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  1. #1
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    Default Newbie playing around, wanted to share some experiences!

    Hi everyone! First I'd like to introduce myself. I'm a 27-yr old female from Europe,

    5"9, light skinned, brunette, dark eyes, in good shape. I've been even considered beautiful, as far as perception

    can tell... I've always found human behaviour very interesting and bought pheromones before, without knowing what

    to look for as a reaction. I just though men would fall at my feet, or something, I guess! *lol*. I just

    wasn’t informed well. Last week I found my bottle of PPA/w back and wanted to give it another spin. Results

    were fascinating (I’ll tell later on) and I started research on the internet, finding this incredible source

    and I’m still searching and reading here for every inch of information I can get, it’s so interesting!!

    After reading so much I couldn’t resist on ordering PCC, LT and EoW (which really intruiges me but I think I

    can handle it ).

    What I want to achieve…. Well… I can’t deny I like male attention.

    Next to that, there is one guy, I’d like to call him my “target”, I really want to trigger. This

    31-yr old male, friendly guy, attractive but very very shy, and me always had some kind of connection. We dated as

    teenagers but never got passed a few kisses. Still, we’ve got “something” going on. There’s

    a tense physical attraction between us and I cannot help wondering if I can get something more out of it with a

    little help of some pheromones.
    As I said, my search began after I pulled out my bottle of PPA/w last week,

    I’m not even sure why I put it on, but I would be in the neighbourhood of my target all day so I just gave it

    a shot for some reason. I totally forgot I wore them though, until I realized my target was acting a bit

    different…. That day, about an hour before meeting my target, I applied a generous amount of Lush Silky

    Underwear body powder (one of my favourite scents) on my neck, chest and cleavage, Lush Silky Underwear Solid

    perfume between breasts, on wrists and behind ears. Dabs of PPA behind ears, in cleavage and on both underarms. My

    mood was relaxed and cheerful. My target’s mood: First, slightly annoyed, lightly stressed, later he seemed

    more relaxed and cheerful. Temperature inside was about 29 degrees Celsius (inside a swimming pool, but not being

    able to swim because we’re working, it’s so mean…). Surprising thing that happened: He apparently

    felt the urge to tell me he went out for like 5 minutes in the first place (I wouldn't have even missed him if he

    hadn’t said anything…). While telling me that he touched my shoulder. He’s never very touchy feely

    and I my mouth almost fell open when I felt him stroking it….. This was all during an event we were at working

    (as volunteers). After the event we had a drink with all the people there and he was standing tall over me at very

    close range being all relaxed and talkative (he’s not a very talkative person). When I got home and realized

    it might have been the pheromones I started my search for knowledge
    More results with the PPA/w: PPA + Silky

    Underwear Solid Perfume: Dab of PPA on back of neck, cleavage, chest, wrists 2 hours before meeting target, same

    amounts again 15 minutes before meeting target. In between generous amounts of SU SP on wrists, behind ears, and in

    cleavage. Situation: Again the voluntary work in the pool. Temperature: about 27 degrees Celcius. My mood: Happy,

    but having a terrible headache. Target’s mood: Good. Even though I wasn’t very talkative because of

    the headache, target and other male co-worker we’re both very talkative and helpful! Target took major

    decisions, I’ve never seen him so decisive, almost a bit aggressive. He was nice and asked me if I was ok and

    everything. Not sure if it were the -mones though, but he really talked a lot!!! Other co-worker was a bit touchy,

    in a friendly way, which is his personality but I can’t recall he touched me ever before. Also talkative but

    he always is.

    PPA /w + Magnetic Beat (Escada) 3 dabs of PPA/w on back of neck, cleavage, chest, wrists,

    calves 2 hours before meeting target, some extra on neck and in ends of hair about 15 minutes before meeting target.

    One spray of Magnetic Beat in cleavage. Situation: Hanging out outside in the sun. Temperature: 21 degrees Celcius.

    My mood: Happy and relaxed, a bit quiet. Target’s mood: Good, relaxed. What really surprised me was that my

    target jumped in a discussion about flirting while mostly he stays out of that sort of topics (not that he said

    something interesting…). Next to that he actually started a conversation asking me what I thought about

    something. He has never ever done that since I know him…
    You see I’m still playing around with

    the only stuff I own. I’m planning on trying it without an extra scent, I never have done that. Also I hope to

    receive my other pheromones to play around with soon!
    Wow, long post… I’m sorry for any language

    errors, English is not my first language
    Last edited by Flirtatious; 05-04-2009 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Woohooo my PCC arrived this

    afternoon!!! Very fast, excellent service!! I'm going to try it on my target tomorrow.

  3. #3
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    There seem to be little

    women around here huh?

    Anyway, I tried the PCC yesterday. I must say I really like the scent, though it fades

    pretty quickly. It's nice and subtle! Í had a little trouble with the roll bottle, or maybe the consistency of the

    PCC. It seems like a pretty dry oil to me, which caused me using a whole lot of the stuff because I thought nothing

    came out of the bottle I didn't use any other pheromone or cover scent. Unfortunately I wasn't immediately able

    to spend 15/20 minutes with my target. This is the time the target should be exposed until something is about to

    happen right? (right?)
    Next tot that we were outside and it was very windy, so the copulins might not even have

    reached him. Later that night we were in a small group sitting down and talking. My target wasn't right next to me,

    but at 1 1/2 m (I think that's 1 1/2 yards too...) distance. Is that close enough to pick up pheromones? I guess

    I'm going to do a search on that one.
    After an half hour or so, we decided to go and he walked out right next to

    me at pretty close distance. We stood outside for a while waiting for the others to come and kept talking. He

    constantly kept really close. Closer that he normally does and he constantly gave me some wide eyed look like I had

    something totally weird on my face or something. By the time we all said goodbye he had this look in his eyes as if

    he was going to kiss me goodnight (which he would never do in this kind of company) and then he suddenly ran off

    like something was chasing him...

    Uhm... yeah... I'm not sure what this was, but my target is acting a little

    diffrent, that's for sure

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flirtatious View Post

    seem to be little women around here huh?
    Yeah, we keep scaring them off. Hang around, we'd love to

    build up a contingent of ladies who know something about the products and their gender. You'd be a big help to all

    of us.

    To answer some of your questions, pheromones actually start to work within fractions of a second after

    they get to his nose. It just takes a while for the concious mind to catch on. We men can be a little slow on the

    uptake. However, the impressions were made and will be reinforced by later exposures.

    The wind probably did blow

    the mones away so the time outdoors probably did little good. Later, when you were within 1.5 m of him he was likely

    getting a good whiff if they hadn't worn off by then. It's pretty amazing how well people seem to be able to

    define the source of pheromones, even in a crowded room. Estimates on how long they last range from several hours to

    days but a good rule of thumb is 4-6 hours before a small reapplication is needed.

    Would have welcomed you

    sooner but I have been on vacation. Glad to have you here.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Hi !
    Why don't you ask him what

    his other interests are (apart from the volunteering) & express an interest to go along to some of those ? You might

    find them interesting & he would be flattered by your interest. He would be more relaxed as well on his home

    territory ...

    Also, try another scent - maybe a natural attractant - musk, vanilla etc.

  6. #6
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    Ah feedback! Thanks


    Thanks for the welcome and answers belgareth! Hope you had a good vacation! I'm planning on sticking

    around. Besides attracting men, which is just for kicks, I'm very much interested in human - male - female

    behaviour. What drives them, how do they think etc. The influence of pheromones in this I find really fascinating.

    I understand there is some sort of "build-up" with the "receivers" of the -mones too? So this means that every

    (positive) exposure strengthes the influence of the mones? Interesting... I thought one should be "influenced" all

    over again every meeting or something...

    Hi Chas! Actually I've known him for a very long time and we've

    devoloped a friendship, but it's quite superficial. We go out for drinks, diner or concerts regularly and I'm sure

    he's attracted to me, but he just doesn't want to be in a relationship and neither do I. You know this is just one

    of these "relationships" in which you should be able to say "Listen hun, I like you and all, but I just want to have

    sex, no strings attached." It would take a lot of tension out of this. But I'm scared to tell him and the other way

    around.... As for his home territory, I'm certainly planning on doing that as soon as he moves in his new apartment

    I hope I don't offend anyone talking like this and I hope you guys won't judge me about the situation. It's

    not complicated, just... well... It needs a push

    Btw what did you guys do to scare the girls away?

    I'm trying diffrent scents too, yes, I know what I like as a scent, but I'm not sure what the guys like

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I don't really know a lot of

    psychology so have a hard time explaining it. Please bear with me. My thought is that attraction is remembered and

    that repeated exposure adds to the initial attraction. Haven't you met some guy in the past that you couldn't get

    off your mind? He may not have been all that good looking but there was something there? I believe the more you were

    exposed to it the more the attraction grew.

    Some people judge others and some don't. It would be hypocritical

    to judge you for an attitude that most men seem to think is acceptable for them. Enjoy yourself and don't worry

    about people judging you.

    The vacation was fantastic! My first trip to Columbia and I loved the place. Thanks.

    For a while we had a number of ladies here. Politics/cat fighting got a little rough and we had to come down on a

    few. Since then it's been difficult to rebuild a population of women that are interested in long term playing with

    mones. You'd be a welcome addition and we'd be happy to help you learn as much as possible.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    Your explanation makes

    sense to me! As I said I'm planning on sticking around but it seems to be awfully quiet around here. I certainly

    hope more women sign up to share experiences with. I can't help you guys with the guy pheromones, but maybe I can

    with other questions about female behaviour

    This weekend I wore PPA/w + PCC (mixed 1:1) with a few drops of

    perfume oil (apple scented) and nothing out of the ordinary happened. I expect my new -mones tomorrow (LT and EoW)

    and I'm very much looking forward on playing around with those!!

    A question. I received some sample packets of

    TE/w with my previous order. I read that they contain -none. But I thought that this was a male pheromone? Will it

    make me seem more dominant? Because I seem quite dominant already and I don't want to enphasize that...

  9. #9
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    A question. I received some

    sample packets of TE/w with my previous order. I read that they contain -none. But I thought that this was a male

    pheromone? Will it make me seem more dominant?
    If you ever get "that way" with your target, you might use

    a little under your nose to "rev your motor" and heat things up.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

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