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  1. #1
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    Default pheros useless to me - any educated advice

    dear friends

    with time I tried many pheromones, but didn't found combination that would work or show signs

    that they work. Yes I am aware of psychology, attitude, character and body language etc. This is question about

    pheromones only.

    Here is my situation. I am normal guy, not very alpha, but also not wussy. In last couple of

    years I tried Pheromax, The Edge (scented) and Alpha 7 in order to raise attraction, but only reaction was that I

    stink. Some woman that I know well on several ocasions said to me that I stink like hell and I need a bath.


    was one year ago, and someone here told me that I maybe have too much natural 'alpha' pheromones (which I find

    abit unrealistic in my case). Anyway, do you suggest me to try only fraction of usual dose for mentioned pheromones,

    for example 1/4 or 1/2 drop and to cover it with cologne? Will they be able to smell pheromone without having

    'stinky' feeling about them?

    I tried also 'friendliness' phereomones, also of no use.


  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Let's start at the begining.

    How often do you shower and do you wear scented pheromones or add some other scent? You mentioned combos, have you

    used stand alone products? If so, which ones and how much? Do you have a lot of body hair or not?

    All the

    products you mentioned are -none products except maybe the friendliness products. Some people simply cannot wear

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #3
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    i take shower several times a week,

    and I don't have much body hair (if any). I'm in 40's and tried TE (scented), A7, NPA, APC, Pheromax among other.

    Normal doses, small doses (however not less than one dab/drop/whatever at once). I used them mostly as standalone

    products, mixing them with colognes. Results were from nothing to 'you stink'

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    Try a SOE gel pack (for

    approachability) & use APC as the cover scent. That has been recommended elsewhere in this forum & has a high chance

    of success for you.
    Later on, add one dab of TE to add effects to the above combo - only if necessary.
    If you know

    a particular woman has a favourite men's edt then add that or find an edt which is popular with many women e.g. JPG

    Le Male, Rochas Man, Obsession for Men, Curve, etc.

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I am in my 50s and cannot wear

    -none products to any degree. Once again, all the products you have listed so far have been high in -none. The

    biggest difference is that I shower at least once a day and on days I work out I shower twice. Almost invariably I

    get OD reactions from -none products or "You stink" Your best bet is to ignore the people here who are going to tell

    you to use products with -none in them. You most likely do not need any at all. Everything you've said so far

    sounds like classic -none OD.

    Do try some SoE gel packs. Start with about half a gel pack and be sure to shower

    after any day you have worn pheromones. Remember that you will not see women falling out of the ceiling trying to

    hump your leg. When you get reactions they will mostly be mild and it will require you to make the moves to follow

    up on them.

    If half a gel pack does nothing after a week or so, increase it to a whole one.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Euro: Women are taught not to

    show signs or signals. They don't want to be seen as sluts.

    Once in a while, some women will show you signs or

    signals. Most of the time women are taught not to show interest in men. Social programming

    Apply your mones and

    approach women.
    Ipad cases
    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:51 PM.

  7. #7
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    cover scent please. In

    your case KOUROS for men.

  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Try Bel's approach, I bet it

    works. If all you get is "you stink", then you're OD, and/or you're not covering. Which "friendliness"

    pheromones have you tried?

  9. #9
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    chikara has a light and

    soft fragrance, go for it

  10. #10
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I'm over 50 and am of the opinion

    that I may be already either high in natural androstenone, or it just plain doesn't get along with me unless well

    "bufffered" with other products. I've never been told I "stink" however when I have worn -none.

    You may just be

    one of those people whose body reacts badly to androstenone and causes a stink. Many variables when dealing with

    "natural" chemicals.

    One question: do you already wear a cologne or other fragrance on a regular basis? Any

    stink comments then? Ever? If no, I might try just adding a very small amount of pheromone product along with your

    normal fragrance application and see what happens. If you get the "stink" comments even then you may just be one of

    those for whom pheromone products just won't blend.

    (There have been some reports from pheromone users that

    diet, what you eat, can sometimes cause "stinky" reactions. I think things like garlic and asparagus have been

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    What I don't understand is - how

    can younger people (excluding euro...) use a high 'none product like NPA & not get an OD despite have high natural

    'none levels of their own - but more senior people (moderators ?) find it impossible to use high 'none

    products although 'none levels decrease as we get older ?

  12. #12
    Phero Enthusiast stuttgart-man's Avatar
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    Natural None-levels are

    (compared to NPA, TE and other products) so tiny that this amount carry no weight! Otherwise all young men would

    have to cover their natural-None-evaporation with perfume to prevent stink even they shower regullary!

    The reason

    that most older people can wear more None than younger ones are:
    1.) Young people appear more often as aggressive

    whereas older men are more quiet and calm!
    2.) young women (the target-group of most young men) are more sensitive

    to None than older women who can bear more None!

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuttgart-man View Post

    The reason that most older people can wear more None than younger ones are:
    1.) Young people appear more often as

    aggressive whereas older men are more quiet and calm!
    Actually I might say we are more experienced! We

    have had the time to do "social experiments," get to know ourselves and develop a "game" congruent with *who* we

    are. And we've also figured out some of the "real" secrets of how to deal with women...

    "Know when to hold em,

    know when to fold em, know when to walk away, know when to run..." (for those of you who understand playing poker)
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I don't really think young

    people seem more aggressive. More often than not they willingly show submissiveness around an older dominant person.

    More likely is Rbt's explanation that older people have gathered the experience to know how to apply the tools they

    have available is the correct one. It does seem likely that older women, and men, are less aware of pheromones than

    younger ones. Senses do dull with time.

    The question of natural mone signature keeps rearing its head. We do

    have a natural signature and it would seem like the massive doses of synthetic mones would overwhelm the natural

    ones. But there is plenty of evidence that our natural signature plays a roll in what mones work for us. Can we

    conclude that our natural signature has no effect? I don't believe that. Personality plays a role, certainly. But

    is it the deciding factor in what mones work for us and what don't with no reference to our own body chemistry?

    I'm sceptical.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    am in my 50s and cannot wear -none products to any degree. Once again, all the products you have listed so far have

    been high in -none. The biggest difference is that I shower at least once a day and on days I work out I shower

    twice. Almost invariably I get OD reactions from -none products or "You stink" Your best bet is to ignore the people

    here who are going to tell you to use products with -none in them. You most likely do not need any at all.

    Everything you've said so far sounds like classic -none OD.

    Do try some SoE gel packs. Start with about half a

    gel pack and be sure to shower after any day you have worn pheromones. Remember that you will not see women falling

    out of the ceiling trying to hump your leg. When you get reactions they will mostly be mild and it will require you

    to make the moves to follow up on them.

    If half a gel pack does nothing after a week or so, increase it to a

    whole one.
    It sounds like a good suggestion. I'll follow you and have a


  16. #16
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    thank you all for useful tips.

    Apart from using own methods and personal styles, I just wanted to try -none in order to achieve more than only

    friendliness, like majority of you do. I usually wear cologne or parfum without pheromones and never have an OD or

    complain from other persons.

    So it is kinda 'hard' to accept that I cannot wear at least tiny bit of -none in

    order to help me with my social interactions Isn't it possible to try for example 1/4 or 1/2 dab of NPA or SE

    covered by strong cologne? Or even less? Belgareth, is it possible for you to cover -none by using any possible

    combination of parfume/cologne?

    thanks guys for honest replies

  17. #17
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    SoE doesn't contain -none. And

    NPA is very strong and difficult for a new user. Instead, try using TE which is the same combination as NPA but less

    concentrated. It is far easier to use and I think you'll have better luck with it. Start small and work your way up

    in doses over a period of time. To answer your question, yes it is possible to cover it and most people do so. But

    too much is too much and will get some type reaction ranging from 'you stink' to curling up in a little ball and

    hoping you'll go away to naked aggression.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  18. #18
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    Moderation is the key, I

    use a small dab of NPA and combo it with Chikara, make sure when you first meet a girl, use just chikara, to allow

    her to feel at ease, NPA allows for the aggressive vibe produced from the concentrated androstenone.

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