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  1. #31
    Full Member kgk4569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jumprunner View Post
    I dont

    know about this, I think Chicago might be right in that yea, guys can get chicks without phermones, but I wouldnt

    say 'some guys', I would say any guy who looks decent and knows how to chat up a girl and say the right things can

    get the girl without phermones.

    So that is persuation, and phermones can magnify, or intensly magify that

    persuation, make you a lot more persuasive.

    Can you keep up the perfect line? Sure, but for how long? Like how

    many chicks do you have to go through before you finally pick one up? It can get to be exhausting if you have to

    work too hard, I like making things easier on myself. That way you can get more girls.
    Without additional

    mones yes. But your body is always producing pheromones, so it's virtually impossible to have no mones at all.

  2. #32
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Actually as I understand it,

    pheromones don't necessarily "alter" behavior, especially in us "higher forms" who also use concious thought. They

    are just a form of chemical communication between organisms.

    They might "influence" behavior, but the "altering"

    part is up to the brain. And although pheromones may "communicate" with the more "primitive" parts of the brain (eg

    brain stem as some call it), the end behavior still must be "filtered" through the semi-concious mid-brain and more

    or less fully conscious upper-brain (if we also assume the "triune" brain theory).

    Which of course, like has

    been said, means it comes down to still having to *act* on or dig out and encourage whatever feelings may be being

    evoked by the actions of the pheromones on the body/brain.

    Just my thoughts fer what they is worth.

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  3. #33
    Phero Enthusiast
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    This study adds to some previous

    work, that demonstrated people can tell the difference between “normal” sweat and sweat produced under fearful

    states. Dogs aren’t the only animals that can “smell” fear, people can too. Now this study says sweat produced under

    arousal can also be distinguished, unconsciously anyway. This should be very interesting to anyone who pores over

    this forum, because it lends credence to the idea that pheromones exist naturally in humans, and have true,

    measurable effects. Pertaining to sex.

    Various studies have shown brain and hormone effects from exposure to

    sweat and other human pheromones. Some off the top of my head include: increased excitement and euphoria, increased

    focus and attention, increased attractiveness (British studies), increased activity in the sexual areas of the

    brain, effects that only occur in the opposite sex, effects that only register in the presence of the opposite sex,

    switched results in homosexuals, nervous system activity changes, changes in hormone release and rates, changes to

    women’s menstrual cycles, and on and on.

    And I’m not talking about a few cranks out there writing in a blog,

    These are peer reviewed scientists at major universities writing in respected scientific journals. The growing body

    of work makes it clear that pheromones do exist in humans and affect our state of being and behavior – it’s clear to

    anyone open minded who reads the studies (I was originally a skeptic, but was willing to be won over if I could find

    solid evidence. And boy, did I ever!). The existence of human pheromones shouldn’t surprise anyone either, since the

    non-human animal kingdom (and plants too!) operate heavily on pheromonal signals.

    Really the remaining

    questions aren’t about the existence of human pheromones. What remains to be understood is the specifics of the

    messages we are transmitting. Science is working steadily to decode the messages and effects contained in human

    pheromones. And some of us are out there doing our own non-scientific “research”, dosing up with extra pheromones

    and watching for results!

  4. #34
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    So if a guy would not

    naturally be attracted to you (that is without the artificial -Mones), exactly what influence would the -mones have

    on him/how effectively could they change his opinion? -I know you cannot be 'exact' with this, that there are so

    many other factors involved.

  5. #35
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    'Mones are applied because they

    can lead to sexual interest. It is believed that they are detected by the VNO (Vomeronasal Organ) in the nose. This

    is a separate thing from a sense of smell. There is a direct link to the brain of chemical messages I believe.

    They work for some people on some occasions - how 'effective' also depends which 'mone product

    applied, your body heat, skin exposure .... They are well worth experimenting with & for fun.

    I used 1/2

    'The Edge/men' gel pack (TE/m) on my neck & a girl sitting next to me ended her conversation with me by saying

    'Is there anything else you would like ?'
    I replied that I always like to look at the menu before I make my


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