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  1. #1
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    Default Questions I cannot find on forum


    I have used pheromones only for a few days now (SOE/w). I have a few questions the answers to which I have not yet

    found on the forum. By the way, everyone here seems very helpful. Happy to make your acquaintence. I have

    ordered PCC, PI/w and the sample size of Pheromax/w.

    First question: I have read here that copulins increase

    testosterone in males by up to 150%. Is it safe to use PCC and be around my 10 year old son in the

    afternoon/evening before I can shower it off? I certainly don't want to do anything that would adversely affect


    Second question: From everything I've read it sounds like a good start to try things out would be about

    2 drops of PI/w and maybe a 5" roll of PCC on each arm (with of course, a cover fragrance). Would it be a bad idea

    to try this out inside of a karate dojang? I am usually one of the only women there. Most guys there are good

    acquaintences. Just want to see what reaction I would get if I did. Too risky with me being the only girl? Or

    maybe ineffective with everyone sweating so much?

    Thanks in advance for your input.


  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hi Songbird, welcome to the


    Your son has not reached puberty yet, and may not be acting/reacting at this level of chemical/hormonal

    stimulus. I'd be careful though, and watch closely.

    So far as wearing when you're working out with the guys,

    it might be risky. Belgareth is in the same situation when he works out, and shies away from using when he's in


    With men and pheromones, sweat makes a huge difference. With women everything is different I

    suppose, but -None does have its effect. How it might work on a woman's skin in your situation should be different

    from a man, but I'd start very lightly.

    We're glad you're here, and hope you'll report your results.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My experiences with wearing

    mones at the dojo were never good. I wore -none and the guys were a lot more aggressive in sparring. In your case it

    probably will be different, they may be more attracted, or at least that's my best guess.

    It would be great to

    find out. If you do try it, please let us know what happens.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
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    Thank you idesign and

    belgareth. I will certainly be mindful of these products around my son. Rec'd my order today and will try it

    first somewhere other than the Dojang tomorrow. I will report my initial results.

    Belgareth, what martial

    arts do you study? You referred to Dojo. (Japanese karate maybe?)


  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    hi Songbird,

    I started in

    Kung Fu when I was in high school in California. However, most of my teaching was at the hands of a Japanese man, a

    relative of my brother in law. Stayed with it through about 40 years old, when I moved to Texas. Couldn't find

    anywhere I felt comfortable here until I met a great Tae Kwon Do master. So for the last ten years I've been doing

    Tae Kwon Do. I don't compete any longer, haven't in some years, mostly its for keeping in good shape.


    form of Karate do you practice?

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
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    My son and I both do Tae Kwon

    Do as well. It is true that a good Master makes a world of difference. Ours are great -- one from Korea and the

    other from the U.S. who studied for years in Korea. TKD has been good for us both in different ways.

    I wanted

    to give a report on my usage of PI/w (2 drops) with PCC (5" on each arm). Went to the gym today. Shortly after I

    walked in, a group of older gentlemen began looking (staring a little) at me. Generally, during my workout, I

    received a few stares and hellos from males of different ages. But nothing too out of the ordinary.


    strange thing was this: After working out I was sitting down drinking a smoothie, reading the paper, alone at a

    table when a woman came up and asked if the other chair was taken (there were plenty of open tables). I said she

    could take the chair. She then asked if she could look at a section of the paper I was not reading. I said sure.

    She took a section, talked about needing reading glasses, then put it down and said she was going to work out.

    I went back to reading my paper. About 10 minutes later, another lady came to my table and asked if she could

    look at the horoscope section. I said that she could. She stayed there and read for a few minutes, thanked me and


    This has never happened before at the health club. I am fine with conversing with new people. One of

    my purposes in trying pheromones though is to attract the opposite sex.

    This is my situation: I am 47 years

    old. My husband passed away 4 years ago and I have been (besides grieving) concentrating on working and raising my

    son. I am kind of at the point where I think it would be nice to be taken out to dinner every once in awhile by a


    Should I increase the PCC a little? I don't believe I produce many copulins on my own (cycle only

    occurs now about once every 3 or 4 months). I think perhaps the women were reacting to the androstenol in the PI/w

    so not sure I should increase that. What is your advice idesign or belgareth? Apologize for the long note.

    Thought the information might be helpful. And many thanks for your input.


  7. #7
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    Be extra careful, Songbird .... I'm guessing I put too much on when I

    received the following comment ..."You smell like a vagina, Margaret"
    There are 3 kinds of people ...Those who MAKE things happen Those who WATCH things happen - Those who WONDER ......

  8. #8
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    Songbird .... ... I have just re-read your posting and I would just like to stress

    something that I read over and over on this site that I think will be of immense help to you...... 'Mones are not

    magic potions'.

    MOST people are attracted to mones ... that's human


    (you describe that accuracy with the extra female attention you were getting which also

    implies you were wearing the right amount to be noticed)

    The secret ingredients however begins

    from within..... It's the charisma that radiates from the wearer of those 'love-scents' that invite the


    The cheeky smiles/the seductive glances/the gentle touches etc are STILL the magnetic force

    that warms a man to you.

    Trust me and try out this recipe .... single out someone .... wear your mones.... use a little

    subtle seduction .... and you will have a man who feels an effortless blood-red, vibrant sense of 'something' in

    your presence.

    Oh; and one last thing ...don't wear so much cops that you smell like a


    May life find you always doing what makes you happy.

    Warm wishes

    There are 3 kinds of people ...Those who MAKE things happen Those who WATCH things happen - Those who WONDER ......

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Great advice!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
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    Thank you ... except I think I was just relaying advice given by you
    There are 3 kinds of people ...Those who MAKE things happen Those who WATCH things happen - Those who WONDER ......

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    But it sounded so much better

    coming from you. And I never listen to me anyhow.

    Songbird, seriously, a smile and a good attitude can

    melt almost any man. Judging by your martial arts background I'd imagine that you have a great figure and that you

    move gracefully. Since you do workout, you also probably have that clean, healthy look about you. Those are all good

    points. When you combine it with a good attitude, the ability to laugh and have fun, men flock to you.

    You are

    most likely right about your own copulin production but that doesn't mean you want to add too much synthetic very

    often. The stuff you buy here is thousands of times stronger than naturally produced ones. It might be interesting

    to OD once or twice just to figure out where the limits are though. Just be aware tha you are doing it and that

    there could be negative reactions. Try it someplace that it does not matter.

    I'm kind of the obtuse type so it

    took me a long time to actually figure out that synthetic pheromones work for me. Don't expect to get it right from

    the begining, sometimes it takes some experimenting.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
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    .... If you say so ....
    There are 3 kinds of people ...Those who MAKE things happen Those who WATCH things happen - Those who WONDER ......

  13. #13
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    Sounds like some of the most

    well-grounded advice I have heard in a long time, Perthgurl and Belgareth. I am going to go out to dinner tonight

    with my gfs, wear a cautious amount of mones, and raise my glass to you both. Thank you.


  14. #14
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    Have a great

    time, Songbird ....
    will be thinking of you
    There are 3 kinds of people ...Those who MAKE things happen Those who WATCH things happen - Those who WONDER ......

  15. #15
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    Default I am wondering..

    I was

    wondering about something. I have used SOE/w a few times with some fairly decent results. My work is basically

    negotiating deals. When using it at work a few days ago, it was one of the most jovial encounters I've had when

    doing this type of work. Both sides were laughing and trying to pull each other's chains, so to speak. What

    should have been adversarial b/t the two parties turned out to be delightful. Made my job easier. Wearing it at

    karate class was interesting. The teacher is an alpha male for sure, and felt the need to use me as an example and

    physically move me from one spot to another a couple of times (which is not the usual protocol).

    On the other

    hand, PI/w and PCC doesn't seem to work on me. Tried about three different days using that combination: 2 drops

    PI/w and about 5" of PCC on each arm. No difference with others other than the two women at the gym asking about

    the newspaper (see above). Increased a little --3 PI/w drops and a little more PCC --when I went out to dinner with

    my gfs. Nothing out of the ordinary. Used a little more when I went to the Whole Foods Store. Nothing out of the

    ordinary again.

    I know that at my age (47) my copulin production is probably really low. Could my chemistry

    be at odds with these certain formulas? It almost seems a little backwards. PI/w and PCC should work better than

    SOE/w, given my probable low cop. production, shouldn't it?

    I appreciated the advice about having a good

    attitude and finding charisma from within. The truth is that I really don't have any problem with that part. I

    have many friends and can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. Many tell me that I have a brightness

    from within (even despite my hard times) and I'm told that I'm very attractive. I guess what I am looking for are

    reactions that I don't normally see. I read reports from other women on this forum about "extra" attention from

    people and DITH looks. Want to experiment to try to get a little bit of that in social situations. Should I invest

    in EOW and start out really slowly with it??

    Looking for advice.

  16. #16
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Great job with the SoE! Fun

    isn't it?

    Pheromones are funny. I can apply a favorite mix and get no reactions at all, then out of the blue

    I'll get slammed. You might try using one -Mone at time, for a week or more, and try to get into as many social

    situations as possible to expose yourself. Get up close if you can, and make sure you're applying to pulse points.

    Testing products alone can help you identify what works. I ended up buying 6-7 products before hitting on my


    Interesting too about cops production. I'm 51 and should be past my peak -None production, but I have

    to be careful with any -None product, while others can practically bathe in it with good results. You hit the right

    idea with your comment about personal chemistry, Keep trying, I bet you find that sweet spot with a little


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