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  1. #31
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There used to be a lady

    (sexyredhead) on the forum that claimed the sexyest smell she knew was when a man came in from working in the sun,

    all hot and sweaty. Every person has different tastes.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  2. #32
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    There used

    to be a lady (sexyredhead) on the forum that claimed the sexyest smell she knew was when a man came in from working

    in the sun, all hot and sweaty. Every person has different tastes.
    Which reminds me of a local radio

    talkshow that asked women what kind of guy turned them on. Although they only had time for a handful of responses,

    "sweaty construction worker" seemed to be the most popular of the choices...

    <- construction guy

    pounding away getting hot and sweaty. Chance of scoring = high

    <- us guys spending our time on

    internet forums. Chance of scoring = snowball in volcano

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  3. #33
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AVV View Post
    lol we really

    should get hot and sweaty instead of reading how to score with pheros... naaaaa i like pheros
    or maybe try to get

    hot and sweaty + pheros

    I wear pheromones

    almost every day and get a lot of hits from them. But this conversation reminded me of something. I go to the gym

    3-4 times of the week. And almost every time I go I get hits. It isn't like I am the most athletic or the best

    looking guy there, because I'm not, by far. The hits keep coming from different ladies, many of them far younger

    than me. The only thing I can tell you is that I am wearing pheromones and am sweaty and not trying to do any more

    than get a good workout.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  4. #34
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    wear pheromones almost every day and get a lot of hits from them. But this conversation reminded me of something. I

    go to the gym 3-4 times of the week. And almost every time I go I get hits. It isn't like I am the most athletic or

    the best looking guy there, because I'm not, by far. The hits keep coming from different ladies, many of them far

    younger than me. The only thing I can tell you is that I am wearing pheromones and am sweaty and not trying to do

    any more than get a good workout.
    I can empathesise with and also

    understand your comments very well.

    I also work out and keep fit, a man will soon waste away by living a

    sedentry lifestyle if he has the ability to exercise and chooses not to do


    I experienced bottled pheromones over 10 years

    ago in the first instance and had success.

    There is no doubting the efacy or effects of a good consistant synthetic

    pheromone compound when applied with a little wisdom the effects are very obvious, like in your face.

    That is probably why we are still posting on

    the forum, i am 57 years young and i certainly would not be wasting my time if i had not received sufficient

    pheromone evidences.

    Getting back to the

    topic, i also notice the concentrated effects of a workout or perspiration/heat and pheromone mix, with excellent

    attraction responses from women/girls.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #35
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Well in my short time here on

    the forum I have noticed a topic like this before. I remember someone saying that when they got a bit sweaty after

    applying their Mones they got better hits....

    So If I combine all this, and the "Women can smell a Man's

    intentions" I should put on Mones, and then masturbate and get all sweaty?

  6. #36
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post

    in my short time here on the forum I have noticed a topic like this before. I remember someone saying that when they

    got a bit sweaty after applying their Mones they got better hits....

    So If I combine all this, and the "Women

    can smell a Man's intentions" I should put on Mones, and then
    masturbate and get all sweaty?
    Stoke him well for several hours and should collect a good

    stock of pre cum.

    Enjoy the workout

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #37
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Stoke him well for several hours and should

    collect a good stock of pre cum.

    Enjoy the

    meh, I'm not into that that much...

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    I wear pheromones almost every day and get a lot of hits from them. But this conversation

    reminded me of something. I go to the gym 3-4 times of the week. And almost every time I go I get hits. It isn't

    like I am the most athletic or the best looking guy there, because I'm not, by far. The hits keep coming from

    different ladies, many of them far younger than me. The only thing I can tell you is that I am wearing pheromones

    and am sweaty and not trying to do any more than get a good workout.

    belgareth which

    phero's do u use? cuz I read on some old thread that the constant sweat from let's say cardio would just sweat off

    the phero

  9. #39
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post

    I'm not into that that much...
    No i did not really think so i was

    just messin with ya.

    When i was younger like last year i used to give it a good workout once

    in awhile.

    Its a good wrist excercise for

    tennis elbow lol
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #40
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Oh it's not that. It's the


  11. #41
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post

    it's not that. It's the Pre-Cum.
    Whilst the pre cum is a much

    appreciated and wonderful substance, i really have not found it to be an effective attractant once


    Amoungst what Love-Scent has on her shelves is just about as good as it

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  12. #42
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    Wore a spray out on

    Saturday night and ended up making out with a 40-something year old at the bar. Also earlier in the night I was

    getting hits from the bartender at another bar. I think one spray is what works for me I am curious about SOE

    though.. do you think that SOE will enhance chikara?

  13. #43
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Cannon View Post
    Wore a

    spray out on Saturday night and ended up making out with a 40-something year old at the bar. Also earlier in the

    night I was getting hits from the bartender at another bar. I think one spray is what works for me I am curious

    about SOE though.. do you think that SOE will enhance chikara?
    Sometimes the best thing to do is give it

    a try. It's tough to OD on SoE or any of the "social" pheromones, so a the worst it porbably won't hurt anything.

    It may just not improve what you already are getting...
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  14. #44
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    So which ones are the

    social ones? Is Chikara? Which ones are the best "Social Ones" I want them

  15. #45
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Cannon View Post

    which ones are the social ones? Is Chikara? Which ones are the best "Social Ones" I want them
    Social mones

    are really anything containing large amounts of -Nol.

    Chikara is a cologne, not a mone. But it does have alot of

    -Nol in it, so does SOE.

    If you want the most -Nol for you buck, buy the Pure stuff from the chemistry kits, put

    6 drops on your arms, then cover with a non-Mone cologne.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    Social mones are really anything containing large amounts of -Nol.

    Chikara is a cologne,

    not a mone. But it does have alot of -Nol in it, so does SOE.

    If you want the most -Nol for you buck, buy the

    Pure stuff from the chemistry kits, put 6 drops on your arms, then cover with a non-Mone cologne.

    Does -Nol from the chemistry kit smell musty??

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by kgk4569 View Post
    Social mones are really anything containing large amounts of -Nol.

    Chikara is a cologne,

    not a mone. But it does have alot of -Nol in it, so does SOE.

    If you want the most -Nol for you buck, buy the

    Pure stuff from the chemistry kits, put 6 drops on your arms, then cover with a non-Mone cologne.
    I have

    the unscented Chikara... I cover it with cologne. Is unscented Chikara a mone?

  18. #48
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Cannon View Post
    I have

    the unscented Chikara... I cover it with cologne. Is unscented Chikara a mone?

    Chikara, like Alter

    Ego, Impi, and others is a pheromone blend. Chikara is sometimes abbreviated here as C-7 as the original mix was

    reputed to have 7 different pheromones in it. Trade secret as to what they are, but it's highly probable it has at

    least the "big three" (androstenone, androstenol, and androsterone). Exact ratios are unknown.

    The scented

    version just has a built in cover scent. The unscented version doesn't have the added cover. However even

    "unscented" doesn't mean "scent less." The pheromones themselves have an odor. A "scented" product simply has

    something added to make the product a grab and go type thing. With "unscented" (no added fragrance) you'd apply the

    pheromone product then add your own cover of your choosing.

    Your "chemset" pheromones are usually only one

    specific pheromone. Most other commercial (non chemset) products are usually blends of some sort. SoE pretty much

    only has two as far as we know (androstenol and androsterone). Chikara is the 7 phero blend, and who knows what all

    is in things like Impi. I understand there are some products out there with *at least* 14 different pheromones in

    them. But more doesn't always mean better. Sometimes the simple things are the best. Only by testing can you find

    out what works for you.
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  19. #49
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    What is the best chem kit

    to buy? Also what would happen if I poured a bottle of -nol into a bottle of spray cologne? What would happen if I

    pour it into a bottle of non-spray cologne? ANy difference?


  20. #50
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    ANy answers?

  21. #51
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    1: I have never bought the Chem

    kits so I don't know myself...
    2: You would have -nol in the cologne. What is the specific question you are

    looking for?
    3: No difference, you just wouldn't be able to spray it.

  22. #52
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    So anyone else have any

    chikara stories to share?

  23. #53
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    LC, I tried C7+SOE w/ no

    results. I used 1gp of C7 and 2-3 drops of TE scented and saw some results. Nothing really sexual but more social. I

    plan on using C7 as a standalone when going back to work as wearing cologne would look a bit odd.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Cannon View Post
    So I

    wore one spray to work again and again I was very aware of a musty odor. Does this mean that I'm sensitive to the

    smell? If I can smell it can everyone else?? I didn't notice anything significant hit was. I did have a nooner

    with the girl from Saturday night but, this was about hours after I applied the chikara and I didn't reapply. Any

    I know what you mean, I am also self aware of that smell when using unscented c7. I've stopped

    using it cause it smells horrible, to me anyway. I have to really put on alot of cologne to cover it but I rather

    not do that.

  25. #55
    Phero Dude Surreal's Avatar
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    C7 has produced the most hits

    for me, I also wear it more often then other -mones. My classic is a spray on the left side of the neck then another

    on the right side then I rub my wrists to my neck to apply a light coating to the top of my wrists. (I wear

    bracelets) Then I spray a very light cover of AXE Kilo over the spots and clothing. Or I do one on the neck/wrists

    and one on the front of my shirt. The latter I don't use as often but it seems I get the best hits from.


    The best results are from persons whom I have had no significant previous contact with. Rarely do I get

    mentionable accourances with estabished parties enless they are a sercret admirer.

    Hits don't happen at work

    that much, but I do notice the female coworkers, all married, are close and friendly with me, which is creates a

    chill place to be.

    I stated a long while back that there was two accourances of girlfriends stating to me what

    a great guy I was and that I am special (puke, I know). Both times they where cured up to my back breathing in the

    C7/Kilo on my neck. A few months ago it kindof happened to me again... but just from a friend not a


    All and all it's my favorite -mone. For some reason I have never mixed it with -none yet, IDK why.

    But it seems adding NPA would show some HELLO results!

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  26. #56
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    Default First Chikara Test

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a newbie who just got his first shipment of pheros. I got Chikara cologne, Chikara gel packs, a 5 mL bottle

    of PA, and some sample gel packs. I wanted to get a different mix to test out.

    I tried the Chikara gel pack

    first, as it had some great reviews. I rolloerblade to work and shower when I get there, so I was fresh as can be

    when I put the gel on my wrists and neck as directed. I noticed the scent of the cologne, and didn't find it

    offensive, but could subtly smell what was going on underneath the scent of the cologne. I didn't have

    muchinteraction with my female coworkes for almost 2 hours; but, when I did, there was some definite friendliness

    that was slightly above average. I sit with two girls, and I often show them how to do things on their computers, so

    I had many chances to get in close so they could get the scent. It seemed fairly promising. No crazy hits or

    anything yet though.

    Later in the day I showered to get ready to go out to a bar I just discovered (I refer to

    it as "The Oasis"). The breeze at the bar was not in the right direction when I first went, but I think the female

    bartenders still picked up on something.

    Following my stop at the bar, I went to my band's (I manage) show at a

    piano bar. I met up with some friends and one of the female friends who normally brushes off my advances was much

    more friendly that usual (almost nght and day). We ended up getting somewhat close and were dancing at the end of

    the night. I forgot to mention that I gave myself one spray of Chikara at the piano bar to refresh. Two of my

    "classier" female friends came by, and I spent some time sitting with them. I think one of them was already

    interested in me; but, the blonde seemed more intrigued. When they eventually left I got a nice touchy feely hug,

    and an invite to dinner with them the next night.

    My first imporession of the pheros was a good one; but, more

    testing is needed. I think I will be trying the Edge gel pack I got, and see how that goes.

    Any suggestions of

    what I should try and any guidelines to go by?

  27. #57
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Nice job Nice Guy, and welcome

    to the forum! Looks like you have some early success with C7, I'd keep playing on that for a while to see how it

    develops. Its valuable to know how a single product works overall. After a week or two you could switch to TE, or

    maybe add a 1/2 gel pack to your C7 application. Start small with the -None (TE) and work up if needed. We don't

    know your age or style or personality so its harder to give more specific advice.

    Chikara is a tried and true

    product, glad you're doing well with it, and keep reporting back, it helps us all. Nice report.

  28. #58
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    3 Sprays Chikara today,

    nothing else. A girl I've known for 6 years as friends kissed me for "good luck" as we were playing darts at a bar.

    She's never kissed me in the 6 years I've known her.. The very first time I expose her to mones, she kisses me.

    The mones must have been working!! Amazing!

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Nice job

    Nice Guy, and welcome to the forum! Looks like you have some early success with C7, I'd keep playing on that for a

    while to see how it develops. Its valuable to know how a single product works overall. After a week or two you could

    switch to TE, or maybe add a 1/2 gel pack to your C7 application. Start small with the -None (TE) and work up if

    needed. We don't know your age or style or personality so its harder to give more specific advice.

    Chikara is

    a tried and true product, glad you're doing well with it, and keep reporting back, it helps us all. Nice

    Here's a little more background on myself:

    I'm 6'2", 190 lbs., 25 years old. I run a lot

    and am health conscious, but I'm not a ripped guy, and I'm no John Stamos, but I'd say I'm above average. My

    skin type is more on the oily side, and I do sweat easily with a little exercise (I believe both those facts affect

    my phero usage, correct?). I'm a nice guy (hence the name) who doesn't normally cross any lines and risk coming

    across as "the asshole". I'm not shy, and have no trouble going up to a girl to talk. I'm told I have a good

    personailty and a certain kind of charm, but skanks never pick up on this as they're just interested in one thing.

    My style of dress would be considered pop-casual (think Kanye West going for ice cream on a Saturday afternoon in


    One funny thing that happened the other day when I was going to ask a female coworker about something work

    related (and then invite her out)... I'm not sure if it was the Chikara gel, or just timing, but I was talking to

    her through her cubicle window, and after a few moments she started eating a banana. Knowing I was wearing

    pheros made me pause and think for a split second, but I had to brush it off like nothing out of the ordinary (which

    it might have been). I've been interested in this girl for some time, so we'll see how she reacts to the pheros

    over time. I think for her WAGG might be a good option. Anybody have any major success with WAGG?

    One last thing

    for today: I will be going on vacation to a mountain resort for a week, starting tomorrow. Definitely going to have

    some serious experimentation. Any recommendations on how often I should reapply pheros throughout the day?



  30. #60
    Stranger phantom777's Avatar
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    hi guys im new to this

    can anybody tell me more about chikara?i ordered some and was curious how to use it.. how many sprays

    etc....theres no instructions on it at lovescent! waiting for it in the mail! i am a somewhat experienced phero

    user, ive been on another forum about a month or so and wanted to give this one a try!

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