To begin I selected a woman i would have easy access i would be around alot and had been friendly with over the years.. The woman: 34,single mother of two with an active sex life..on the looks scale an 8 on personality shes a 10 a real doll. The test: to subject her to pheromones and note her reaction or lack of without her knowing i was doing so. I do not have all the pheromones at bruces site but have quite a few..PI,AE,NPA,Andro 4.2,Soe,APC,Datemate,TE I know youre thinking quite redundant with all the -none products but thats what ive found works best for myself.. a man about to turn 39. Background: I have only started this with my test subject over a month ago so i have yet to try any mixes on her,all products were tried alone with the same covering scent..I used Acqua Gio. Results [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]n using a lot of the lower end pheros..Datemate,APC, results..this being with 2 sprays..dabs and swipes..sprays used on clothes while oil based mones applied to skin on neck. On using AE subject was very touchy feely..touching of hands alot and appeared to be in a really good mood..even while discussing all the problems she was having in her life..seemed to want to just laugh them off..could be phero induced but like i said subject has a great personality so it was hard to tell what was the cause. The sprays:these had very much the same effect..touching of hands..crossing into personal space on numerous times and her looking wild eyed while acting giddy..on one occasion she mentioned she felt the time i was subjecting her to Andro 4.2. The last test PI: This I had the chance to run last night..heres the story.. The subject is best friends with my sister so they hang out together on the weekends,so when i stopped by it was of no suprise to see her already there.I walked in the house and took my jacket off placing it by the front door on the couch..i walked into the kitchen where the two of them were talking and said hi..the subject walked over to give me a hug and it seemed to last quite some time..before breaking away i was startled to feel her kiss my neck..this also caught the attention of my sister who commented on it..the subject replied \"your brother is such a nice guy i could eat him up\"..we all smiled and I being the wise ass said \"you can eat me any time\" I got a strange moment of silence..then laughter.The subject was giving me one of those famous DIHL\'s when my sister broke it by asking her where the hair color was as this is what they were doing this evening..she said its out in the car and asked if she could borrow my leather jacket i said sure as i fixed myself a drink and sat down at the table. Now all of a sudden it occured to me my jacket must reak of pheromones..when she returned all that was said is that she loved the smell of leather and inhaled deeply..i smiled to myself knowing she must have got a full blast of pheros they prepared to color her hair she expressed concern over ruining her sister walked over to the laundry room picked up an Aerosmith concert t shirt and tossed it to her saying she could change into it..what happened next shocked both of us as proceeded to change right there at the table..we played it cool thinking so big deal we see her bra so what we are all adults..only when she removed her top there was no bra..just perfect breasts i almost choked on my drink..she commented on the fact that seeing how i hang out with a lot of strippers this should be of no big deal to me..and thats all that was said..that was the highlite of the evening except for a kiss she gave me when i far thats all i have to report ..this month i hope to try out some different combos to guage the effect..sorry this is so long but i\'ll keep posting any results worth mentioning.