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  1. #1
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    Question Need recommendations for a 40 y/o male newbie, almost

    Hi all,

    Ok, like many newbie's, it can be tricky sifting through the stuff, but I have begun with

    searching through the forums for a while. I really could use some recommendations on what to try.

    I am a 40

    year-old male,5'9" 150 lbs, in very good physical shape. I am really a good looking guy-I'm trying to be modest

    but give the info I need. The reason I could use some help is probably not uncommon. I am currently separating from

    my wife (1st and only), although we are on reasonably good terms. Most of it had to do with her feelings, not mine.

    We do still live together at this time, but this is definitely where we are going. My goal at this point is not

    to try to win her back. So why am I looking at pheromones? Her are the two honest, no BS reasons:

    1) I am

    still physically attracted to my wife. Although we are splitting, we are friends. I wouldn't mind a little "friend

    sex" if she were open to it. We could both use it, it's been a while. Sorry if that sounds crude, but I'm being


    2) We've been together since I was 22, have not had any relation with any other woman in 18 years, nor

    have I tried to. That said, I will inevitably be moving into the singles/dating/ whatever-you-want-to-call-it scene,

    and it's been quite a while. I wouldn't mind a little boost in opening the door for attracting other women. Not

    looking for a new wife, just a little fun and ease of physical attraction-something to give me that edge.

    FYI, I

    did try SOE a couple of years ago in an effort to boost relations with my wife. I did try it for a while, but

    didn't notice a thing. I actually did not really like the smell. If possible, I would like to try something

    non-scented that is a bit more discreet, maybe use my own cologne. I'm a professional that works close to people

    and don't want overpowering smells.

    So, that's my story. Thanks in advance to all for your help!

  2. #2
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    Default By the way...

    By the way, I'm also

    happy to post my observations and results to share with the board, once I get some product tested.



  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Hi PTP,

    Welcome to the

    forum. You sound like your head is screwed on pretty well, that makes it easier. I wasn't too much older than you

    when my wife and I split up. Its been quite an experience.

    Ok, first thing, forget about sex with the wife, it

    probably isn't going to happen. Pheromones are not likely to give you any help because she has known you so long

    and has you pegged pretty well. Of course, this, like everything else I might say, is a generalization and might not

    apply to you.

    Second, decide what age group you are interested in. In my own case, my work had a lot to do with

    the age of the ladies I met. One of the things I was doing was some lecturing and the groups were pretty young so I

    met a lot of younger women. Otherwise, I was doing field service in offices so met a wide spectrum of people from

    all ages but was still exposed to more young women than my own age. This decision is going to impact how you go

    about things.

    I don't like bars or being around drunk people so never tried that scene. I am a member of a

    couple groups that do charitible work and met a number of people that way. You might also consider taking a class in

    something that interests you; whether it is sculpting or marshal arts, there are bound to be some ladies there.

    Next is to not seem desperate. This is important! Be happy, cheerful, show a sense of humor and have fun. Be fun

    to be around and flirt. Always be ready to pull back and always be the one who pulls back first. Be a little

    mysterious but not obviously so. Just don't really talk about yourself. Ask questions, make jokes or discuss things

    of mutual interest unless asked. If asked, give a brief answer and change the subject or ask a question of your own.

    Never, ever be the fool who chases the hottest girl around or allows others to walk all over you. You can be an

    absolute gentleman and still be firm and in command of yourself.

    Dress decently but appropriately. I am a casual

    dresser and prefer shorts and a shirt over anything else unless the weather is cool enough to force me to wear

    jeans. At work I usually wear khakis and a polo style shirt. You should dress in a way that is comfortable to you

    and where you are.

    Something you are going to have to make a decision on right now is your wedding ring. It

    leaves a mark that a lady can spot from 1/2 a mile away. You really don't want to get involved with a woman who

    doesn't care about it. She'll eventually be a problem in one way or another.

    Pheromones are going to be in

    addition to everything else. They are not miracle workers but they really do help. Wear them but forget you have

    them on while watching reactions. Female attention can increase drastically and youll be surprised at how often you

    get hits. When it happens, move carefully. If you jump on it you'll scare her away.

    Which products work for

    which person is sometimes tough to figure out but here are some rules of thumb.
    Men with less hair can use more

    androstenone than men with a lot of body hair.
    Men in good shape tend to produce more than men in poor shape.

    Older men usually produce less than younger men.
    Black and mexican women like more -none than cuasasion or asian

    Your personality plays a role and your pheromone signature should be congruent with it or you'll come

    across as odd.

    In my opinion, androstenone is the primary sexual pheromone to use and all the rest are

    modifyers. It is the male, alpha scent that attracts the female for sex. But it can be very easy to OD on it for

    some people. You should start slow and work your way up until you either get a positive reaction or somebody tells

    you you stink, or people start fleeing from you. My first suggestion would be something like Alpha 7. Start at one

    drop and wear it for a week or two around strangers to see what happens. If nothing, go to two drops and so on. You

    can get it in unscented and wear your own cologne with it. Be sure to wear a cover scent because it can stink.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Belgareth. I appreciate the

    input. FYI:

    I am in good physical condition. I already do martial arts, but prefer to not get involved with

    anyone in our school. I am not hairy. I am neither black nor mexican, but am of hispanic descent. Wedding ring has

    been off for about a month now.

    I'm not really at the point of getting involved with anyone. I guess a guy in m

    situation just likes the feel of knowing he can and that I can step back into it when the time is right. More a

    psychological thing than anything, I guess. My wife hasn't been physical with me for some time, so I suppose it

    would feel good to sense some women having the hots for me.

    Knowing what I know now, the target age I probably

    would be into is someone in their 30's. That seems to be the group I am most attracted to.

    Thanks again for your

    post, I appreciate it!

    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Hi PTP,

    Welcome to the forum. You sound like your head is

    screwed on pretty well, that makes it easier. I wasn't too much older than you when my wife and I split up. Its

    been quite an experience.

    Ok, first thing, forget about sex with the wife, it probably isn't going to happen.

    Pheromones are not likely to give you any help because she has known you so long and has you pegged pretty well. Of

    course, this, like everything else I might say, is a generalization and might not apply to you.

    Second, decide

    what age group you are interested in. In my own case, my work had a lot to do with the age of the ladies I met. One

    of the things I was doing was some lecturing and the groups were pretty young so I met a lot of younger women.

    Otherwise, I was doing field service in offices so met a wide spectrum of people from all ages but was still exposed

    to more young women than my own age. This decision is going to impact how you go about things.

    I don't like

    bars or being around drunk people so never tried that scene. I am a member of a couple groups that do charitible

    work and met a number of people that way. You might also consider taking a class in something that interests you;

    whether it is sculpting or marshal arts, there are bound to be some ladies there.

    Next is to not seem desperate.

    This is important! Be happy, cheerful, show a sense of humor and have fun. Be fun to be around and flirt. Always be

    ready to pull back and always be the one who pulls back first. Be a little mysterious but not obviously so. Just

    don't really talk about yourself. Ask questions, make jokes or discuss things of mutual interest unless asked. If

    asked, give a brief answer and change the subject or ask a question of your own. Never, ever be the fool who chases

    the hottest girl around or allows others to walk all over you. You can be an absolute gentleman and still be firm

    and in command of yourself.

    Dress decently but appropriately. I am a casual dresser and prefer shorts and a

    shirt over anything else unless the weather is cool enough to force me to wear jeans. At work I usually wear khakis

    and a polo style shirt. You should dress in a way that is comfortable to you and where you are.

    Something you

    are going to have to make a decision on right now is your wedding ring. It leaves a mark that a lady can spot from

    1/2 a mile away. You really don't want to get involved with a woman who doesn't care about it. She'll eventually

    be a problem in one way or another.

    Pheromones are going to be in addition to everything else. They are not

    miracle workers but they really do help. Wear them but forget you have them on while watching reactions. Female

    attention can increase drastically and youll be surprised at how often you get hits. When it happens, move

    carefully. If you jump on it you'll scare her away.

    Which products work for which person is sometimes tough to

    figure out but here are some rules of thumb.
    Men with less hair can use more androstenone than men with a lot of

    body hair.
    Men in good shape tend to produce more than men in poor shape.
    Older men usually produce less than

    younger men.
    Black and mexican women like more -none than cuasasion or asian women.
    Your personality plays a role

    and your pheromone signature should be congruent with it or you'll come across as odd.

    In my opinion,

    androstenone is the primary sexual pheromone to use and all the rest are modifyers. It is the male, alpha scent that

    attracts the female for sex. But it can be very easy to OD on it for some people. You should start slow and work

    your way up until you either get a positive reaction or somebody tells you you stink, or people start fleeing from

    you. My first suggestion would be something like Alpha 7. Start at one drop and wear it for a week or two around

    strangers to see what happens. If nothing, go to two drops and so on. You can get it in unscented and wear your own

    cologne with it. Be sure to wear a cover scent because it can stink.

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ptp View Post
    I'm not

    really at the point of getting involved with anyone. I guess a guy in m situation just likes the feel of knowing he

    can and that I can step back into it when the time is right. More a psychological thing than anything, I guess. My

    wife hasn't been physical with me for some time, so I suppose it would feel good to sense some women having the

    hots for me.

    Knowing what I know now, the target age I probably would be into is someone in their 30's. That

    seems to be the group I am most attracted to.

    Thanks again for your post, I appreciate it!
    Glad I could


    I understand where you are coming from. My suggestion is to play. Tease, flirt and do your best to get

    women to laugh. Wear pheromones and enjoy yourself. You'll be amazed at the results you can get. A lot of it is

    just iin the attitude you display. I'm 53 now and I got a hit over the weekend from a cute little thing that

    couldn't have been old enough to drink. Other times I get hits form women my own age, it just depends. The thing is

    to be confident and cheerful. You'll do fine and the more success you have just flirting the better you'll get at


    The fact that you are in good shape and do marshal arts will help you a lot. Don't ever show it off! The

    way you move and handle yourself will do it just fine. Women love it. I will tell you I dated a lady from my marshal

    arts class right after I seperated from my wife. Limber, strong and in very good shape, she was fun in bed. That

    decided me that only women who took good care of their bodies were of interest.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    One sneaky thing you can do about

    the wedding ring mark is to pick up and wear another ring (or more) instead. In fact just wearing one ring on THAT

    finger may arouse suspicions. Maybe a school class ring, military service (if you were in), or even just a nice

    looking "men's" jewelry ring. Flashy ones scream "player" but a nice conservative one could speak "classy."

    Jest a thought...
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

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