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  1. #1

    Default SOE\'s results = so, so

    You might take me as a negative dude, but by no means I\'m trying to knock any of you dude\'s success with SOE.

    Needless to say, I haven\'t had any. Let me tell ya that before you attack me telling me how this is just a tool and stuff like that, I\'m going to let ya know my results w/o SOE.

    I did a little experiment in which I decided to wear SOE one straight week and chat with girls around the computer lab. I added in some seduction techniques and I was rather happy with the results. I got a couple of numbers and a few smiles here and there for no obvious reasons.

    Ok, so next week I did the same, but this time SOE_LESS. NO SOE. I got 4 numbers and just as many smiles. The number of girls I talked to was about the same and use the same exact routine I used the previous week.

    Now, I understand the creator of SOE MR. Kohl has many years of research under his belt that might back up his claims, but I also understand that showing any doubts about his product might ruin sales. With that in mind, I personality have a hard time believing that he gets some type of positive reaction almost everytime he wears SOE; that\'s near 100% success , which is a far cry from near 0% success here.

    BUT, I\'m not giving up this easy and will continue to experiment. The question, as I should question, why no results?

    Thanks for any feedback.

    -Curious dude

  2. #2

    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    CDFC, I have a question for you. Since you performed the experiment, you get to be the expert. I was curious between the two weeks, what is the turnaround of folks in the lab? I have been in labs that have regulars like \"Cheers\" did. Or was it like a filling station? Most likely is was somewhere in the grey area. Next up, good job on getting numbers. But, how were the conversations between week one and two. Easy flowing or digging for info? Again, I expect it to be much more of a grey area response, but did you notice any effect that the aroma/pheros had. I have noticed that I get conversations a LOT easier with pheros. Not that it is too tough, but people seem to like just plain ole talking a lot more when I wear the pheros. OK, I just wanted to see what you remember about the whole thing. And, I get to ask questions from an outsiders perspective.

    [ February 28, 2002: Message edited by: Walter Mitty ]

  3. #3
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    Yeah you will probably notice a lot of grey areas. I tend to use more in some instances, but you will using products for a long time get experiences in noticing the differences. It takes some practice but if you get a response from one product you will get the enhancement value from other products especially SOE its not an apriodisiac always, in some cases if someone finds you attractive then sure it will hae an effect but other times they will not respond at all or will just barley react at all. Normally just more intense conversations and more smiles etc.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    Yes, I also have problems gauging responses. Of course, with nothing obvious to report, I wonder if the pheros are doing anything at all.

  5. #5
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    Curious dude- I have to somewhat agree about your experiment like I said before if I want smiles and hi\'s I can do that by myself. I say use SOE if you want to make the girl comfortable and friendly, if you want a more aggressive reaction from women than use PI or AE.

  6. #6

    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    Not that I\'m an expert with these things, but I\'d have to agree with some of the others: you need an experiment with more controls.

    I cannot definitely say that SOE has given me genuine good or bad results, for the people and places are so damn inconsistent. For example, unlike the outside world, my coworkers herald me as if I were some kind of ultimate brilliant/cassanova/intelligent wonder, all wrapped up in one package. If I wear SOE at work, nothing much really changes. I\'m still held in high esteem no matter what.

    In the outside world, I don\'t get any slack or satisfaction. At the same time, though, I\'m sure I can say that these people have never allowed me to get to know them, contrary to the people I work with...

  7. #7

    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    Thanks for your responses; they\'re always helpful.
    The computer lab is for computer science students, so about 80% of the same crowd that was there the first week (SOE) was there the second (NON-SOE) week.
    I would start a conversation with a girl asking her what she thought about the program she was working on. As soon as I knew the program I also knew the professor who assigned the project and I would bitch about him or her.
    Girls who were struggling to get the project done seemed to welcome me as someone who they was understanding them. Finally, I would offer my help and either give my number, get her number, or both. Just last night I girl almost call crying about how she couldn\'t figure out how to do the project.
    I got their attention now and it\'s all up to me to follow with the right moves. But isn\'t this fun ? [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    I wouldn\'t question any of your successes with SOE, but if is just a tool to get girls to relax, then I probably need to look for those things. It\'s fun to learn while getting some attention though.

    -Curious Dude A.K.A. Lucky Dude

  8. #8

    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    You guys need to list how much you wore when this stuff happened, just for comparisons.

  9. #9
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE\'s results = so, so

    I’ve been wearing SOE to work for several weeks. Mostly for the friendliness/respect factor (even the handful of chronic sourpusses are warm and cooperative with me), but I’m sure there’s more to it. I’ve gotten a number of not-so-subtle signs of attraction (eg. “Is it hot in here, or is it me?”). But after yesterday there can’t be a shadow of a doubt. An intern told me she had a crush on me, and a secretary came onto me very strongly.
    It was after quitting time. I walked into my office and found her sitting/reclining in my chair, showing off her legs in a very suggestive posture.
    I probably looked a little shocked (because I was), and she sort of giggled.
    “Sorry.” she said. “I just like your chair.” (It’s the exact same kind of chair that she has at her desk BTW.) Then she started swiveling right and left, revealing everything her mini-skirt barely hid.
    “It’s OK. I’m just locking up to go home.” I said.
    “So soon?”
    “It’s Friday.”
    “You’ve got a hot date planned?”
    “Hmm. What’s wrong with that picture?”
    “What do you mean?” I asked.
    “There’s no significant somebody waiting for you somewhere?”
    “Then what’s your rush?”

    Of course it could have been entrapment (and I left anyway), but I think it was the mones.

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