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  1. #1
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Smile Noob Kimosabe's Greetings & Reports (NPA, SOE, WAGG, A314, LT)

    Hello there everyone! I'm from Singapore, and I decided to purchase 'mones after

    reading up on them on this forum.

    My interest started when I came across Liquid Trust Original

    (LT), and bought a 2-week supply from Vero Labs. Googling more into the subject matter, I found, and

    the wealth of information contained herein.

    Wish I'd found it earlier, because LS's shipping is INSANELY FAST!

    I'd placed my order on a Saturday morning (Singapore time) and it arrived this afternoon, just 5 working days! And

    LT has yet to arrive, even though I'd ordered it earlier. Great job Bruce & Tammy!

    A little history about

    myself, I'm an ethnic Indian born and living in Singapore, although I do travel around the Asian region fairly

    frequently. I'm 33, 6 feet tall, 195 lbs, a bit of extra fats around the abs area but slightly above-average

    muscular (those gym sessions are slowly paying off), and I'm a regular smoker and social light


    Character-wise, I'm slightly more reserved in front of strangers, although I have no problems

    initiating and carrying on conversations if I need/want to. I would not say that I'm readily identifiable as an

    alpha-male, but in the right situations, I do step up and take charge. Above average in looks, I have a face that

    gives a first impression of "aloof and arrogant" when expressionless, but that's dissipated once I start


    I've also been working on my self-confidence and inner game to a relatively improved level (although

    I'm nowhere near where I'd like to be, yet), and decided to use pheromones to help me open a few more doors than


    After much research, I decided to purchase the following from LS:

    NPA & SOE Combo - more for

    clubbing-type situations, or SOE as a standalone in social settings
    WAGG - to temper the "aggressive" signals of

    NPA and turn it into "assertive", which better matches my character
    A314 - for work

    The key to using pheromones,

    as I've read here on the forum, is to experiment, experiment, experiment. With that in mind, I decided to try the

    above products standalone, to see what kind of effects each would cause, before combining them. Please do share your

    views and experiences to help me through the experiments as well as to correct anything that I may be doing


    Methodology: First, I'll try a very small amount (e.g. tight dab) of each product under my

    nostrils to see what kinds of self-effects they would have. Then I'll apply and document each product starting at a

    mild doseage and increasing until I can see significant hits or OD, so that I would be aware of how much is just

    right or too much for me. Following this, I'll move on to the next product.

    I'll also be careful to give a day

    in between applications, to try and reduce any so-called build-up of mones, as well as to see if they have any

    effects the day after application.

    Since I naturally perspire A LOT (a 10-minute normal walk under the sun would

    almost bathe my torso in sweat), I've decided to apply the mones to forearms and the back of hands where I perspire

    less. This would prevent run-off onto clothes, and allow the mones to be effective for longer (I'd read that the

    more one sweats, the less effective the mones become due to dilution.)

    To kick things off, I'm starting with the

    most delicate-to-dose, explosive, sexual mone I've read about here, NPA. Might as well get the toughie figured out

    and out of the way ASAP.
    Last edited by kimosabe; 06-13-2009 at 10:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Smell from Bottle: Smells like an extremely strong

    mix of rubbing alcohol and anesthetic (kinda reminded me of a hospital)

    Self-Effects: 1 tight dab applied

    under both nostrils, no cover scent. I had just woken up from a short afternoon nap when I did the application, and

    it seemed to snap me out of my siesta-induced drowsiness into a state of full alertness. Also seemed to tickle the

    back of my throat slightly, which faded after about 3 minutes. However, no overt feelings of aggression


    Apart from the initial burst of a slight urine smell, after 2-3 minutes, I could not smell

    anything. However, my finger did still have that slight urea tinge, and smelled mildly irritating and smothering

    after about 5 minutes, even after I'd washed my hands thoroughly with anti-bacterial shower cream. This definitely

    needs a good cover with cologne, even on the fingers used for application.

    NPA Test Number


    Application: 2 tight dabs onto the back of my hands and rubbed into the skin in a circular

    fashion until dry, 1 tight dab onto the crotch area of my jeans, both areas covered with Acqua Di


    Situation: Went out for coffee with a very good female "playa" friend.

    Observations: Lots

    more kino than usual from her, was her usual chatty self. Nothing much out of the ordinary. The coffee session went

    well. There was also a group of teenagers (18-19) who came up during coffee and asked me to take a group photo for

    them, to which I obliged. Lots of thanking and appreciation all around.

    Prior to meeting my friend, I went for a

    fuel stop at a petrol station near her house. The male attendant was pretty chatty, yet seemed to give an impression

    of being respectful, which usually isn't the case with attendants here in Singapore. We had a short chat about cars

    and he seemed pleased that I was willing to talk to him.

    I went inside to make payment, and there was a female

    attendant (mid-20's, heavy-set, not attractive) standing beside me trying to remove some adhesive tape off of a

    glass counter-top. She was making slow progress, so I offered to show her a faster way using the cutter blade she

    was holding, which I did. Lots of appreciative looks and thanking from both her and the female cashier (early 50's,

    traditional-looking lady), nothing out of the ordinary.

    I did notice, after I'd first applied NPA and was

    walking out to my car, that I felt more confident and self-assured. Again, no aggressive feelings materialized.

    Maybe this would be the right dose to convey a sense of assertiveness? I don't know, more testing to follow. Plus,

    I may have OD-ed on Acqua Di Gio since, in my eagerness to cover up the smell of NPA, I sprayed a full spray right

    on top of each application area. Too much? I'll try to lower the doseage next time around. Now that I'm back home

    (4.5 hours after NPA application), the urine smell is starting to come on stronger.


    Inconclusive. More testing to follow.

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum kimosabe.

    Sounds like you have a good strategy in hand. Pretty brave starting out with NPA. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Thanks idesign, glad to be on


    NPA Test 1 - The Morning After

    Smell of NPA seems to have disappeared almost completely

    from my hands, although there still is a very VERY faint hint of it.

    Its still pretty strong smelling on my jeans

    though. I'll have to cover that up with cologne if I wear that pair of jeans out later.

  5. #5
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    Welcome to the

    forum. I agree w/ idesign, you have b*ll's that clank! My friend came over last week and saw my

    bottle of NPA. I told him to be careful as it was a VERY powerful pheremone mix. He poured the WHOLE bottle over his

    head, laughing and saying that mone's didn't work. A few minutes later he turned green, gained 800 pounds, started

    screaming, and tore though the wall. I haven't seen him since. Seriously, you seem to have a solid plan. My

    advice to the cover scent is buy an atomizer or perfume bottle and mix 1 part DI GIO w/ 1 part alcohol. It will

    allow you to distribute the cover scent on more areas without OD'ing. Also, my theory is applying mone's just

    after showering is better. It allows them to mix w/ your natural scent. Sweating half the day and then applying in

    my opinion would cause the mone's to have a negative scent. Just a newbie's take. Maybe one of the guru's can

    elaborate, as I could be wrong.

  6. #6
    Stranger kimosabe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
    Welcome to the forum. I agree w/ idesign, you have b*ll's that clank! My

    friend came over last week and saw my bottle of NPA. I told him to be careful as it was a VERY powerful pheremone

    mix. He poured the WHOLE bottle over his head, laughing and saying that mone's didn't work. A few minutes later he

    turned green, gained 800 pounds, started screaming, and tore though the wall. I haven't seen him since.

    Seriously, you seem to have a solid plan. My advice to the cover scent is buy an atomizer or perfume bottle and mix

    1 part DI GIO w/ 1 part alcohol. It will allow you to distribute the cover scent on more areas without OD'ing.

    Also, my theory is applying mone's just after showering is better. It allows them to mix w/ your natural scent.

    Sweating half the day and then applying in my opinion would cause the mone's to have a negative scent. Just a

    newbie's take. Maybe one of the guru's can elaborate, as I could be wrong.
    Hey Peregrine,

    thanks for the warm welcome! Glad to be here.

    Well, thank heavens my handle isn't Bruce Banner,


    Good idea on the atomizer bottle.

    What kind of alcohol do you suggest I mix in with Di Gio?

    Oh, and I'd totally forgotten to mention in my

    previous post that the 'mones were applied just after a good shower. I agree with you, applying them to skin after

    being sweaty for some time would not provide a very objective platform for testing. Clean slate every time. Plus,

    NPA by itself is quite rank, so best not to smell like a walking garbage-truck!

    Thanks for the

    observations and suggestions, please do keep 'em coming!

    Just for everyone's info, LT

    arrived this afternoon.
    Be true to your work, your word, and your friend. - Henry David Thoreau

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