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  1. #1
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    Default First Field Results/Hits


    I would like to thank those active members who have taken the time to share their knowledge on this forum. There

    was no need to ask initial questions as the wealth of information was enough to help get a good start.
    I am a 32

    y.o. white male 5'11", 180 lbs, athletic build, alpha male with an extremely witty and sarcastic sense of humor. In

    my current arsenal:

    A7 unscented
    SOE unscented
    TE gel packs
    C7 gel packs
    Perception gel packs
    Aqua Di


    To make it short I started w/ 15 inches of SOE on the forearms and chest, 1 dab of A7 on the front of the

    neck, and 4 sprays of LT on the front of the shirt, and ADG as the cover. First day I was in a bar w/ 40+ crowd and

    saw results. There was more respect and a couple of girls smiled and made eye contact. Not bad for the first


    Second day I went to the college town a few miles away, wearing the same as the first day. This campus has a

    65/35 women to men ratio and the girls are hottest I've ever seen on any campus. The girls like to wear cowboy

    boots and mini-skirts. Who said the south is ignorant...LOL. Epic failure. People would move away from me in the

    bars, and some would give a look of fear. One guy wanted to start a fight out of the blue!! PSYOPS always works best

    to avoid physical confrontation

    To make it short I tried the SOE by itself w/ no results. On two more occasions I

    saw great results w/ 1 gel pack of C7 distributed on the forearms and neck, w/ about 10" of SOE on the wrists, back

    of the hands. People were very excited to see me and generally more chatty, friendler.

    I'm afraid to use the A7

    again as I may be one like others on this forum that had the same results. I like the hits so far but am looking for

    a stronger sexual attraction. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Hi !

    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
    People would move away from me in the bars, and some would give a look of fear. One

    guy wanted to start a fight out of the blue!!
    Some would say that you're producing enough natural

    'none already & by adding A7 which is high in 'none as well ... Hence the reaction.

    I would recommend trying

    just a couple of dabs from a TE gel pack on both sides of your neck. This is a milder form of 'none with 'secret'

    ingredients - I always get a +ve reaction from women with it - & no fights ! Put some SOE as well on both wrists,

    back of hands, etc. That is bound to go well.

    On another occasion you could try part of a C7 gel pack on your

    arms & neck with some SOE on wrists & back of hands.

    Just experiment ...

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply. I've

    also got NPA, PI, WCC and WAGG on order. I'm having a blast experimenting but hate when it goes bad. Two nights ago

    I went to the college town armed w/ C7 and SOE. Within a few minutes a guy at the bar moved and told his friend I

    stunk. I was certain I had enough cover scent. There was a new bartender (solid 8) working so I washed off the SOE

    but got paranoid I might still smell and retreated. I'll attribute it to buildup and take a couple of days off. I

    was gonna ask if there was another none product that might work instead of A7 but you answered my question. I'll

    give TE a try this weekend. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Phero Guru
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    Default a good report

    is an honest

    report!! Excellent!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  5. #5
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    Not much to report this

    weekend. I took a couple days off from using the mones. Always good to clean the petri dish before the next

    I had a one night stand the 2 nights ago w/out the mones. Go figure. Something I did notice was

    the social "build-up" while wearing them. The two places I was frequenting has several hot bartenders, and while

    they were always polite, chatty, ect., it is a whole new ballgame! All of them are more flirty, making body contact,

    kissing on the cheek, ect. I went by this weekend to test the effects of not wearing the mones and was impressed.

    There was definately positive effects from wearing them. Two of them would probably go on a date if I asked.

    Last night I wore two dabs of TE on the neck and 15" of SOE on the forearms, w/ Aqua Di Gio as a cover. I

    went back to the same establishments but saw no difference.If anything the positive effects were dwindling.

    HMMMMMM. Now that my NPA, WAGG, PI, and PCC have arrived I will be able to try new combos. I know I

    should try one at a time but I'm on a time constraint and would like to see results sooner than later. I'm

    thinking about trying the WKM mix, or the WAGG by itself. Any ideas?
    Last edited by Peregrine; 05-11-2009 at 12:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peregrine View Post
    Always good

    to clean the petri dish before the next experiment.
    I like your sense of humour ... but then you

    did warn us about it

    I think with 'mones & results that there is a element of right place, right time ... &

    also there are no automatic reactions i.e. 2 + 2 does not = 8 ! They do work, so don't get

    disheartened, - possibly when you least expect them to work/forgotten about wearing them. We have all had zero

    results from a product at times - it goes with the territory. I have had no results, which surprised me, with a

    couple of products but noticeable results with another. Many experiments took several attempts - Thomas Edison & the

    light bulb ... but I suppose you don't want to wait years ...

    Maybe treat it as an experiment & apply one

    product at a time otherwise the product which generates hits will go unidentified. Try a different product a week ,

    walk close to your subject, & watch for different behaviour. There can be a case for not trying too hard - 'the

    watched pot never boils'.

  7. #7
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    I was more excited than Rosie

    O'Donnell at a free buffet when my WAGG arrived. I had high hopes for this product. I've worn 3 drops/ 1/4 pack TE

    several times and had no results. This weekend I'll probably try WAGG as a standalone. I'm still experimenting in

    the smaller town as not to disturb the pristine hunting grounds (college town). After all, the Manhattan project

    wasn't in Manhattan for good reason, right? I have read through countless threads, taken pages of notes, and

    compiled as much data/ideas as possible. I feel more confident to what works and what doesn't. For example, taking

    the occasional bath in epson salt to avoid buildup, and ALWAYS asking a female acquaintance how I smell before

    heading out in public. Also, I'm using laundry and body soaps that are hypoallergenic and unscented as not to

    have too many "smells" not connected to the mones and cover scent. I hope I haven't offended some by my rushed

    experiments. I've done to the scientific method as Brittany Spears has to the music industry!!
    My reasoning

    is I have been working in the Middle East in hazardous environments for years and seldom get back to "civilization".

    I'd like to optimize my holiday time before heading back for another stint. Well, that's all I have.

  8. #8
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    Default Better Results

    I've been

    using 2-3 drops of PI (neck) and 4 drops of WAGG on the forearms w/ Di Gio. I've got a date Fri. night w/ a hot 40

    yr. old. She acts like an adolescent girl before prom every time I'm around her. Even on the phone. Finally got the

    heavy sexual hit desired. Some guys that are standoffish are now far more talkative. My first use was at a business

    meeting last week and I figured it wouldn't go well on my part. I decided to live on the edge (thousands of $'s

    were on the line) and used PI/WAGG. I figured worse case even an OD would "intimidate" and work in my favor. The

    first guy I talked to was a retired vet so I wasn't worried, but soon after was sent farther into the cubicle maze

    to a women w/ no sense of humor.....old school marme type. After a few minutes of getting my information I

    decided to "lighten" the mood and cracked a funny comment. She made eye contact and laughed loudly. As time went on

    she got softer in voice and dropped the "bitch routine". In the end the questions she asked were followed by the

    answers and her nodding her head at my to agree. There was NO WAY that meeting would've went so smooth if not for

    the mones!!!! I took a hell of a risk by an unproven blend that morning but what the hell? We only live once.

    I mixed a small test run of 6 WAGG:1 PI: 3 NPA...(ratio) and will be adding approx. 1-2 inches of PCC for S&G.

    I've worn it once but not results.

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