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  1. #1
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Default Product for Attracting Women


    is the best product for getting noticed by women?

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post

    is the best product for getting noticed by women?
    There is no single best product for getting noticed by

    women. In your post in another thread you talk about your personality scaring women. That's going to be your big

    issue to overcome. Mones can help but I think there may be more than mones to address. What exactly is it about your

    personality that turns them away? The things you say or how you say them? Are you too intense or are you talking

    about things they aren't interested in talking about?
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post
    What is

    the best product for getting noticed by women?

    A Ferrarri will do the trick nicely.



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post
    What is

    the best product for getting noticed by women?

    The best product is you. Are you in a decent career

    or working on your education to make something of yourself? Are you keeping physically fit? Do you dress reasonably

    well? In other words, neatly, no backwards ballcaps and jeans hanging off your ass when you are out.

    Are you

    reasonably well versed in a number of subjects, so as to be a good and interesting conversationalist?

    Get these

    important aspects of your life in order first, then you will develop confidence and I am sure I will be able to

    recommend a phero product to enhance your personality.

  5. #5
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    There is no single best product for getting noticed by women. In your post in another

    thread you talk about your personality scaring women. That's going to be your big issue to overcome. Mones can help

    but I think there may be more than mones to address. What exactly is it about your personality that turns them away?

    The things you say or how you say them? Are you too intense or are you talking about things they aren't interested

    in talking about?

    It might help if I stop talking about shooting people, it was normal to talk about

    that in the military so I still take it for granted. I generally talk about violent things because its been my


    Yea, Im pretty intense, can get radical when talking about politics or businesss ventures. They probably

    dont like that either.

    I was just thinking today, when I meet girls....maybe I should just shut up, then Ill be

    okay. Let them do all the talking, none of them really want to hear about shooting people, politics, or business


    Surfing doesnt seem to scare them away too much, even though its about the most violent thing Ive ever

    done. Scary!!!

  6. #6
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post

    Ferrarri will do the trick nicely.

    Just kidding.

    Well, in OC people here might agree with

    that, but I feel a little shady about it, even with gold diggers you have to make an effort.

    Ever seen that show

    "Real Housewives of Orange County", 1st or second season? There is this dude, "Slade", I always thought this guy was

    a real loser, he had big money but I didnt think his girlfriend was good looking at all, when she left, he couldnt

    seem to find a girlfriend, then ends up following her around LA.

    Point is, does money really do the trick? Dont

    have the answer for that one, but I do know my dad, who was fat, bald, and not even the slightest bit good looking,

    used to get all the chicks! He had money and a personality that made people think he was rich, even when he was

    poor, people used to think he was rich because of the way he came across.

    My theory is, you have to 'look'

    like you have money, just having money doesnt always do it. I look poor, so in my case dont think a Ferrarri would

    help much, probably just end up confusing them.

  7. #7
    Journeyman Gorgar's Avatar
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    Slade had money but no

    confidence, your Pops had confidence but no money. perhaps chicks dig confidence over cash, well most chicks


  8. #8
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post

    might help if I stop talking about shooting people, it was normal to talk about that in the military so I still take

    it for granted. I generally talk about violent things because its been my life.

    Yea, Im pretty intense, can get

    radical when talking about politics or businesss ventures. They probably dont like that either.

    I was just

    thinking today, when I meet girls....maybe I should just shut up, then Ill be okay. Let them do all the talking,

    none of them really want to hear about shooting people, politics, or business ventures.

    Surfing doesnt seem to

    scare them away too much, even though its about the most violent thing Ive ever done. Scary!!!
    Yeah, for some

    reason most females seem to get a bit turned off by blood, guts and gore. Not very romantic to them, at all.


    think your mistake may be talking too much, or at least being to open. I've been in marshal arts most of my life

    but rarely talk about the various ways I can damage a human body. I also rarely talk about my business to women and

    unless the topic comes up I rarely discuss the sciences that are my fascination. As a matter of fact, in most public

    venues I rarely say anything serious. Instead, I joke, laugh and play, refusing to take much of anything seriously.

    When I talk, it's mostly questions about the other person, gentle but intended to get them to talk to me. Then

    I listen to the person and only make comments that encourage them to talk or a joke to get them to laugh.


    is right about confidence. If you are sure of yourself and shwo it, you don't need to tell people about it.

    Instead, you stroke their ego by being willing to, and interested in, hearing about them. A lot of guys driving hot

    little sports cars are compensating for feelings of inferiority. A lot of rich guys are jerks who think money is the

    answer to everything. Girls know this and most are uninterested in them except as gold diggers. In my book, gold

    diggers are a little lower than hookers. At least hookers are honest about it.

    A man who is sure of himself and

    sets his own rules is sexy and appealing.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    When I

    talk, it's mostly questions about the other person, gentle but intended to get them to talk to me. Then I listen to

    the person and only make comments that encourage them to talk or a joke to get them to laugh.

    Gorgor is right

    about confidence. If you are sure of yourself and shwo it, you don't need to tell people about it. Instead, you

    stroke their ego by being willing to, and interested in, hearing about them. A lot of guys driving hot little sports

    cars are compensating for feelings of inferiority. A lot of rich guys are jerks who think money is the answer to

    everything. Girls know this and most are uninterested in them except as gold diggers. In my book, gold diggers are a

    little lower than hookers. At least hookers are honest about it.

    A man who is sure of himself and sets his own

    rules is sexy and appealing.
    I like these comments, and they go directly to the conversation on the Alpha

    Male thread.

    To the extent that a man wears, drives, buys, adopts or puts on anything outside of himself - for

    the sole purpose of attraction - he reduces himself proportionally.

    I think a man who is sure of himself has a

    quiet confidence that doesn't need to shoult about it. That is attractive. All the other stuff is swagger,

    sometimes arrogantly so.

  10. #10
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Yeah, for some reason most females seem to get a bit turned off by blood, guts and gore.

    Not very romantic to them, at all.

    I think your mistake may be talking too much, or at least being to open.

    I've been in marshal arts most of my life but rarely talk about the various ways I can damage a human body. I also

    rarely talk about my business to women and unless the topic comes up I rarely discuss the sciences that are my

    fascination. As a matter of fact, in most public venues I rarely say anything serious. Instead, I joke, laugh and

    play, refusing to take much of anything seriously.

    When I talk, it's mostly questions about the other person,

    gentle but intended to get them to talk to me. Then I listen to the person and only make comments that encourage

    them to talk or a joke to get them to laugh.

    Gorgor is right about confidence. If you are sure of yourself and

    shwo it, you don't need to tell people about it. Instead, you stroke their ego by being willing to, and interested

    in, hearing about them. A lot of guys driving hot little sports cars are compensating for feelings of inferiority. A

    lot of rich guys are jerks who think money is the answer to everything. Girls know this and most are uninterested in

    them except as gold diggers. In my book, gold diggers are a little lower than hookers. At least hookers are honest

    about it.

    A man who is sure of himself and sets his own rules is sexy and appealing.

    Very well

    put, you are right on target with that! Yea confidence is the big game with women, they really look for it and blow

    you off right away if they detect a lack of it.

    You know on this note, I remember about a year ago this women in

    OC, was at Laguna Beach she owned a business and drove a Mercedes, she was actually telling me the same thing, that

    those people around here who have to drive expensive cars do so because they have an inferiority complex and low

    self esteem. When you end up working for someone like that your job doesnt last long, he eventually needs your

    paycheck to finance his nice car and big house because thats what he thinks he needs to be a man and for women to

    like him.

    There are a lot of cool people in OC but you know there are jerks everywhere, and that show is really


    I like watching it anyway just to scoff at it. See, I live in RSM just outside the gates of Coto de

    Caza, in the exact area where most of the housewives and people on the show live. Like, a few weeks ago I was

    walking across the parking lot to the Starbucks across the street from where I live, and unwittingly walked right in

    front of Vicki's car, waved to her and she waved back then she parks and goes into CVS Pharmacy.

    Now the funny

    thing is, they touch it up to make this place look something like the French Riviera, like you have to be super rich

    to be living here. Well, right now Im on unemployment and still living here, ha! You believe anything you see on TV

    and you've been played for a fool! Yea its a nice area, but you dont have to be rich to be living here, not even!

    Im a software engineer, working class type, usually out of work, but I can tell you Im a member of the Coto

    Golf and Racquet Club, have a full gate pass to Coto de Caza, do I wear diamonds, gold watches, drive a BMW? Shit

    NO!!! Im a surfer dude, like skateboarding, drive a Pontiac, and cant afford a gold watch or a BMW for that matter.

    Wouldnt drive one anyway cause I need a car I can get by boards in.

    Hype hype hype, bullshit media hype, its fun

    to live in OC and watch all that shit, cant beleive some of the things I see on that show! Scott Dunlop, the

    producer of that show, is also a member of the Golf and Racquet club, I saw his locker in the locker room at the

    Sports and Spa part of it with his name on it. This is the guy, the producer of all the stupid ass hype you're

    seeing on TV.

    Coto is actually pretty laid back place, boring if you will, unless you are really into golf and

    Im not. Just a lot of families, old people and young kids....boring!!! Noone outside the gates really thinks Cotos

    are hot shit and noone cares. It is a pretty nice place with great scenery, but it aint Beverly Hills by a long

    shot. And the club, been on TV on that show about 20 times now and some of the members like to brag about it, but

    its just another place to hang out and nothing more than that, and its really quite boring. You have to go outside

    the gates for anything cause the place is a graveyard.

    Hey BTW, Im in Choi Li Fut Kung Fu, ever heard of it?

    Hard as hell, but great training if you want to improve your balance and cardio output.

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I found the best cure for media

    bullshit is to not watch TV. It cured the problem completely. And you'd be amazed how much more time I have for

    more important things when I stay away from the idiot box. To make it brief, I have no idea what you are talking

    about, the area you live in or the people.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Newbie jumprunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    found the best cure for media bullshit is to not watch TV. It cured the problem completely. And you'd be amazed how

    much more time I have for more important things when I stay away from the idiot box. To make it brief, I have no

    idea what you are talking about, the area you live in or the people.'ve been saved by the

    bell! Dont worry you're not missing anything. Yea! More important chasing girls for instance.


    I used to be the same way, never watched TV because I didnt have time, go to work, after work work out, eat, then

    times up, time to go to sleep. Its the way I should be now, been slackin' since I moved away from SD

  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post've been saved by the bell! Dont worry you're not missing anything. Yea! More

    important chasing girls for instance.

    Yea I used to be the same way, never watched TV because I

    didnt have time, go to work, after work work out, eat, then times up, time to go to sleep. Its the way I should be

    now, been slackin' since I moved away from SD
    Ok, so I'm about as atypical as you can get. HAven't

    watched TV in more than 20 years and am not chasing girls any longer because a few years ago I caught my pretty

    little redhead.

    In your case, watching TV is no way to meet ladies or get to know the neighbors.

    I meet

    people because I am out doing all day long, most days. And I attract women because of my attitude. You sound like

    you have all the tools but need to get out more and enjoy the game. At your age, bars and such are really not that

    great. Try other venues like taking classes or participating in numerous events of one sort or another, depending on

    what you enjoy doing. You'd be surprised how many very nice and physically fit women I've met at tournaments or at

    some work related function.

    An important thing to remember is that women are out there looking too. They want

    the same things you want, just as badly.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post

    you dress reasonably well? In other words, neatly, no backwards ballcaps and jeans hanging off your ass when you are

    All the guys I know who dress like this have women. LOL.

    -The Bat

  15. #15
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    Yea , but the women who play in the

    big leagues aren't interested.

  16. #16
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    Yea, that's true.



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