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Thread: Chicago ?

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Default Chicago ?

    I used to enjoy Chicago's

    posts. Are you still out there ??

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Chicago gave up women after an

    NPA night when he was torn to bits by a pack of foam flecked girls who inexplicably lost control as they passed

    through his aura.

    I heard he's in sexual rehab at St. Esmerelda's, and will be back in the bars soon. Can't

    keep a good man down.
    Last edited by idesign; 09-29-2009 at 09:02 AM.

  3. #3
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I thought that phrase was "you

    can't keep a good man limp..."

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Chicago gave

    up women after an NPA night when he was torn to bits by a pack of foam flecked girls who inexplicably lost control

    as they passed through his aura.

    I heard he's in sexual rehab at St. Esmerelda's, and will be back in the

    bars soon. Can't keep a good man down.
    Thanks for the update. I had heard that after a short lifetime

    of screwing anything that moved he had contracted several STDs and was in mandatory quarantine.

  5. #5
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quarantine... rehab.

    Schlemiel... schlemazel. One man's prison is another man's new opportunity. I agree with Chas, I miss his

    reports. Since he's a very inventive graphic wizard, I'm looking forward to his next post, depicting his exploits

    with the orderlies.

  6. #6
    Newbie dunecrazy's Avatar
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    As I recall he seemed to

    always have good luck with AE/m
    I'll have to give that a shot sometime.

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    I think that many of us were in

    secret admiration of Chicago. Some of his later posts left me open mouthed with wonder - I was speechless at his

    brazen approach to women !

    (... I'm beginning to think that I have got it all wrong all these years & that

    women like a real man's approach - bold & daring e.g. "are you up for it? so they are left speechless &


    Could it be that I don't understand a woman's reason d'etre ?

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Just remember that people (this

    includes women...) are different. Some will respond to a certain approch, others won't. For example, those looking

    for a quick hookup will probably respond quite differently from those looking for a LTR, etc.

    The most important

    thing I can think of is this: whatever you do, however you behave with someone, just remember that for as long as

    that "relationship" continues, you will have to *keep* doing/behaving that way. If what you do isn't being true to

    yourself, things are gonna fall apart. If it's a ONS/quick hookup, that's one thing. If it's something else, or

    it develops into something else, it can be heck.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    I think that

    many of us were in secret admiration of Chicago. Some of his later posts left me open mouthed with wonder - I was

    speechless at his brazen approach to women !

    (... I'm beginning to think that I have got it all wrong all

    these years & that women like a real man's approach - bold & daring e.g. "are you up for it? so they are left

    speechless & impressed.)

    Could it be that I don't understand a woman's reason d'etre ?
    I doubt many

    here were in secret admiration of Chicago.

    And yes, you must not understand women. Now I don't know if

    Chicago's post were true or not. But I suggest you reread some of them and then apply the advice and see what

    happens. Try to talk women into sex in the bar bathroom 30 minutes after meeting them. Next time you are in a club

    try smacking or grabbing a chick's ass and see if it leads to sex or an asskicking and lawsuit against you.

  10. #10
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    And yes, you

    must not understand women. Now I don't know if Chicago's post were true or not. But I suggest you reread some of

    them and then apply the advice and see what happens. Try to talk women into sex in the bar bathroom 30 minutes after

    meeting them. Next time you are in a club try smacking or grabbing a chick's ass and see if it leads to sex or an

    asskicking and lawsuit against you.
    I think you're right - but it was intriguing trying to

    work out if Chicago had cracked it with women with a secret technique - learnt in a foreign land.

    But wait - I

    have found that women can act suddenly in a completely different way to the one I expected (am I naive ??).


    was in central London & I spotted a young attractive women waiting at the traffic lights to cross the road. Suddenly

    a man walked behind her, at right angles to her, & in one fluid movement he grapped her entire right buttock in his

    hand. I expected her to spin round & wack her elbow in his face but ... no. She beamed over her face & held this

    expression for 30 seconds before the traffic lights allowed her to cross over. It had made her day. (He didn't even

    break a step in his walking).

    I was impressed by his brazen approach - how many times had he done it ?? I don't

    understand - if I had done it then I would have got the elbow in my face.

    And on another occasion I told a plump

    lady that she was curvy & she suddenly landed a big kiss on my lips.

    I am beginning to think with women that the

    more you know, the less you know ...

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Women are very confusing but I

    think I'd follow Tounge's advice. Do you know how embarrassing it would be to get your butt kicked in a crowded

    bar by some lady after you grabbed her butt? Tounge and several others have always held up th idea of getting

    yourself in good mental and physical shape, being proud of who and what you are and acting like a true gentleman.

    Its good advice and has stood me well many times. I'd encourage you to try that route. That does not mean being a

    wimp, that means being a real man!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    You have to ask yourself as

    well... what kind of man do you want to be? Someone who disrespects women and views them as meat? Or a man who

    seduces respectfully based on his character and the worth he exhibits.

    As well, what, for lack of a better word,

    "quality" of woman do you want in your bed? Tongue has a good point when he refers to STDs. While that might not

    always be the case, do you want someone who would sleep with another guy as easily as she's sleep with


    IMHO, PUAs marginalize themselves in polite company, and have no standing among gentlemen.

    But hey, this

    is an opinion piece, and to each his own path.

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    Try not to think of the approach

    too much. We must adapt to the situation at all times. From experiance women dont really know what they want, so

    this makes it next to impossible for US to know what they want. The only thing you can control is the way you

    present yourself, being true to your nature and "alpha" or "non alpha" characteristics. In my case, I am naturally

    quiet and dont approach too much. Now if I get all up in a chicks face at a club acting like aggressive it doesnt

    suit my aura and i will look like a follower. Women can recognize a fake from a mile away (if their intelligent,

    unless u want a dumb chick). Depends on your goals really. This is a big topic to get into, but basically live in

    the moment and never think there is a sureshot for anything, and last but not least, listen to your instintcs.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by eleven View Post
    Try not to

    think of the approach too much. We must adapt to the situation at all times. From experiance women dont really know

    what they want, so this makes it next to impossible for US to know what they want. The only thing you can control is

    the way you present yourself, being true to your nature and "alpha" or "non alpha" characteristics. In my case, I am

    naturally quiet and dont approach too much. Now if I get all up in a chicks face at a club acting like aggressive it

    doesnt suit my aura and i will look like a follower. Women can recognize a fake from a mile away (if their

    intelligent, unless u want a dumb chick). Depends on your goals really. This is a big topic to get into, but

    basically live in the moment and never think there is a sureshot for anything, and last but not least, listen to

    your instintcs.
    I have to ask you Eleven. I hear the so called PUA experts constantly say that women

    don't know what they want. Now what I would like to know, is at what age period are these group of women and at the

    same age group do men know what they want?

  15. #15
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Tounge - don't be so mean with the

    trick questions. You dang well no one EVER knows what they want (but the males will always be behind the curve


    The real key to life is when you finally can separate what you *really* do need from what you

    THINK you "need" (ie "want").

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    I have to

    ask you Eleven. I hear the so called PUA experts constantly say that women don't know what they want. Now what I

    would like to know, is at what age period are these group of women and at the same age group do men know what they


    Anyone who claims they are an expert at anything doesnt fully understand themselves. Truth is

    always new and there is always more to learn. Please excuse my earlier statement if it got across the wrong way. In

    your case you can substitue "WANT" with "Desire", to help you comprehend a bit better. Im not talking about a women

    who simply knows she wants red wine rather then white wine, but what she wants based on what other women in her

    direct surroundings want. Beleive me women influence eachother when there in a social setting.

    What I was trying

    to say is that in any situation, there is never a guaranteed way, especially when you are dealing with women who are

    by nature more psychologically "bound" to material possesions and looking better then the next female; more so this

    day in age.

    So as a man I need to be aware of this, and indirectly show psychological freedom at all times when

    trying to pursuit a women for something I want from them, (relationship, sex, etc). Basically acting in the moment

    and never rehearsing any pick up line, or anything else you think you learned from someone else. What works for one

    may not work for another. Just like in pheromones. As I said earlier depends on your goals, if u just walk up to 20

    women at a club and talk, im sure 1 of them will fall for it. YOu can sleep with them and thats great. But what if

    you can get in their head and always keep them around for what you need from them (relationship, sex, good freinds).

    We are all at different stages, but when I get with a women I want to learn about myself when im with her, and not

    just to bust a nut, or prove to myself i can "pick her up".

  17. #17
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chas View Post
    I have found

    that women can act suddenly in a completely different way to the one I expected.
    An example:

    At my

    dentists when I was younger, the two very busty school-leaver aged dental assistants (I always wondered why they

    were 'top-heavy' - in my naivity I had failed to realise that either my dentist only recruited top-heavies or only

    top-heavies applied to his advert - "only top-heavies need apply ... ??) - they took the opportunity to push their

    ample bossoms against my head - in the middle of having a tooth filling !!!

    I had a injection, there had been

    some drilling & I felt a bit apprehensive being at the dentists & also groggy from the injection. They both did it

    while mixing the tooth amalgam & then smiling to themselves.

    My dentist was standing only a couple of feet away &

    was oblivious to their activities. They pushed themselves so close to me that I felt as though I was one of their

    babies & I heard their rather odd ragged breathing !!! It was like being back in the womb ...

    (I'm glad I found

    this forum so I can get this off my chest).

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    gave up women after an NPA night when he was torn to bits by a pack of foam flecked girls who inexplicably lost

    control as they passed through his aura.

    I heard he's in sexual rehab at St. Esmerelda's, and will be back in

    the bars soon. Can't keep a good man down.

    Which turned out to be the Alternate prequel to

    Zombieland LOL. Instead of eatin a contaminated burger it was contaminated mones that were purchased from a non

    love-scent community LMAO!! And Chicago was the centerpoint

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