was quite obviously hired cuz her bosses knew she would bring in the sales hehe. My best mate

    was there trying to pick up on her, I kinda inserted myself closer to her (she's behind the counter), and leaned

    quite close to her. Now, she was making damn sure to hold eye contact with my mate in order to not let his gaze roam

    over her tight and supple body. LOL, luv it. A lil but o' asset denial hheee

    Well inside of 10 seconds

    once I leaned towards her, I noticed she got a strange look on her face, started to flush a bit, and then started

    blinking eye blinking very rapidly hehe. Suffice it to say we chatted up a bit, and she DEFinitely did not mind my

    roaming over her bod with my eyes. She just kinda got this smirk on her face *ooojha she knew she's hot stuff* and

    then about-faced and presented me with her nice bum bum reared lol. I was wearing 2 sprays of TE on neck. I wasn't

    looking for any "fun" that night, so I basically kept things flirty, but neutral....and she was DAMN sure pulling

    out a lotta tricks to keep me in the shop for more time with her hehe.

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